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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
254 -
Meet Vegetto
# 254-Meet Vegetto-Vegetto fightst buu eith great
power. After a long round, vegetto powers up to Super
Saiyan. Meanwile, Bulma Chichi, Videl and Debura
search the Other World for Gohan.
Vegetto starts
fighting with Buu, after a while it looks that Buu is
winning, but it's only a warm up. Vegetto fires a ki
and destroys Buu's lower half. Buu now knows that
Vegetto is more powerful than Goku, so he fights at
full power. Meanwhile Bulma Chichi, Videl and Debura
are looking for Gohan in other world, but no luck.
Back at the battlefield, Vegetto and Buu are still
fighting. After a long round Vegetto goes Super
Next Episode: Rip in the Universe
Series- DBZ
Episode- Meet Vegito # 254
Summary- As Vegito has just been formed he shows off
by performing Excellent speed and excellent defense
and offense. He talks trash and makes Buu angry. In
between the fight Dabura has become good and nice and
helps ChiChi, Bulma, and Videl find Gohan in the other
world beliving that he is dead. Later Dende and
Hercule(and puppy) arive to see Goku and Vegeta have
Fused into Vegito. Then as Buu has gotten mad he
creates a large Energy ball and tosses it to earth.
After Vegito holds it for several seconds he powers up
and kicks it up into space, Buu barely dodges the
Energy Blast. Finnaly Vegito appears in front of Buu
and transforms into Super Saiyan and reveals he should
be called Super Vegito.
Name- Jason
--------- Dragon
Ball Z
English Dubbed
Meet Vegito
The episode begins with Vegito showing off and warming
up. "Would you look at
me? I'm setting records" said Vegito. Buu gets rid of
the energy ball. Vegito
says Buu let his guard down. Then Vegito shoots wind
at Buu which cuts Buu's
cheek open. Buu fixes it and Vegito makes up his name.
Buu is happy that he
has better competition. Vegito insults Buu and Buu
tries to hurt him. Buu
punches him into the ground and fires a blast. Vegito
is okay, but Buu says
he will destroy him. Buu stretches his arms out, but
misses. He gets his
antenna on Vegito and hits him into a mountain. Vegito
is still fine and he
insults Buu. Buu says that Vegito is more foolish than
before. Vegito flies
up and kicks Buu away and fires a blast. Buu is sliced
in half and missing an
arm. Vegito tells him to fix himself and he does.
Dende is flying Hercule and
Bee to where Buu is. Vegito and Buu are fighting in
midair. Buu says that he
is the strongest in the universe, but Vegito says
that's a lie. Meanwhile, on
Supreme Kai's planet. Supreme Kai says that it is
great they fight evenly.
Elder Kai says that is wrong and to look closer. He
does and sees Vegito is
winning. Elder Kai says that the Saiyan pride may work
against them, but
Vegito is the last hope. Vegito pounds Buu, but Buu
claims it's not over and
fixes himself. Buu powers up so much the Earth shakes,
but Vegito just
smiles. On Grand Kai's planet. Chi Chi, Bulma, Videl,
and the good Dabura are
looking for Gohan. They can't find him and Chi Chi is
worried he could have
went to heck. Videl and Dabura say that is not true.
Bulma says how good
Dabura is and he thanks her. They go to search again.
Buu's power makes
Vegito go down on the ground. When he looks up Buu has
a big energy ball the
size of the moon. Buu says it's made up of the energy
of all the planets he
destroyed. He says the planet will blow up if it
touches the ground. Dende
puts Hercule down and he falls on a rock. They see
Vegito and are excited.
Then they see Buu and are scared. Dende says the Earth
will split in two with
that energy. Vegito says it is no problem and he won't
even move. Buu throws
it at Vegito, who stands there smiling. It seems like
Vegito is struggling,
but he is facing it. Vegito starts to run with it and
kicks back up to Buu,
who narrowly escapes it. It flies out of orbit and
explodes. The wind blows
Hercule away and Dende is worried. When the wind stops
Vegito flies up to
Buu. Buu says that it is obvious Vegito is toying with
him, but he will still
destroy Vegito. Vegito says he is lying and goes Super
Saiyan. He says call
me Super Vegito.
Matt P. B.