Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
262 -
End of Earth
Vegeta and Goku escape Buus stomach, who is expected to
mutate into a weaker form but instead transforms into a
much stronger form! This confuses everyone but Kabito
Kai, who discloses Majin Buus history. Everyone wonders
who will die first at the hands of this new Buu- Kid
Buu. It turns out none of the Z-fighters go first, they
go at the same time as Buu destroys earth! - James B.
This is an episode summary for English dubbed
Dragonball-Z Episode #262: "End of Earth"
The episode starts off with Kid Buu standing there.
Hercule says he looks like a child and foolishly says
it's his turn to "kick butt." The Z fighters aren't sure
whether Buu's new form is stronger or weaker from the
transformation. The unconscious fighters haven't come to
yet and Goku and Vegeta wonder why. On the planet of the
kais Old Kai asks Kibito-Kai if it's really Buu's
original form so Kibito-Kai gives a long, detailed
account of the original Buu. To sum it up It was
peaceful until Bibidi unleashed Buu, who destroyed two
Kais then did his first absorbtion on another Kai, which
resulted in the huge, strong form shown during the final
transformation on Earth. Supreme Kai's leader back then
was fat and was absorbed next, resulting in the fat Buu.
The Kai's benevolence cancelled out much of Buu's
malevolence and he became more innocent and much weaker,
story over. On Earth Buu powers up and unleashes an
attack towards the Earth that could have destroyed it,
but Vegeta stopped it with his own attack. Buu's next
attack is strong enough to blow up the planet ten times
over and Goku tells Vegeta he'll grab their sons and do
an instant-transmission. On his way he sees Hercule and
Dende and picks them up but he doesn't have enough time
to get the boys. Goku does an instant-transmission to
the planet of the Kais, leaving the boys behind. Vegeta
is mad that Goku saved Hercule and not their children.