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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
Series: Dragon Ball Z
Episode Name: Earth Reborn
Episode Number: 268
Website: http://clik.to/sujanthan
The Episode starts of with the rumbling noises. Fat Buu
and Evil Buu are fighting a battle. Hercule is watching
then and cherring for Fat Buu to win. The 2 Buu's are
still fighting together, then Hercule comes in to beat
Buu, he was kicked out fast. Vageta is mad at Goku why
he did not gather his energy, then Goku tell's that he
learned to be a Super Saiyen when he was dead. Making to
much power will make him weaker if he is alive.
Vegeta then think of a plan and tells Dende and Kubito-Supreme
Kai to go to Namek and wish earth back. Old Kai does not
want to, but Dende manipulates him into going there.
Goku asks why, it's too early to wish Earth. Then Vegeta
asks a question how many times did Goku save the earth.
Then we find, Dende and the other on Namek and Dende is
happy to find his elders on Namek.
When Dende reaches there, he recives a warm welcome and
the Namekiens have already gathered the Dragon Balls.
Then Dende talks to Vegeta. He asks the wishes and
Vegeta says, to bring back Earth and to bring back all
the people other than the ones that are pure evil. Dende
asks those wishes, except for the 2nd one. Porunga can
only grant one life with one wish. But the elder Namek
gave it a power to grant many wishes at a time.. Vegeta
and Goku are glad.
Back on the planet, Buu and Buu are trearing them up.
Hercule in the middle trying to help always get kicked
off quickly. Meanwhile all the people on earth are
wished back after the Desctrucion in the Martial Arts
tournament. Including Old Kai and Vegeta. Gohan,
Piccolo, Goten, Trunks, Bulma, Chi-chi are all wished
Then Vegeta tells Goku to create a Spirit Bomb, That was
Vegeta's plan. Revive the citizens and create a Spirit
Bomb to destroy Buu.
This summary was written by Sujanthan,