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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
272 -
Celebrations with Majin Buu
dbz episode #272
english dubbed
celebrations with majin buu
gohan, trunks, goten and piccolo sense that buu is dead.
mr satan informs everybody on earth that buu is gone for
good. everybody cheers. everybody on the lookout are
happy too. then, old kai, kabito and dende arrive on the
kai's planet to pick up goku and the gang. then dende
heals vegeta and goku. they are about to leave when bee
spots fat buu. satan asks everyone wheather they could
take fat buu to earth. vegeta disagrees. he says that
fat buu mite get angry again and produce an evil buu and
the whole problem would arise again. satan says that he
would take care of buu. vegeta threatens to kill satan
along with buu if he wouldnt listen to vegeta. goku
tells vegeta to stop. he says if it werent for fat buu
saving vegeta and satan carrying vegeta away from the
spirit bomb, the whole earth would have gone by now.
vegeta agrees. then they all are transported to the
lookout. when goku arrives, everybody runs towards him.
when vegeta comes, bulma and trunks go to him. videl is
happy to see satan. but everybody is scared outta their
wits to see buu. trunks prepares to launch an attack.
but vegeta stops him and says that buu is their 'guest'.
then, the dragon is summoned and goku wishes that the
thought of buu be vanished from the minds of everybody
on earth. now buu is happy and is roaming around the
streets. he wants icecream, and for that he needs money.
he fights a big person and earns money. then bulma calls
him for shopping. finally, there is a party at bulmas
house and everybody is happy. -
Android #17
Series: DBZ
Version: English Dubbed
Episode 272 - Celebrations with Majin Buu
Goku and has defeated Majin Buu and returns to Earth.
The original 'FAT' Buu still remains and Goku says he
can stay on Earth now he is 100% good.
Back on Earth Goku and pals make a wish; That everyone
loses memory of the Majin Buu incident.
Fat Buu goes into town and wanders into an ice cream
shop, but finds out he needs money to obtaiun an ice
cream. Fat Buu then notices a fighter challenging anyone
to last with him for 3 minutes and the reward is about
1000 zeni.
Fat Buu easily withstands the boxer and knkocks him down
with 1 punch to win the prize money.
Fat Buu then goes into the ice cream shop and buys all
14 flavours with his money.
The shop assistant recieves 1000 zeni from Buu and is
about to give Buu his change, but Fat Buu tells him "I
keep Ice cream, You keep money!"
Later Bulma is followed by Fat Buu into a jewellery
store, when all of a sudden 2 robbers hold up the store.
The Great Saiyaman and SaiyaGirl (videl) arrive to the
scene, but he robbers have trouble fighting with Fat Buu
and run out the shop surrendering to the police.
It seems Fat Buu is fitting well in to the real world.
272. Celebrations with marjin buu
evryone is dancing around on namik after finnaly
beating kid marjin buu. On supreme kai's planet, dendai
heals vegeta, then goku, as Bee(the dog) starts barking
and runs over to good buu, hercule runs over to him and
puts his head to buus cheats and says he is alive, then
he calls over "the green guy" and asks him to heel buu.
Vegeta starts an argument with hurcule saying that buu
might flip out again and cause the end of the universe.
Then goku says to dendai to heel marjin buu. Vegeta just
looks at him while buu is heeled, then vegeta asks goku
whats the big idear, goku says he can keep him inside
for 6 months and then wish with the dragon balls that
everyone can forget about marjin buu. good buu is then
heeled and brought up to the lookout. hurcule walks out
from the corner ank cuddles videl, then everyone else (goku,
gohan, gotenks and trunks) come in and lots of people
cry, then hurcule points at a tree and majin buu (good)
pops out and everyone screems, goku says he is there
guest and then everyone is calm. 6 months later gopkuy
mkes the wish and everyone forgets about buu (exept the
gang) and buu live happily. Then buu sees a girl with an
icecream and she tells him go get lost and buy his own ,buu
goes into the shop and asks for all 14 flavours, then
dosnt know to pay, the man gets mad and grabs the
icecream back, marjin buu then gets mad and remebers
that hercule told him not to get mad ever. so he says
sorry and walks off trying to find some money. he then
sees a group of croud listning to a man with a chalenge,
"i you can last 3 minutes against this man then you win
100, 000 yen" or something, "its only 1,000 yen to
enter" buu walks over and says that hurcule told hjim
never to fight, then everyone becomes amazed and says he
must be one of his students, so a man pays for his entry
fee, and the man running it says that it isnt realy a
fuight just a game, so he plays. Marjing buu just fliks
the man and he goes thrue a wall and buu wins the money.
buu then goes to the shop again and buys 100 icecreams
and gives the man all 100,000 yen (way too much) the
shop leeper comes running out and says he has been given
too much change, buu says "he keep money buu keep
icecream" and walks off. buu is then on a bech eating
icecream when bul,mer comes along complaining. she than
goes to a diamond shop and wants to buy all the diamonds
when two men come in with guns, they see buu and come
out with there hands up just as saiyaman and saiyagirl
arive, they are unneaded even though buu did notjing to
get the guys to give up.
Chrstian Howard
Dragonball Z
Version: FUNimation English Dubbed
Episode Title: Celebrations With Majin Buu
Episode Number: 272
The episode starts out with Goku sitting on a rock
staring happily at the ground. he looks extremely
tired and worn out, but he's smiling like crazy. Mr.
Satan (Hercule* walks up and asks Goku if he really
beat Majin Buu. Goku looks up and doesn't say
anything, but just smiles at him. Satan starts
laughing and asks him if he really did beat Majin Buu?
Once again, Goku just looks at him and smiles, and
this light starts shining down on him.
Satan laughs and then turns around and starts throwing
the peace symbol and talking to the people of the
earth, letting them know that Majin Buu has been
defeated once and for all. Everyone on earth starts
rejoicing and laughing.
The scene shoots up to the Lookout and Videl is
blushing and mutters how embarrassing it all is, and
everyone else is jumping up and down and laughing.
Bulma looks up at the sky and screams "I love you,
Vegeta!" (Very Sweet)
And so it goes back to Goku on the Kai planet, and Old
Kai, Kaibito and Dende all teleport there and Dende
runs up to Goku to heal him. Goku tells him to heal
Vegeta first because he "Really got the tar beat out
of him." And so Dende runs over and heals Vegeta, then
he comes back and heals Goku.
Bee runs up and jumps on Satan and he just plays with
"The Might Puppy Dog" until he starts sniffing at the
air. He follows the scent over a hill and finds the
fat Buu lying unconscious on the ground from the
battle. Satan runs over to Buu and starts trying to
wake him up and asks for help. Vegeta and Goku follow
him and Vegeta is getting ready to blast Buu to
smithereens and kill him for good. Satan throws
himself on Buu and begs Vegeta for mercy, he says that
he's not the same person and that he'd never do those
bad things again and that the only reason that he went
haywire in the first place was because some crazy
lunatic shot his dog.
Vegeta remarks that everything will, "Go fine until
his mutt gets run over in the street someday." and
that the whole thing is just too risky. He tells him
to move away or he'll die wit his friend. Satan
swallows hard and covers his head, ready to die with
Buu. Vegeta calls him a fool for doing so, though it's
pretty evident Vegeta wasn't going to kill him anyhow.
Dende looks over at Goku, who is smiling that peculiar
Goku-esque smile, and he tells Dende to heal Buu. When
Vegeta asks why, he tells him that he owes Buu a favor
because he was the one who allowed them to win, because
he stalled Buu long enough for Satan to carry Vegeta
away from the battlefield so he could throw the Spirit
Bomb (Because he wouldn't as long as Vegeta was in the
line of fire.)
He then says that they can keep Majin Buu indoors for
the first six months and away from all the people who
are afraid of him until they can wish everyone's
memory to be erased by Shenron.
Vegeta says that it's, "A brilliant idea, if you don't
have a brain." But he allows Dende to heal Majin Buu.
Satan thanks Goku profusely, saying that he'll never
forget him for it. Goku then turns to Vegeta and says,
"I'm starving! After Dende's finished let's go home
and get something to eat!!"
Then it flashes to a scene of the earth, and then to a
scene of the Lookout where Kaibito transports Goku,
Vegeta, Satan, Buu and Bee to the Lookout.
Goku, Dende and Vegeta round the corner of the Lookout
to where everyone is, and Goku and Dende wave at
everyone, who are all extremely thrilled to see them.
Chichi, Gohan and Goten go running up to Goku, and
Goku picks up Goten and spins him around in the air.
Trunks and Bulma run over to Vegeta and Trunks grabs
Vegeta's hand and hugs it. (It's really cute!) and
Bulma winks at him.
Videl has been watching everyone, and smiles as Satan
comes around the corner, with a kind of lost
expression on his face. She laughs and says 'Hi
daddy!' And he runs across the Lookout and grabs her
and hugs her like crazy (even for the non-Satan fans,
you have to admit it's pretty heartwarming.) Then he
pulls away and points behind him, and Buu comes around
the corner with an awful expression on his face.
Everyone screams and Trunks jumps in to attack and
Goku throws himself between them laughing. Vegeta
says, "It's okay son, he's our.....guest." (Which
oddly enough reminds of the song from 'Beauty and the
Beast' but it's okay!)
Then it shoots to a scene of Goku facing everyone with
his back to the camera. Goten is holding onto his
pants leg and Chichi is right in front of him. Behind
her is everyone else, which looks at first glance to
be a large crowd of about fifty people, but it's only
about twenty or so. (This is my favorite part, since I
am a big fan of Goku and Chichi tender moments ^_^)
Goku is talking to everyone and he says "Sorry I've
been gone so long, you guys, I've missed you." And
then he turns to Chichi and says,
"But guess what? Old Kai granted me a life so I'm not
dead anymore!"
Chichi starts to tear up and says "Your kidding me,
you mean we're going to live together, as a family of
four in our little house?"
And Goku smiles and says "Well, that's what I was
planning on if you guys think you can put up with me!"
And she kind of gasps and falls into his arms and
cries on his chest. It shoots to the expression of
some of the people on the Lookout, and everyone's
smiling and laughing. Goku says, "There, there Chichi,
it's okay."
And she's still crying and she's like "I know, I
And he laughs a little and says, "Gosh Chichi, did you
cry this much when I died? But don't worry, I'm back
for good. I love you." (VERY, VERY sweet scene!! One
of my alltime favorites!)
Then the scene changes to six months later when Goku
makes the wish for everyone's memories to be erased.
Then the shot changes to Buu, who is happily strutting
down the street. He sees a little girl with an ice
cream cone and stares at her. She tells him to go
away, because it's hers, he asked her where she got it
from and she says the cone shop. He goes and gets all
fourteen flavors on one cone, and tries to leave, the
guy goes "hey, you have to pay!" And Buu turns around
and goes "Buu has his cone." (Once again I'm amazed at
what a great voice talent this guy is!) And he soon
realizes he has to pay. He gets mad but remembers
Satan telling him not to get angry, EVER. So he
apologizes and goes down the street where a guy is
offering ten thousand zeni to anyone who can defeat
'Pit Bull Pete' in a street fight.
When Buu comes up, he mentions Satan, and someone puts
up money for him to fight Pete because they think he's
a student from Satan's dojo. Buu levels the guy and
gets the money. He then goes and buys several cones
and leaves the cashier with LOTS of extra change. He
chases him in the street and tells him he forgot his
money, but Buu says "Buu has his cone, man has his
money! You keep!" So the man has become rich!
It shoots to Buu sitting on a park bench eating a
cone, and pigeons at his feet eating a cone he dropped
for them. Bulma walks up with a really mad expression
and drops her groceries next to Buu and asks him to
carry them for her. She walks off talking to herself,
saying that "If Vegeta and Trunks think they can just
fly off anytime the shopping takes more than an hour,
they've got another think coming!" She then turns and
notices Buu is not following her, so she yells at him.
The scene shoots to Bulma shopping in a jewelry store
with Buu, who is trying to eat the jewelry. Suddenly,
Pit Bull Pete and his manager come in the store and
hold it up. The cashier calls the police and they
surround the building. Bulma turns and yells at him,
telling him no one tells her what to do, and that one
of they're hostages is the Great Majin Buu. Pete is
not impressed until he turns and sees Buu eating the
diamonds, and Buu comes towards him smiling,
recognizing him as "Good man who give Buu money for
ice cream!"
Outside, the police are surrounding the building, when
the Great Saiyaman and Saiyagirl (Videl in a Gohan
type outfit) drop from the sky and start doing a
series of dorky poses and corny chants. They end in a
weird tango position just as the two thieves come from
the building. they walk right by them and one cop says
'They've given themselves up' and Gohan and Videl fall
out in anime style. Majin Buu and Bulma walk out and
laugh at them.
The scene shoots to a starry night out on the
abandoned countryside, which we all know as the Son
household. Goku is in a large outdoor tub taking a
bath, and Trunks and Goten are with him. He's picking
Goten up and throwing him in the water, and then
trying to drown both of the boys in play. The scene
flashes to Chichi, who smiles and continues cutting
her vegetables inside. She sighs and says "Everything
is back to normal."
There's a little more to this scene, but it was
unsalvageable by the censors, so you won't be seeing
it on Cartoon Network, or the edited VHS from
All in all, this was a great episode and I recommend
anyone buying it.
¤Tenshi Sasher¤
Series: DBZ
Version: English Dubbed
Episode: Celebrations with Majin Buu #272
Summary: When Goku and his companions return to Earth
after defeating Majin Buu, they are welcomed with open
arms. But nobody is happy to see the good Buu! Can the
Champ"s pink pal manage to fit into society? Or is he
destined to become an outcast?
Name: KewlioKaio91
www.thesaiyanlounge.cjb.net has some bugs on it so i
can't update it :(