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Dragon Ball Fan Fiction
Title: Darkness
to the Light
by KAG
Rating: PG.13
Action/Adventure and Mystery. More to come.
Summary: Earth is
being invaded as Android 17/Juunanagou, Goten, and
Vegeta are zapped to a new world. Will they arrive
back to earth to help there friends?
August 29. 2006 Chapter 1 - The Portal On planet Earth. Speaker: "hello every one my name is Goten, son of Goku my father has been gone for quite a bit, He left after one of the tournaments and has never came back." Goten: "I might as well tell you what is going on right now. Vegeta the prince of all saiyans is staying over my house because his wife Bulma cheated on him with Yamcha, she said he sweet talked her into having sex." Vegeta: "hey boy I'm going out to train." Goten: "hey Vegeta can I come, there's nothing to do around here." Vegeta: "alright just make sure you stay out of my way, got it." Goten: "ok let's go." So Vegeta and Goten flew of to the training room. Goten: "put it on 450 gravity" Vegeta: "what! 500." Goten: "ok." So Vegeta and goten trained for hours landing punches and kicks on each other. After about two hours they went back to the house and found the door opened. Vegeta: "oh! someone broke in." Goten: "no-one broke in Trunks has a key to my house." Trunks: "hey goten hey dad." Vegeta: "hey son how've you been." Trunks: "I've been ok, I herd you and mother spilt." Vegeta: "let's not talk about it." Goten: "so trunks what brings you here?" Trunks: "well I came to invite you both to a party at my house it starts to night at 6. p.m to 12. a.m." Goten: "we'll be there, is #17, goku-jr, and Vegeta-jr going to be there?" Trunks: "the J.R'S will be there but android-17 wont be there because bra my sister is going to be there and she broke up with him for Uub." Vegeta: "what! I cant believe that she went out with that jerk #17." Goten: "you got that right." Trunks: "you guy's are still coming right?" Goten: "of course." Trunks: "I'll see you guys to night and dad bring your fusion earrings, by." Four hours passed by, Vegeta just got out of the shower. Vegeta: "goten you can get in now." Goten: "ok." Vegeta: "let's just see if I can just manage through the party." After a couple of minutes the phone rang, and Vegeta picked it up. Vegeta: "hello." Trunks: "hey dad it's me, both you and goten need to bring some extra clothes because you guys are going to sleep over ok, and tell goten #17 will be there." Vegeta: "I cant believe he invited that metal peace of trash." A huge light out side of goten's house appeared. Vegeta: "what was that!" Goten came out of the shower singing. Goten: "my hair is shining like a." Vegeta: "Goten did you just see that?" Goten: "what, see what?" Vegeta: "there was just a big flash of light out side the window." Goten: "really I didn't see a thing are you sure, have you been on drugs." Vegeta: "Goten why would I make this up." Goten: "because your up to something, like the time you tricked me into going into a strip club." Then the huge light went of again. Goten: "did you see that!" Vegeta: "no you must be on drugs, of course I saw it!" A couple minutes later. Vegeta: "I guess it stopped." Goten: "we better head over to trunk's house." So goten and Vegeta finished packing and putting there clothes on and they headed over to trunk's house. Vegeta: "well goten you can ring the door bell." Goten: "nah you can ring it." Then Trunks just opens the door. Trunks: "hey guys, just come on in." So all three of them walked to the TV room. Vegeta: "well where is everyone." Trunks: "Well there still on the way, you guys came a hour early." Vegeta: "I thought you said the party started at six." Trunks: "well I changed the time to seven is there a problem?" Goten: "no every thing is fine right, Vegeta?" Vegeta: "rah." Before Vegeta could say anything else the doorbell rang. Trunks: "I'll get that." Goten rushed over to the door before trunks could get it. Goten: "hey Uub how are you doing." Uub: "hey goten, I'm doing fine." Vegeta: "hey Uub I'm glad my daughter ditched that android for you." Uub: "Ah really." Trunks: "you guy's want to go out side and kick some ball?" Uub: "sure why not." Goten: "ok let's go, Vegeta you coming." Vegeta: "no I think I'll just watch some TV." Out side. Goten: "dodge this." Goten kicked the ball right into Uub's stomach. Uub: "ahhch shwit." Trunks: "goten, were not trying to kill each other." Uub: it's ok that felt like one of #17's hit's when I took over bra, well he was pretty tough that's why I had trunks help me beat the android." Goten: "what! I didn’t even know you guys fought, I thought bra just dumped #17." Trunks: "it's over now, #17 was defeated, now let's get back to our game." Back inside. Vegeta: "man trunks sure does have a lot of sick channels." After about 15 minutes Vegeta: "Finley some one else is here." Vegeta got up and answered the door. Pan: "hey Vegeta." Vegeta: "hey, well the others are in the back playing ball." Pan: "ok." So she went to the back only to see them doing something with a ruler. Goten: "Yes mine is the longest and thickest." Trunks: "dude you must of lost your mind, mine is the largest." Uub: "guy's even if you put yours together mine will still be the biggest." Pan: "what are you three doing?" Goten: "pull your pants up." Trunks: "hey pan." Pan: "what where you guy's just doing?" Uub: "just measuring the grass." Pan: "really, bra and marron should be here shortly." Goten: "I didn't know trunks invited my girlfriend marron." Trunks: "it kind of slipped my mind." Vegeta came racing into the back yard. Vegeta: "goten I saw that bright light again." Goten: "really where?" Trunks: "are you guy's on drugs." Uub: "yes do you smoke pot or do you use the needle's." Vegeta and goten at the same time, "we are not on drugs!" Pan: "I didn't see anything have you guy's been drinking?" Vegeta: "what!, first drugs witch was bad enough now beer or some other drunk drink!" Trunks: "father chill out, I know you and mother spilt and now you drink and take drugs." Pan: "we can get you both some help." Goten: "gah." Before he could say anything else the light went of again towards the woods. Uub: "what was that?" Trunks: "wow." The light vanished once more. Vegeta: "see, I told you." Trunks: "I guess we were wrong." Goten: "all three of you owe us money for the harsh words you said." So they all handed Vegeta a ten and goten a ten. Vegeta: "thanks for the money." Vegeta said snatching it. Trunks: "let's head in side." After about 5 minutes the doorbell rang. Goten answered it. Goten: "Hey marron and bra." Marron: "hey babe." She kissed him on the lips and took him to the TV room where everyone else was. Bra shut the door behind her. Bra: "hey Uub." Uub: "hey sexy." bra just jump's on him and they start making out. Pan: "maybe you two should save that for tonight." They stopped. Bra: "ok." Vegeta: "bra why did you go out with #17, were you on drugs when you did?" Bra: "daddy we only went out for 5 month's, we didn't even have sex yet." Vegeta: "that's not what I asked." Goten: "I can tell this is going to get good." Vegeta: "goten enough with the stupid ness." In a funny voice. Goten: "ok Doug." Trunks: "father that's enough." Vegeta: "you better not go crawling back to #17 got that." Bra: "Well excuse me, I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions." Goten: "Let's get started with the party." So every one went to the back yard. Goten: "I cant believe you guys beat up #17." Trunks: "you believed that junk." Goten: "what!, you didn’t beat up #17?" Uub: "nope it was a joke." Goten: "so what really happened?" Uub: "um? Bra never told me, she just said they had problems." Goten: "ok, so what do you guys want to do?" Trunks: "we could train." Trunks: "nah we should save that for later." Pan: "guy's come here." Goten: "gosh why does she have to bug us while were talking!" Then they all walked over to pan. Trunks: "what is it." Pan: "never mind, me and Marron just need Trunks." Goten: "and what for?" Pan: "You'll see." Marron: "come on Trunks." Uub: "where are you guy's going?" Pan: "up in his room." Goten: "this better be good pan." So the three of them left. After about 30 minutes they were back. Trunks: "that was pretty fun, we'll have to do it again later." Goten: "hey trunks, you want to play some ball with us?" Trunks: "sure I'll be right there." Uub: "what did you guy's do?" Trunks: "I'll tell you later" So everyone partied for about 45 minutes. Trunks: "Jeez #17 should have been here by now, Goten why don’t you and Pan go get him?" Goten: "ok, pan let's go get #17." Pan: "ok." So they flew off. Goten: "what were you guy's doing up stairs?" Pan: "you'll have to wait until later." Goten: "ok where does #17 live again?" Pan: "somewhere over in that area." They searched for a bit but they finally found his cabin. Goten knocked at the door. #17: "just a minute." He opened the door. #17: "well, well pan and goten, I just got out of the shower." Pan: "we can tell because you have a towel on." #17: "why don’t you two just come in for a minute." So they walked in. Goten: "I heard you and bra went out for sometime, it's just to bad you weren't good enough for her." #17: I think you have it the other way around." Pan: "stop it you two, we don’t have time for this nonsense." #17: "you guy's wait in here I'll be right back." Pan: "get a pair of extra clothes it’s a sleepover." #17: "ok." Goten: "why, what, why did you invite him to stay the night." Pan: "goten could you just shut up for once, ah." Android-17 came out, strapping his gun belt on. #17: "Ok lets go." So they flew off. Back to the party. Uub: "hey Vegeta catch this." Vegeta: "Darn missed, and what do you mean catch were playing tennis." Uub: "Vegeta just a little quick finish." Vegeta: "ha well it's my serve now, take this." They passed the ball back and fourth 18 times and Uub ended up missing. Uub: "darn!" Vegeta: "ha I am the champion." Uub: "ok ok… you… win." He said out of breath. Vegeta: "just 2 more moths until Christmas, when I beat you again." Marron: "Uub, Vegeta come here." Vegeta: what is it?" Marron: "take this." She tried to throw a pie in his face but he moved out of the way and it got Uub right in the face. Uub: "wha the." Vegeta: "ha you missed." Then another pie came to the side of Vegeta's face, it almost hit him but a blast blew it up. Pan: "good shot #17." Trunks: "well look who's here #17." Goten: "hey you guy's started playing tennis without me." #17: "let's get this party started." Trunks: "hey #17, come play some ball with us." #17: "ok but to warn you, none of you stand a chance." #17, Pan, and Goten flew down to the party. The party went on for hours. After about 4 hours everyone was done partying. #17: "woh I better get home." Goten: "#17 have you seen Marron?" #17: "no." Goten: "how about Pan?" #17: "nope." Goten: "what about Trunks?" #17: "I haven't seen any of them for about an hour." Goten: "Uub where is everybody?" Uub: "me and bra were up stairs a minute ago, I think she's sleeping." Bra: "what's going on down here, where is everybody?" #17: "I thought monkey girl was sleeping." Bra: "what did you just say!" #17: "monkey girl." Goten: "#17! leave now, just get out of here before you cause more problems." #17: "make me saiyan jin. Besides you guys invited me." Bra collapses to the ground. "Bra!!, are you ok?" Uub says as he runs to her side. Bra: "I feel like I have to puke again." Uub: "goten just forget it, let's go inside." So the three of them walked inside. Uub: "I'll be up stairs." Then Uub walks up the stairs. Bra: "I cant believe I still have feelings for that freak." Goten: "you think Uub is a freak?" Bra: "not him, #17." Goten: "what!" Bra: "don’t tell anyone, when you get the chance tell #17 this is for him." Then Bra grabs goten and starts French kissing him. Bra: "by." She says winking at him. Then she walks up stairs. Goten: "wo that was awesome." After about 5 minutes Goten headed up stairs. Goten: "what was that noise, it sounded." Then goten went up to a door and opened it only to see marron and pan on Trunks's chest. Goten: "marron!" Then all three of them popped up. Trunks: "goten I can explain." Marron: "goten babe please!" Pan: "goten didn't #17 tell you not to come up here!" Goten: "#17 had something to do with this, I'm going to kill him!" Then goten flew out a open window. Uub: "woh where is he going, Vegeta do you think we should follow him?" Vegeta: "let's go." So Vegeta and Uub followed goten to #17's cabin, and then the three of them landed. Goten: "#17!." Then #17 came out of his cabin. #17: "what is it monkey boy. Then goten charges #17 but as soon as his fist is 4-inches from #17's face a portal opens and took in the both of them. Uub: "what the!" Then the portal came over to take in Uub but Vegeta moved him out of the way. Vegeta: "look out." Then Vegeta pushed Uub out of the way and the portal almost got him. Uub: "Vegeta let's get out of here." Vegeta: "right." Then another portal comes in between them and then they go there separate way's. Uub: "ah!" Then Uub hides behind a tree, but then a portal pops out right in front of his face. But the portal did not take him in, then Vegeta came. Vegeta: "Uub now's our chance to get out of here." Then a portal appears behind Vegeta and sucks him in. Uub: "Vegeta, Vegeta!!!!!!!!!." What will become of Vegeta, goten, and #17/ stay tune for chapter 2.
Chapter 2 - Visitors It has been two week's since Vegeta, Goten, and #17 were zapped into a portal. Uub is just now waking up from those two weeks ago. Uub: "where am I?" Doctor: "your safe now." Uub: "where's Vegeta and the others." Doctor: "you'll need your rest, now lay back down." Uub: "where am I?" Doctor: "your in a hospital." So Uub laid back down, in about two hours he heard a loud explosion so he got out of bed and flew out the window to go and see what was going on. When he got to the street were the explosion was he saw fighting going on between Trunks and some guy with short white hair. And as soon as uub was going to step in the young women with long white hair shot a blast through Trunks. Trunks: "ahugahhh!!!!!!" Uub: "Trunks! no!!" Then he charges the two and is shot down by a rain of blasts. And then the two flew off. Uub woke up three hours later. Bra: "uub you are ok now." Pan: "at least he's up now." Uub: "what's going on." Bra: "well some people came through a portal from another world and have invaded the planet earth, and other planets, so far they have killed all the z fighters except Me, you, Pan, #18, Gohan, and Yamcha." Uub: "what about vegeta, #17, and goten." Pan: "what do you mean they've been missing for two weeks now, do you know something we don’t?" Uub: "well a portal took them." Bra: "You can tell us later" Bra said as she sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around him. Uub and Bra began kissing as Pan turned her head. Then a door opens and #18, Yamcha, and Gohan walk in. Gohan: "good your up, there attacking down the road to the west." Bra: "alright every one let's go finish this." #18: "is uub ready to fight." Pan: "ready as he'll ever be." Then they all rush through the doors and fly down the street were they meet up with Sly and Bly, the two who killed Trunks. Sly is the female and Bly is the male. Yamcha: "you will pay for what you and your people have done." Then two more guy's show up/ crant and crunker. Crunker: "well well if it isn't it the survivors." #18: "What do you want!" Bly: "hello beautiful." Sly: "ah brothers, we have come to take down the strongest warriors and none of you fit the description. Where are they, and we may spare your lives." Gohan: "so who are you looking for?" Then Bly shot a blast through Gohan who fell to his death on to a car. #18: "no Gohan." Bly: you may only speak when your told." Then Sly hits Bly over the head. Sly: "you full, daddy wanted them all alive." Crant: "yah whatever she said." Uub: "yo pan these two remind me of #17 and #18 when there together." Pan: "you could say that again." Then a ship arrives and the door opens and A man with long white hair comes out. Sly: "daddy Bly killed another one of the fighters." Bly: "dad he was being disrespectful." Glordge: "enough!" Crant/Crunker: "hello master" Glordge shot something out of his hand and it grabbed every one except uub but before he could do any thing Sly wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waste and started French kissing him. Bra: "what is she doing to my boyfriend!" Bly: "she's draining his energy or you could say life." After about a minute Sly let go of Uub and let him drop onto the ground. Yamcha: "what are you going to do to us?" Glordge: "that is for me to know and for you to find out." Bra: "you wont get away with this juunanagou will stop you." TO BE CONTINUED
Chapter 3 Somewhere on a sandy island. Vegeta: "where am I." #17: "for a second I thought you would never wake up." Vegeta: "you better start talking where are we android!" #17: "I have no idea, we should just wait until goten wakes up, maybe he knows where we are." Vegeta: "I cant believe you were going out with my daughter, how could you!" #17: "maybe because I could." Vegeta: "rah that's it your going down." Then vegeta charges #17 and they fight for about 2 minutes. #17: "your pretty good for a old timer." Vegeta: "rah, that's it you die now." Before they could fight a blast went in-between them. Goten: "what are you two fighting about, and where are we?" #17: "we were waiting for you to wake up, so we started training." Vegeta: "training we weren't training, so goten you have no idea were we are?" Goten: "no, ok we can train later let's take a look around." #17: "ah." Vegeta: "what's up." #17: "my scanners say we have been sleeping for two weeks and two days." Vegeta: "darn we have to find our way home." Goten: "let's go take a look around." Vegeta: "I'll tell you one thing the air smells fresh. I know for a fact were not close to home." Goten: "#17 fly up and see what your scanners say." #17: "there's some mountains to the north." Vegeta: "lets head to the east, we'll stay along the beach." Goten: "fine with me how about you #17." #17: "you can call me juunanagou or c-17 any of them is fine, lets go." Vegeta: "ok android 17." So juunanagou came down from the sky and they all started walking. An hour later. Goten: "hey juunanagou what time is it, what do your scanners say?" #17: "they say 5:30, hey maybe tonight we can go swimming." Goten: "that's a great idea." #17: "hey vegeta that was a pretty good fight we had earlier, you want to train tomorrow?" Vegeta: "you weren't so bad yourself as in a rookie, sure we could give it another try." #17: "you can join us if you'd like goten." Goten: "if I'm not tired sure." Vegeta: "ah I still have those fusion earrings in my pocket that Trunks told me to bring over." Goten: "oh yah juunanagou why didn't you tell me that trunks was with marron?" #17: "they paid me to keep you form going up stairs." Vegeta: "well you sure didn't do a good job." #17: "That's what happens when you pay me cheaply." Goten: "when we get back to earth I will straighten things with marron" #17: "so you still love her?" Goten: "No, to save our friendship." After awhile Vegeta and Goten started to talk about food. Then they came to a mushroom tree and a tree with barriers in it. Vegeta: "finally something to eat." Then vegeta grabs a mushroom and eats it and grows larger. #17: "what the heck." Goten: "vegeta are you ok!" After about 30 seconds of panic he formed back to his normal size. #17: "wow that was amazing, maybe we shouldn't eat any more of those mushrooms until I study them." Goten reached out and ate a barrier and nothing happened. Goten: "I guess we can eat these, juunanagou do you want one." #17: "since I am an android I only need to eat to power up, I am a bit low on power so I'll have four." Then they all ate. Vegeta: "c/17 what time is it?" #17: "it is 8:43." Goten: "let's go take a nice swim you guy's." #17: "last one in the ocean is a horse monkey." Then #17 took off his gun belt and the rest of his things accept his boxers and he was the first one in followed by vegeta, and goten got in last. Vegeta: "ha ha goten's a horse monkey." Then they all swam under and saw awesome fish but vegeta saw something that made him go back to the top. Goten: "why'd you come up so soon?" Vegeta: "I saw some turtle creature with a green shell and green shoes on with these big white eyes." #17: "wow and a turtle creature scares you?" Vegeta: "no it's just, let's just go back under and have a good time." So they all swam back under for about 8 minutes and came back up for air. #17: "let's play a game who can get the most sea shells without coming up for air in 15 minutes." Goten: "I'm in." Vegeta: "you guy's don't stand a chance against me." So they all went back under to collect seashells. Vegeta swam up to goten and knocked all of his seashell's out of his hand during the last three minutes. When they all swam to the top vegeta had the most and goten had the least. Goten: "darn some huge fish knocked a lot of my seashells to the bottom towards the end." Vegeta: Well isn't that a shame, and I thought you were going to win." #17: "yah because you learned to swim from goku, hey maybe we could do this tomorrow." Vegeta: "what time is it?" #17: "9:06." Vegeta: "we can still swim it's not like were in a rush to go somewhere." Goten: "you guy's can I'm going to go set up camp." #17/vegeta: "ok." So Goten got out of the water and went to set up camp under the mushroom tree and the tree filled with barriers. goten gathered up wood to start a fire and he used his shirt as a pillow. juunanagou and vegeta swam until 3:45 a.m and then they made there pillows out of there shirts and went to sleep. Where are Vegeta, juunanagou, and goten, and what kind of island are they on. To Be Continued
Chapter 4 - Deadly Poison Goten was the first person to wake up that morning. Goten: "I guess I'll go take a walk." So goten took a little walk on the beach side were he washed his shirt in the water. Goten: "this should keep my shirt clean for now, um I wonder if there are any animals around, I wonder if I'll ever get home." Then a shadow ran by goten. Goten: "what was that, juunanagou is that you or is it you vegeta." Then Goten heard a sound of a blade. Goten: "I should follow that sound." Goten: "on second thought I should go back and get Vegeta and juunanagou unless there behind this nah I doubt there behind this." So goten flew back to camp where he saw vegeta and c-17 training. Goten: "guy's." Vegeta: "what's up goten?" #17: "how's your day so far?" Goten: "it's been great, I heard some noises over towards the east we should go back and see what it was." #17: "ok." So vegeta got all his clothes on and so did #17. #17: "hey wears my gun and gun belt?" Vegeta: "I sure didn’t touch it." Goten: "me neither." Vegeta: "guy's I have a feeling were not on this island alone." Goten: "ok guy's let's head for the east, maybe the person who took your things is there, we can also find a link to get us home." #17: "ok let's roll." So then they all make some boards and put some barriers and mushrooms on them to eat later and then they start off on there way to find out what the noise was. #17: "whoever took my gun will pay." Goten: "here we are it was right in there." Vegeta: "great now we have to go north into the woods." #17: "this is great, I am use to the woods from back at home." Vegeta: "alright then you lead the way number 17." Goten: "yah seventeen, you can lead from hear." Then #17 pushes through the bush. #17: "wow this place looks better than at home." Vegeta: "the grass is so green." Goten: "there are many trees in hear, hey we could make a tree house." Goten joked. Then vegeta pulled out a mushroom. Vegeta: "c-17 are you sure these mushrooms are safe?" #17: "I told you witch ones are safe and witch ones are not, so if you picked the body changing one's oh well." Then vegeta just shrugged his shoulders and ate a mushroom and nothing happened. So they walked deeper into the forest. 2 hours later. vegeta: "so android where are we?" #17: "I have no idea." vegeta: "I forgot it was goten's idea to follow some imaginary sound." Out of nowhere a beast with one eye came out of a bush behind vegeta and punched him through 2 trees Vegeta: "rah!." Vegeta got back up and gave the creature 6 punches to the stomach and gave him a kick in the chin witch the monster turned into a move by doing a back flip and kicking vegeta into goten. #17: "alright let's play." Juunana tried to punch him in the stomach but the monster grabbed his hand and through him into goten and vegeta as they tried to get up. The monster put his two hands together to form a blast to finish #17, vegeta, and goten. Vegeta: "were going to die." Then a shuriken went into the monsters eye and blood started shooting out, the monster then pulled out the shuriken and threw it at someone in the trees. Monster: "rah rah rah rah!" The monster roared as it ran off. Vegeta: "I guess I spoke to soon." Then they all got up and turned around to see who there saver was. Goten: "I wish I had one of those blades." a voice: "you can have this one, though you may have to wash it." Then the bloody shuriken came down and goten caught it. #17: "who are you?" Then the figure jumped down from the trees. Person: "my name is Leonardo." Goten: "hey vegeta is he the creature you saw under the water last night, well this Leonardo guy looks like a turtle." Leonardo: "in fact I am a turtle, a mutated turtle, hey I could tell you guy's a bit about myself." Vegeta: "first let's go find a good place." As they walk. Leonardo: "so then the Utroms crashed landed on earth because of the prisoner none other than the shredder." Vegeta: I see, so when they crashed landed on earth they made the mutated stuff and you Raph, Mikey, and Don got mutated." Leonardo: "exactly." Goten: "so you and your brothers were just training when the portal took you in." Leonardo: "yes, you guy's can just call me Leo that's what my bro's called me." #17: "So Leo your sure you haven't seen my gun belt around?" Leo: "yes I'm sure, I also need to tell you about the beast that have been chasing me." Vegeta: "and who might they be?" Leonardo: "they call themselves yos." Then a loud noise approach's. Leo: "it's them, the yos/" Leonardo is cut off. A voice: "it's the yoshi's freak!" Then a bunch of dinosaur creatures appeared out of the bushes with racing karts/cars. Vegeta: "stay back, we mean you no harm." Broshi: "Really." broshi pulls out a wooden bat and hit's vegeta over the head witch makes it break, vegeta falls to the ground. Vegeta: "ah!" Goten: "juunanagou, Vegeta, it's time to power up." Vegeta: "yes, time to turn super saiyan 4!" Then vegeta powers up to his fullest but he isn't even a super saiyan, same with c/17 and goten. Goten: "hey what's going on with or power levels?" Then a pink yoshi comes up and licks him. Pink/yoshi: "hey handsome." Then a black yoshi comes and kicks goten onto the ground and jumps on him and starts pounding on him. Black/yoshi: "stay away from my girl got it." Then leo comes and kicks the yoshi off of goten. #17: "take this." Then android 17 starts shooting blasts all over the place at all of the yoshi's. Broshi: "this ends now." Then he pulls out what appears to be a rocket launcher but only a pineapple shooter. Broshi: "howdy partner." Then he shoots #17 down to the ground. Then he tries to shoot leonardo but he cuts the tip of his gun off and kicks him into two other yoshi's. Vegeta: "we need to get out of here." Broshi: "all gas masks on." And with that broshi throws out a gas bomb that knocks out Leo, #17, goten, and Vegeta. Broshi: "the boss will be pleased we caught the alien Leonardo." Pink/yoshi: "yes we will get rewarded handsomely" Black/yoshi: "we should head back now, before were late for dinner." Broshi: "dinner isn't for another, wait your right we have many miles to cover, let's go." So they tied up #17, goten, Leo, and vegeta to there karts and drove off. 7 hours later Goten starts to wake up. Goten: "where, where am I?" #17: "Leo goten's up." Goten: "gosh I'm tied up." Leo: "lucky you were sleeping, we were tied to there karts now were just tied to trees." Goten: "where'd they, I mean were did those yoshi's go?" leonardo: "I have no idea." Goten: "juunanagou what time is it?" #17: "it is 5 p.m." Leonardo: "how can you tell time without a watch?" #17: "I'm an android so I have a clock installed in my brain." Goten: "jeez when do you think vegeta will wake up?" #17: "you know vegeta, he's a heavy sleeper, not even water will wake him up." Leonardo: "we need to make an escape plan, goten can you reach the shuriken I gave you?" Goten: "I would but they took all of our weapons." Leo: "what I cant see did they take my swords." #17: "they sure did." After 45 minutes of planning. #17: "guy's I am fresh out of ideas." Then an orange yoshi walks in, none other than Broshi. Broshi: "your all up." Goten: "everyone except him." Broshi: "don’t worry we'll wake him up in time, for the fun." Goten: "my gosh your going to rape us." Broshi: "no, that's not what we had in mind." #17: "then what might you be planning?" Broshi: "you'll see in time, the boss should be here in 4 minutes." Leo: "where are our weapons?" Broshi: "you mean our weapons?" Leo: "I knew they took them." 4 minutes passed. lots of yoshi's crowded the seats and the boss came in. Boshi: "hello all you yoshi fans tonight I have brought you the alien creature who has been messing with us and his friends." Then boshi removed the curtain and it showed Leo, #17, Vegeta, and goten tied up. Then boshi walked up to vegeta and poured water on him but he did not wake up. When vegeta did not wake up boshi tilted his sun glasses downward. Boshi: "so we have ourselves a sleeper." Then boshi went up to one of the yoshi's and took there licker they were drinking and poured it all over vegeta. vegeta: "wha, what is that?" Boshi: "ok folks everyone is up." Boshi: "redy bring out the weapons." Red/yoshi: "yes sir!" Then he came back with a board with Leo's swords and #17 gun and Gun belt. #17: "they stole it, those rotten thieves." Boshi: "Broshi untie the prisoners." Broshi: "ok." Then he used one of leo's swords to cut them all loose, then he handed Leo both of his swords. Goten: "hey boshi do we get some weapons?" Boshi: "you never came with any." Then boshi wrapped #17 gun belt around his waste. #17: "that's my gun and gun belt boshi, so I say hand it over." Boshi: "do you guy's know why we untied you?" Leo: "no, we have no idea." Boshi: "you must beat me, Redy, Pinky, and orangey in battle." Vegeta: "is that there real names?, That's pretty ridiculous." Boshi: "no, Pinky's real name is rashi, and orange's is broshi, and redy's is droshi." Vegeta: "so boshi would that make you bluey?" Boshi: "yah just keep talking vegeta." Then vegeta puts on his saiyan smirk. Boshi: "you better get that smirk of your face vegeta, and you better make it fast." Then #17 smirks. #17: "well, well boshi's getting angry." Boshi: "no I'm not, would you two just shut up." Vegeta: fine, bluey." Boshi: "ok if you guy's can beat us in battle #17 I'll give you your gun back and you may go free, so let's get this started." With that Boshi jumps up in the air and bicycle kicks Leo 8 times and on the last kick it knocks him down. Pinky then shoot's out her tongue and grabs goten on the wrist and then she starts swinging him around and throws him into a tree. #17: "broshi I am going to enjoy this, beating you down." Then Broshi charges 17 but when he kicks at #17, he disappears. #17: "hey behind you." Then broshi turns around. #17: "howdy partner." And with that he shoots him with a blast. #17: "that's for shooting at me with a pineapple gun." Then vegeta tries to punch redy but he ducks down and trips him, and before vegeta could hit the ground redy kicks him up about 14 feet into the air were redy meets him up in the sky and punches him back down, but before he cold hit the ground redy head butts vegeta into a tree. Leo then jumps back to his feet and he kicks boshi in the stomach witch makes boshi go on his knees. when boshi looked up leo kicked him back to the ground. Goten comes flying out of the tree and starts punching pinky around then he kicks her up into the air were he shoots three blasts and on the fourth blast he loaded it up and shot. Goten: "no more Mr. nice guy, that should keep her down." Then vegeta fly's over by #17. Vegeta: "hey c-17 do you have any plans?" #17: "nowhere but up" So they fly up and Redy and Broshi ram into each other and fall to the ground. Then boshi tries to get up again but this time Leo puts his sword to his neck. Leo: "you lose, let's go guy's." Boshi stands up. Boshi: "I never said all of you could leave" Then he throws 17 his gun and gun belt. Boshi: "I only said #17 could go." vegeta: "I don't think your incharge of us." Then arrows start coming down. Boshi: "it's the enemy Leonardo's people." Leo: "what are you talking about." Then some turtle creatures come down. then they start shooting darts everyone runs off except Leo, goten, vegeta, and #17. they start fighting the creatures. Vegeta: "these are the creatures I saw under the water the other night." One of the creatures: "we are called koopa's you freak, and king koopa/Bowser wants these yoshi's dead." Leo: "that's why the yoshi's attacked me, they thought I was a koopa." a koopa: "you guy's stay out of our way." Goten: "why don’t you make us!" a koopa: "very well, this is a warning for your friends" Then he pulls out a dart and blows it through a tube witch hits Goten in the neck. #17: "goten no." Leo: "Oh great, now what." a koopa: "just stay out of the way, and just to let you know that dart is poison." And with that goten's eyes turn white and he falls to the ground helpless. Leonardo: "goten no!" Vegeta: "you'll pay koopa freak!" The koopa: "actually you guy's have a nice sleep." Leo: "what do you mean, have a nice sleep." With that the koopa puts on a gas mask and threw 5 sleep bombs at them. vegeta charged the koopa but when he was 2 inches away he fell to his knees and the koopa kicked him onto the ground. Koopa: "Pathetic." Next morning 6:24 a.m Vegeta starts to wake up. Boshi: "so Leo your telling me the Utroms crashed landed on earth because of the prisoner?" Leo: "yes and the prisoner was shredder." Boshi: "what he's an Utrom?" Leo: "yes he is and he's one of my greatest enemies, who is your greatest enemy?" Boshi: "that would have to be yoshi." Leo: "yoshi, but isn't that the name of your race?" Boshi: "yes, well back in the day yoshi use to race people if you did not beat him you were vanished from the island." Boshi: "so one day I raced and beat yoshi in a race and he was vanished from the land." Leo: "whatever happed to this yoshi?" Boshi: "well he came back with his stupid friend Mario, but I still beat them both in a race." Vegeta: "nice story boshi." Boshi: "it's not just a story it really happened." Vegeta: "are you sure it's not the other way around, except the part about getting vanished from the island?" Boshi starts to sweat a bit. Boshi: "nah it's real." Vegeta: "right." Vegeta says in a not so believing tone. Then #17 comes back from a morning walk. #17: "so boshi do you know how we can get home, and do you know what is wrong with Goten?" Boshi: "I do know how to get you home but I don’t know what is wrong with goten, the deadly poison is going through his veins as we speak." Will they get back home in time to save the planet earth and there friends and will they be able to save goten? TO BE CONTINUED
Chapter 5 - The True Adventure Begins Leonardo: "so how do we get back home?" Boshi: "well you have to go back to the place the portal brought you to on this island." #17: "ok vegeta, you carry goten." Boshi: "I'll lead you guy's to the place you came from." Vegeta: "how do you know the way." Boshi: "I took #17's gun while he was sleeping." Vegeta: "alright lead the way Boshi." After about 9 hours of traveling they reached the place. Vegeta: "17 what time is it?" #17: "it's 3:28 p.m." Leo: "so now that were all here, how do we get home?" Boshi: "just wait about 2 minutes and the portal will open, and we will all jump through." vegeta: "boshi your coming to?" Boshi: "just to check out your planet." Leo: "how do you know the portal will open back up to bring you back home?" Boshi: "I don’t." Then the portal appeared and everyone jumped in and they were zapped to earth. Leo: "were back!, woh what happened?" Then they all look around only to see no animals, no people, and destroyed buildings. Boshi: "nice place, where is all the people and the amazing things you were telling me about? Not to mention beautiful, no offence my island looks a lot better than this beat down cemetery." Vegeta: "what the hell happened? Are we even on planet earth?" #17: "my scanners say we are, also our power levels are turning back to normal." Vegeta: "on that other planet our power levels were lower." Boshi: "again I must say this is a lovely home." Vegeta: "Boshi do me a favor, just keep your mouth shut for awhile." Boshi: "this place does not fit the description, so I'll give the look of your planet a negative." #17: "no, this isn't how we left it." vegeta: "something must of happened while we were gone" Leo: "vegeta can you fly me to new York?" Vegeta: "let's go, #17, boshi we'll meet back here in two hours." Then vegeta flew Leo to new York. #17: "have you ever flown before boshi?" Boshi: "no." #17: "well today is your day." So Boshi and c-17 flew to his cabin. Inside number 17's cabin. Boshi: "man it's kind of cold in here." #17: "I'll turn on the heat" So seventeen went into the other room and turned on the heat. #17: "it should start to warm up, I guess I'll go take a shower." After seventeen took his shower he listen to the messages on his phone. #17: "these messages are 3 weeks old." Boshi: "what is that thing you have on?" #17: "it's a towel, I'll be right back." #17 came back with his gun and gun belt and two bags filled with food and bullets for his gun. #17: "boshi you what some hot chocolate?" Boshi: "whatever it is it sounds good, I'll have some." Then c/17 came back a minute later. #17: "here." Boshi: "thanks." Then seventeen stated loading his gun. Boshi: "what is that rag thing for?" #17: "it's to polish my gun." Then he stuck his gun back in it's pouch. #17: "well I guess we should go meet up with the other two, hey wait where is goten's body?" Boshi: "Maybe one of the other two threw his body through the portal, but I sure didn’t." Then 17 and boshi went out the door to go meet up with vegeta and Leo. #17 and Boshi waited 15 minutes at the waiting site. When they finally showed up they weren't alone, they showed up with uub who was hurt very bad. #17: "Well, well, fancy meeting you here Uub." leo placed him on the ground. Vegeta: "he took a good beating, he was barley alive when we found him." Uub: "who's that." Leo: "that's boshi." Uub: "so c-17, vegeta was right your still alive." #17: "uub what is going on, where is everyone?" Leo: "he believes most everyone is dead, but some of your friends including your sister was captured by a guy named Glordge." Boshi: "I'll help you rescue them if there's ladies involved?" Then boshi get's an evil smirk. Leo: "boshi… I don’t think so." #17: "uub what is the last thing you remember?" Uub: "well bra was screaming the word juunanagou, but I have no idea what it meant." Vegeta: "hey 17 wasn't that one of the names you said we could call you?" #17: "no, no, no, it was something else?" Uub: "I need to talk to seventeen." So 17 walked over to uub and they talked for about 30 minutes. #17: "I promise uub I will." Then he leaned uub over his shoulder. Boshi: "finally you guy's stopped talking, so do any of you know when the portal will appear?" Vegeta: "it was your call to follow us." Leo: "so uub these freaks planted a bomb that will destroy the earth?" Vegeta: "when is it set to go off?" Uub: "the next and last portal to leave this planet, and not all of us can go. The portal can only take in four people." There is a long moment of silence. Leo: "guy's I am going to stay and die along with my home." Then leo through his bag of supplies to uub. Leo: "you'll need it." Then the portal appears everyone jumps in Leo sat down and crossed his feet. Leo: "I am one with nature, my brothers where ever you are, I love you all, you to master splinter." Then Leo felt someone pick him up and put a bag on him. a voice: "they need you, more than me remember, what I told you." Then Leo turned around to see uub. Leonardo: "uub what are you still doing here?" Uub: "you mean what are you doing here." Leo: "uub I won't let you die." Then leo gave the bag to uub and pushed him into the portal but uub disappeared behind Leo and knocked him in. Leo: "no uub!" Then leo grabbed onto a tree branch. Uub: "Leo you are one of the toughest and bravest warriors I have ever met, it was great to know you." Leo: "uub don’t say that just go through the portal, plus you still have the bag." uub: "Leo when you see goten again tell him I said hey bro, Leo do me a favor." Then tears fill up in uub's eyes. Uub: "save the universe." Leo gets tears in his eyes. Leo: "no uub." Uub: "you must go and take down glordge do it for….me, goodbye Leonardo." Then uub shoots the tree branch and Leo goes into the portal. Then uub explodes with the earth. Vegeta, boshi, and #17 watch as Leo comes down out of the portal than the portal shuts. Vegeta: "I thought uub was coming." Leo starts crying and slams his fists on the ground. Leo: "no Uub!" Then the portal opens up again and the bag that leo gave to uub came down with uub's blood on it with a note saying do your thing swordsman. vegeta: "he must of blew up as he threw the bag through, that would explain the blood, Leo are you going to be ok?" Leo: "that's not the problem, uub could have come through, the problem was he thought he wasn't needed." Vegeta: "Leo I'm sure there's another reason we'll find out soon, so how about we go take a nice swim later tonight?" Leonardo stranded to his feet and wiped his tears. Leo: "vegeta your, yes there may have been a good reason why he stayed behind." Then Leo looked at everyone else Leo: "anyone what to go swimming?" Boshi: "you can count me in, I'd love to swim actually." #17: "it has been confirmed goten's body has been here since the time we left to earth." vegeta: "just stick him under that tree." Then they all went swimming. 10:45 p.m. Leo: "I guess we all should get to sleep, so we can head back to boshi's place at 6:20 a.m in the morning. 17 just make your alarm go off and you can wake us up." #17: "fine with me." Boshi: "guy's that wasn't my place we slept at last night, that was just out in the open." vegeta: "I'll tell you one thing it is nice to be back on this island, the air is so fresh." Boshi: "trust me you'll love my place better than where we were last night." After that leo started telling scary stories with all of them in it. then everyone went to bed. beep, beep, beep an alarm went off in #17's head and he woke up but boshi was already up. Boshi: "hey #17." #17: "I guess we should wake the others up." So they did. Vegeta: "Well let's get this journey started." Then 17 picked up both of his bags and leo picked up his and everyone started on the long journey to Boshi's cave. 2 hours into the trip. Vegeta: "hey leo this is the place we met you and that ugly monster with the big ugly eye." Leo: "yes this is the place we met at." #17: "poor vegeta thought we were going to die." Vegeta: "boshi I'll hold goten, you’ve been holding him since we started this journey." Boshi: "thanks vegeta." Then vegeta took over carrying goten. #17: "so boshi how long do you think it will take us to get to your place." Then boshi moved bushes out of the way. Boshi: "it will take us 45 minutes to climb the mountains to get to the top, Leo and Vegeta I want you to get us some fire wood. Vegeta you can fly so it will be quick for you to carry leo to the top after you get the wood." Vegeta: "how do we know where you live?" Boshi: "there will be a yoshi behind a door and he will ask you who you want, and the password to get in, and it is b..o..s..h..I." Vegeta: "that wont be hard to remember, that has to be the lamest password I have ever heard of." Leo: "ok you guy's head up we'll get the wood." Then Leo handed boshi his bag and vegeta gave 17 goten, and then boshi and #17 walked to the top of the mountain. After about 30 minutes of gathering wood they made two wooden packs to carry all the wood. then leo saw something run behind him Leo: "vegeta did you see that?" vegeta: "what?" Leo: "it went that way." Then leonardo ran off and vegeta followed him. Then leo came to a spiky bush so he pulled out his swords and cut the bush and then he put his swords back in his sword holder. Vegeta: "what do you see?" Leonardo: "shh, I see koopa's, it looks like there, who's that ugly guy?" a koopa: "master bowser where do you want this?" Bowser: "over there." Leo: "I guess his names bowser." Then vegeta walks up be side Leonardo: "that's bowser over there." Then four more guy's come out of the bush and start beating up koopa's. Vegeta: "who are they?" Bowser: "well, well if it isn't the mario brothers, yoshi, and donkey kong." Vegeta: "hey you want to go down there and introduce ourselves?" Leonardo: "no I say we go down and kick mario and yoshi's butt's, remember what boshi told us? He said they were evil." Vegeta: "I still have a hard time believing that, we also need to take down bowser." Leo: "your right, let's turtle/lize them." Then vegeta and leonardo jump down. Bowser turns around only to take a nice kick from Leo witch sends him flying into a tree. Mario: "woh, who are you?" Vegeta: "your worst nightmare." Then vegeta kicks luigi and mario into DK and yoshi. then Leonardo pulls out both of his swords and starts chopping, he cut's a koopa's head off and kicks it into another one. Vegeta: "hey mario brothers, DK, and Yoshi, I would say goodbye to/ big bang attack!" then he shoots his attack at all four of them witch sends them flying. Leo: "man these koopa's sure have a lot of blood for little guy's like themselves." then all the koopa's smile at Leo. Leonardo: "what is so funny?" Then he turns around only to see bowser Bowser: "take this turtle creature!" When bowser tried to punch Leonardo who ducked, the Leo jumped up into the air and tried to slice him but bowser grabbed his swords and swung him into a tree.When leo got up from his great fall bowser kicked him 12 feet into the air then bowser grabbed leo by his left leg and started swinging him, then he threw him into a tree where he started pounding on his chest. then someone kicked bowser to the ground. Redy: "hey guy's, boshi sent me because you guy's were taking to long with the wood, hey where's vegeta." Then vegeta flew in. Vegeta: "ha mario and his friends were a joke." Then a green fire ball consumed vegeta witch made him cry out in pain and fall to the ground. Luigi: "take that funny guy." Leo: "why have you return, have you come to kick more people off the island?" Redy: "Leo what are you talking about?" Then yoshi, mario, and dk show up. Leo: "but boshi told me they were the enemy." Yoshi: "what that little lying, he must still be upset because me and mario beat him in kart racing." Vegeta: "Some how I knew that boshi was lying." Leo: "than if you guy's aren't the enemy than who is?" Then bowser's eyes open and he tries to do a jump kick on leonardo, but he does a back flip and bowser lands on the ground and turns around only to get kicked off the cliff into the water by Leonardo. Leo turns around. Leo: "we need to talk." So they talk for about 45 minutes. Vegeta: "so we'll meet here tomorrow at 2:00 p.m." Then redy, Leo and vegeta headed up the mountain. Leo: "redy I guess me and vegeta will stay at your place tonight. And then they went up into a tree. Vegeta: this isn't to bad. then they all talked and laughed for 2 hours and then they went to bed. TO BE CONTINUED
Chapter 6 - New Allies Leo began to wake up that morning. Leo: "hey redy, where's vegeta?" Redy: "you can just call me Droshi, but redy's fine to, well vegeta went out training somewhere." Leo: "I'm going to go out and do a little training myself. then vegeta came to the front of the tree house." Vegeta: "it's 1:47, it's time to go meet up with mario." leonardo: "what do you mean how do you know the time?" vegeta: "#17 and boshi are outside." Then redy and leo went down the ladder. Boshi: "good morning guy's." Leo: "I heard you were the one who got beat by yoshi." Boshi: "crud vegeta told you." Leo: "actually I was there." boshi: "vegeta said you were knocked out, that you got the tar beat out of you by Bowser." leo: "that's not true, I had everything under control." vegeta: "really is that why redy came and knocked bowser to the ground." Leo: "alright I'll admit he had me there for a second, not to mention when luigi shot you with a fire ball and you fell to the ground." Vegeta: "my back was turned that's how he got a hit." Leo: "when my back was turned, big bowser came behind me, did I get my shell waxed no, I jumped out of the way." Vegeta: "you still got smoked." Leo: "your being a hothead." #17: "you guy's had all this fun and you didn't invite me." vegeta: "I still cant get that image out of my head, when you killed all those koopa's." Leonardo: "I cant believe you told yoshi, mario, luigi, and DK you were their worst nightmare. How corny is that!" Redy: "that's enough we need to go meet the Mario's." vegeta: "ok let's go." Leo: "hey boshi where's goten?" Boshi: "he's with a doctor." #17: "let's go, we've talked enough." Then they started down the mountain. Leo: "so was boshi place a nice place to sleep at Android 17?" #17: "we never did go to his place, we slept out in the open because you guy's were taking to long with the wood." Then they waited at the meeting place for 8 minutes and mario and luigi showed up. Vegeta: "where's donkey kong and yoshi?" Luigi: "they are searching for bowser and his gang, what was that move called you did to us yesterday? And how did you do it?" vegeta: "it was called the big bag attack, and you must focus your energy, what about that fire ball you used on me?" Luigi: "same here it take's focus and energy." #17: "so you must be mario." Luigi: "no I'm luigi, and who might you be." Leonardo: "that's the android I told you about." Luigi: "so 17, vegeta, and leo are telling me your home planet blew up." #17: "yes it sure did, some guy named." Mario cut him off. Mario: "no need to explain leo and vegeta told us everything." Leo: "where's my bag?" Boshi: "I left it under a tree, don’t worry the only thieves around are koopa's." Boshi: "hey why don’t we go to my place and, wait leo and vegeta you guy's need to go to the east and get me a certain kind of wood. The rest of us will talk and wait for you." Vegeta: "ok let's go." Boshi tilts his sun glasses down. Boshi: "not so fast, I'm sending redy with you just incase you run in to any trouble. Redy will stop you from getting in a fight." Then leonardo, droshi, and vegeta headed off to the east to get the wood. 49 minutes later. vegeta: "why does boshi always send us to get the wood, does he have something against us?" droshi: "he does it to me all the time." Something runs by leo Leonardo: "did you guy's see that." Vegeta: "not again, now I know your joking." Then leo just run's off again. Redy/droshi: "I guess we better follow him." Then vegeta and droshi follow leo through the forest. redy: "there he is." Leo: "sh, more koopa's." Redy: "let's go down there and yoshi/lize them." Leo: "you mean turtle/lize." Vegeta: "they both mean the same thing." Leo: "that koopa just went in that warehouse." Vegeta: "great a bowser headquarters made out of wood, that's pathetic." leonardo: "we should get a closer look." So the three of them jumped on top of the building and listen through the holes in the wood. Bowser: "yes now that I have captured wario, yoshi, and donkey kong I will brainwash them and turn them on the mario's." Redy: "this is bad." DK: "you wont get away with this." Then bowser pushed a switch foreword you could here Wario, DK, and yoshi screaming in pain. Redy: "we have to help them." And with that vegeta flew up and blasted a hole in the building and all three of them jumped in. Vegeta: "bowser." Then he turn's the switch off and turns around. Bowser: "well, well, the green turtle and the annoying monkey, and there little yoshi." Leonardo: "you got lucky last time bowser but this time you go down." Bowser: "really, we'll see about that, my allies arise." Then yoshi, wario, and dk get up from there platforms. Bowser: "attack!" Then there eyes turn red and yoshi and wario take on vegeta and dk takes on redy. Leo jumps in front of bowser and pulls out his swords. Leonardo: "Let's dance." Then leo does a run and jump kick that makes bowser slide into a wall, then leo runs over and starts punching him. Vegeta: "wario, yoshi snap out of it." Yoshi: "hiss." Wario: "rah." vegeta: "ok, it looks like that didn't work." Then yoshi kicks vegeta making him fly towards a wall but before he could hit, wario jumps over vegeta and kicks him back to yoshi. Redy: "DK snap out of it, hey if you do we can go get some yummy bananas." Then dk smiles. Redy: "yes it's working." Then dk starts to change back. Redy: "yes!" Than his eye's turn back red. Droshi: "I always thought you were a freak, you went bananas in your head years ago." Then donkey kong gets angry again and kicks droshi into a pipe made out of vines and starts beating him up in the corner. After about 15 punches bowser finely grabs leo's hand and pull's him up and kicks him across the room onto some cardboard boxes Leo: "cant see." Then leo moves the boxes out of the way only to see bowser's fist coming down to punch him. So Leo jumped up and grabbed onto the side of bowser's arm and kicks him to the ground. Vegeta stands to his feet only to have yoshi grab him from behind and hold him. wario comes up to vegeta, wario opens his own gloves and spits on both of them and then wario makes two tight fists and start's punching vegeta. droshi finally kicks dk off of him witch makes dk slam his head, and he's knocked out. Droshi: "maybe when he wakes up he wont be brainwashed anymore." Then leo pulls his swords back out and tries to cut up bowser but he doges Leo's attacks for about 2 minutes, leo finely jumps up and kicks bowser to the ground. Leo: "looks like he's down for good." Then leo puts his swords in and as soon as he does bowser jumps up and rams him into the wall. After about 3 minutes wario kicks vegeta in the stomach and yoshi lets him fall to the ground. In a mind controlled voice/ wario: "let's finish this trash." Then vegeta jumps up and does a spin kick that nocks down yoshi and wario. Vegeta: "now for the finish." droshi: "no!" vegeta we need them alive they are being mind controlled remember?" Vegeta: "well it looks like they'll be down for awhile." Leo comes out of the wall and kicks bowser into some pipes made out of vines. then redy and vegeta join him. Bowser: "you guy's are pretty good, even you redy for a puny yoshi like yourself." redy: "thanks, but I couldn’t say the same for you." Bowser: "keep being a funny guy little one, well since you three have made it this far it's time for the real deal." Vegeta: "what have you been holding back?" Bowser: "no I have been giving it my all, let me introduce you to my fighting machine." Then bowser presses a button that opens a door when the door opens you see someone playing videogames. a voice: "yes that is my highest score!" Bowser: "bowser/jr! get out here we have company." bowser/jr: "five more minutes papa." Bowser: "get out here right now!!!!!" bowser/jr: "why don’t you make me." Bowser: "will you three excuse for a minute." Bowser: "get out there right now!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then he just turns of the videogame. bowser/jr: "that was my highest score, fine I'm coming." Then bowser and bowser/jr walk towards vegeta, redy and leonardo. then something explodes the bowser headquarters. After all the smoke cleared bowser/jr was missing and a man in a helicopter had him. Bowser: "no!." Leo: "bowser let's finish this." Bowser: "no, I'll make you a deal." Leo: "I'm listening." After about 1 hour. Vegeta: "so if you decide to join us just look us up." Leo: "and bowser........ we will fight again." Then the three of them walked off. Redy: "how can we trust him." Leo: "we have to, we have no choice. The more fighters the easier to take down glordge and his minions, jeez dk's heavy, vegeta you want to trade?" Vegeta: "nope." Leo: "how about you redy." Redy: "no way." So then the three of them went to a yoshi who could heal wario, yoshi, and DK. Then vegeta, leo, and Droshi walked to find mario and the others. Vegeta: "darn! where are they, that's it I'm going to fly up and see if I can see them." Vegeta looks around for a minute. Vegeta: "where the heck are they!" Then two plains come behind vegeta and almost crash because he was in there way. vegeta fly's down beside leo and droshi. Droshi: "do you think there dead?" Leo: "I don’t know." Then the two planes open and a fury fox and a bird jump out of the planes. bird: "what do think your doing getting in our way, and how were you flying like that?" Leo: "we mean you no harm." fox/creature: "well you’ve asked for a fight." And with that the creatures pull out there laser guns and start firing. Vegeta: "big bang attack!" vegeta shoots it at the fox creature. fox/creature: "deflector." Then the blast reflects back hitting vegeta and Droshi. Leonardo: "take this." Then Leo jumps up and cut's the ends off of the creatures guns and kicks them both into the water. Leonardo: "well that takes care of that." Droshi and Vegeta come running back. vegeta: "its already over." Vegeta: "leo you sure do know how to take down a simple enemy." Droshi: "we better go find the others." vegeta: "right, hey maybe there up by your tree house, redy let's go check." Leo: "why didn't I think of that." Then they walk up to his tree house. Boshi: "where have you been, and where's the wood?" Vegeta: "to make a long story short bowser." #17: "you guy's had another fight without me!" Then a huge ship comes down. Mario: "#17 our company is here." Then the ship door opens. Leo: "it's that same bird guy." Mario: "falco are you ok?" Falco takes his hand and brushes his feathers out of his face. Falco: "do I look ok!" Leo: "if your falco who was your buddy?" Falco: "Fox mccloud, or you could say starfox." Luigi: "falco why are you all wet." Falco: "why don’t you ask your green turtle friend." Then fox comes out of the ship wiping off with a towel. Fox: "you guy's." Vegeta: "we need to talk." 1 hour later. Fox: "ok so it looks like were a team against this glordge guy." Falco: "but how do you know he'll come to this universe." #17: "we were told by our friend uub before he exploded with the planet." Fox: "falco I'm taking #17 up to great/fox so he can help Rob fix the ship up, since krystal and slippy are gone on a trip." Falco: "fine with me, I'll just stay here." Then fox and juunanagou jump into the arwings and fly up to great-fox. 2 minutes. In space. Fox: "open main doors." Then fox and c-17 put up the arwings and go to the main room. Rob: "hello fox." Fox: "hey rob this is seventeen, he will be helping you repair the ship." #17: "you guy's can call me juunanagou if you'd like, so where do we start." Rob: "the main engine." Then rob and #17 leave the room. Fox: "let's see what's on TV." Then fox turns on the TV. Channel/9: "we bring you this breaking news live, to you john." John: "there are two guy's teaming up, one appears to be king boo and the other who calls himself maj." Fox turns the TV off and starts to doze off. 3 hours later. Back on yoshi island. Falco: "I should of brought my swim suite." Mario: "don’t worry when fox and 17 come back you can fly back up to great/fox and get it." Vegeta: "or you can just swim in your boxers, me, goten, and seventeen did when we first got here, but when we returned to earth I grabbed a pair." Leo: "they are still in my bag I brought." Falco: "so witch one of you arrived on this island first?" Leo: "I did, about 3 days before them." Falco: "darn I'm so hot, that's it I'm swimming in my boxers." Vegeta: "Boshi, where's the bags?" Luigi: "follow me I'll show you." Then vegeta and luigi walk off to go get the two bags. Back on great/fox outside by the main engine. Juunanagou: "ok were ready to transport the new engine." Rob: "ok." Then the engine is slowly put into place. #17: "perfect, looks like were done, the blasters were repaired and the main server for the computers." Rob: "mission complete." Then the two head back to the main room only to be startled by peppy hare. Peppy: "who are you, fox wake up we have an intruder." Fox jumps up and points his blaster at #17. Fox: "um peppy that’s not the enemy, he was helping rob repair the ship." Peppy: "wow, they sure did a good job. I thought you got some experts to fix the ship." #17 shakes peppy's hand. c-17: "you can just call me Juunanagou." Fox: "or seventeen, he's an android who was created by a brilliant guy called dr./Gero." Peppy: "why don’t you take a seat #17 and tell me a bit about yourself, other than how well you can repair things." #17: "ok." 2 hours later. Peppy: "ha ha! and slippy, falco, and krystal thought I was going to die, but fox knew what was going on." #17: "great story." Main/computer: "distress call I repeat distress call." Peppy: "fox, Juunanagou get to the arwings it looks like it's coming from venom." Fox: "let's go." Then the two rush off to the arwings. What could be the problem/ fox and seventeen will be the first two to find out. TO BE CONTINUED
Chapter 7 - Survivors In space. Fox: "darn!" We have been flying around venom for 45 freaking minutes." #17: "let's not leave yet, we haven't checked the whole planet." Then many aircrafts surround them and start firing. Fox: "let's attack!" #17: "who are these guy's?" Fox: "I don’t know but there shooting at us so they have to go down." 5 minutes later. Fox: "good that’s all of them but who were they?" Then 2 ships come down and start firing at fox and c/17. Then a music theme comes on. Starwolf: "hello fox, by the way thanks for taking down those goons." Panther/caroso: "hello fox how's life been?" #17: "who are you guy's." Panther: "well, well, looks like fox has a new member, by the way where's krystal." Fox: "she's on a trip, so where's Leon?" Starwolf: "he's back at the base." #17: "so what have you come for, if it's a fight you want let's get past the talking stuff." Panther: "you wouldn’t stand a chance new fox member." #17: "where did wolf get you, at the cat little kitties section?" Fox: "juunanagou that's enough, so wolf what do you want?" Wolf: "we have to go Panther." Then wolf shoots out a blinding bomb from his wolfen and they fly off. Fox: "let's head back to the ship." #17: "alright." Back on yoshi island. Luigi: "were back." Mario: "luigi what took you guy's so long, did you get lost?" Vegeta: "you could say that." DK: "hey Luigi" Luigi: "hey dk, are all three of you up?" Mario: "no, only DK." Falco and wario come out of the water. Falco: "Boshi take us to this goten guy so we can get him some real help." Mario: "yes maybe we can take him to Brooklyn or the mushroom kingdom for some help." Boshi: "ok let's go, hey where's leo and Redy." Then the two of them jump down from a tree. Leonardo: "we were just checking out the view of the ocean." Boshi: "let's go get goten." Then all of them walk towards the north to go get goten. 3 hours later. Falco: "finally were here." Boshi moves the leaves out of the way and they all walk into the cave. DR./Yoshi: "he's gotten worse I'm afraid." Mario: "we'll take it from here." Vegeta: "we need to get him to that mushroom place you were talking about mario." Luigi: "we'll leave first thing in the morning vegeta." Leo: "doctor do you think goten will be able to survive over night?" DR./Yoshi: "yes, I give this guy 2 days before he kicks the bucket." Luigi: "we might as well make camp guy's." Mario: let's go. Then all of them walk out of the cave. Falco: "someone has to go get some fire wood." Wario: "it sure isn't me." Mario: "luigi, vegeta, come let's go fetch some fire wood." Vegeta: "ha, if we run into a fight leo wont be joining in." Leo: "come on vegeta, bowser and his crew are probably asleep." Redy: "mario can I come?" Mario: "droshi you have to stay here and make sure the others don’t run off." Luigi: "ok let's go." Then the three of them walk off. 35 minutes into the trip. Mario: "so you came from a planet with something called the dragon/balls?" Vegeta: "yes and I was wondering if this planet had some." Luigi: "I've never heard of any dragon/balls, what do they look like?" Vegeta: "they are an orange shiny color and are round" Then a koopa comes down from a tree. Koopa: "hello vegeta, now about that deal, meet us down by the river we need to talk." Then the koopa jumps into the trees and runs off. Luigi: "Vegeta, what deal is he talking about?" Vegeta: "um." Mario: "let's go, you can talk on the way." Vegeta: "hey wait I wasn’t the one who made a deal with king bowser, it was leo." Mario: "what, I would expect that out of someone like wario, not Leonardo." Luigi: "let's go see what they want." The three of them run down to the river. Mario: "they must be in that huge cabin like thing." Vegeta: "ha, another cheaply made bowser headquarters, there's no way those koopa's could have made a new headquarters so fast. He must of had two built at the same time." Luigi: "so should we knock on the door." Mario: "I say we go through the vents." Vegeta: "mario I doubt that they have vents, I say we blast the door down." Luigi: "I think my idea would be the best." Mario: "me to." Vegeta: "I agree, and luigi your knocking." Then all three of them walk up to the door and luigi knocks 5 times. Vegeta: "what is keeping them, that's it I'm blasting this door down!" Mario: "vegeta no." The door begins to open. Vegeta: "take this!" Then he shoots out a blast that takes down the door and the koopa who was opening up. Vegeta: "sorry about that little one, now where's bowser?" Koopa: "down the hall to your right." Then the koopa falls to the ground, the three of them step in. Vegeta: "you would think they could at least get some candles to lighten this place up." Then a light pops on. Bowser: "ha ha ha ha ha! you guy's actually showed up." Luigi: "what's this deal you made with the one called Leonardo?" Bowser: "that's mine and his little secret." Mario: "so you tricked him." Bowser: "exactly, but it's to bad none of you will leave this place alive, oh and vegeta I have met one of your old enemies he is a very tough guy." Vegeta: "and who might that be?" Bowser: "let's just say he's going to help me rule the universe, ha ha ha!" Luigi: "I'm tired of hearing your stupid mouth, your going down." Bowser: "really." Then bowser jumps up in the air and shoots fire down towards the three warriors but all 3 of them dodge his attack. Bowser: "Now!" then many koopa's come charging in. Vegeta: "it looks like they want a fight." Mario: "if it's a fight they want, it's a fight they'll get." Bowser: "charge!" Then the koopa's start to attack. 5 minutes into the battle. Mario: "vegeta together." Vegeta: "right." Mario shoots a fire ball out witch forms with vegeta's blast witch takes down 4 koopa's. Luigi: "you three think you can take me on." 1/Koopa: "of course we can." Luigi charges them and loads up a green fire ball witch takes them all down. Bowser presses a button on a remote control witch makes cages come down on mario and luigi. vegeta: "hey bowser, you forgot about me." Vegeta powers up and fly's towards bowser and they start fighting for about 12 minutes, landing punch's on each other pounding each other to the ground. bowser wipes blood from his mouth. bowser: "I cant tell who's tougher you or leonardo, but I'll go with you." Still breathing hard as he speaks. vegeta: "I've taken on much stronger dopes then you, it's just my power level is low in this world." Then bowser jumps up and kicks vegeta into the ground. Bowser: "see you plumbers later." Then bowser jumps into a turtle craft and fly's off. mario: "vegeta are you down there?" Vegeta comes flying out of the ground. Luigi: "can you get us out of these cages?" vegeta: "I'll try, it depends how strong it is." Vegeta opens the cages with ease. Luigi: "let's head back to the camp." Mario: "it must be about 12:00 A.M, let's get that wood and head back." When the three of them got back to camp there was already a fire going. Mario: "boy do we have a story for them in the morning." Vegeta: "I'm going to go take a swim, I'll see you two in the morning." Luigi: "ok." Vegeta swam for 82 minutes and went to bed, what journey's lye ahead for the fighters. Next morning. Everyone is awakened by the loud noise of two loud arwings. Fox and seventeen jump out of the arwings. Falco: "hey fox, darn I was having a great dream." Wario: "it's only 8:30 A.M you guy's woke us up much to early." Mario: "hello fox, everyone get up were heading to the mushroom kingdom, everyone got up." Leo: "I'll go get goten." Then they all made five boats. Ten hours at sea. Boshi: "I wonder where fox and falco are." #17: "it's only been ten hours and you already miss them, there probably at great/fox." Vegeta: "what is great/fox?" #17: "there main ship." Leonardo: "so luigi your telling me bowser made all that up?" Luigi: "he must of, him and his fellow koopa's attacked us." Leo: "darn, now I know what c-17 feels like when he misses out in a battle." Boshi: "vegeta can you fly up and see if any pirates are anything is coming?" Vegeta: "don’t be foolish pirates were way back in the day." vegeta fly's up and a cannon ball almost hit's him. Vegeta: "pirates!" boshi: "what do we do, I think they want gold, hey yoshi's up." Yoshi: "I've been up for 15 minutes, what you didn’t notice?" Mario: "enough you two, we have bigger things to worry about like a bunch of angry pirates." Luigi: "vegeta and juunanagou you guy's can fly so why don’t you take them out." #17: "I have a better idea me and vegeta will give you and mario a lift to there ship, and all four of us will take them out." mario: "ok then let's take them out." Vegeta grabs luigi and 17 grabs mario and they get on the ship. Vegeta: "why did you fire at me?" Pirate: "this is all pirate territory now, so you might as well scam, unless you can teach us how to fly." Vegeta: "actually this is saiyan territory." Pirate: "really then we'll have to eliminate you." Then the pirate shoots his gun at vegeta and he catches the bullet and crushes it. Vegeta puts on his saiyan smirk. Pirate/2: "he must be an angel from the heavens, or worse yet a demen from below, the Darkness." Pirate/3: "why has god sent you?" The four of them look at each other and smile. Luigi: "he has sent us to tell you to get out of the seas" #17: "and he means fast, like right now." Pirate/4: "ok ok ok! we will I just don’t want to go down to the dark." Vegeta: "trust me, I send people down there all the time, that is my job up in the heavens." Pirate/2: "wait a minute, if you guy's are angles where's your wings?" Mario: "they are not visible on earth." Pirate/8: "ok go tell the captain we need to get off the sea's now, hurry go!" 2 minutes later. Captain: "what is this, these aren’t angles those two are the mario's, I don’t know who the other two are." Pirate: "I knew something fishy was going on." Pirate/6: "mate you mean to tell me them ain't angles?" Captain: "yes, now get these plumbers off my ship!!!" All/pirates 1-36: "ha ha ha ha ha!, there plumbers ha ha ha ha!" Pirate: "you want to fix our sink, nasty water seems to come out of it, ha ha ha!" Vegeta: "ha ha ha ha ha ha!" All the pirates stop laughing and begin to get a bit scared because they don’t know why vegeta is laughing. Vegeta: "ha ha, you guy's are a bunch of jokes sitting on an old raggedy boat with cracks in the wall, and who knows what." Pirate: "are you making a joke out of us." Vegeta: "what do you mean you cant make a joke out of a joke, you were all born a joke." Pirate: "that’s it!! Then he tries slicing vegeta 6 times but he doges all six and knees him in the stomach witch make him fall slam wham to the ground. Captain: "ok, this is how it's going to be, vegeta and the Mario's will die, you may still have a chance to join us." #17: "nah, as vegeta said you guy's are a bunch of jokes." Captain: "fine, attack!" All the pirates run towards them and start slicing but vegeta, luigi, 17, and mario didn't even have to touch them. finally the pirates got tired of cutting the air. Vegeta: "captain see what I mean, a bunch of jokes, and you’re the clown who taught them how to fight like camels." Then luigi jumps up and knocks all the pirates to the ground. Mario: "now for the finish." Mario jumps up and kicks the captain off the boat. #17: "looks like we can head back to our boats now." One of the pirates get's up and vegeta turns around and sees him. Pirate/3: "ah!." he jumps into the water. vegeta: "good, that's what I thought." Then they head back to there boats. Donkey Kong: "what happened?" #17: "well leo you missed out on another fight, these guy's had swords like you." Leo: "How did I know." 12 hours later. Mario: "we are here, the mushroom kingdom." Boshi: "I don’t feel so good." Wario: "it's about time we got here, I'll see you guy's later." Vegeta: "DK should of stayed with us, but instead we dropped him off at his island." Vegeta said to himself. Mario: "we better get goten to a Doctor." Leo and mario take Goten to a hospital. Luigi show's vegeta and boshi around the mushroom kingdom. Two women: "hello boy's." Boshi: "rah, hello ladies." Vegeta: "I don’t think they were talking to you, I think they were talking to luigi and me." Boshi: "I can never get a girl." Luigi: "just wait and one day she'll pop up." Boshi: "who?" Vegeta: "the woman that you desire." A little toad takes a guy's wallet and he doesn't notice, vegeta grabs the little guy by the arm. Vegeta: "hey don’t take things that don’t belong to, you got it." little/toad: "yes mister." vegeta: "excuse me sir you dropped this." Man: "thanks a lot." Vegeta: "your welcome." Two arwings come flying down from the sky. Boshi: "it's falco! yes he's back." Luigi: "so is fox." The two arwings open and fox and falco jump out, but fox is holding someone. Fox: "vegeta, goten saved us and he's hanging on to life by a thread." Luigi: "but goten's at the hospital." Fox lay's the saver on the ground. Vegeta: "that's not goten, that's, that's, go, go, gohan." At the tip of his lungs he manages to say, Gohan: "Vegeta I." then gohan smiles and falls unconscious. It looks like gohan has managed to survive his blast from bly, but what is his story? To Be
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