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Fan Fiction Dragon Ball: Chaotic Future
Mylember Saga, Part VII “Resurrections?”
The journey was uneventful.
The ship given to them by Bulma was nearly three times the size of the last ship that Miura and his companions had traveled in, allowing for more spacious quarters. There were three separate sleeping chambers: one was shared by Rika and Zellis, the second by Hanzo and Trunks, and the third was given to Miura. The other amazing feature of the orb-shaped space craft was Bulma’s patented gravity machine, which allowed for training in extremely high levels of pressure. This had proven to be Hanzo and Trunks’s preferred method of passing the time, and Miura was amused by how much his half-brother had come to enjoy Trunks’s company. Trunks had become something of an unofficial teacher to Hanzo, educating Miura’s brother in new styles of combat, and even attempting to help him ascend beyond Super Saiyan. Rika and Zellis also used their time together for training, though the two young women tended to avoid the high powered gravity chamber. Instead, the female warriors underwent a series of mental exercises that Zellis had learned on Galdria, focusing on building the power of the mind rather than the body. Zellis swore that as she spent more time performing the calming, meditative rituals, she could feel her own strength increasing, and Miura couldn’t argue, as he had also sensed his adopted-sister’s growing power. Miura spent much of his time alone in his quarters, reading and rereading information that was periodically sent to him by Dorian, who refused to let the future emperor shirk his studies. It was dull by any measure, but the half-Saiyan understood the importance, and even appreciated the distraction it provided, for when left alone and without something to occupy him, Miura would lose himself in dark, brooding thoughts. What if the Namekian Dragon Balls were also somehow lost? What if Mylember finally succeeded in destroying him? How were things faring back on Galdria? Those, and a thousand other equally disturbing questions, raced constantly through his mind, making for sleepless nights and slow, tedious days. Soon this will all be finished, he forced himself to remember. Clef and Seth will be restored and reunited with Twilight, Galdria will be rebuilt, and Elysia and I will finally be able to get on with our lives. Together. ________________________________________________________________________
It took six days to reach Namek.
If Earth had appeared as a shining blue sapphire in the dark void of space, then Namek was an emerald. The surface of the planet was covered in beautiful oceans of bright green, broken up by pale blue land masses. As the ship streaked through the atmosphere, Miura was astounded by Namek’s lush, beautiful landscape, teeming with life. “It’s gorgeous,” Zellis said, her soft voice filled with awe. Miura looked over at his sister, whose large green eyes were shimmering with amazement. “It almost reminds me of home,” she continued, flashing Miura a bright smile. “But more subdued, you know? More blue and green, less reds and purples and yellows…” Miura nodded, agreeing completely with his younger sister. During all of their journeys together as hunters, no planet had even remotely resembled the virtual paradise that was Galdria. Until now, anyway. Namek was full of life, but not industrialized and noise polluted like Earth, and it was beautiful in a raw, untouched way, lacking the thriving, elegant cities of Galdria. The ship settled gently on the soft, blue grass near the outskirts of a large Namekian village. The natives, having seen the ship as it descended from the green sky, cautiously approached, several of them obviously being warriors. As Miura, Trunks, Hanzo, Rika, and Zellis exited the Capsule ship, the Galdrian heir felt a slight tug in his chest. They all look so much like Clef, he thought, swallowing the lump in his throat. Soon, he reminded himself. Soon he’ll be back. One of the Namekian warriors, who Miura assumed was the leader, spoke something that sounded like a question in his native tongue. When his question was met with silence, he spoke again, this time stepping forward. “We don’t speak Namekian,” Trunks finally responded, unsure of what the green-skinned man was asking. “We came here from Earth,” the purple-haired Saiyan continued. When the Namek didn’t respond, Trunks tried a different approach. “I’m a friend of Goku’s.” At this, the entourage of Namekians, both children and adults, gasped and began chattering amongst themselves. The leader of the group of warriors said something to one of his companions, who nodded and flew off to the south. The remainder of the warriors walked calmly toward Miura and his friends, faces stern and unreadable. At a gesture from their leader, the six Namekians formed a circle around the travelers. “What the hell is going on,” Hanzo snarled, obviously on the brink of causing an interplanetary incident. “If one of these pieces of scum so much as touches me—” He was cut off by a cold glare from Miura. “Fine, I’ll not jeopardize our mission, little brother.” At another gesture from their leader, the circle of Namekians began walking, escorting the five companions toward the village. Miura, Trunks, Hanzo, Zellis, and Rika were led to a small, round building made from a hard, white material that was unknown to them. Once they were safely inside, the door was closed and bolted from the outside. “Great,” Rika muttered to herself. “We’re prisoners…” ________________________________________________________________________
The party didn’t have long to wait.
Barely an hour had passed when the door was opened again, and a tall, slender Namekian entered, dressed in red and white robes. He looked to be nearly the same age as Clef, though Miura couldn’t be certain, and he took several moments closely examining each of the people in the building. “I was told Goku was here,” he stated flatly, crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes narrowed slightly, and as if feeling his tension, two warriors from outside entered the building to stand on either side of the newcomer. “Would someone care to explain to me what is going on here?” The five travelers were dumbfounded, unable to comprehend what they had just heard. “You speak our language?” Zellis asked, relief in her voice. “Thank God.” She looked at Trunks, silently imploring him to explain their situation. It was, after all, him who had mentioned the name “Goku.” “There are still some of us who remember your tongue,” the richly dressed Namek responded, a faint smile on his lips. “Though most of my people have tried hard to forget those painful times, we still speak with admiration of Goku, who saved our lives from Frieza…” “My name is Trunks,” the half-Saiyan said, relieved that this Namek seemed to be friendly. “My mother said that we may be able to find help here…” “Dende,” the red and white clad Namekian supplied, staring intently at Trunks. “Please, continue,” he said with a wave of his hand. “Dende,” Trunks repeated with a nod and a wide smile. “My mother told me a lot about you.” Suddenly the Namekian’s eyes opened wide with surprise, and his dark green face paled slightly. “Your mother?! Is her name Bulma,” Dende asked, his voice filled with disbelief. When Trunks nodded, the Namekian ran forward and hugged him, causing Trunks to raise his eyebrow slightly. “Your mother was a great friend of mine, a long time ago! You really do look quite a bit like her, you know? Tell me, Trunks, how are the others? And why didn’t Goku or Gohan come with you, where are Krillin and Piccolo?” Seeing the look of grief that overcame Trunks’s face, Dende stepped back from their embrace, studying the half-Saiyan in the dim light of the small building. “I think we have a lot to catch up on,” Trunks replied, patting the Namekian on the shoulder. “Is there a better place for us to do this, Dende? My friends and I are hungry.” ________________________________________________________________________
The Namekians’ hospitality was unsurpassed.
Miura was surprised that the Namekians, who lived off of nothing but water, were able to produce such incredible dishes, and he knew that his opinion of the food was shared by his four famished companions. After the meal was finished, Trunks began his long, sorrowful tale, and for the second time in barely a month, Miura heard the grisly details of the androids’ rampage on Earth. Dende remained silent, though tears formed in his eyes as he learned the fates of his former comrades, Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo, Goku, and Vegeta. When Trunks had finished his story, the Namekian host remained silent, lost in old memories. After what seemed like hours, Dende spoke. “I’m terribly sorry to make you relive what must have been a nightmare for you,” he said quietly, his voice barely audible. “They were friends to me, but all of them were like family to you… How awful.” Dende turned his gaze to Miura, who had also remained silent as Trunks told of his mission, to restore Seth and Clef with the Dragon Balls. “As the spiritual leader of the people of Namek, I will allow you the use of our Dragon Balls,” Dende said, reaching out to take Miura’s hand. “May the resurrections of your comrades bring you some peace, for I sense that yours has also been a hard lot.” Dende stood and walked slowly toward the door, his body bent with grief. “The first of the seven balls is located here, in this village, and will be brought to you shortly. Your next stop should be the village of Urep, several miles north from here. Once their Dragon Ball is in your possession, the village elder will inform you of your next destination. When you have all seven, return here, and I will personally convey your wishes to Porunga, the Great Dragon of Namek.” The red and white robed Namekian turned to face Trunks before leaving. “I wish that our meeting had not been so tainted by this sorrowful news. Please, send my regards to your mother, Trunks.” Even after Dende left, the somber mood of the party could not be banished. It was finally decided that they would spend the night in the Namekian village. Once dawn arrived, the five travelers would set out after their first Dragon Ball. ________________________________________________________________________
It took over a week to secure all seven Dragon Balls.
Some of the village elders, unable to believe that Miura and his companions had been granted special permission to gather the balls, insisted on sending messengers to Dende. Thankfully, the messengers would typically return after only being gone a few hours, carrying not only affirmation of Miura and Trunks’s claim, but strict reprimands from Dende himself for obstructing what he called “a brave and noble quest.” Once the balls were all accounted for, Miura, Trunks, Hanzo, Rika, and Zellis wasted no time returning to the village where Dende awaited them. Miura and Trunks each carried two of the large, amber spheres, while Hanzo and the two girls each held one of their own. Each of the large orbs had a different number of stars set into their surface, ranging from one to seven, and Miura had never seen their like. Just as the party neared the village, all hell broke loose. A barrage of energy descended down from above, attempting to knock the five companions from the sky. Miura and Trunks felt the oncoming attack at the last minute, screaming out warning to their three comrades. It was too late. The air around Miura exploded in a flash of red energy, and he could hear the painful cries of his four allies as they all plummeted to the ground below. Miura lost his grip on one of the Dragon Balls as he plunged headfirst into the warm, green water of a Namekian sea. He heard another splash and realized that he was not the only one of his friends to find themselves under water. Zellis, Rika, and Trunks collided painfully with the unyielding ground, kicking up a large cloud of debris. Trunks was immediately back on his feet, still holding both Dragon Balls as another onslaught of energy tore through the air, heading straight for him and the two female warriors. Without hesitation, the half-Saiyan dropped the two spheres to the ground, crossing his arms before him in anticipation of contact. He didn’t have long to wait. The energy crashed into him, forcing him back as he tried with all of his might to protect Zellis and Rika. The barrage kept on coming, with no end in sight, forcing Trunks to transform into a Super Saiyan. As the golden energy sprang up around the young warrior, he dropped his defense, letting his powerful aura simply deflect the oncoming attacks. “Z, Rika, can you hear me?!” he shouted over his shoulder to where the two girls lay dazed on the ground. Slowly, Zellis staggered to her feet, pulling Rika up with her. “Take my Dragon Balls with your own to the village, now!” Before Rika could make an objection, Trunks continued. “I’ll send Miura or Hanzo after you with the other three, as soon as possible! Hurry! We can’t let the Dragon Balls fall into the wrong hands!” He was unable to see the girls as they gathered up his two Dragon Balls and flew off toward the village, distracted as he was by the barrage of red energy that was now slowly dying off. As the attack finally ceased, Trunks could make out his opponent, who floated in the air above him. “Mylember,” the half-Saiyan growled, allowing his aura to flare about him like a living, golden flame. “You can’t leave well enough alone, can you?” The Hevan lord only smiled as the lowered himself to the ground. “I must say, you and your friends pick the worst places for vacations.” He opened his arms wide, gesturing around him as he spun in a slow circle. “First Neth, then Earth, and now Namek? You do have horrible taste.” He stopped and faced Trunks, whose green, Super Saiyan eyes were filled with anger. “You can’t beat me,” the young Saiyan said with an arrogant smile. “I saw how you fled back on Earth, so what makes you think this will be any different?” To Trunks’s surprise, Mylember flashed him a mirror image of his own cocky smirk. “Foolish earthling,” the Hevan Lord said mockingly. “The only reason that I fled was so that you and your idiot friends would think yourselves superior. Besides,” he continued, taking a step toward the Super Saiyan warrior. “I was curious about Miura’s journey… Why leave his precious planet so soon after the conflict with Galian? And, of all places, why journey to Earth?” As Mylember spoke, translucent waves of crimson power began to emanate slowly from his body, and Trunks was stunned by the amount of energy that the renegade Hevan was able to call upon. “But once the five of you set out for Namek, then I knew. You see, even I have heard the legend of the magical balls of Namek.” “I don’t understand,” Trunks stammered, in awe of Mylember’s rising power. “If you were this strong, why not simply destroy us on Earth!” The Hevan laughed at his half-Saiyan opponent’s apparent fear. “Where would the fun be in that, boy?” he asked as a pillar of red energy rushed up around him, causing his long, silver hair to blow about his face. “It’s so rare for me to find opponents such as yourselves, you know. I didn’t want this little game of ours to end so quickly.” In the blink of an eye, the Hevan dashed toward Trunks, who was barely able to dodge aside. Mylember’s assault wasn’t finished however, and the Super Saiyan was caught off guard as two orbs of crimson power cut through the air in front of him, colliding with his body in a detonation of light. “But now, the game is over,” Mylember said softly, gathering two more balls of ki into his hands. “I can’t allow Miura or any of you to make a wish, you see. I must be the supreme power! None of you will take that away from me!” As Trunks lay on the ground, his clothing scorched from Mylember’s attacks, he shook his head. I can’t believe how paranoid he is, the Saiyan from Earth thought to himself. He just assumes that we’re going to use the wishes to make ourselves stronger! He’d never understand our true intentions, the selfish bastard! Just as Mylember was about to discharge his energy blasts against Trunks, an incredibly high power burst up from the sea behind him. As the maniacal Hevan turned to face this new opponent, he was struck dead on by a powerful blast of golden-yellow ki. Mylember screamed in frustration as he was drilled into the ground, and he was enraged to discover that he had lost his concentration, causing his attacks to dissipate. Trunks, still powered up to his Super Saiyan form, staggered to his feet, relieved to see Hanzo, also engulfed in a nimbus of golden energy, floating in the air above the body of green water, still holding his single Dragon Ball under one arm. That makes five, Trunks thought, smiling slightly to himself. “Where’s Miura?” he asked as Hanzo landed beside him. “He has the last two.” Hanzo shrugged, obviously unconcerned for his brother’s well-being. “I’m sure he’s fine,” the black-clad Super Saiyan responded, never taking his eyes off of the pile of rubble that now covered Mylember. “You sent the girls away with the other balls?” “Yeah, and I’m going to do the same to you,” Trunks said, feeling Mylember’s power rising once again. “He’s way stronger now than he was before, Hanzo. I think I’m the only one who can beat him this time.” Before Hanzo could protest, Trunks pressed on. “You have to get that Dragon Ball back to the village! If we can’t make our wishes, then this entire journey has been for nothing, don’t you understand? Just go, and let me handle Mylember.” Just as Trunks finished his pleading speech to Hanzo, the pile of debris over the Hevan exploded upward in a storm of red energy. Mylember stood within the tempest, his face contorted with anger and hatred. “Go, Hanzo… Now!” The older Super Saiyan nodded once, though in his cold green eyes Trunks could see the desire to fight. “I’ll take this ball to the village,” he said as he slowly rose into the air. “But I’m coming back as soon as I can. Not even you could stop me from beating some sense into this pompous Hevan.” With that, Hanzo flew off toward the village, a streak of light in the pale green sky of Namek. Trunks now stood alone, facing off against Mylember, whose power continued to increase. “Now we can really get down to business,” the half-Saiyan said as he began to call upon a power even greater than Super Saiyan. “You won’t leave this planet alive, Mylember,” Trunks said through clenched teeth. Suddenly, with a blaze of golden-yellow light, the Saiyan from Earth transformed into his Ascended level. Mylember wasted no time in engaging his opponent, who was now much more powerful than the Hevan himself. But I’m only getting started, the silver-haired warrior thought. And soon, I’ll have this weakling begging me for a quick death. ________________________________________________________________________
Miura was surrounded by cool, green water.
He had managed to hold onto one of the Dragon Balls, but the other had slipped from his grasp when the party had been attacked. Mylember, he thought darkly to himself. The Galdrian heir had known who their assailant had been, though he hadn’t been able to actually see the Hevan lord during the assault. The power, however, was unmistakable. Even now, as Miura searched the surrounding area for the missing Dragon Ball, he could feel the power of Mylember on the land above him. But he could also feel Trunks’s distinctive energy, along with the lingering traces of his brother, who had retreated from the battle for some reason. Rika and Zellis were nowhere to felt, and that worried Miura. It was then that he saw it: a slight glimmer of light reflected from the depths below him. Struggling to hold his breath for just a moment longer, Miura dove further down, nearly gasping in relief as he reached his missing Dragon Ball. Once the large, orange-gold orb was in his possession, Miura made his way to the surface of the green sea, bursting out of the water in a flash of amethyst energy. On the ground below him, Miura watched as Mylember and Trunks, who had powered up to his Ascended Saiyan state, went blow for blow with each other. Even though Trunks currently held the advantage, the evil Hevan refused to back down, and Miura could feel his intense power level increasing every second. A quick scan of the area revealed no sign of Rika, Zellis, or Hanzo, and Miura assumed that the other three warriors had gone ahead to the village with their Dragon Balls. I guess I should do the same, Miura thought to himself, casting one final glance at the two combatants below him. Just keep him busy for a little while longer, Trunks. Please… ________________________________________________________________________
Hanzo landed in the center of the village.
Zellis, Rika, Dende, and several other Namekians stood silently in a circle around the four Dragon Balls, which Hanzo now approached. As he set his own orb in place with the others, a second energy signature dropped down from the sky above. The Super Saiyan warrior spun around and assumed a fighting stance, prepared to protect the five balls with his life, if necessary. “Miura!” Zellis said, rushing to embrace her drenched companion. “I’m glad you’re safe,” she said, smiling as she noticed the two Dragon Balls he carried. “And now we have all seven!” She took the balls from Miura and placed them with the other five. As Dende approached the seven amber-colored orbs, they began to emit a soft light. “Miura,” Hanzo said, approaching his younger half-brother. “You can stay here if you want to, but I’m going back to help Trunks.” Before Hanzo could leave, Miura grabbed his arm. “I’ll come with you,” he said, staring his brother in the eyes. “Mylember’s power keeps on increasing, and it’s only a matter of time before Trunks finds himself with his hands full.” Miura turned his attention to Zellis and Rika, who stood beside Dende. “You remember the wishes right?” When the two young women nodded, Miura and Hanzo took to the air, making their way back toward the battlefield. “Let us begin,” Dende said softly, spreading his arms above the Dragon Balls. “It is time to summon Porunga, the great Dragon who will hear our wishes!” ________________________________________________________________________
The sky turned black.
Trunks delivered a crushing roundhouse kick to Mylember’s jaw, sending the Hevan careening into a large outcropping of stone several yards away. The half-Saiyan looked up at the darkened sky, instantly realizing what was happening. Miura must have gotten to the village with the last two balls! he thought as lightning split the blackness above him. The dragon is coming! Suddenly Trunks felt Mylember’s power level skyrocket, and the young Ascended Saiyan warrior knew he had made a mistake by not pressing his advantage. Mylember, whose strength was now nearly equal to his Saiyan opponent’s, tore through the air, closing the distance between them in barely a second. A powerful fist collided with the half-Saiyan’s jaw, and a knee in the ribs lifted him off the ground. Pressing his surprise attack, Mylember then delivered a thunderous backhanded blow to the left side of Trunks head, sending the young half-human spiraling through the air before he crashed to the ground. “Say goodbye!” Mylember shouted as he fired off a single, powerful bolt of energy in Trunks direction. To his surprise, however, another blast, golden in color and nearly as large as his own, struck Mylember in the side, causing him to stagger slightly to the left, and giving Hanzo the opening he needed to physically lash out at the silver-haired warrior. As the evil Hevan’s bolt of red ki approached Trunks, another form interposed itself between the attack and its dazed target. Miura, now glowing with the yellow-gold aura of a Super Saiyan, drew his fist back, preparing to knock Mylember’s crimson blast off course. With a shout of exertion, the Galdrian heir thrust his fist forward, taking the Hevan’s attack dead center, and sending it careening off into the distance, where it exploded in a blazing display of scarlet light. Not waiting to see how Trunks fared, Miura immediately joined his brother in a desperate assault against the powerful Hevan lord, who was currently making short work of Hanzo. Even with two well-trained Super Saiyans fighting against him, Mylember was laughing with maniacal glee. No matter how hard Miura or Hanzo tried, neither of them was able to land a hit against their red and grey-clad adversary. Mylember, on the other hand, had no problem, lashing out with blow after blow that connected solidly with both Saiyans. After one particularly powerful strike, Miura and Hanzo disengaged themselves from their opponent, hoping to gain some distance, but it was no use. Mylember refused to give the two Saiyans any respite, and he was upon them again, this time determined to end the battle once and for all. ________________________________________________________________________
The dragon arose.
Zellis, Rika, and most of the surrounding Namekians were speechless as the immense, green and yellow dragon filled the black sky above them. Large, heavily muscled arms flexed as the creature let out an earthshaking bellow, forcing those on the ground below to cover their ears. The dragon, whom Dende had referred to as “Porunga,” looked down upon his audience and spoke several words in the Namekian tongue. “Quickly,” the Namekian leader said. “Your first wish, what will it be?!” He looked over his shoulder toward Zellis and Rika, who remained speechless for several moments. “Hurry!” Dende prompted. “Trunks’s friends!” Rika finally exclaimed. “Ask him to restore Trunks’s friends, who were killed by the androids, to life!” Dende gave the girl a quick look of anger. “Porunga cannot do that!” he shouted. “Only one life may be restored per wish, didn’t you know that?” When both girls shook their heads, Dende cursed quietly in his native language. “Fine. We’ll use this wish to restore Piccolo to life, then.” When Rika and Zellis flashed him a questioning look, he explained. “If Piccolo is brought back to life, then the Earth’s Dragon Balls will be restored! You can use them to bring the rest of Trunks’s friends back!” Dende returned his attention to Porunga, who floated silently above them. After a brief moment to decide how to properly word the wish, Dende spoke to the dragon in the Namekian language, asking him to restore Piccolo the Namek to life. Porunga’s eyes glowed brightly for a moment before he growled a reply to the red and white-robed Namek leader below him. Dende cried out in shock, spinning around to face the two girls, his face contorted by disbelief. “The wish cannot be granted!” he cried out in dismay. “Porunga says that too much time has passed since Piccolo’s death, and he is unable to bring him back!” He dropped to his knees, as if weighed down by sorrow. “There is nothing that can be done for Goku or the others.” Tears ran down his face as he clenched his eyes shut. “They are lost to us…” ________________________________________________________________________
Miura’s saber was a purple blur as it attempted to strike Mylember.
Having forsaken his weakening Super Saiyan power in favor of his Galdrian energy, Miura was still unable to do more than irritate the psychotic Hevan warrior. At least he seems a little more cautious now, Miura thought as he took another swing at Mylember, who nearly lost his balance as he jumped away from the glowing blade of amethyst energy. If I can keep him distracted, Trunks and Hanzo may be able to come up with something! Trunks, who had rejoined the battle only moments before, stood beside Hanzo, both Saiyans gasping for breath as Miura forced Mylember back with his energy saber. The young Galdrian heir pressed his attack, his body surrounded by a glowing sphere of white and silver Galdrian power. “Amazing,” Trunks murmured, witnessing his first real display of the unusual, but powerful, energy. “I’ve never felt a power like that before.” He looked at Hanzo, who stood next to him, his face a mask of anger. “Does it bother you?” he mocked. “That your little brother is stronger than you are?” “Nonsense!” Hanzo shouted, clenching his fists in rage. “I’ll show my pathetic excuse for a brother what true power is!” The black-clad Super Saiyan’s blinding aura flared outward, forcing Trunks to stagger back and shield his eyes. “How dare he believe himself to be stronger than me?!” Hanzo bellowed from within the nimbus of golden light. Trunks gasped in surprise as he felt Hanzo’s power level increasing dramatically, approaching the same level of strength as the half-human himself. With a final cry of rage, Hanzo’s aura flashed and died down, revealing the startling physical transformation that had occurred. Hanzo had become an Ascended Super Saiyan. Sensing the tremendous increase in Hanzo’s strength, Mylember glanced quickly past Miura, where the other two Saiyans had stood in shock of the young Galdrian’s power. Where did they go?! the Hevan thought frantically, seeing no sign of Hanzo or Trunks. His answer came in the form of a bone crushing blow to the back of his head, causing him to stagger forward into Miura’s path of attack. The glowing saber of light flashed quickly toward Mylember, slashing the Hevan lord along the right side of his ribs. Mylember cried out in pain, sending waves of scarlet energy outward from his body, forcing Miura, who stood before him, and Trunks and Hanzo, who had snuck up behind him, to fly back in different directions. When Mylember stood safely alone, he began drawing on even more power, encasing his body in an artificial cocoon of energy. “Enough!” he shouted, hidden as he was by the blinding shell of light. “This will end now, Saiyan scum! If you hadn’t been so stubborn, perhaps I would have killed the three of you quickly! But now you will suffer!” Miura and his two Ascended Saiyan allies staggered to their feet, covering their eyes as the nimbus of light around Mylember grew in brilliance, even breaking through the darkened sky above. When the three combatants thought they couldn’t take any more of the blinding energy, the shell around Mylember began to crack, revealing a transformation even more startling than Hanzo’s… ________________________________________________________________________
The village trembled.
Namekians threw themselves to the ground in terror, covering their heads and praying in their unusual language. Dende was tossed down also as another tremor shook the ground below him, and Zellis and Rika helped him back to his feet. “That power,” he gasped, seeing is own fear mirrored in the faces of the two young women. “How terrible!” He shook his head, trying to focus on his current objective. “Hurry, you must decide on a different wish!” It was Zellis who spoke up. “Ask that Clef be restored to life!” she begged, shaking Dende by the shoulders. “Miura and the others could use his help!” Seeing the wisdom of the noblewoman’s words, Dende translated the wish to Porunga. Again the great dragon’s eyes glowed brightly before he nodded, speaking in the Namekian tongue. “It’s done,” Dende declared, wiping sweat from his forehead. “Where is he?” Zellis asked, looking around for any sign of Clef. “I don’t even feel his power anywhere!” The Galdrian again shook Dende, confusion in her eyes. “Where the hell is Clef!” “He’s not here, Zellis!” Dende replied, pulling away from her grasp. “All you did was restore him to life, so he’ll be wherever his body was left! Just use your next wish to bring him here, to Namek!” Zellis nodded, allowing Dende to translate the wish for Porunga. The dragon nodded again, telling Dende that the wish had been granted. Rika nearly fainted when a form shimmered into existence beside her. Zellis spun around, facing the newly resurrected Namekian warrior. Clef stood beside Rika, his eyes filled with confusion, both at his surroundings and his miraculous revival. “Clef!” Zellis shouted, running to embrace her resurrected companion. “I’ll explain everything later, but right now Miura and the others need your help!” She lightly shook the tall, green-skinned warrior, snapping him out of his daze. “Hurry, Clef! It’s Mylember!” “Mylember!” the Namekian warrior repeated, clenching his fists. Suddenly he felt the tremendous power in the distance. “Unreal,” he growled through clenched teeth. “How did he get so much stronger?!” With a final nod to Zellis, Clef took to the air, flying as fast as he could to assist his struggling comrades. “Your final wish, hurry!” Dende shouted as the ground shook again. “Miura and the others may not be able to hold the Hevan back any longer, and we can’t let him get this last wish!” Rika nodded agreement, looking to Zellis for her decision. “Ask Porunga to bring Seth, the merchant from Applicah, back to life!” ________________________________________________________________________
Scherez wiped sweat from his forehead as the Applican sun beat down on him.
“I picked a bad day for this,” he muttered as he continued to work on his hover bike. He sat in the sand with a toolbox before him, drinking water from a bottle that he let hang around his neck from a string. “Damn sun…” Suddenly, something caught Scherez’s attention. The ground several feet away from him seemed to bulge upward for a moment before flattening out again. “What the hell,” he asked himself as he stood and walked over to the area. “But this is where we buried—” Before the native Applican could finish, a black-gloved hand burst forth from the ground at his feet. Scherez screamed and jumped back, falling over his hover bike and landing on the sandy ground. Another hand sprang up from the earth beside the first, followed by a grey-haired head. Again Scherez screamed, running toward the subterranean home that he shared with Niena. Slowly, sputtering dirt and shaking sand from his short grey hair, Seth sat upright in his shallow grave. “Where am I?” he asked, looking around at his unfamiliar surroundings. “And where is my daughter?” ________________________________________________________________________
Mylember had changed.
The Hevan renegade, who had at first been slightly shorter than Miura, now towered over the three warriors, standing nearly eight feet tall. His body mass had tripled, causing his heavily muscled arms and legs to stretch the fabric of his red and grey jumpsuit to maximum capacity, and his once blue eyes were now solid white, with no apparent pupils or irises. The muscles of Mylember’s neck bulged out over the tight collar of his jumpsuit, and the once neutral, pale face was no set in a hideous grin of madness. The power emanating from the Hevan was almost tangible, and small bolts of jet black lightning coursed around Mylember’s now bulging body. As the Hevan lord slowly walked toward his three stunned opponents, the very ground trembled with every step. “Feel fortunate,” Mylember said harshly, his voice now filled with terrible power. “Never before have I had to reveal this power to any enemy. You are truly warriors of great skill and strength.” He clenched his fists and shouted, sending gusts of wind and energy at the three Saiyan warriors. “None can stand against the true power of a Hevan warrior!” “What can we do?” Hanzo asked, his body trembling slightly in fear as he attempted to stay on his feet, arms crossed before him to shield himself from Mylember’s power. “I had no idea that he was this strong! It’s madness!” Trunks remained silent, though he nodded in agreement with Hanzo. Both Ascended Saiyan warriors struggled to stand against the buffeting winds sent at them by Mylember, but Miura simply stood as if nothing were occurring around him. The bright aura of Galdrian energy around Miura flickered slightly, and he raised his saber before him, preparing to continue the battle. In the blink of an eye, the Galdrian heir dashed toward Mylember, flashing purple blade ready to deal out more damage against the Hevan warrior. The two clashed, causing the ground to buckle upward as geysers of energy broke through the surface of the land and water. It was a terrible struggle, with Miura constantly forced to defend against Mylember’s onslaught, unable to even attempt an attack of his own. The half-Galdrian was being slowly overwhelmed when Hanzo and Trunks leapt into the fray, throwing everything they could against the earth-rending power of Mylember. Suddenly the sky, which had been a solid black for the last hour or so, returned to its original green, and the ragged bolts of lightning ceased to streak across it. Mylember thrust his mighty arm toward the three exhausted warriors, forcing them back with the power of his will. As the three Saiyans slid to a halt, Trunks looked at the brightening sky and smiled. “The wishes are finished!” he exclaimed, flashing a grin at Miura. “We did it!” The Saiyan from Earth relaxed slightly, crossing his arms over his chest and assuming a confident pose. “Soon, my father and Goku will arrive, and you’ll be finished Mylember.” “Is that so?” the arrogant Hevan asked, a slight flicker of doubt flashing in his colorless eyes. “I don’t feel any more great powers here, so where are these friends of yours?” Mylember smiled grimly at Trunks, who now glared at the renegade Hevan lord. “They probably did the intelligent thing and fled, you know.” “He’s right, Trunks,” Miura whispered to his half-Saiyan ally. “I don’t feel any more high power levels around us, except…” The Galdrian heir cocked his head to the side for a moment, as if listening to some distant sound. “There is something—” Before Miura could finish, a bolt of concentrated blue and white ki came crashing down from above, striking Mylember and engulfing him in a storm of energy. A figure dropped to the ground before the three fatigued warriors. Tall, with green skin and pointed ears, and with a familiar energy signature that Miura could never forget; there was no question in the half-Galdrian’s mind who the newly arrived fighter was. “Clef!” Miura and Hanzo exclaimed at the same time. The Namekian warrior turned to face his two companions, a grim smile on his face. “Hurry! Mylember won’t remain distracted for long,” Clef said, returning his attention to the fading explosion of blue energy that currently surrounded the Hevan. “I really hope you guys have some kind of plan up your sleeves, because if not, I may as well have stayed dead!” “We’ve tried everything,” Trunks said breathlessly. Sustaining the Ascended Saiyan form was beginning to finally take its toll on the half-Saiyan, and on Hanzo also. “I’m not sure what else we can do…” “Trunks is right,” Hanzo said as his golden aura died off suddenly, and he reverted back to his normal state. “I don’t have anything left!” The black-clad Saiyan glanced at his half-brother, who was still shimmering with Galdrian power. “Well, Miura, what now!” The conflagration of energy that surrounded Mylember finally dissipated, revealing the form of the Hevan warrior, nearly unscathed despite the severity of Clef’s attack. He began laughing, and ran a hand through his long silver hair. “I have an idea,” Miura muttered, drawing upon the well of power inside of him. “Clef, Trunks, Hanzo, just back me up, alright?” Before the three warriors could give Miura an answer, he was off, looking like nothing so much as a blur of light as he sped toward Mylember. As Trunks, Clef, and Hanzo looked on, it appeared to them that Miura’s white aura of Galdrian power began to shimmer with hints of silver and gold. Small, golden bolts of lighting coursed around the half-Saiyan, and his jet black hair spiked up even more, as if he were transforming into a Super Saiyan. “What is he—” Hanzo began, but was cut off by a sudden flash of silver and gold light that emanated from the form of his younger brother. “Impossible!” Hanzo shouted, finally realizing what was occurring. Miura tore through the air, rushing toward Mylember as waves of power flowed through him. His hair was now a shining silver in color, and his body had become more muscular, similar to the changes that occurred during the Super Saiyan transformation. His clothing flowed around him, illuminated and glowing with a blinding amount of Galdrian energy, and his aura was composed of both Super Saiyan and Galdrian power. His eyes, which were now a pale, nearly translucent blue, glowed with rage as he readied his energy saber before him, its blade now flaring like a purple flame. “He’s combined the two powers,” Trunks gasped as his own energy returned to normal. He ran a hand through his long purple hair, his eyes wide with shock. “My God! I don’t believe how powerful he’s become!” “But something’s wrong,” Clef said, narrowing his eyes to better study his half-Galdrian companion. “Don’t you feel it? It feels like he’s becoming weaker by the second…” “You’re being paranoid, Namek,” Hanzo said with a smirk. “I don’t feel any lessoning of his power, if anything he keeps on gaining strength.” Perfect! Hanzo thought to himself. With a power like that, how am I ever going to defeat him! Damn it! “I’m not talking about this power level,” Clef responded, a look of worry crossing his face. “It’s as if his very life force is being drawn out by this new transformation…” He suddenly turned to face the two Saiyans behind him. “If we don’t stop this, Miura could die!” ________________________________________________________________________
Zellis could feel her brother’s life draining away.
She and Rika stood on a ridge overlooking the battle below, having arrived only moments before. Miura and Mylember seemed to be evenly matched, though her adopted-brother’s energy seemed to be using his life force to sustain itself. The battle would end soon, one way or the other. “Rika, something’s wrong,” Zellis whispered softly, her face pale and eyes wide with worry. Before the young human woman could say anything to comfort her companion, a bright flood of energy erupted up from the battlefield. “This is it!” Rika shouted as she was thrown to the ground by the immense waves of power. “Hold on to something!” ________________________________________________________________________
Miura plunged his saber into the Hevan’s heart.
A brilliant upsurge of gold, silver, and white energy surrounded the two combatants as Miura poured more and more strength into this, his final attack. Time slowed down for the Galdrian heir, whose body was now screaming with pain as its very essence was being torn from it and pumped into the devastating attack. Mylember screamed in agony but, try as he might, was unable to remove the flaming, amethyst blade from his body. The amount of energy that poured forth from the saber was simply too much, and both warriors began to cry out as the nimbus of light around them became more than they could bear. Then suddenly, as quickly as it had begun, the terrible display of power simply ceased to exist. Clef, Trunks, Hanzo, and even Zellis and Rika, ran across the battlefield, rushing to the side of Miura, who lay unmoving on the ground next to the body of Mylember.
To be continued…
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