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by Amy Riddell, 12
Chapter 1:
The black star dragon balls
Gohan only had to take one god damn measly look at the
pile of studies and books he had to read to blow up.
“darn it!” He yelled, raring up to super saiyan status.
“Gohan! I heard that, I’m not deaf you know. Get on with
it.” Chi-chi called up the stairs.
“God; I defeat Cell, lose my dad, break my arm, nearly
die, save Vegeta’s life and the world including mom, and
come home to THIS? Well thanks for saving the god damn
world Gohan,” He mumbled angrily, calmed down to normal
stage and sat down. But as he opened the first book he
got the shock of his life, there was a dragon ball in
there! “Er…. Mom, I think you’d better take a look at
this,” He said as his mother walked past with a pile of
washing-up and her stomach flaring out at all sides (if
you asked Gohan why then and there, he would have been
stuck for words.) Chi-chi smiled and said, “look in the
inside cover of the book,” she then walked off, sounding
like an elephant with the weight of her stomach. Gohan
was a little confused, but did as he was told. His
astonishment then was almost unmatchable, he read the
words over and over again, was he dreaming?
In the seven books you possess, there are seven dragon
balls with black stars on them instead of red, be
careful with these, they were made by Kami many years
ago, when he was still fused with Picolo, and he told me
to take them somewhere safe. You were my first option,
since I’m dead, these dragon balls also grant wishes,
but be careful because as soon as the dragon grants your
wish, the balls will be scattered all over the universe
and in a years time, if they are not brought together
again then the world will be destroyed. I miss you,
Love father
p.s. send my best wishes to your mother
“Wow, for a minute there I thought mom had finally lost
it,” Gohan chuckled, closing the books and hiding them
under his bed along with many other things he hid from
his all-eyes mother. Without anything to do Gohan simply
lay down on his soft bed and drifted off into an easy
slumber. When he awoke he found himself alone in the
house, frustrated and concerned for where his mother
was, hoping that he would find a note somewhere,
searched the house. But he didn’t, all he found was his
loudly snoring grandfather (the Ox king) snoozing in an
armchair. Gohan felt strangely relieved as he knew that
if his grandfather wasn’t running around like a complete
loony, his mother must be fine. He sighed heavily and
ventured outside to train as he was fully rejuvenated
(after a sneaky bar of chocolate).
Five hours went by, and Gohan began to worry again even
though his grandfather snoozed in the background. He
puzzled and puzzled on where his mom could be, but kept
hitting a dead end. He decided to try the impossible,
“Dad? Can you hear me?” He called out to the crystal
blue sky, not even daring to blink. “Yes Gohan, I can
hear you.” The concern in his father’s voice startled
Gohan slightly, but did not make him hesitate to ask his
question. “Good, have you seen mom anywhere? It’s been
almost seven hours since I woke up and found her gone,
I’m worried.”
“Er… I’ll try and lock onto her signal, to tell you the
truth Gohan, I’ve been concerned for Chi-chi myself, as
her energy is getting weaker by the minute, Oh, wait…
found her!” Gohan beamed with joy, “Where is she?”
Goku’s voice turned cold,
“She’s at the… the hospital. How….. Gohan, go quickly,
she might be hurt!”
“I will Dad, goodbye!”
“Bye son, and take care of her, no matter what.”
“You can trust me,” Gohan put his fingers to his
forehead and disappeared.
Chapter 2:
He rematerialized outside, wait a minute…. He was
outside the maternity ward. Then it all came to him, his
mother had been pregnant the whole time! A kind-looking
young woman put her hand on his shoulder and said in an
almost hushed tone, “Hi there, what are you here for?”
Gohan turned his head towards her and replied, “I think
my mom’s in here, er.. Son Chi-chi?” The nurse laughed,
“Oh her? The One who was sparring before her waters
broke? Daughter of the Ox-king? Hey wait a second,
you’re the kid who defeated Cell! I mean, I know Hercule
said it was him, but everyone in the world knows it was
you!” Gohan quickly turned away to avoid being attacked
by people asking for miracles (ha) again. He murmured to
the nurse, scarcely moving his lips, “Yes, but keep it
quiet. Where’s my mom?” The nurse looked grim, “She
needs time to recover, she gave birth to a,
“half-saiyan,” Gohan muttered angrily.
“oh, right. How do you know that?”
“I’m half-saiyan too.” God this woman was dim-witted, he
thought, a little irritated by her. “When will she be
allowed visitors?”
“A couple of hours.”
“OK, I’ll be back.” Gohan walked down the corridor, his
footsteps echoing through the hospital, hands in his
pockets, thinking. “Mom was actually having a baby? This
whole time? She didn’t even tell dad?” Gohan quizzed
himself with the same questions for two whole hours, as
he walked in circles through the empty hospital. He made
a sharp right to be careful not to bump into that woman
again, but instead bumped into a girl. Actually, bumped
into wasn’t the phrase that exactly fitted, he knocked
her flying. “Oh jeez, sorry, didn’t mean to bump into
you like that,” He apologized, hoisting the girl to her
feet. She looked at him and blinked her huge dreamy blue
eyes, she smiled, “It’s cool, I wasn’t really paying
attention to where I was going, hey, where have I seen
you before? Are you in a hairstyling advert? ‘cos
seriously, I’ve never seen a guy with that hair, except
that kid battling Cell…”
“Rambling.” Gohan put his index finger on her mouth,
shutting her up.
“Oh, sorry, I do get carried away sometimes, anyway,
where HAVE I seen you?”
“Errr.. nowhere,” Gohan turned away to avoid more idiots
asking loads of questions.
“Don’t worry, I’ll stay quiet, I promise!”
“OK, OK, I’m the kid who whacked Cell.”
“Wow, you must be pretty strong, y’know, since my dad
couldn’t beat him; he’s mister Satan y’know, my dad.”
“Mister Satan?” Last time Gohan saw Mister Satan (aka
Hercule); he was described by his Vegeta as “weak
sauce”. “No offence, very-loud-mouthed person, but your
dad is kinda weak.” Gohan folded his arms and looked at
very-loud-mouthed-person, waiting for her shocked face;
instead, she looked rather upset. He widened his eyes
and put his arm around her, “Sorry, did I upset you or
something?” The girl actually leaned against Gohan’s
chest, making him blush slightly, and said quietly, “So
you know? You know my dad is really weak? How many
others know that?”
“Well… I don’t really know…” Gohan thought, “Anyway,
what’s your name? It’s a bit useless calling you
very-loud-mouthed-person,” Gohan laughed, taking his arm
from the girls shoulder, to stop him going so red his
face would make the walls catch fire, “I’m Gohan anyway,
so I might as well know your name..”
“Rambling,” The girl murmured, and put her finger on
Gohan’s mouth, she smiled, “I’m Videl.”
“I’m sorry Videl, I do get carried away sometimes,”
Gohan joked, moving closer to Videl, letting her
jet-black hair rub against his face, sort of liking it
tickling his cheek. “Apology accepted, Gohan.” Videl
turned to face him, moving her face closer to his,
feeling his soft breathing on her cheeks as he stopped
her with his finger, “Wait, how long have we known each
“Long enough,” Videl grinned, moved his finger out the
way, moved closer still, closed her eyes, pouted her
lips, hoping Gohan would do the same…
Chapter 3:
It’s not over yet
A Harsh scream rang out in the hospital corridors,
making the ground almost shake, interrupting Gohan and
Videl. Gohan turned round, taking Videl’s hand and
protecting her, not quite sure what was going on. “Darn
it, there’s always SOMETHING to save, even when you’re
“It’s OK Gohan, you can do this anytime, you can’t save
the world whenever you want, it has to be done straight
“You sound like my dad, really you do, wait here.” Gohan
powered up and flew through the corridors to the source
of the scream. When he got to the cause of the scream,
he found his mother lying in the middle of the hallways,
in a pool of blood, and a small child with hair like his
father in the arms of… “Cell?” Gohan stared at his
mother, clenched his fists, his anger slipping, “DARN
YOU!!” He cried in a flurry of confusion, soaring from
super saiyan to ascended saiyan. Gohan’s knuckles where
white from confusion and anger as he threatened, “Drop
the boy.” Cell did nothing. “Drop the boy, NOW!”
“Or what?” He didn’t sound much like Cell; his voice was
raspy, low-pitched yes, but not as low as Cell. “Or I
will kill you again, just as easily as I did before
Cell, no games.”
“Ha, you really think I’m Cell? No way, I would never be
caught dead even trying to be my brother.”
“So, you’re not Cell? Then who are you?”
“I’m his sister, Vein.” Vein stepped forward, she looked
exactly like Cell, only pink and as she said, a girl.
“Look, please drop the boy, for god’s sake, he’s just a
“And you think I have mercy on kids? It was a KID who
killed Cell, and I’m out for revenge on the little slime
“Then I’m the one you want, pinkie.” Gohan stepped into
fighting stance.
“Oh really? You’re the kid who whacked my brother? HA! I
always knew he was weak, but that’s ridiculous; give me
your best shot.”
“First…” Gohan used the same technique he used on Cell,
and snatched the child from Vein’s arms. “I’d like my
brother back.”
“How did you do that?” Vein snarled, narrowing her eyes,
“I want to know.”
“And you ain’t gonna know.” Gohan let a smile play on
his lips as he stood back up. He quickly instant
translocated his mother and younger brother to safety,
hoping Videl had made it out. When he reappeared, he
found Vein with 7 study books next to her, she was
reading the note Goku had given Gohan. “No, the dragon
“With pretty black stars on them too young Gohan,
they’re so nice, I think I’ll wish for something,
actually no, I’m a bit tired of talking, YOU will.”
“No, I won’t, I’ll STOP you yes, but make the wish
myself? No thanks.”
“Uhuh, well I think when I show you this..” Vein held
out Videl and put and energy ball next to her head,
Gohan was shocked, “You MONSTER!” He cried, trying to
think of what to do next,
“Heard it all before kid.”
“Gohan!” Videl cried, “Don’t worry about me, think of
the consequences making a wish will have on us all! I
don’t matter!”
“Yes you do Videl, what do you want vein?”
“Hmmm let’s see, eternal life.”
“Very well.” Gohan summoned the dragon to him, wincing
as ash flew into his eyes, as Shenron revealed himself.
“Who disturbs my slumber?” The eternal dragon said in
his usual low voice. “umm… I did… Shenron.” Gohan
stepped forward timidly, not even bothering to look at
Vein, “I have a wish to make,” He said boldly, still not
even glancing at Vein, “No, Gohan don’t!” Videl
screamed, she watched in horror as Gohan wished for
Vein’s eternal life. “It shall be done.” Shenron
replied, the dragon’s eyes glowed blood-red, as he
fulfilled Vein’s wish. Shenron disappeared shortly
after; the dragon balls rose into the air, lit up in
their usual orange colour, and flew with the speed of
light to their individual planet. Gohan managed to grab
two of them before they rose, and another one while they
were in the air. “Four more to go, and it hasn’t even
been an hour yet.” He announced triumphantly. Vein flew
off, leaving Videl standing in the middle of the
hospital corridor. She ran towards Gohan; “I can’t
believe you just did all of that. For me.” Tears welled
up in her eyes, she stared at Gohan, “You were worth the
risk.” Gohan wiped the tears from her eyes, bent down
and kissed her lips tenderly, enjoying the sensation.
Chapter four:
Built into a spaceship
Gohan walked back and forth, back and forth, back and
forth again, clenching his fists, thinking. “How am I
gonna get these other dragon balls from the planets
without a spaceship or radar?”
“You mean how are WE gonna get them back.” Videl butted
in, “I got you into this mess Gohan, and I’m gonna help
get you out whether you like it or not.” Gohan looked
doubtful about Videl’s decision, but he needed all the
help he could get.
“Look, do you know the president of Capsule corp.?”
“Bulma? Yeah, she was a friend of my dad’s.”
“He sacrificed his life to save the world when Cell
threatened to destroy it by self-destructing.”
“Oh god, I’m so sorry.” Videl put her hand on his
shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze for comfort. Gohan
smiled and put his hand on hers, “I’m living with it.”
He said. He scooped her up in his arms and flew off with
the speed of an energy blast to Capsule corp. “Bulma?
You in here? HEY!” Gohan shouted around the main lab,
“She’s probably with Trunks, she hardly ever works since
he was born.”
“I didn’t know the owner of Capsule corp. was a woman,
let alone with kids.” Videl blinked and looked around
suspiciously, “Hardly mother material.”
“Well Trunks is just a baby, Bulma’s owned this place
since she was a teenager, long before Trunks came
“Oh, girls rule! I mean, this place is the BOMB!”
“Yeah, it’s cool alright, but the one who makes me
appreciate women is my mom…. She is actually scary
“ha-ha, I thought the same about my Mom, until she died
of course.”
“You’re kidding?”
“It wasn’t much of a loss to me really, she didn’t
exactly treat my dad and I the way a mother should, I
mean, when I was five, she engraved something on my
stomach with a red hot lance, it still hurts even now.”
“Let’s see it, maybe I can identify it for you,” Gohan
looked at her, concerned, worried even, for his friend.
“OK, but I warn you, it’s not that nice.” Videl lifted
her t-shirt just high enough so Gohan could see the scar
carved on the right hand side of Videl’s flat stomach
just above her belly-button. He grimaced. He had seen
that mark before. “I told you Gohan, but can you define
“I can define the darn thing alright, that’s the mark of
the red ribbon army. It’s almost destroyed my family on
many occasions.” Gohan clenched his fists, “How did she
“They say a legendary warrior with golden hair killed
her after she threatened to kill his son….”
“Me,” Gohan murmured. “It was my father who killed your
mother Videl, but that was a long time ago.”
“Of course!” Videl snapped her fingers, “I knew I
recognised you from somewhere!”
“Aren’t you at all miserable? That my father killed your
mother…. For me?”
“After what she did to me? Of course not!”
“Oh, it’s just, from what I remember your mother was a
nice person, there was just something wrong with her, a
disease that the late Dr. Gero planted in her body that
made her into a psychopathic cold-blooded murderer, my
father didn’t want to kill her, but I’m not sure he
wanted me dead all that much either,” Gohan’s face fell,
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh, I never thought it to be that way,” Videl placed a
quivering hand on Gohan’s arm, comforting him. “Don’t be
disturbed about it Gohan, I mean, everything happens for
a reason right? I mean, if your dad hadn’t done that,
you wouldn’t have survived to defeat Cell, you see?”
“HEY! Gohan! I haven’t seen you in a while! Who’s your
“Sorry Bulma, can’t talk for long, I need the radar for
the black star dragon balls.”
“Some villain thingy made a wish,” Videl added.
“Oh god, boys and their toys and saving the world! You
still haven’t answered my question Gohan, who’s the
“Her name’s Videl, and she’s NOT my girlfriend.”
“You’re red.”
“Darn it,” Gohan mumbled and covered his cheeks, he
smiled sheepishly at Bulma, “That doesn’t mean she’s my
girlfriend, besides, it’s warm in here,” he lied,
stepping forward, Videl rolled her eyes at Gohan,
“What’s wrong with you?” She laughed, “it’s not that
bad, last time I heard,” Videl looked at Bulma snidely,
“Bulma isn’t even married, and she’s had a kid, besides,
you haven’t even asked me out yet, so why go red?”
Gohan’s cheeks died down to their normal olive colour,
he sighed, relieved. Now it was Bulma’s turn to flush
scarlet. “Oh, er, I’ll just go get the radar, it’s built
into a spaceship I started building last week, when your
father got King Kai to tell me about them before he sent
the balls to you.” She hurried out into the left
corridor. “Thank you,” Gohan mouthed to Videl, she
nodded, “Haven’t you ever been in a situation like that
before?” She whispered, “Um, no, not really, I mean,
I’ve never actually had a girlfriend.”
“Hard to believe.”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” Gohan looked at
Videl, laughing her head off.
Chapter 5
The first planet
“OK, here we are,” Bulma gestured fondly towards a
ghastly spaceship standing on three steel legs in the
centre of the room. “Ew,” Gohan and Videl chorused.
“No offence Bulma, but, that thing is horrible,” Gohan
pointed at the machine, narrowing his eyes.
“Well it’s no George Clooney….”
“HUH?” Gohan and Videl were stumped, that was for sure.
“You don’t know who George Clooney is?” The kids shook
their heads simultaneously.
“Ugh, anyway, he’s no Jesse McCartney or Britney Spears
“Oh yeah, we know now!” Gohan and Videl started chatting
and nodding their heads at Bulma.
“Ugh. ANYWAY!” She shouted, catching them both of guard,
they stumbled, and fell into the hollow wall with a
massive CRASH, Gohan groaned and rubbed his head,
“C’mon, Bulma, lay off.”
“Yeah,” Videl butted in, “we’re KIDS, we gotta talk
sometime.” Then Bulma completely lost her mind, “look,
do you two want to save the world, or NOT?!” She
screeched at the top of her voice, which brought Vegeta
down the stairs, with a screaming Trunks in one hand.
“Bulma? What the hell are you playing at woman? Can’t
you see Trunks and me are trying to sleep? Honestly,
Gohan, I have no idea how you sleep with your stupid
mother at Kakarot all the time, when the clown was still
alive of course.” Gohan began to snigger at Vegeta’s
rambling, and Videl just stifled a giggle, with no idea
who Vegeta was, or what his ‘role’ was to other saiyans.
“I have no idea Vegeta,” He said, in mid-laugh, “I guess
I just get to sleep easily.”
“Well you would, your mother puts you to bed so early.”
“Does she hell?! I go to bed when I please, most of the
time I’m the one who gets the arguing started over
whether I should study or not.”
“I would vote strongly against.”
“Same here Vegeta, that’s why the arguing starts.”
“Um… hi? When you two are finished gossiping, we have a
planet to get to Gohan,” Videl scowled at the two,
wondering which was older, they were both the same
height relatively, and they both acted the same age.
“Oh, yeah, well, later Vegeta.”
“Bye kid.” Vegeta steadied Trunks, still whining, and
cradled him, rocking him gently.
That guy has really changed, thought Gohan as he
clambered unsteadily into the ship, ever since my father
died, he’s been far less arrogant, much more sociable,
and far more relaxed, maybe it’s just because he doesn’t
have to worry about my dad being there having to be
surpassed. “Gohan? Hey, you’ve stalled, you there?”
Gohan was awoken from his thoughts by Videl’s hand
waving in front on his face, he shook his head rapidly,
“Sorry, just, daydreaming I guess.” He carried on into
the ship. Some time later, about 2 million miles from
Earth’s orbit, the children found themselves on the
first planet, Zenzubus, inhabited by the hopefully
friendly Bavarianese. “Hopefully,” Videl repeated out
loud, “I know, it’s OK, I’m sure we’ll manage a few..
err… what colour are they?”
Videl laughed and put his arm around him, having to
stand on her toes because he was tall compared to her.
They walked out together, to these…. things.
Chapter six:
Friend or foe?
Videl looked around in disbelief, clinging to the casual
Gohan walking alongside her, the Bavarianese were so
strange, their skin began to change colour prior to
their mood, a screaming infant glowed orange, a happily
playing child was a sunny yellow colour, a sleeping old
man was pale white, and a male (that’s what she thought)
and his girlfriend varying shades of warm red and pink.
As for their appearance and clothing, what could she
say? Their antennae were so long they curled right down
their backs and to their heels, and they were all so
incredibly thin, they looked ill! Their clothing
however, was amazingly baggy and long, all white, and no
shoes. “Er, Gohan?” Her voice squeaked from fear and
scepticism, he looked down at her and laughed, “Are you
OK? What’s wrong? Bit weird for you? You seemed fine
when Vein and the eternal dragon came up!”
“That was because of the adrenalin in the moment!” She
pushed him playfully to the right, straight into a wall,
which set off a loud blaring alarm, causing a crowd
around the youngsters. Gohan scowled, and readied
himself to fight, Videl looked around fearfully, her
hands glued to Gohan’s shoulders, eyes widening more and
more which each passing moment.
A loud whisper began to sprout from the mob, Gohan then
noticed what was on their heads, this was why they were
different colours, they were all the dead from the other
“Psst, Videl” Gohan leaned over to her ear, “Listen,
don’t try to hurt these guys, they’re dead.” Videl
gasped, and almost fainted, to be caught by two strong
hands. &nbs p; Amazingly, they weren’t Gohan’s. Videl
grunted as she landed on the two strong arms that
prevented her from her fall, and looked up, now, it was
Gohan’s turn to step back in amazement. “Raditz.”
“Wait a minute, you know this guy?” Gohan nodded slowly,
then picked her up, giving Raditz his worst look. He
took Videl aside from the crowd, and whispered to her,
“Listen, he’s my uncle, but he’s a bad guy, don’t tell
him my identity though, I want it to be a surprise.” He
laughed inside, this should be fun.
“Hey, kid!” Raditz called out, “You’re not dead, what
are you doing here?”
“We’re looking for a dragon ball with black stars on it,
I’m sure you know of them.”
“I know of red-starred balls, but not the kind with
black markings, no.”
“Well, the ship lead us here, so we’re just gonna take
the dragon ball and leave thanks, the one in your
pocket. Raditz.” Radtiz took a step back, dumbstruck, he
began to pace towards Gohan.
“Who are you? And what planet are you from?”
“You’ll need your scouter to know who I am, but it was
destroyed about, 5,6, 7 years ago. By a saiyan and an…
er… namek, wasn’t it?” Raditz gawped, his mouth opening,
closing, and opening again. “I er, I…..what planet are
you from, boy? And how do you know of my brother and his
“You still don’t recognise me? I’m quite amazed, and
shocked that my own flesh and blood doesn’t know.”
“Allow me to show you,” Gohan powered up, let his hair
turn its bright gold colour, his eyes glowed green, he
stared at his uncle, and grinned. “Well?” Raditz didn’t
know what to do, he just kept stepping back.
“You, you, you’re a.. a.. a super saiyan! That’s not
possible! It’s only a myth!”
“Not exactly, four of us have reached it. The saiyan
prince Vegeta, his son Trunks, my father, and me.”
“Who, boy, are the mothers? If their sons have reached
this, they must be the most powerful saiyan women in the
“Oh, no, my mother is human, so is Trunks’.”
“Hold up, boy, did you say, this Trunks, his father is
the saiyan prince?” Raditz chuckled, “As if!”
“You got a time machine? I can take you to him if you
want, and if you climb aboard our ship, we might just
take you to Vegeta, but my father died a year ago.”
“You’re not Kakarot’s son then! A relief, his power was
strange, but amazing, his anger management was clearly
out of order.”
“Well, maybe you’ll recognize me when I fight you.”
“Eh?” But Gohan had already lunged forward, powered up
to super saiyan two, and landed an easy punch, right on
the side of Raditz’ face, he coughed as blood lurched
out of his mouth. He fell to the floor. Gohan landed at
his side, and peered down at his sorry face.
“That wasn’t the first time my father died Raditz, he
died many years ago, but was brought back to life by the
dragon balls, one of which was on my hat all those years
Raditz, mouth opened wide, showing the blood still
swirling around his mouth, he spat it out onto the
ground beside him, panting hard.
“You, you are the son of Kakarot?”
“Gohan. Remember uncle? You almost killed my father,
then tried to murder me. Is that any way to treat
”Is this?” Raditz cupped his hands over his mouth to try
and stop the bleeding. Gohan used his “Speed hand
technique” again, taking the dragon ball from Raditz’
He stretched out his other hand, and an energy ball
“You should be proud of me uncle, I have ascended super
saiyans status, killed the android my father could not,
and now, I will be your killer. I am only doing this so
you won’t bother my father when he comes here, and, for
revenge.” Gohan thrust his outstretched hand even
further forward, and blasted his uncle with huge force.
Raditz was never to be seen again. Gohan powered down,
turned to Videl and calmly said, “Just three more.”
Chapter 7
Technical difficulties
Gohan stumbled, flicking the odd switch here and there,
panic flying on and off his face. He looked a bit like
doctor Who, really.
“You look a bit like Doctor Who,” Videl giggled, as she
watched from the sidelines, Gohan’s head snapped to the
right, and it was clear he wasn’t in the mood for jokes.
“Something’s wrong with the ship,” he said anxiously,
wiping beads of sweat from his forehead, “The brakes are
shot, we can’t accelerate, steer or show the radar, we
need to leave. Now.”
“Are there escape pods?” Videl asked, trying to sound
like she knew what she was talking about, clinging to
Gohan’s T-shirt sleeve so she didn’t fall, he held her
tight, asking himself the same question. He had never
asked Bulma. This was his worst mistake, he decided, he
had sealed both of their deaths. He looked down at
Videl’s scared face, so close to him he could hear her
heartbeat and feel her breath, getting colder and
colder. A single tear ran down his cheek and onto his
shoulder, how could he just let her die like this? He
quickly wiped his eyes, and embraced her softly, he
sighed, “I don’t know, I never asked. I’m sorry Videl,
I’ve decided your death and the death of the Earth, I’ve
failed again.”
“Oh god, don’t say that! You don’t know yet!” She held
him tighter still, tears flowing out of her eyes now,
“Don’t give up on yourself just yet, it isn’t over, just
look for an escape pod, we’ll be fine!” She tried to
look hopeful, but her confidence in him was waning
slowly. He caressed her cheek gently, “It’s impossible
to keep track of how you’re feeling!” He kissed her
affectionately on the corner of her mouth, and piloted
her through the corridors. “Wait! Gohan!” Se shouted
breathlessly, “The radar! We need the radar!”
“Crap, I forgot!” He cried, “wait here, and don’t move.”
He disappeared and reappeared in seconds, the radar in
his hands. “Let’s go,” he took her hand again and ran
through the ship, took a left turn, steered right,
straight ahead, WHAM! Gohan rubbed his head, that’ll be
a bruise. “Gohan!” Videl exclaimed, gesturing to the
right, “look!” Gohan walked unsteadily over to where she
was pointing, success! “Thank you Bulma, you blue haired
idiot.” Gohan clambered in, whacking his head again off
the ceiling. Videl followed suit, only without the
head-bashing. “You’d think you were Captain Caveman the
way you’re going!” She nagged,
“Who’s he?”
“Never mind, got the dragon balls?”
“Yep,” Gohan tapped his jeans pocket, where he had
obviously stashed the dragon balls after he “over
killed” Raditz, Videl pushed a large blue button next to
the door, shutting it, while Gohan jabbed at a black
one, sending the pod flying off to their next
Chapter 8
Emotions unearthed
As they zoomed through space, Videl and Gohan kept
huddled close together since the temperature was
decreasing rapidly and because space was limited.
Suddenly the ship heaved forward, Videl held onto a
pipe, Gohan hit his head off the door. Jesus Christ on a
freaking bike, if I hit my head once more off an
inanimate object, I will SCREAM. He probably would, who
knew. “Hey, you OK?” Videl whispered gingerly, Gohan
groaned in reply, and cursed for all it was worth,
swearing like a sailor. Videl laughed, “Come on,” she
gestured to the door, “Try to do something other than
hit your head on it.” Gohan nodded slowly, still rubbing
his sore head, and exited the pod. When he got out he
nearly hit his head again, this time deliberately, they
were back on Earth! “Shit!” He bellowed, punching the
grass, cursing again, “What the hell are we doing here?
Shit shit shit shit! Godammit!” He pounded the ground
with his fists until they bled, tears started running
from his eyes out of their own accord, reducing Gohan’s
aggressive movements to shudders as he sobbed loudly,
and fell back, landing with a thump on the green. Videl
lay next him, wiped his tears with her sleeve,
“This must mean so much to you,” she said, trying to be
comforting, “I couldn’t do this, what you and your
family are doing, I couldn’t stand it.”
“I’ve been in battles like this since I was five, and
all of the battles have been won one way or another, I
can’t believe I’m being beaten down by an android!”
“Everyone makes mistakes Gohan.”
“No, it’s not like that, every time, almost every time I
got to take a shot at the saiyan Nappa when I was six, I
was scared, I held back, frightened. Then, when I was
battling Cell, if I had finished him off when I was
told, he would be dead sooner, and, I…” He burst into
tears again, “I would never have lost my dad.”
Videl gasped, her upper lip began to tremble, she
scooted closer to Gohan, put two of her fingers to her
lips, kissed them, and placed them on Gohan’s forehead.
The saiyan sign of love. Gohan opened his eyes and
stared hard at Videl, “How do you know that sign?”
“Your dad taught me it, I wouldn’t speak so he talked in
sign language, he was saying ‘your mom loved you’. Why?”
“Because that’s a saiyan mark, it looks like my dad
didn’t lose all of his saiyan programming.”
“Saiyan what?”
“A long time ago, when my dad was very small, he was put
in a sort of incubation chamber to be readied to come
and destroy this planet, he was being programmed by the
chamber to think of only destruction, no emotions, he…”
“Wait a minute, wait a minute, you mean to say your dad
was supposed to destroy this place?”
“Yes, as I was saying, he was sent to Earth to ensure
its destruction, but he hit his head on something, and
was thought to have lost all his programming. Vegeta
taught me that sign long ago when he was talking about
the saiyan race.”
“I see.” Gohan rose to his full height, and held out his
arm to Videl,
“Come on, we should find Bulma.”
“OK… you seem cheerful!”
“You got some good pep-talks, now come on! Let’s go save
this place, huh?”
“OK, you got it!” Videl grabbed his arm, pulled herself
up and ran with him, hand in hand.
