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a Tokui-Waza???
"If you
declared a Tokui-Waza....." is a line that we get
to see in a lot of cards nowadays, but is declaring a
Tokui-Waza really worth it?
You get a +1 Power up Rating (PUR), a mastery but
that's about it. Is
it really worth sacrificing the ability to use a lot of
the more powerful cards out there like Red Shatering
Leap, Saiyan Battle Terms, and Black Fore Fist Punch?
Let's take a close look at what we're sacrifing
and what we're gaining... let's look at the trade off...
yeah that's right!!
Even I picked up some words in high School o_0 The
We get a nice litle +1 PUR that makes a lot of
characters with a PUR of 1 playable, a lot of characters
out there wouldn't be playable due to low PUR unless you
declared a Tokui-Waza. The +1 PUR also helps you
strenghten your Main Personality (MP), specially when
that litle bonus happens to double your current PUR or
even reach that wonderful four PUR on your level one.
What's a Tokui-Waza with out a Mastery?
Scary enough, I've seen some of those decks but
lets not get int to that right now. A mastery will help
you throughout the entire game helping you focus on your
deck. I believe the Mastery cards are the biggest reason
to declare a Tokui-Waza because the +1 PUR by itself
just doesn't do it for me. We got the Masteries in
Trunks Saga but no other reasons to declare a Tokui-Waza
until Androids Saga was released. Androinds Saga gave us
wonderful cards such as Black Searching Technique, Sayan
Destiny and the wonderful Blue Betrayal. The only
Tokui-Waza decks out there before AS were black and red.
The “if you declared a Tokui-Waza” cards work
really well with the mastery of that specific style.
Every style got a litle bit of power with those
wonderful cards, but wich ones are the best ones? What
style has the best “if you declared a Tokui-Waza”
cards? and which style needs to have more? These are
three really good questions and the least I can do is
try to answer them... in other words is time for another
of those style analysis thingies ^_^ Black
Black got all sorts of goodies when those “if
you declared a Tokui-Waza” cards appeared. Black got a
nice little touch of disruption with cards like Black
Searching Technique, Black Gut Wrench, and the good old
Black Side Thrust. Black also got a couple of nice
little effects with cards like Black Draining Aura,
which allows you to gain 5 power stages, and Black Power
Up - a non-combat card that allows you to power upto
full and end combat at the same time. It was all these
new cards in combination with the Black Style Mastery
and cards like Black Fore Fist Punch that made Black a
dominant deck for a long time.... way too long for my
taste >.< Blue
Blue was not left behind either, it actually got
some power to make up for the bad mastery that it
received in the Trunks Saga. Blue recived cards like
Blue Betrayal, Blue Rush, Blue Terror and the random
Blue Battle Readiness. With these four cards Blue gained
the power to destroy allies and non-combat cards, end
combat, search your deck and discard pile for allies and
bring them into play, and even the ability to search the
life deck for any one card and place it in your hand.
Blue went from being the style with the really bad
mastery to being the style with a lot of good cards and
a really bad mastery... Take that Score guys '>.<'
Namekian got the Namekian Elbow Smash - a
physical attack that deals +4 power stages, powers you
up to full; and Namekian Forearm Smash - a wonderful
Physical attack that deals six life cards, costs three
power stages and allows you to place the top card of
your discard pile at the bottom of your life deck. What
else did Namekian get you ask? I don't know, lets ask
one of those hot shot Score guys... Me: So
Score guy, what else did Namekian get in the Androids
Saga to support the Mastery? Score
Guy: well it got.... it got... see the thing is that....
that.... *Score guy runs away* Will
you look at that, I couldn't have said it better
myself... you go Score guys and please get me some of
whatever you’re on!!! *_* Orange
Wanna talk about getting really good, powerful
stuff? Don't look any further, this is the style you
were looking for. Wow... where to start? *Takes a deep
breath*Let's start off with the ability to search your
life deck for any two drills and bring them into play
while performing a physical attack.... yes I am talking
about Orange Searching Maneuver.
Granted it is a physical attack, but this is THE
physical attack for Orange. Let's move on to Orange
Stare Down - an energy attack that removes a non-combat
or ally in play from the game. If you don't like that
one you will surely love these next cards. They happen
to be none other than Orange Uppercut and Orange Fist
Catch. These
cards say “I will stop two of your physical attacks”
and “I will perform a physical attack that deals +4
power stages and allows me to search my life deck for a
Energy Combat card and place it in my hand”.
What else can we give Orange?... How about some
anger?... sure why not? So Orange got Orange Rage, a
wonderful Energy attack for 5 life cards of damage that
also raises your anger 2.
Did you ever notice that the Red style is the
style with the shortest name? Let's try to keep this
short to match the name. hmmmm... Red got.... There I'm
done, really I am... I kid you not - I'm really done...
not joking here, that was it. That's exactly what Red
got to support the Red Mastery, not a single thing... it
did get Red Knee Bash - a physical attack doing +4 power
stages and if you declared a Tokui-Waza you gain one
whole anger, but this amazing card was balanced off with
Red Lifting Kick a physical attack doing +6 power stages
and lowers your anger one. That was it!! If it wasn't
for red's ability to gain anger when declaring a
Tokui-Waza this style simple wouldn't be around.... and
people complain about red players only winning by the
anger victory *gives Score evil eye* O.0 Saiyan
What does Saiyan get if you declare a Tokui-Waza?
hmm...I think it will be easier to answer what Saiyan
doesn't get if you declare a Tokui-Waza. We all know how
the Saiyans are all about bomb rushing your opponent but
my god... cards like "stop a physical attack.
Opponent loses three power stages" how about
"Physical attack doing +3 power stages of
damage”. This card stays in pay to be used one more
time" Saiyan simple got a lot of really... really
powerful cards, when these cards are combined with the
Saiyan style mastery it equals.... I'm sorry but there's
no word that can describe what Saiyan can do when it
declares a Tokui-Waza... lets try good old simple math. Really
good attacks + offensive blocks + ability to draw cards
while making opponent lose power stages + ability to
remove non-combat cards in play and keep non-combat
cards from coming into play (incase you don't know what
I'm talking about look at SS cards 197 and 198) = *shake
your opponents hand and say "good game, thank you
for playing"* ^_^ We've
seen what the styles can do when they declare a
Tokui-Waza and how well Namekian can do... not really
but it proves my theory about Score guys disliking the
power of "the green team". All the styles got
their secret tech (fancy word for cool stuff) and each
style can focus really well thanks to the 12 masteryes
we have.... Tokui-Waza = really goo cards + plus one PUR
+ Mastery card (gota love simple math) n_n The Bad
We've seen all the cool stuff one gets when
declaring a Tokui-Waza... now let's look at the bad, the
dark side of the Tokui-Waza, it's evil twin... MUWHAHAHA!!!
sorry about that, kinda got a little carried away. ~_~ Spoon
That was a term used a lot during the Mask block
in Magic the Gathering because decks were given to
one... is kinda hard to explain but what happens was
that with the new sets you were told what decks to play,
there were cards that worked so well together that one
had to build certain decks. It was a good thing for all
the new players but the more experience players were a
little upset because their decks were being built for
them by good old Wizards of the Coast... or that was the
opinion of most players at the time. The point I'm
trying to make is that with the masteries you have to
play a certain deck... your opponent knows what type of
deck you're playing the second you bring your Mastery
into play. We have been given two different Masteries...
that gives us a total of two different decks per style,
if that. Are we being tide down to play a certain deck
by declaring a Tokui-Waza? Think about it.... I know
thinking hurtzz and all that but let's try it... don't
hurt yourselves now @_@ Staples
Yet another wonderful gamer's term... a staple is
a card that has to go in a certain deck unless you don't
have the card or are simply.... well, not very bright
(notice I used a nice word to avoid saying s.... I
mean... silly 0_0) that was a close one, anywayz there
are staples in DBZ and we all know about them... you
don't believe me huh?.... seriously... the second you
declare a Tokui-Waza you're limited to a certain card
pool.... in that card pool you'll find cards that you
just have to use... still don't believe me huh?.... Fine
I'll do another one of those wonderful and long per
style thingyes, but this one's going to be short because
this is getting a little too long... I know it's a lot
to read but I'll make it worth your while... besides
you'll find some rather interesting news if you read the
entire thing.... I promise *crosses fingers* *_* Blue I said
I wasn't gona write much so let's just make a list.... Blue
Terror - any deck that declares a Blue Tokui-Waza simple
needs to have three of this card. Blue
Diving Punch Drill - *burts into laughter* sorry about
that but I just had to mention that great card
*continues laughing* That's
all that comes to mind besides the Cell Saga Blue Style
Mastery..... Black Black
Style Mastery from Cell Saga - is simple a +4 to all
your black attacks, the new one is ok but is not as
relaiable.... let's face it... it's not Black
Fore Fist Punch - card translates to pay 2 power stages
to deal 8 life cards of damage and 5 power stages...
yeah!! that's 2 power stages for a total damage of 13
O_O Black
Searching Technique - this card is simply amazing,
allows you to look through your opponent’s deck and
take out power cards. This is a card that you play even
if you're using City in Turmoil.... I'm not kiding is
just that good *drools over the card* is not even a
limit one per deck!!! *continues to drool* Black
Energy Web and Black Defensive Burst - two attacks that
if not stopped can shut down Orange Energy and Saiyan
Physical beatdown decks, respectively.
Black list can continue but this are cards that simply
go in every black deck... there are others like Black
Turning Kick and Black Knife Hand Strike but who wants
attakcs that can Block your opponent's attacks if need
it? *I was being sarcastic* Namekian
Style Mastery (TS) - let's face it... the new one allows
you to draw a card if you meet certain requirements but
this one says draw a card from discard pile and maybe
power up to full. Piccolo
or Nail - How great is it when a not so good style makes
you use two really weak personalities compared to
everyone else? You want to use a villian?... guess what?
You're stuck with Piccolo whether you like it or not.
You can't even make a Dende deck just for laughs..... We
don't hate Namekian... Bah!!! *trying to control
himself* Namekian limits you to 2 whole characters, is
the style with the fewest cards, most of the cards
simply s.. are not that good and you can only use
Piccolo if you want to be a villian.... BTW that's
thanks to a rule, otherwise you just couldn't have a
villian Namekian deck.... there I said it... needed it
to get that off of my chest... my hat's off to those
that can actually win a game with a Namekian deck
because even the Namekian Regeneration decktype is
easily stopped with a Breakthrough Drill.... some day
Namekian will be a playable style... I hope ;_; *NOTE:
Now Namekian Style is also useable by Cell, but that’s
another story. Orange Orange
Searching Maneuver - don't care what type of Orange deck
you're playing... you are using this card wheater you
like it or not. Orange
Fist Catch - is almost a Vegeta's Physical Stance, but
look!! is not a named card. Krillin
- wheather we like it or not we have to realise that
Krillin simply works really well with Orange... guess
that's why the Krillin in the Cell Saga does cool stuff
if you declare a Blue Tokui-Waza *slaps forehead* what
were you thinking Score? What were you thinking? Red Red is
anger or physical beatdown.... either wayzz you use the
anger cards because they work well with both options. Red
Blocking Hand - Stop a physical and gain 2 anger (and 2
power stages)... who wouldn't want such a card? Red
Energy Shield - One of the few if not only energy
blocks, plus it's a red card that powers you up to full Red
Back Kick - This old card has been forgoten by many...
this card is great against Orange.... besides it helps a
style that lacks energy blocks. Saiyan Here we
go again.... *takes a deep breath* Saiyan
Destiny - two physical attacks doing +3 Ooooo... yeah!!! Saiyan
Wrist Block - A physical block that can inflict 3 life
cards, that is simply yummy. Saiyan
Lightning Dodge - yet another really good block. Saiyan
Power Kick - A physical attack possibly doing +8 power
stages I could
keep going but I'm running out of air... the Saiyan
decks are practically built for you... look for good
beatdown cards and you will see the Saiyan decks put
themselves together right infront of you. Not to mention
that to declare a villian Saiyan Tokui-Waza you have to
use Vegeta because those other two Saiyans from the SS
are way too weak for a style that focuses on physical
beatdown. *NOTE:
Now Saiyan Style is also useable by Cell, but that’s
another story.
I've made my point on how every style limits you
to one of two decks... once you choose one of those two
decks you have to use certain cards plus the list of
staples..... your decks are almost build for you... It's
just no fun for a gamer that's looking for a challenge
when it comes to deck building.... then again this is
just the opinion of the lead playtester and game
designer. The
I alwayzz like weird stuff but is the following
weird stuff good or bad? For the weird I decided to talk
about Krillin and Android 19 from the Cell Saga... these
two characters introduce the new mechaninc in the Cell
Saga (personalities that are “if you declared
tokui-waza cards”) and is kinda cool if you ask me....
but is it another limitation to what decks you have to
build? It
would be really uncool if they only worked when one
declared that Tokui-Waza but the way they are works for
me.... they don't tie you down to any style but do get
better when you use that style... I will wait until I
see the reaction of players, but it is weird stuff none
the less n_0
The Tokui-Waza is a huge part of the game, like
it or not. While
Cell Saga toned it down, it introduced the idea of
personalities related to that game mechanic.
An experienced deck maker might have his hands
full, but he can experiment with new types of decks in
each style (except maybe Red...Bah).
Maybe Namekian will get some better cards in the
new sets coming out this year, but either way play the
decks you wanna play -- don’t be restricted by the
Tokui-Waza. This
article has been brought to you by IQ
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- All material copyright of Pojo.com. This site is not
associated with Cartoon Network or TOEI Entertainment.
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