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- A Score Guy |
2002 World's at Gen Con Report ... The morning
after ....
8.12.02 Worlds was our biggest tournament of the season, we had
over 300 players show up and ready to prove their skills. After 4 rounds of Tuff Enuff, 4 rounds of
Constructed, and almost 12 hours of playing we finally had the top 64 and were ready for day 2. On day 2 top
64 started at 8 AM and we also had a Tuff Enuff even with well over 80 players that started at 10 AM.
From what I can remember Walter (from FL), a Bag of Beans player and
winner of two Regionals, defeated Brian (from TX) in the finals. Once again Brian came in 2nd
place (that's 2 worlds in a row getting 2nd), I'm sad to report that Brian said he was going to retire after
worlds so we might not see him again next year at Gen Con. : (
It was kinda hard running an even this big but the help from
Stephen, a Canadian Judge and Kristel, an Australian Judge combined with all the help from our
volunteers helped a lot. I would like to give a super special thanx to all of those who helped us run this
even, I would try to mention all of your names but I just woke up and can't even remember my own name. o.0
Anywayzzz, I just wanna say one thing to all of you... Thanx
a lot MUNKEYZZZ!!!. ^,^
A special thanx also goes to Crhist Sabat, voice actor for Vegeta, Piccolo and many others and to Laura Baily
(think that's her name >,<), voice actor for Kid Trunks for coming down to the tournament area and
wishing good luck to all the players who weren't able to meet them because they were playing in this huge
event. I really hope I spelled her name right because
I wouldn't want a laser tag champion coming after me. ^_<
hmmm... what else to say?
There's one last thing I would like to say and that's that I'm really sorry that I wasn't
able to play against everyone who wished to challenged me but I was
super busy. I'm really sorry guys and me hopes it will be different next year, besides
y'all should consider yourselves lucky because I would have crushed you all.
....just kidding ^.^
Don't know if this tinny article makes any sense but I'm still trying to recover and my brain's kinda dead.
x_X I'll try to get a better article up soon but til then
y'all have to try to make sense out of this one.
IQ signing off....
PS: kudos to all the players that travel up to 28 hrs
by train to be able to make it to worlds, thanks to everyone for showing up and thanx for all the
Straining Rebirth Moves yall gave me. I do collect them
y'all know? : )