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DBZ Sagas Walkthrough
Ribbon Army Saga
So many fighters! It's fun!
Chapters 55-96, 42 chapters long, 3 2/3 books long
Fifty Five
Goku meets and confronts the Red Ribbon Army.
Summary: The first day of Goku's new journey, and it's really boring.
As Goku comes down to get a drink of water, he checks the radar, only
to find the Dragonball is closer than he thought. Around near the area
of the Dragonball, a group of men are searching for it as well. The
leader of them is a man named Silver, who is a colonel of the Red Ribbon
Army. He instructs the men to search the area around them for the missing
ball to thier collection. For 20 days, they've been searching in the
same spot, not finding anything but dirt and rocks. One of the men sees
a small boy coming down for a landing, when he says hi to them. Goku
stops and looks at his radar, to find a trace of his missing ball. He
seraches around a bit, but the men demand he stops, or he will get shot.
Goku feels around a bit under a rock, only to find the Hoshiroku, the
six star ball. The men gasp that they, for 20 days, searched high and
low for it, and this kid just walks up, sticks his hand somewhere, and
finds it. They then ask him to give it to him, or he will get shot.
Goku says no, so they use force, which Goku promptley uses a kick to
the 'ol gut move, making the man fall way backwards on the ground. The
other man fires a couple rounds at Goku, missing each time, and Goku
knocks him backward, as his partner did. The first man to fall, called
Colonel Sivler for help, to look for a cloud with a kid on it flying
somewhere. Silver came out just in time with a bazooka, ready to fire
on the kid. He fires, with a direct hit to it, exploding the cloud into
nothing. Goku is really mad that his cloud is destroyed by such a bad
man. Silver demands he gives the ball over, but Goku refues. Silver
tells him, "You're messing with the Red Ribbon Army now kid..."
while taking his shirt off.
Comic Fifty Six
Silver gets lots of help against the young kid. (4)
Summary: Silver demands he will get those Dragonballs, or Goku will
die. Goku refuses, so Silver quickly runs by and snatches them away.
Goku doesn't like that, so he snatched them out of Silver's hands just
then. Silver says that he is fast, but his strength is nothing to his.
After trying to do a punch, Goku, with his supplies in hand, kicks him
in the stomach. Silver tries to do a kick, but Goku jumps up, and kicks
him in the face, letting him lie on the ground. Goku goes inside the
house, and finds those capsules that Bulma had been talking about. He
throws one out, and out came a robot. He got to meet it, and asked for
a ride that could go by air. The robot told him to look at capsule 3.
Goku threw that one, and out came a plane. So, they hitched a ride,
and were on thier way. Meanwhile, back at the Red Ribbon Army HQ, General
Red and Assistant Black were discussing about the Dragonballs and world
domination, when suddenly, a man came in and told them that they were
contacting Silver right now. After hearing the phone ring, Silver got
up, and managed his way towards the phone. He talked with a man to talk
to Red, and Red asked what happened. Silver explained the whole story
of the little kid, which made Red become very enraged. Red then sentences
Silver to death. As they are flying along, Goku asks why he is so cold
now, and the robot replies they have gone farther south. Goku asks for
him to go up a little more, but the robot does nothing. Goku asks why
he doesn't do anything, and the robot replies he is frozen. Goku crashed
in the snow near Muscle Tower where White is at. He tells his men to
go search for the plane, but they find nothing. Elsewhere, a little
girl is bringing Goku back to her home, for warmth.
Fifty Seven
Goku attacks after Muscle Tower.
Summary: As the selected few under the order of General White search
the area of "the kid," Goku is dragged back to the house of
a little girl named Snow. When he comes to, they ask why is a young
boy coming around here for. Goku then explains about how the Dragon
Balls work and why he is looking for them. The family jump back and
demand if he is working for the Red Ribbon. Goku asks what is the Red
Ribbon, because the other guy (Silver) said something about that. Snow
explains about how the army is searching for them, and how her father
is working non-stop for the ball, since the army needed more searchers.
She explains that they cannot refuse, becasue their mayor is held hostage
in the Muscle Tower. Goku gets angry that bad men can get away with
that, when two soldiers of the RR crash into the house, claiming thier
trophy. Goku asks if that is Snow's dad, which she replies in a loud
scream of they are the Red Ribbon! Goku quickly defeats them both with
a blinding six punches and four kicks. Goku is ready for the fight of
his life (so far) and heads out the door. Snow is amazed that a little
boy can do this, when Goku comes back, completly frozen, saying that
his clothes don't keep him warm. He gets new clothes, finds out what
snow is, and then heads off to the Muscle Tower. As he gets closer,
the small army gets warning of his arrival, and start blasting off a
couple rounds. Goku kicks a couple down, then stretches out his Nyoboi,
and knocks everyone down. He then pole vaults up to the balcony of the
second floor and proudly smiles with his ever popular grin. Snow giggles
that he is going to defeat this small brat.
Comic Fifty Eight
Goku, on the third floor, goes against the Mechinical Cyborg.
Summary: As Goku tries to find the door to get in, General White, on
his intercom, yells at Goku for him to see if he is strong, and brave,
enough to survive all six floors. Goku says that he could, and bursts
through the first door he sees. A whole bunch of men get up from what
they are doing, and ask General White through a speaker/microphone if
they can kill him. White gladly agrees with the plan. The first man
comes, taking a some-what slow kick, but Goku blocks and kicks back,
knocking him out. Goku then attacks every person, except for one with
a gun. He tries to fire at Goku, but Goku performs the after-inage attack,
and kicks the man from behind. Goku says, after the man falls, that
it's getting hot, and he needs to cool off. We see White and Purple
together, exclaiming that the little kid won't even make it past the
incredibly strong Major Metallic on the next floor. When Goku arrives,
he tells Goku he can pass, only if he can defeat me. Purple then says
that he may not even last one minute against the Major. The fight begins,
with the Major giving a punch, but Goku dodges, and gives him one of
his own punches, knocking him back. Goku declares victory for him, but
the Major gets up, and traps him between his hands. Goku gets out, and
then kicks him so hard, the Major flies back to the wall. But, he gets
up, not even wimpering. Goku is terribly amazed at that.
Comic Fifty Nine
Muscle Tower, 4th Floor - Goku goes meets Purple. (5)
Summary: The Major gets up, and glares at Goku, while shortly after
giving him a kick, which Goku dodges. But, Metallic then punches Goku
so hard, he makes him bounce off and on the floor and ceiling. While
watching, Purple says that this has been about 2 minutes for the boy,
but he needs to die. Metallic agrees with him, as he tries to squash
him under his foot. But, Goku gets up at the last second, and jumps
to his head with a head butt. The Major falls over, while White and
Purple stand there dumb-struck, while watching Goku hold his head about
the hardness of the man's head. The Major gets up, and tells it is time
for him to die. Goku is amazed and tells him he should have competed
in the Tenkaichi Budoukai. The Major opens his mouth, to a wide and
huge size, and lets out a rocket missle. It appears that Goku is hit,
and the trio rejoice in thier victory over the strong willed brat. Goku
says that he did an attack similar to the Kamehameha. He jumps out and
yells he can do that too. He prepares, chants, and then fires the Kamehameha
at the Major, making him completely filled in the ki. After the attack
is done, it is shown that the Major's head and some of his clothes were
blown away. Goku is deeply sorry, and asks for forgivness. Purple is
enraged at such a stunt from a young boy, when the Major starts moving,
by placing his fist in front of his body. He then fires off a rocket
punch, barely missing Goku. He then tries to attack, but suddenly stops.
Purple and White conclude that his batteries must be dead. Goku heads
up the stairs to the fourth floor, when White yells at Purple to get
ready for his fight against him.
Comic Sixty
Goku fights against Sergeant Purple. (6)
Summary: As Goku enters the outside-like room inside the Muscle Tower,
he is attacked by a couple of ninja-like devices for a quick kill. Goku
asks who did that, when Purple says that he will be the man to end his
short life, and he won't even see him, since no one has seen him. A
couple shoriken are thrown at Goku, while Goku tries to figure out who
threw it. He spies it out, and throws one back at Purple, making him
fall out of the tree. Purple says he got lucky, and has to try now,
after throwing a smoke bomb at him, and quickly running away. He demands
Goku to even try to find him, since he has the cloak of invisiblity
on him. Goku walks a short distance, and then exclaims where he is hiding.
Goku is pointing to a tree, with an American flag in front of it, being
held up. Purple turns it around, showing what looks like part of a tree,
and says this is what it was supposed to be. He then tells Goku to turn
around and count to thirty, so he can hide again. Goku begins counting,
but turns around at 18 and asks what comes next. You see Purple beginning
to hide under a rock. He says it takes him 30 seconds for him to do
that. He gives a quick lesson in counting to Goku, and Goku quickly
begins. He then counts up to thirty, and begins the serach. As Goku
is walking around, he heres some breathing noises from a bamboo-like
stick under water. Goku goes to get some hot water, and dumps it down
the pole. Goku then says that he found him. Purple then asks if he can
match up to ninja speed, and breaks in a run. Goku quickly catches up,
but then the Sergeant throws small spiky stars on the ground, making
Goku hurt his feet. He then puts on those Japanese shoes, with one block
in front and one block in the back of the shoe, making him taller and
not on the stars. Goku then catches up and exclaims he wins again. Meanwhile,
White is upset that the Red Ribbon is being treated like this.
(4) The first major fight of the Red Ribbon Army, is between Goku and
Commander Silver. It is a short fight, with Goku as the victor.
(5) After about a five minute fight against Major Metallic, Goku fires
the Kamehameha blast, and quickly defeats Major soon afterwards.
(6) Sergeant Purple is a ninja, that has joined the Red Ribbon Army
to gain control of the world. His wild attacks amuse Goku, until Purple
has to retreat.
Book 5
The Awful Red Ribbon
Having no choice but to resort to a fierce attack, Jackie Chun releases
a huge amount of energy on the young Goku, causing him to look at the
full moon with his tail fully grown. He turns into a giant monkey, and
starts to destroy the arena. Jackie then blew up the moon with a Kamehameha,
making Goku resort to normal size. They resumed the fight, after getting
some new clothes, and after a long round, a double knock out came about.
Since both stayed down for ten seconds, they had to get up and say,
"I did so win!" Goku made an effort, but failed, so it was
Jackie who won it all. After a meal in a resteraunt, Goku flew off to
his new adventure, to search for his grandpa's dragon ball. He searched
and found a ball around an area where the Red Ribbon Army were searching,
and introduced themselves to Goku as thier new enemy. The first main
man of the Red Ribbon Goku faced was Commander Silver. Goku quickly
won, and went on his way, to the north. After crashing his plane, he
got shelter from a girl named Snow, and then went off. He stormed the
Muscle Tower, defeating the second floor with ease, and then defeating
Major Metallic after about five minutes. He then faced Sergeant Purple,
who amused Goku with odd tricks and attacks. Goku still has to win the
fight though.
Comic Sixty One
Goku fights Purple more.
Summary: As Goku awaits Purple's attack, White is yelling as loud as
he can on the intercom to hurry up and kill him. So, Purple pulls out
his katani, and flies in the air. Goku pulls out his nyoibo, and slams
it on the ground, in a vertical way. Purple lands on it, and gets it
stuck in his butt. Goku starts yelling that he has a tail just like
he does. Purple begs him to take it out, so Goku does it, being pure-hearted.
Purple quickly attacks with his katani again, and the two exchange hit
after blow between nyoibo and sword. Goku then jumps in the air, and
breaks the katani in two, horrifying Purple. Purple quickly jumps back,
sweats a bit, but then throws a a blade-boomerang type of weapon, which
Goku dodges and goes back, seemingly to paralyze his neck. Purple gives
a two finger salute on each hand, congratulating himself. However, Goku
starts to move a bit, then he gets up and hold his neck, where the blade
hit. Purple stands his ground, dumbfounded. Goku then makes a huge run
after him, making Purple run back in terror. Purple throws a couple
star-blade attack weapons at Goku, but Goku dodges and grab some off
of a tree. Purple waits inside for Goku, in his house. Purple asks if
he can be quicker than him by blocking with the tatami flip mats. Goku
thinks he can, and tries to hit him. He tries three time, but is dodged
each time by a tatami mat. Goku has one more, and while he throws it,
Purple reaches down for a mat, but gets hit in the head. He looks down,
and there are no more mats for him. While holding his head, Purple curses
the little brat.
Comic Sixty Two
Purple unleashes a major attack.
Summary: After trying to run away, Purple threw a smoke bomb, and was
halfway across a lake, on some floating shoes, while Goku was just starring
at him. Purple told him to not try and swim across, because there are
pirhanas in the lake. Goku just nodded and jumped across. Purple got
really angry, and agreed on his secret move. He whistled real loud,
and then yelled out bunshin no jotsu, or the legendary ninja split.
Purple then split into five of himself, each being the same strength.
One had shariken, another had a katani, another had a gun, and the other
two had nothing. Goku faught each and defeated every one. The ones that
lost were left behind, as the original one ran off, to go and activate
Android Eight.
Comic Sixty Three
Android Eight is activated. (1)
Summary: As Purple ran to Android Eight's cage, he opened the gate,
demanding that he goes and kills the little kid. Android Eight walked
out, saw Goku, and told him he didn't want to. Purple got enraged to
hear such a thing, and told him to hurry up and do it, as he was built
by the Red Ribbon Army. Android Eight still refused, so Purple told
him he would self-destruct him if he didn't attack him. Android Eight
thought, and then reufsed once more. Purple screamed in rage, and started
to run back away from him. General White gritted his teeth in disgust
of a waste of an android. Purple told him to bid good-bye. Goku woiuldn't
allow it, so he jumped in the air, and knocked Purple out, and then
destroyed the remote to blow up Android Eight. Eight told Goku he was
very grateful, and would like to take him to General White. As the were
walking along, Goku asked where the fifth floor was, and Eight said
it was hidden. Goku told him, "Thanks Ha-chan." Eight asked
why he said that, and Goku told him he liked it. Eight said he liked
it too, and wanted to be called Ha-chan. As Ha-chan and Goku entered
the sixth floor, General White asked them if they would like to see
the fifth floor? He opened a hatch, and both Goku and Ha-chan fell in
the secret fifth floor.
Comic Sixty Four
Goku and Ha-chan fall to the secret fifth floor.
Summary: As Goku and Ha-chan fell in the fifth floor, General White
told them to have a good time in there, having fun with the monster
that lured in there. Ha-chan told Goku not to worry, because there isn't
one. White then opened a door, revealing Buyon. Goku was amazed at how
big the huge monster was. Goku told Ha-chan he could beat him easily.
White then replied that no one has survived against him. Then, Buyon
swatted his tail at Goku, making Goku have to jump away, at the force
of it. Goku tried to punch him, but he was too soft. Goku exclaimed
about how soft he was, and then tried a kick, but the same thing happened
as the punch. Goku got thrown back so far, that he hit the wall. Buyon
then eletricuted him, making Goku very defenseless. Buyon then stuck
his tongue out and ate Goku. Goku jumped out, when Ha-chan was fearing
the worst. Goku then got so mad, that he fired a kamehameha at him.
But, he was so soft, that it just bounced right off of him.
Comic Sixty Five
Goku fights and defeats Buyon. (2)
Summary: As Goku stares back in horror of Buyon's amazing power, while
White and the monster laugh evily about thier victory. Buyon then walks
over and tries to eat Ha-chan. Goku then kicks Buyon's tongue, knocking
Ha-chan out. He then starts running, and then head butts Buyon in the
stomach. But, yet again, bounces off him. He crashes into the wall,
and comes up with a plan. He remembers how when he was with Snow and
she was talking about the snow being really cold, making Goku frozen.
Goku runs up to the wall, and punches it as hard as he can. A cold breeze
comes in, and Goku runs as fast as he can inside of Ha-chan's coat.
The breeze becomes so intense, that it freezes Buyon. Goku gets out,
and kicks him, making him crack into pieces. Goku then jumps as high
as he can, breaking through the fifth floor wall, and appearing before
White. He puts down Nyoibo inside the fifth floor, and pulls Ha-chan
up. White pulls out his gun, and then fires a couple rounds at Goku's
back. Goku is barely fazed, but very mad. He turns around, and then
screams out his attack on White.
Comic Sixty Six
General White is finally defeated by Ha-chan. (3)
Summary: As Goku is enraged as ever, White tells him to stop, so they
can have a fair fight. Goku says okay, and White goes in for the attack.
Goku dodges, and barley kicks him in the shin. It makes White go completely
crazy with pain. White then asks what's behind Goku, and Goku looks.
White then punches Goku, but Goku looks at him, saying, "That's
not a punch!" He hits back, making White bounce everywhere across
the room. He is knocked behind a computer, where a gun is placed. White
picks it up and puts it in his back pocket. He comes out and says he
surrenders. He goes over, and let's out the mayor. Goku think's he's
starting to be nice, but White then puts his gun on the mayor, saying
if anyone moves, the mayor dies. Goku doesn't like that, so he tries
to attack. White wasn't kidding, but he was lying about shooting the
mayor. He shot Goku instead, with a high powered bullet. It makes Goku
fall over, and black out. Ha-chan is surprised at White's attempt of
murder, so White tries again at his plan, but Ha-chan gets his leg in
the way, and blocks the death bullet. Ha-chan get's so angry, he hits
White out the window. Goku is happy that Ha-chan fought for the right
cause, as is Ha-chan. They all walk out of the tower, with Goku nustled
in Ha-chan's coat.
Comic Sixty Seven
Goku begins off to West City.
Summary: As peace restores to the village, Snow's father comes home,
and Goku gets to eat. They all can't thank him enough for his efforts
about saving thier village and mayor. However, Goku is still upset on
not finding the Dragon Ball. Ha-chan then brings out something in his
coat. It's the two star ball. Goku is amazed at what Ha-chan has, and
Ha-chan explains he found it in a hallway one time, and took it. All
of a sudden, the mayor jumps out of his chair, and asks if Ha-chan wants
to live with him. The android is so happy, he begins to cry (how do
androids cry? I don't know...). They finish thier meal, and the mayor
asks Ha-chan to come tomorrow. Snow invites Goku and Ha-chan to sleep
with them for the night, and they both agree. Goku tries to show them
where the other Dragon Balls are, but he can't get the Dragon Radar
to work. Ha-chan asks to give it to him, so he can try to fix it. He
opens it up, and is amazed at what great gadgets are in it. He can't
even fix it. Goku then says he'll have to go to the only one that made
it, Bulma. That means, he'll have to go to West City. They fall asleep,
while Ha-chan is happy under some covers with real friends. The next
day, everyone comes out to bid Goku good-bye, but Goku says he can't
go anywhere, because his Kintoun is blown up. An old man comes forth,
remembering his child-hood days of riding on clouds. He tells Goku that
Kintouns never die. Goku tries to call the candy cloud forth, and sure
enough, he came. The village people gave Goku food, and Goku started
on his way, happily eating what he got.
Comic Sixty Eight
Arrival and introduction of West City.
Summary: Goku finds out he's getting nearer, by seeing lots of people
and buildings in one spot. He sets down, and begins his search. On his
search, he accidentally walks out in the street, and is almost hit by
a capsule car. Goku walks around a bit more, and then asks a women walking
her baby where is Bulma. She gets confused and tells him to try and
ask a police man. Goku tries to search for one, but is picked up by
a taxi cab. The taxi driver asks where he wants to go, but Goku says
he doesn't know. The taxi driver then asks if he wants to see someone,
and Goku says he wants to see Bulma, but he doesn't know where she lives.
The taxi driver asks why he would drag him around no where, since he
doesn't know where to go, and kicks Goku out of the car. Goku waves
good-bye, and then goes over where a crowd is. A kick boxer questions
anyone to see if they can beat him. If they do, they get 1,000,000 zeni.
He demands for someone to come over, and Goku volunteers. Everyone laughs,
but Goku doesn't know what's so funny. The kick boxer tells him to just
go away, but Goku wants to fight. Goku then gets a really good punch
in him, but he says he just slipped up. Goku then kicks him in the chin,
and he starts to back off. He swings a punch back, but Goku dodges,
and then kicks the wall behind him so hard, that pieces fly everywhere.
The man gives up, and goku happily walks down the street. Two thugs
wait in an alley for him though, and demand to give them the money.
Goku says no, and head butts one in the head, and the other just gives
up. Goku then walks up to a women, asking where Bulma is. She doesn't
know, and says to go talk to that police officer. Goku gives her some
money, and asks the police officer where Bulma is. He goes through a
list of people, and finally ends up on the Bulma Goku knows. The police
officer takes him over to Capsule Corporation, where Bulma lives in
a huge house. Goku then yells out her name really loud.
Comic Sixty Nine
Once again, Goku meets Bulma.
Summary: Goku yells out for Bulma, but the police guy tells Goku that
he can talk to her through the intercom. The police officer calls for
Bulma, but they tell him she's at school. He tells Goku he'll have to
wait for her. But, all of a sudden, Bulma comes. Goku calls her out,
and she wonders who calling her. They meet up again, and she tells him
that she's skipping school now. She invites Goku and the police officer
in, to look around. As they walk around, they see various robots, plants,
and rooms, until they finally reach a room that looks like a jungle,
which is where her dad is working. He rides up on a bike, cigeratte
in mouth, and introduces himself as Dr. Briefs. He asks if Goku is her
new boy friend, and she completely goes nuts over that. So, they walk
on, to his work bench. Back at RR HQ, they get a picture of Goku, and
show it to Red. He is so angry at this, that he decides to kill the
messanger, or the person that brought him the picture. Goku is happy
about Bulma fixing the Dragon Radar. She decides to show off her new
invintion, which makes her really small. It is a wrist band watch, when
worn and pushed the right button, makes the person very small. While
Bulma's mama came in, she almost walked on Bulma. Bulma grows to full
size, and chews out her mom for almost stepping on her. Bulma's mama
then asks if Goku is her new boy friend, which makes Bulma go nuts again.
Bulma then yells that she is going to look for the Dragon Balls with
Goku, and is going to miss some school. Meanwhile, Dr. Briefs is working
on the police officers motor bike to go much faster. Bulma grabs up
her capsules and says good bye to her family and the police man. After
Goku calls for Kintoun, Bulma makes herself small, and hopes in Goku's
shirt. The police man flies off, as well as Goku, while Dr. Briefs makes
a discovery of his capsules missing. His "personal" capsules.
Comic Seventy
General Blue searchs after the Dragon Balls. (4)
Summary: As Goku heads on with Bulma in his shirt, RR HQ is watching
them very closely with their own Dragon Radar, watching Goku move to
the next ball. Red finds out that Blue is in that area, and wants him
to defeat the kid. Blue orders his men to change course, and head for
the kid. However, a man behind him started picking his nose, and Blue
saw it. He considered it childish, and sentenced him to death. While
changing thier course, Blue got a picture of the young boy, and considered
him nothing more than a simple task. Meanwhile, Goku and Bulma are flying
along, when Bulma tells Goku to land, so they can find out how close
they are. They start to land, and find out it's underwater. So, Bulma
gets out her capsules for a submarine, when she notices that they are
different from her others. She gets a liitle worried, but throws one
anyway. Out comes adult magazines of every kind. Bulma is enraged, as
she picked up her dad's capsules by mistake. Goku picks one up and wonders
why everyone is naked. Bulma snatches it out of his hands and shreds
it up. Goku thinks he can go get the ball, so he gets naked and flies
over where the radar says. He tries to go down, but doesn't make it.
He heads back to Bulma to regroup and figure out another plan. As Goku
heads back, he gets lost. Bulma, however, is found by Red Ribbon soldiers,
and is attacked by fireing bullets. One calls out she's a girl, and
they land. They both try to hit on her, but she doesn't like them. Goku
finally finds Bulma, and the guards quickly give chase to blow him up.
Goku knocks one to the ground and cuts another in half with his nyoibo.
Goku comes down and is happy to come just in time for Bulma.
Comic Seventy One
Goku and Bulma leave to go underwater.
Summary: Goku and Bulma draw closer to Kamesennin's island, so they
can get a capsule from him, when they finally reach it. Goku greets
himself to Kamesennin and the likewise back. Then, Bulma jumps out,
and grows big again, scaring Kamesennin. Bulma explains about her new
invention and how it works. She goes into detail about it a bit more,
while Kamesennin gets to try it on. Back at the RR HQ, Red and Black
find out that the ball has stopped on a mysterious island, and he wants
his men to go out there and attack it. Blue recieves the orders, and
is told to change course to the island. Meanwhile, on the island, Bulma
tells everyone that she's going to the bathroom for a minute. Kamesennin
waits a few moments, then walks inside. He quickly shrinks himself,
then runs under the bathroom door, and climbs up the toilet. When he
looks up, you can see Bulma's panties, with her pants down. Kamesennin
made it just in time to see her butt. But, all of a sudden, she pulls
her pants up. Kamesennin just missed it. He tries to jump down, but
is caught in the toilet flush. Bulma walks out, and Kamesennin comes
out of the septic tank of his own island, and then grows big again,
increasing the stinky smell. Goku looks up, and sees a ship come down,
and Krillin comes out. He replies he's been training a bit, away from
the island. Blue finds out that they are getting closer, and tells them
to go faster toward them. Meanwhile, Bulma and Goku explain to Krilln
what is happening, and wants to invite him along. Then, Bulma asks Kamesennin
for a submarine capsule, and he gives it to her. He tells her not to
lose it, since it is his last. Kamesennin, Lunch, and Umagame all day
good bye to the trio, as they go off on adventure. They fly off, and
Blue finds out that his Dragon Ball just went the other way, and the
person on the island is Kamesennin, and old man. Blue figures this will
be easier than he thought.
Comic Seventy Two
Blue attacks the enemies of the Red Ribbon. (5)
Summary: After searching a bit, the trio head under the ocean. Far away,
Blue watched them through some binoculars, and orders everyone to get
ready and go underwater, chasing them. He orders another squad to go
after the old man. He assigns them, and they all head thier way. Under
water, Goku gets out to check to see if everything is okay. When gets
back, he tells them that they have to go in a canyon. So, they start
heading down, but find out it's a small canyon. Bulma makes the map
on the Dragon Radar bigger, and finds out it's a cave. Meanwhile, Blue's
assigned men are drawing closer and closer to the island. Also, Blue
is heading right behind his enemy, never getting off track. After Goku
gets aboard, they head toward the cave. Blue begins his attack, and
orders to fire on them. They fire until Goku and company finally get
into the cave, safe from them. While going in, Blue finds out the submarine
is too big, and orders pod ships to be ready. Krillin exclaims that
they are near the shore of the cave, and have to get ready to get out.
Blue is hot behind them, never giving up. On Kamesennin's island, however,
he is greeted with un-expected guests, who demand to give the Dragon
Ball or his life.
(1) Android Eight aka Ha-chan, is activated by Purple, but doesn't like
fighting. He is saved by Goku from being destroyed.
(2) After falling on the mysterious fifth floor, Goku and Ha-chan are
attacked by a monster named Buyon, which Goku attacks by freezing it
to death, and then breaking him apart.
(3) Since Ha-chan doesn't like fighting, he has to stop General White
by hitting him out the window of Muscle Tower, never to be seen again.
(4) Blue, one of the strongest, and gayest, members of the Red Ribbon,
seraches after the small, strong brat with Commander Red's Dragon Ball.
(5) Since Bulma and Goku have found the next Dragon Ball under water,
they go under, with Blue shortly behind, firing every kind of missle
at them.
Book 6
Great Help from Bulma!!
After attacking Purple in his house, Goku finally defeats him, and moves
on up the floors with Android Eight, or as Goku likes to call him, Ha-chan.
After heading up to the sixth floor, they are dropped to the hidden
fifth floor, battling and then killing Buyon. They go back up to the
sixth floor, and then battle General White. White almost won over Goku,
but Ha-chan quickly punched him out the window, never to be seen again.
Goku is celebrated at the village, and then he heads off to West City,
the next day, to go find Bulma to fix the Dragon Radar. After searching
around, he finds Bulma and they both head off to the Southern part of
the world, searching for Dragon Balls. After landing, they are attacked
by the Red Ribbon, and rush off to Kamesennin's island, where they get
help from Krillin, and find the balls. But, Blue ordered some men to
search after where they landed, and then hold Kamesennin's guests and
himself hostage. Meanwhile, Blue is attacking Goku and his friends underwater,
barely making it in the cave.
Comic Seventy Three
Kamesennin fights Blue's men.
Summary: On Kamesennin's island, Blue's men question Kamesennin on where
the Dragon Ball is. After multiple times of replying the same answer
of no, they search his house, and find Lunch. They hold her hostage,
and demand to give up the ball, or she will die. Kamesennin then explains
his attack to the head man of Blue's soldiers, which catches him off
guard. Kamesennin gives him a quick punch to the stomach, hits another
with his fist, then his cane, then he knocks two on the ground with
an air split. He then makes a mad dash at two others, and kicks them
both to the ground. Soon after, a soldier starts fireing off his gun,
but Kamesennin catches every one. He drops them all on the ground, and
kicks him into the ocean. However, one soldier got a hold of Lunch,
and starts to threaten to kill her if he moves. But, Umigame has a plan
to make Lunch sneeze. He brings up a palm branch and tickles her nose.
She sneezes, changes personalities, and beats the guy up. She kicks
him while he is on the ground, while Kamesennin tells her that he is
defeated. She gives a quick spit and a show of the birdie toward him,
and walks away. However, there is one more soldier, a coward. He creeps
toward his ship, but is stopped by Kamesennin, asking him to stay. The
quickly replies a yes, and stays a bit. Meanwhile, Blue is still giving
chase to Goku and friends. Krillin surfaces on a small shore, and then
run away. Blue and a couple other pods surface as well, stopping for
a minute to answer Red. Goku runs down, while Bulma asks him to slow
down, becuase they don't know what's out there. They start to creep
down the wall, prepared to face whatever is there. Blue then assigns
his men to go and give chase to the little kid.
Comic Seventy Four
Everyone tries to avoid the pirate's traps.
Summary: As Goku and the others walk along, it starts to get darker,
when Goku presses a button, which makes lights come on. Bulma concludes
that others have been here, but for what purpose? Blue is confused as
well, as suddenly he's blinded by light. He forgets about it, and walks
on. Goku decides to play a trick, and puts a skull on his head, and
tells Bulma to look at him. She screams so loud, that Blue figures out
where they are, but doesn't know the exact location. He assings one
person to go out and see if anything is there. Krillin asks where he
got the skull, and Goku points to a skeleton, with pirate clothes on.
Krillin admits that this must have been a pirate cave. When they think
there is a treasure, the one man spy finds out the enemies location,
and reports to Blue. Blue is very happy of his discovery, and awaits
his spy. Krillin is happy to find a treasure, as well as Bulma. Goku
doesn't know what that is, and just walks on. Soon, they come to a room,
with about a thousand or so holes. Krillin doesn't mind it, and steps
on one of the holes, making a spear fly above his head. He figures out
that this is a trap, probably to keep strangers away from the treasure.
Goku doesn't mind it, and jumps over all of them. Krillin says he can
do that too, and in mid-jump, he hits the ceiling, and almost makes
his head get chopped off, by hitting it on the holes. The spy comes
back, and tells Blue where the people are, and to follow. Blue is so
happy, that he giggles and then declares Red will make him a higher
rank. Blue then tells everyone to follow the spy. They all run as fast
as they can, with Blue calmly walking behind. He then hears a lot of
screams, and goes to see what it is. He sees all of his men, full of
spears, and dead on the holey wall. Blue asks what happened, and one
comically says that they messed up. Blue tells him to just die. He finds
a secret passage to get around, and takes a short cut to the little
brats. Meanwhile, Goku and friends find themselves in a huge port, where
a big submarine is afloat.q
Comic Seventy Five
Goku and his friends are attack by the pirate robot.
Summary: As Goku, Bulma, and Krillin explore the underground port, Blue
shawdows them, and finds out where they will go next. He makes a small
remark, and Goku hears him. He quickly jumps back, and out comes a robot,
similar to a skull and cross bones, with pirate gear. He tries to attack
Bulma, but Goku gets her out of the way. At a distance, the pirate robot
sends out a barrage of machine gun bullets. Goku kicks him from behind,
and Krillin chops off his sword on his right arm, and then Goku tries
to hit him in the stomach, but the robot isn't affected and hits Krillin.
Blue concludes that they have no chance of winning. Krillin tells Goku
to look out, because it isn't human. Goku tells them to get out, after
the robot shoots bullets at him, which Goku dodges and kicks him in
the water. Krillin and Bulma run out, with Blue following behind. Goku
goes to see if the robot is still there, which the robot replies with
his tentacle rapping around Goku's leg. He pulls him under, and electricutes
Goku. Goku gets mad, but is losing air. He climbs out of the water,
and looks up. He can hide on the top of the building that is there.
He stretches out his nyoibo, and waits at the top. The robot jumps out
and tries to look for Goku. Goku makes his attack, by jumping off the
building, and hitting the robot silly. The robot blows up, and the impact
is so hard, that the whole place starts to collapse. Krillin writes
on the ground which way they went at the two way intersection. Blue
comes from behind, and sees what he wrote. He erases it, and puts the
arrow the other way, and runs after them. Goku comes, and sees the arrow.
So, he runs the opposite way.
Comic Seventy Six
Goku's friends are confronted by Blue.
Summary: Goku takes the opposite of where Krillin and Bulma headed,
while Krillin and Bulma are confronted with a dead-end, and must dive
under water. They begin to swim and try to find the surface, when Blue
comes to find the same obstacle. He takes off his shirt, and dives under.
Goku faster and faster, until he has to stop to a wall. He wonders where
Krillin and Bulma went, when a trap door opened, and he fell into it.
He drops on an octupus, and quickly jumps on a cliff. He asks if he
is some kind of squid, when the octupus tells he is an ocutpus. The
octupus tells him he hasn't eaten in a while, and will gladly take him.
He wraps Goku up, and starts to begin his thrashing. Goku is severly
beaten, when he tells him he's gonna fire him up. He yells out Kamehameha,
and leaves the octupus totally cooked. Meawhile, short on breath, Krillin
and Bulma surface, to find a treasure chest. Shortly after, their celebrating
is stopped, when Blue surfaces, and finds his prey cornered. Bulma is
delighted to see such a strong man come. She wraps her arms around him,
but Blue jumps back away. Bulma is disgusted then, that it's a strong,
gay, guy. Krillin then tells him he is going to beat him up, but Blue
thinks not. However, due to Krillin's problem, Goku is happily eating
fried octupus, such a delicacy found in Japan. But then, he hears a
girl scream, and stops his frenzy feeding. Krillin is getting severly
beat up, while Blue doesn't have a scratch. But, Krillin is no quitter,
and begins another attack, which Blue stops. Goku tells him he's coming,
and dives under water.
Comic Seventy Seven
Blue attacks and defeats Goku.
Summary: Krillin is definitly not looking for the best, as he can't
seem to harm Blue. Blue tells him to just give up and hand over his
Dragon Ball now, which Krillin replies with an all-out attack. He runs
as fast as he can at Blue, but then performs an after-image attack,
and jumps into the air, then landing his foot on Blue's face. Bulma
is over-joyed at Krillin's accomplishment, opposed to how Blue feels.
Krillin is happy he finally scared Blue and hit him. Blue hunches over,
to spy at what liquid came out of him. He feels his nose, and examines
what came. Blood. And how, Blue hates to see blood so much, especially
his own. He gets totally creeped out, and plugs his nose up, and starts
his signature move. His eyes flash a blinding light, making Krillin
totally frozen. Blue steps up to Krillin, about to pound him into a
pulp. Goku's still swimming, while Krillin is getting kicked, punched,
and maimed in every way possible. Blue steps up again, to hit Krillin,
while Bulma watches on, horrified. Blue sees that the cave is about
to collapse, and decides to finish his task up. Bulma gets an idea,
and starts to jiggle her butt at him, which completly scares him away,
getting disgusted at the sight of a girl. Bulma is then jaw-dropped
to find out he really is gay! She then makes him even more disgusted
and angry, telling him he can look at her panties, when he demands her
to get away, which Bulma does. Blue then picks up a rock, sliently gliding
over his opponent, ready to go in for the kill. He bgins to drop, when
Goku appears, and jumps out of the water before him. Bulma tells him
to fight him, because he is part of the Red Ribbon. Blue is happy to
finally meet his original target at last, and finally ready to get rid
of him. Blue tries to kick, but Goku dodges, jumps off the wall, and
hits him from behind. This makes Blue mad, and performs his forzen body
attack, which works on Goku, making himi totally frozen. Blue then picks
up his rock, and heads toward Goku.
Comic Seventy Eight
Goku breaks out of Blue's hold and fights back. (1)
Summary: Goku becomes totally frozen, not having any way to fight back,
while Blue comes closer to Goku's death. He kicks Goku as hard as he
can, making Goku totally moveless and having more pain than ever before.
The cave starts to collapse more and more, so Blue decides to finish
the job quickly. He gets out a capsule, and makes a shot gun come out.
Bulma is scared and tells that her and Krillin have to get back. Blue
then steps up, and starts to take aim at Goku. Bulma is afraid for Goku,
telling him that this is it. Goku utters his last words, and Blue begins
to cackle with glee. But, just then, a mouse came by, scaring Blue so
badly, he drops his gun, and loses his guard on his attack. Goku gets
up, and Bulma tells Goku to hurry and get out. Goku wants to finish
something up, and attacks Blue. He pokes out both of his eyes, and then,
gives him a huge punch, making him fly back. Blue then gets totally
knocked out. The cave is starting to collapse more and more, and everyone
tells everyone to get out. Goku tells him that he has to get something
real quick, and dives under water. Krillin and Bulma go the other way,
to get the way out. Bulma and Krillin start to head out, while Goku
is seraching for the Dragon Ball. He finally finds it, and starts to
head out. He surfaces, and looks for the mouse that saved him. He finds
it, picks it up, and heads out. Bulma and Krillin start to get out of
the under ground dock, when they are stopped by falling rocks. The look
over and see another ship to get out, and decide to use it. Blue, however,
isn't having much luck, as he is just got up, and cannot get out. Bulma
and Krillin get in the pod, waiting for Goku, as Goku starts to run
Comic Seventy Nine
Goku and company fire themselves out of the ocean. (2)
Summary: Bulma and Krillin are getting very impatient on when Goku is
coming, while Goku is trying to come as fast as he can. He heads into
the underground dock, but is stopped a bit by a falling rock, and almost
misses Krillin and Bulma. They pull him in, and being thier way out.
Goku is happy he saved his mouse friend, while Bulma is trying to get
them out, telling them to shut up. They start to get out, when more
and more rocks start to fall on them. They find their way to get out
through the tunnel, when they conclude they cannot get out fast enough.
Goku gets out, and chants his favorite attack, the Kamehameha. They
go much faster and make it out just in time, and blast thier way up
to the surface. They fly out, and Goku calls for Kintoun. He then grabs
both Krillin and Bulma, and fly off to Kamesennin's island. All is well,
because they finally won over Blue! Wait, who is that coming out of
the water? Blonde hair, blue eyes, scarey smile; it has to be Blue!
Soon after they land on another island, they rejoice on thier fantastic
adventure. And Bulma picks out a pearl that she got out of the treasure
chest too. Goku shows them that he got the Dragon Ball too, and they
start to talk about thier findings. Krillin shows them Blue's air ship
next to them, so Bulma and him could fly in that on thier way to Kamesennin.
Blue comes out, to find that his ship is flying away from him. They
start to fly off, while Bulma and Krillin examine the pearl a bit more.
However, Blue has another ship capsule, and gives chase once again.
Comic Eighty
Blue sets a bomb on Kamesennin's island, which Goku throws off with
Lunch's help.
Summary: As Bulma, Goku, and Krillin land on Kamesennin's island, they
start to explain thier fantastic voyage under the water. After they
finish, Bulma pulls out her peral, and starts to show it off. Kamesennin
is amazed at her finding, and wants to look. But, Umigame knows that
he will just take it. Kamesennin tells him he wouldn't do such a thing,
when Lunch comes out, bad personality, and demands that she will have
the pearl. He threats become more serious, when she pulls out a gun.
Kamesennin is shocked and appaled at this, but Krillin says, "Who
knew?" Lunch takes it, and flies off. Bulma yells at Goku to go
get it back, but Goku doesn't know why she wants it so bad. Suddenly,
Blue jumps out of the air, and comes to tie them up. As he lands, he
hides behind Kamesennin's house, getting ready to tie them up. He devices
a plan, and puts it into action. He throws the rope in the air, and
they all tie around one person. So, Blue decides to show himself, and
Bulma yells out his name. He tells them he's just going to peak around
the house to find "something." Goku gets angry that he can't
get out, and Krillin yells for Kamesennin to get out, since he is a
really strong guy, but he can't. Blue appears, with the Dragon Balls.
He thanks them all very kindly, and wants to give something in return.
He puts a timed bomb down, and heads out with a new capsule ship. Kamesennin
then asks, "Can I please join?" Umigame is enraged at this.
Blue flies off, not caring what happens to them next. The time is running
out, with only two minutes left. Suddenly, Lunch comes, good personality.
Goku yells to throw the bomb off the island, but Lunch can barely lift
if up. Goku then yells to untie him, so he can throw it. She tries to
untie him, but gets stuck. She finally cuts it open, and Goku throws
it in the air, with about two seconds left. Goku then yells for Kintoun,
as the bomb explodes. He jumps on, and chases after Blue, quickly catching
up. Meanwhile, in Penguin Village, Akane is talking about her day in
school , while a young man with rabbit ears, Pisuke, agrees of a good
Comic Eighty One
Blue and Goku arrive in Penguin Village.
Summary: Akane starts to talk to Tsukutsun, a look-a-like of Yamcha,
that talks about Penguin Village. Obo and Pisuke enter in the conversation
as well. All of a sudden, a fat man comes and makes his small appearance.
They talk and bit, but he has to leave all of a sudden. Soon comes Tarou
and Tsururin, brother and sister, on a bike to see thier friends. They
start off, and everyone rejoices over something I really can't make
out. Tsukutsun's mother and father, Tsutsutsunodano and Tsuruten, come
by and embaress him. Suddenly, Super Man, Kurikinton, Daigoro, and High
King Niko Chan (Niko-chan Daiou) appear. Akane tells them all to go
away, while Arale tells everyone good bye. Kinoni comes by, who loves
her tricycle, by everyone. The two flying angels, Gatchan, go with Arale
to her house, when they look up, and see a flying air capsule and a
flying cloud. Blue is amazed at Goku's speed, while Goku isn't really
impressed at all, while his anger takes control. Arale and Gatchan watch
in amazement, and wonder if they should follow. Goku does double time
speed, and passes up Blue, while sticking his tongue out and making
fun of him. Goku grabs his nyoibo out, and starts his attack. He tries
to make a hit, but Blue suddenly flies away. Goku and Blue fly over
Arale's house, making them still worried. Blue then fires a missle,
his own ship, at Goku, trying to kill him sky high. He goes in front
of Goku, and turns on the turbo. He flies so fast, that he makes Goku
fly back, but he goes too fast, and crashes into a mountain. Goku drops
in front of Arale, and they exchange hello's. Goku then yells for Kintoun,
and flies off. Elsewhere, Blue is barley managing to walk around.
Comic Eighty Two
Goku makes friends with Arale. (3)
Summary: Blue survived; and he's angry. As he steps around the mountain
he landed on, Goku is searching for where the Dragon Balls went, that
Blue still has his hands on. He jumps down, off the mountain, and runs
away. Goku finally found the ship, and couldn't find the balls. He looks
up, and sees Arale and Gatchan coming. They ask what he is doing, and
he tells him about the Dragon Balls. He yells for Kintoun, and he flies
off looking for Blue. As Blue is walking around, a man in a car stops
in front of Blue, telling him to move. He then runs into a telephone
booth, and comes out as Suppa Man (Super Man)! He looks like Super Man,
except that he is smaller, and has the hiragana "su" on his
chest where the "S" goes. He tells Blue that he is in big
trouble now, since he is very strong. Blue chuckles, and picks up the
phone booth. He then crushes it like a coke can. Super Man acts quickly
and tells him he could have done that, but doesn't want to fight now.
He gives Blue his car and says good-bye. Goku, elsewhere, has an idea
to find Blue. Use the Dragon Radar. He gets it out, and tries to make
it work, but it doesn't. Arale
tells him he knows a guy who can fix it, her maker. They get on Kintoun,
and fly off to Arale's maker. They arrive to Senbe and Midori, the couple
who are very smart. Senbe looks in the radar and finds that everything
is very hard to figure out, even though he is the smartest in the world.
(Really, his son, Taabo, is much smarter than him, and could give Bulma
and Dr. Briefs a run for thier money.) Meanwhile, Blue heads toward
the house where Goku is at now.
Comic Eighty Three
Arale fights and defeats Blue.
Summary: While Senbe is trying to fix the radar, his son, Taabo, who
can fly and is much smarter, uses his telekenesis to fix it right away.
Senbe looks behind, to see that his son has outwitted him again. Blue
shadows behind them, around the house, listening to them. Goku tries
it out, and it works. But, something is wrong. The Dragon Balls are
right next to him. He looks behind, and Blue has Arale hostage. Blue
tells him that he will take the Dragon Radar now. He uses his frozen
body power on Goku, making him stop again. Everyone is confused on what
is going on, while Blue steals his radar. He throws his stuff in the
plane next to him, and then punches Goku away. He chops a tree in half,
to kill Goku with, when Senbe yells to Arale to defend him. She does
so, and kicks Blue in the back, making him fly in the air. Arale then
head butts him in the stomach, making him get the wind knocked out of
him. Goku then goes inside the ship to get his stuff, but see's that
the Dragon Radar is gone. Taabo tells him it's okay, and uses his telekenesis,
and takes ordinary air plane parts, and puts a new one together. (This
is probably not possible, because Bulma said that she used very special
parts to put the radar together.) Goku thanks them, and yells for Kintoun.
He flies off, while Blue tells Red that he has the radar from the kid,
and is coming back to HQ.
Comic Eighty Four
Goku goes to Korin Tower, where he meets Bora and his son, Upa. (4)
Summary: As Goku heads off to the next Dragon Ball, he finds it somewhere
near Korin Tower. Red and Assitant Black find it hard to believe that
they will get the Dragon Ball's now. Near Korin Tower, an Indian named
Bora fights off some men from the Red Ribbon Army. They demand that
they give the Dragonball he has. Bora says he won't do anything to give
up his Dragon Ball. They then say that they are going to kill him, when
Upa, Bora's son, tells him to look out from his behind. Bora throws
his spear, and it goes straight through the attacker, and through a
tree. The commander of this small army then annouces an open fire on
the Indian. They try to shoot him, but the bullets don't work on him.
He knocks eveyrone out, by punch, by flying kick, and then by double
punch and kick. The head commander of this small group runs away to
a ship, and flies away. He calls Red and tells him that it will be much
harder to get the ball than realized. Red tells him to go and get it,
no matter what. The commander turns around, and sees Upa, the little
boy. He picks him up, while still in the air plane, and demands to Bora
to give up the Dragon Ball, or the brat dies. Bora then says he gives
up, and the commander tells Red that he has done it and will be back
shortly. Bora hands up the ball, when Goku comes and sees a flying bird.
He comes up next to him, and sees the RR flag emblem of the Red Ribbon
Army. He then gets on the plane, and punches him out. Black tells Red
that his commander may have just died now. Goku carries Upa down to
the ground.
(1) Being strong, like always, Goku fights and defeats Blue with on
punch, breaking out of a strong attack.
(2) After finding thier Dragon Ball, Goku fires him, Krillin, and Bulma
out of the water, with a Kamehameha.
(3) After chasing Blue off Kamesennin's island, Goku arrives in Penguin
Village, where he meets his new friend, Arale.
(4) Upa and Bora have a Dragon Ball, that the Red Ribbon Army wants,
but will not give it up for anything.
Book 7
Drive Away Those Traces!! General Blue
After being held hostage, Kamesennin attacks everyone, and quickly defeats
them all, with help of Lunch too. As the friends of Goku and himself
go inside, they go over traps and mazes, and even fighting a robot pirate,
which still protects the treasure of the pirates. Blue's men didn't
have any luck though, as they were all killed by a bunch of spears in
a trap. So, after Goku defeated the robot, he tried to catch up to Bulma
and Krillin, but Blue rubbed away the way to find them. After going
the wrong way, Goku fought an octupus, while Krillin was getting beat
up by Blue, and finding out he is gay. But, Goku found his way back,
and fought Blue. However, he got stuck in Blue's signature move, which
makes you can't move. Goku eventually got out, and attacked, making
the whole cave collapse. They all found thier way to a ship, except
for Blue, which he got to swim. Goku got them out, and swimming to Kamesennin's
island. Blue attacked them all, by tieing them up in rope, and leaving
them behind. Lunch helped Goku out, and quickly threw the bomb away,
and then followed Blue. He went to Penguin Village, and got the Dragon
Radar fixed again, and defeated Blue. Blue ran away, to the Head Quarters,
but Goku went to Korin Tower, for the next ball, and met Bora and Upa.
Comic Eighty Five
After going back to RR HQ, Blue is put to death by Tao Pai Pai's tougue.
He then is assigned to go and kill the strong kid at Korin Tower.
Summary: As Bora tells Goku thanks for saving his son, Goku looks to
see what is in his hands, and it is none other than his grandfathers
Dragon Ball. He asks to see if he can have it, and Bora gives it up.
Goku is so happy that his grandpa is back again, while Bora is curious
on why everyone wants it. Meanwhile, back at Red Ribbon HQ, Blue just
pulls up to report. As he gets out, a guard tells him to stop right
there, and that he is not authorized to be here. Blue smiles, and then
jabs him in the face, making him fly back against the wall. The other
guard recognizes him, and lets him in. Now, Tao Pai Pai introduces himself
to Red, as the greatest assisan in the world. Tao Pai Pai tells him
he will only kill for one billion zeni; if he doesn't have it, he is
leaving. Red replies with, "Only one billion? I thought it would
be more." Tao Pai Pai tells him that it is good he has it, but
since he is a special client, he will lower the price. Black asks if
he really is the world's greatest assisan, which Tao Pai Pai replies
with a, "You had better not find out personally." Then, there
is a knock at the door, which Black asks who it is. Blue tells his name,
while Black tells him to come on. Blue makes his salute, and gives his
report. Blue tells Red about he got the Dragon Radar, much more sophisticated
as thiers. However, Red was dissapointed, that he didn't get the job
done, which was to kill the boy. Red tells him he must prove his worth
by fighting Tao Pai Pai. Red wants to see the great assisan in action.
Blue tells him, after going into a battle room, he will beat him up
good. Tao Pai Pai tells him to attack however he likes. Tao Pai Pai
then asks if he can make it fun, which is to fight with only his tongue.
They say okay, and begin the fight. Blue starts with a kick, which Tao
Pai Pai blocks, and then sticks his tongue on Blue's soft part of his
skull, which is sensitive to his brain, killing him. Red and Black are
amazed at what they have seen. They then show him a picture of Goku
and what a Dragon Ball looks like. They ask if he wants a helicopter,
but Tao Pai Pai chooses a pillar instead. He breaks the top part and
the bottem part of the pillar, and throws it in the distance of Goku.
He then jumps on, and let's himself fly. Meanwhile, Goku just finished
telling Bora about the Dragon Balls, when Goku asks what is with the
tower? Bora tells him that it is the tower that goes to the heavens,
and even has a water there to make you very strong. Goku then asks what
is coming this way, and sure enough, Tao Pai Pai is about to make a
Comic Eight Six
Tao Pai Pai kills Bora, which greatly enrages Goku. (1)
Summary: While the trio talk about what is atop Korin Tower, Tao Pai
Pai makes his great entrance, by almost killing Bora with the pillar.
He then introduces himself, and Bora asks why is he here? He then tells
him he has come for the kid, which Goku is confused on who or why he
wants him. He tells him that Red Ribbon Army sent him here, because
he is disturbing them of thier Dragon Ball collecting. Goku gets angry
that more and more men from that place is coming. Bora tells him to
back off, or he will have to deal with him, since Goku saved his son.
Tao Pai Pai is just suggesting that he has a death wish, which Bora
replies by telling him that he has to protect this holy place. Tao Pai
Pai says that he thinks he's strong, and since he believe that, he wants
himself to go first. Tao Pai Pai quickly flashes in front of Bora, holding
his spear from moving. Tao Pai Pai asks why he cannot move. Bora tries
with all of his might to move it, but then, Tao Pai Pai tells him he
will gladly help him now. He picks up Bora, over his head, and throws
him into the air. Tao Pai Pai then gives him his spear back, by throwing
it as hard as he can at him. Goku sees what's going on, and demands
Kintoun to come to him, but it is too late. Goku and Upa are shocked,
when they see a dead Bora, fly through the air, and pummel on the ground.
Upa is greatly saddened, to see his father motionless. Goku tries to
attack, with a kick, but Tao Pai Pai jumps shortly in the air, and kicks
back, making Goku hit the tower's base. Tao Pai Pai then asks if you
are really at all that stong? Goku then replies, with a Kamehameha,
which engulfs Tao Pai Pai, making him have almost no clothes. Tao Pai
Pai is greatly angered, and fires back with a Dodonpa. He hits Goku
so hard, that it makes him die. Tao Pai Pai then picks up the balls,
and congradulates himself with a mission complete.
Comic Eighty Seven
Tao Pai Pai goes off to the nearest city with the Dragon Ball, while
Goku climbs Korin Tower for training.
Summary: Tao Pai Pai is happy that he finally got done with his mission,
but cannot go back with no clothes. Tao Pai Pai then goes over to his
pillar, and tries to get it out. Upa is so angry at his father's death,
he tries to hurt Tao Pai Pai with a rock. Tao Pai Pai blows it right
back at him, and hits Upa in the head. Tao Pai Pai tells him he should
be happy he's still alive. Tao Pai Pai then throws the pillar in the
air, and flies off, leaving Upa alone. Red is certaintly happy that
he will finally get his wish. Black then tells him something is wrong,
because there is still one in Korin, while Tao Pai Pai has three, and
Red Ribbon Army has one. Red questions if Tao Pai Pai got them all or
not? Meanwhile, Tao Pai Pai is instructing a tailor, on how he wants
his clothes to look. Tao Pai Pai asks how long it will take, which the
tailor replies a week. Tao Pai Pai then says that he will give him only
three days. The tailor doesn't know if he can do it, which Tao Pai Pai
replies if he knows who he is dealing with? The tailor knows very well,
and will get it down in three days. Tao Pai Pai then calls Red, telling
him of his success. Red replies what is he doing, leaving a ball behind.
He tells him he got rid of Goku, but yes, there are only three instead
of four in his back pack. He tells him he'll be back in three days,
and will visit the corpse of the boy before he goes back to check to
see if he has it. Red is happy again about his success, while Upa gave
a burial to his father. He then begins Goku's grave, when Goku moves
a bit, and then gets up. He gets up, and out comes the Dragon Ball where
his wound should be over his heart. Goku tells him that his grandpa
must have saved him. Goku points and asks if that is his dad's grave,
which Upa gives a sobbing yes. Goku then tells him he will collect the
balls, and wish back his dad. Goku then asks how he can get strong,
which Upa tells him to climb the tower and get the special water. Goku
replies if he can do it, but Upa tells him he can. He asks if he can
use Kintoun to Upa, but he says he can't since the Sennin-sama is watching.
He tells Upa he needs to hide, becasue the man may come back soon. He
then jumps and begins climbing. He clmibs more and more, and after about
an hour, he still is amazed he can't see the top. He climbs until night
fall comes, and begins to take a small nap. The next morning, he starts
climbing, until he can't hang on anymore. He almost gives up, when he
sees the top, and scrambles to get there.
Comic Eighty Eight
Goku reaches the top of Korin. (2) (3)
Summary: Goku climbs higher and higher, until he makes it through a
small hole in the base of the top of the tower. He looks around, to
find the water, when he heres someone to go up the stairs. Goku remembers
that Sennin-sama lives here. Goku then asks if he can have the water
now. A white cat, with a cane, then tells him that he is glad that he
came, and he is very fast too. Goku then asks where is the hermit, which
the cat replies with a yes. He tells him that he is Senbyo-sama, the
Cat Hermit. Goku asks if he can have the water now to release his ki
and strength? Senbyo says that he does, indeed, have it. He tells Goku
that it is on the stand in the middle of the room. He asks why he wants
to become strong, since he is already very strong. Goku tries to explain,
which Senbyo says that he isn't that good at speaking, and tells him
to be quiet. He then spills out all of Goku's ordeals. Goku asks how
can he do that, which Senbyo replies that he can read minds. Goku then
asks if he can have the water now, which Senbyo says he can have it,
it'll just take a while to drink it. Goku asks if it tastes funny or
something, but Senbyo says it tastes fine, he'll just interupt him a
while. Goku asks why, which Senbyo jumps at the water, and kicks Goku
away from it. Goku asks why he did that, which Senbyo says if he wants
it, get it. Goku jumps at it again, but Senbyo jumps at him, and kicks
him away again. Goku asks why is he doing it, since he said he can drink
it. Senbyo tells him that he can drink it as much as he wants, as long
as he can get it away from me. Goku then asks what is over there, which
Senbyo looks for. Goku then jumps for the vase, but is stopped with
a cane in his face. Senbyo tells him that he can read minds, it won't
work on him. Korin the picks up the vase, and then tells him to get
it. Goku tells him he'll forcfully get it, but Senbyo jumps away from
Goku's attack. They hop around the room, making Goku tire out very quickly.
He tells him he could get it, if he wasn't hungry. Senbyo tells him
that he'll feed him up real quick now, with a senzu bean. He tells him
that it will keep him full for ten days. Goku eats it, and becomes very
full. He tells the cat to look out, 'cause now he's full! They begin
hopping around the room again, making Goku tire out. Goku asks if he
was the first person to come here, which Senbyo tells him that another
came about 300 years ago. Goku asks how old he is, which he replies
with 800. Gou tells him that he is way older than he has known anyone
else. Senbyo tells him that his master came here, Muten Roshi. Goku
replies that that was him. Goku asks if he is a real popular guy, which
Senbyo replies to just call him Korin-sama from now on. Goku asks how
long did it take Kamesennin to get it, which Korin replies by puting
up three fingers. Goku is amazed that Kamesennin got it in only three
minutes. Korin tells him that is not true, but three years.
Comic Eighty Nine
Goku ends his training on Korin Tower.
Summary: Goku is amazed, that his strong mentor, took three years to
get the water for him to get stronger. Korin asks how long it will take
him. Korin also tells him to hurry up, since Tao Pai Pai will be here
soon. Goku then says okay, and jumps around the room, creating after-image
attacks. Korin tries to kick one of the images, but kicks air, and Goku
tells him that he is over here. Goku jumps at him, but hits air, which
Korin replies that he can see through any trick. Goku tells him that
he is very tired now, which Korin tells him that the air is thinner
here, and because he makes unceccesary movements. He tells him that
he hasn't realized what has happened now? Goku asks what does he mean.
Korin tells him about him climbing up here, and he has his Dragon Ball
now. Korin throws it over the edge, and tells him to go get it. Goku
quickly climbs down, grabs it, and quickly climbs back up, in the same
day. Korin tells him that the training is working, since it took him
about a full day to get up here now, and now, round-trip, it took him
about three hours. They begin to hop again, around the room, making
Goku tired at the end of the day. Korin tells him he has had enough,
and needs rest. Korin sleeps, still with the vase on his cane, keeping
watch on Goku. Goku tried getting up, and almost took it, but stopped,
saying that he can take it without cheating. Korin knew the boy would
take it, since his heart is so pure. The next day, the hopping continued.
Goku then announces his win, because he will take it now. He jumps at
Korin, kicking and punching, and then making the cat fly almost out
the opening. Goku then tickles him in mid-air, and makes him drop the
cane. Goku then jumps out the window after it, looking like he will
fall down. Goku grabs it, and then has his tail hold on to the bar of
the tower's base. Goku tells him he finally got it! Korin is amazed,
that in only three days, he got it. Goku asks if he can drink it now?
Korin tells him drink all he likes. Goku takes a drink of it, and tries
to feel something. He asks why nothing is going on, and Korin tells
him that the water, is just regular water, instead of holy. Goku akss
why did he lie, but Korin tells him that he didn't lie, since he made
him increase greatly in strength. All the times running up and down
the tower, trying to catch it, was part of the training. He tells him
to hurry, since Tao Pai Pai will be here soon. Gou tells him good-bye,
and jumps down the tower.
Comic Ninety
Goku climbs down the tower, and fights Tao Pai Pai again. (4)
Summary: Upa is greatly worried, if Goku-san made it to the top or not.
Meanwhile, Tao Pai Pai got his new clothes, and says that he needs to
get the Dragon Ball now. The tailor asks for his pay on the bill, which
Tao Pai Pai is greatly upset over. He asks if he can just kill someone
for him, instead of pay. That way, he'll get clothes, and the tailor
will have a person killed. The tailor tells him he doesn't want anyone
killed, which Tao Pai Pai replies by letting him kill him. He then pokes
his finger on his head, killing him. While Upa is still looking up,
Tao Pai Pai makes his grand entrance again, surprising Upa. Upa is greatly
engraged, once again, that his father's murderer is back. He tries to
throw an axe at him, but Tao Pai Pai dodges, and trips the boy. He asks
where is the Dragon Ball? He tells him that he won't kill him if he
tells, but Upa doesn't know where. Tao Pai Pai then tells him he can
die, as he chooses, and throws the boy at the tower. Goku then flies
down, at a fast rate on Kintoun, and quickly cathes Upa. Tao Pai Pai
how can he still be alive, after hitting him with the Dodonpa? Goku
then tells him, that he has the Dragon Ball Tao Pai Pai wants. Upa asks
if he did good at the top, which Goku replies with a nod. He asks again
how could he have survived, which Goku replies by his Dragon Ball saving
him. Tao Pai Pai then tells him that miracles don't happen twice, and
he will die now. Tao Pai Pai asks him to give the Dragon Ball, but Goku
tells him he will keep the ball and not get beat up. Tao Pai Pai laughs,
and tells him that he will kill him in three seconds. Tao Pai Pai goes
in for a kick, but Goku dodges under him, and Goku hits with all fours.
Goku then jumps up in the air after him, and kicks him as hard as he
can into the tower. Tao Pai Pai lands, and asks how he can be different
from three days ago. Goku tells him he wasn't hiding, but training at
the top of the tower. Tao Pai Pai is dumbfounded that he could do that
in three days. Tao Pai Pai then realizes the truth is told, that the
greatest martial artist lives here. He then gets in stance, and prepares
to attack Goku.
Comic Ninety One
Tao Pai Pai's Dodonpa doesn't affect Goku anymore.
Summary: The two fighters exchanged insults at each other, and then
began the fight. Tao Pai Pai tried to do a kick and a punch, but, Goku
blocked both, and hit back with a punch, knocking Tao Pai Pai back.
Tao Pai Pai got angry, and tried to kick back once again, but Goku jumped
in the air, and Tao Pai Pai came right back after him, punching him.
Goku was knocked back at the tower, and jumped back at Tao Pai Pai,
punching him backwards. Then, Goku jumped on the ground, and jumped
high in the air above Tao Pai Pai, and kicked him down on the ground.
Tao Pai Pai got angry, ripped off his shirt, and then told Goku he would
die now. Goku told him that he said he was taking it serious before.
Tao Pai Pai told him to shut up, and chanted "Dodon!" Upa
told Goku to look out, but Goku put his hands in front of him, and held
the hold blast back. His hands burnt a little, but he quickly got over
it. He told him that his Dondon doesn't work on him, like the Kamehameha
won't work on him. Tao Pai Pai then got out a capsule, and out came
a sword. Tao Pai Pai didn't hesitate to attack, swiping anything that
moved or was in front of Goku. Upa got down off of Kintoun, and ran
over to Goku's nyoibo. He then threw it at Goku, and Goku attacked back
as Tao Pai Pai came at him. Goku then chopped the sword in half, and
told him that he will not be beaten now.
Comic Ninety Two
Tao Pai Pai gets blwon up by his own gernade.
Summary: Tao Pai Pai asked how Goku was going to defeat him, since he
was the greatest assisan in the world. Goku told him he would, because
he has gotten stronger! Tao Pai Pai asked he if he could hold up against
him, when he goes all out now? Tao Pai Pai then flew himself at Goku,
preparing an attack. He then punched, kicked, hit Goku several times
in the stomach, and kicked Goku some more, until he held Goku at his
throat above his head. Tao Pai Pai then kicked Goku above his head,
and flew after him. And punched him to the ground. He announced he has
won, when he flew as fast as he could down at Goku. He kneed Goku in
the stomach, presuming his death. He got up, and silently rewarded himself.
Goku then got up, smiled, and said you almost got me there, as Tao Pai
Pai was declaring to the world of this little monster's defeat! Goku
then told him he will now fight back, as hard as he can. Tao Pai Pai
could only just stand there and ask "Why?" Goku punched him
in the stomach, chopped him in the neck, and then kicked him in the
head. Goku then got into offensive position, and then told him to prepare.
Tao Pai Pai told himself that he has the odds against me, and screamed
out that he has given up now. Goku just stood there, wondering why he
has given up. Tao Pai Pai begged for mercy, as Goku asked Upa if we
should trust him. Tao Pai Pai then threw a gernade at him, making him
blow up. Tao Pai Pai jumped in the air, which Goku let him have a friend
with. Goku kicked the gernade, and just in time, the gernade blew up
Tao Pai Pai. Goku then told Upa that he will go now, and get the Dragon
Ball's to wish back his dad.
Comic Ninety Three
Goku makes a head on attack after the Red Ribbon Army Head Quarters.
Summary: As Goku congradulates himself on his win against Tao Pai Pai,
he looks on his Dragon Radar, to see where they are. He see's two balls
in one spot, four balls here, and one on the way to Red Ribbon, supposudly.
Goku then declares that he will storm Red Ribbon, and get the Dragon
Balls. He yells for Kintoun, and flies off. Meanwhile, back at RR HQ,
Commander Violet gives Red his ball, and tells him he has two now. He
tells everyone he'll have six when Tao Pai Pai comes back, and tells
Copper to have the Dragon Radar to find the last ball. Suddenly, a guard
tells him that the four balls are moving this way. Red eagerly awaits.
As Goku flies along, a small ship comes up to him and circles him. On
Kamesennin's island, Bulma rejoices as she's got Goku on the screen.
Everyone is amazed at Bulma's ability to make something like this out
of ordinary items. They ask if he is going to the Red Ribbon HQ, and
they find out by sending two spy bots to the two Dragon Balls there.
Goku asks why the bot is following him, when it suddenly flies off,
faster than Kintoun. As Bulma hovers over the Red Ribbon Army, it is
shot down by a scouter plane, reporting that they just shot down an
UFO. Red asked if it was Tao Pai Pai, and he replied it was a small
scout plane. They then find out that Tao Pai Pai is coming back, while
Goku, on the other hand, is telling the HQ that he is going to attack
in a big way. The scouter tells Red that Tao Pai Pai is approaching
now, but after closer look, it isn't him. Bulma then tells everyone
that Goku can't take them all on, and they have to help. However, they
have no transportation. Bulma wishes she could call Yamcha, when Umigame
says call him on a phone you can make yourself. She does so, and calls
Capsule Corporation. She finally gets a hold of Yamcha, after getting
rid of her dad. Bulma tells Yamcha that they need to get to Red Ribbon
Army now, which Yamcha gladly agrees. He tells Oolong and Puar to get
ready to go, because they need to help Goku. Goku blows up the scouter
plane and goes more into the base. They get another monitor on, and
they find out, the little strong kid, Goku is coming now!
Comic Nintey Four
Goku fights the soldiers of Red Ribbon at thier Head Quarters.
Summary: Goku quickly drops in on the base, scaring Red to the point
that they conclude that Tao Pai Pai was beaten. Goku quickly comes in,
and scares everyone severly. Soldier after soldier falls to the ground,
as the kid beats them up. After deafeting soldiers in a hallway, he
looks on the Dragon Radar, to see where the Dragon Balls are. When Goku
goes out in the open, soldiers on pillars started fireing at him. Ships
started coming out of nowhere, and began fireing as well. Goku easily
dodged them all, and jumped on a ship. He knocked the guy out and jumped
in the air. He then fired a Kamehameha and blasted it at some men and
flew away on the ground. Everyone then yelled that the kid was here,
and started fireing again. They find out that Goku is going after the
Dragon Balls and demand that Red get under the basement, for safety.
Red yells that he will stay because Red Ribbon Army is invincible! Goku
defeated the men on the ground, and went after the place called section
eight, where the Dragon Balls are. A man got a hit on Goku, but it didn't
phase him. They announced to Red that half of the army is gone or beaten,
and that Goku is in section eight now. Red then tells them that they
are going to section eight now! On Kamesennin's island, Yamcha gathers
everyone up, and they begin off. As Red enters section eight, Black
tells him that there is no hope now, since he has beaten Tao Pai Pai,
and has already beaten the main force of the army. As Yamcha picks up
Krillin from out of the water to get a new ship, they explain on what
is going on. They ask how much farther, and it would take about forty
more minutes. Meanwhile, Goku is beating up soldiers and looking for
where the Dragon Balls are. He busts up into a new room of section eight,
and surprises everyone. Red gets very angry, that this little kid, is
beating him.
Comic Nintey Five
In that day, Goku fights and defeats almost every soldier of the Red
Ribbon Army, Assistant Black kills Red and takes over as Black Ribbon
Army, and fights Goku in the main room of the Red Ribbon.
Summary: On this floor, Goku beats up some of the best soldiers of Red
Ribbon. People fire bazooka missles at Goku, but Goku is unscathed,
and attacks back. As he defeats some of the soldiers, and the rest retreat.
Red sees on radar that the soldiers are retreating, and not coming back.
Black tells Red that they have no choice, but to give up the Dragon
Balls and surrender. Red tells Black that he will not give up so easily.
He was so close at becoming taller, which surprises Black when Red says
it. Black asks that the only reason he wanted the Dragon Balls, is to
become taller? Red tells him that's what he wants. Black asks why doesn't
he want the world, and Red tells him he needs to look cool, and girls
don't like short people. Black tells him that he read up on the Red
Ribbon Army that they wanted to control the world. Red tells him that
he is the commander, and he will do as he say. Black tells him, that
they lost soldiers, for him to be taller? Red tells him that he will
become taller, whether he likes it or not. Just then, Red got a new
hole in his head, on his forehead, where a bullet was placed. The smoked
cleared from Black's gun, as he realized, he is the commander of the
brand new, Black Ribbon Army. Suddenly, Goku came in, and asks where
the Dragon Balls are and if he is the boss? Black replies with a yes,
and gets ready for an offer. He tells Goku to join him, but Goku refuses
and wants to wish back Upa's father. Black tells him he can do that,
but still have the world. Goku replies no again, and gets ready to fight.
Black does as well, and the last fight of Red/Black Ribbon Army begins.
Black does a punch and a kick, but Goku dodged them both. Goku then
punched Black in the stomach, making him fall over. Black then opens
up a capsule, and hops inside a robot. He then punches Goku, while Yamcha
and the others are coming closer and closer to Red Ribbon Army.
Comic Nintey Six
Black fires a rocket at Goku, which Goku dodges and bursts through the
robot of Black, killing him. (5)
Summary: Goku rubs his cheek after getting hit, which Black replies
as he will die, for defeating most of the Red/Black Ribbon Army. Black
then fires a blast at Goku, which Goku dodges, and Black grabs him in
the air. He then tells him he'll die now, and throws him straight through
the wall. Goku falls on the ground, which is good aim for Black to fire
another blast. However, Goku appeared at the top of a pillar, while
Black is rejoicing after "killing" Goku. Goku then appeared
on the hood of Black's ship, and stuck his tongue out, and told him
he's much faster. Black tries to punch him, but Goku moves, and the
fist goes through the window, and hits Black. Goku calls him a fool,
and falls off after Black fires his turbo jets to go higher. Goku lands
on a part of Red Ribbon, and Black gets ready to take aim at Goku for
fireing a missle. Black takes aim and says good bye to Red Ribbon Army
Head Quarters and Goku. He fires the missle, and Goku figures out what's
going on, so he jumps in the air. Goku kicks the bomb away from the
base, and confuses Black. Goku falls out of the air, and his foot starts
to hurt. Black then tried to run away, telling him he'll remember him.
Goku tells him he won't get away, and goes straight through the entire
robot. Black just sits there, getting ready to die. The ship blows up,
and Goku rejoices after gaining two more Dragon Balls thinking about
the last one. Meanwhile, Yamcha and the others just land in Red Ribbon
Army's Head Quarters.
(1) After killing Bora, Tao Pai Pai gets rid of Goku, by thinking he
kills him with a Dodonpa.
(2) After Goku's defeat against Tao Pai Pai, he climbs Korin Tower to
recieve training.
(3) Korin, a small white cat, agrees to train Goku, by making catch
the Holy Water.
(4) After getting the "Holy Water" or regular old tap water,
Goku goes down and fights Tao Pai Pai, killing him.
(5) Goku ends his fight with the Red/Black Ribbon, by killing Black
of explosion.
Book 8
Son Goku Strongly Attacks
After Tao Pai Pai demonstrated his fantastic moves of tongue death on
Blue, he flew off to Korin Tower, to kill the brat and get the Dragon
Balls. He quickly did so, while also killing Bora. But, he missed one
ball, which he had to go back and get. In that meantime, Goku was climbing
and recieving training on Korin Tower. After three days, he completed
it, and then headed down, where Tao Pai Pai was. He fought, and then
killed him, with Tao Pai Pai's own gernade. Upon doing so, Goku promised
Upa he would call Shenlong to revive his dad. He then flew head-strong
to Red Ribbon Army Head Quarters, and defeated every soldier there.
Red found out he was there, and grabbed his Dragon Balls, and tried
to fly off. Assistant Black asked why he would do this, since he wanted
to take over the world, but Red wanted to become taller, since he was
about 2-3 feet tall. Black was horrified, so he killed him, and declared
he was the leader of the new, Black Ribbon Army. Goku attacked him,
after finding out where the head room was, and had a tough fight with
Black. Black decided to resort to his robot, and climbed aboard, having
a huge advantage over Goku. After trying to fire a missle at Goku, Goku
dodged, and then head butted Black, straight through his robot suit,
making it blow up, and totally defeated the Red/Black Ribbon Army.