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Daimaou Saga
This planet belongs to no one!
Chapters 135-165, 31 chapters long, 2 books long
(Not finished/Working On)
One Hundred and Thirty Five
Piccolo Daimaou lives again. (4)
Summary: As Goku bent down to gather his dead friend, he cursed the
murderer. Yamcha asked if they had the Dragon Radar now, but Kamesennin
tried to make Goku calm down, or he would die as well. The announcer
didn't help out, by telling them that he had never seen anything like
it in his life. Goku came upright and told the world that no one kills
his friends and now he wants revenge. He grabs his nyoibo, demands the
Dragon Radar, and runs out. Kamesennin tries to stop him once more,
but it's too late. Goku looks at the radar flies off to the Dragon Ball
that is moving. Kamesennin calls Goku and idiot since he hasn't recovered
from his last fight. Tenshinhan picks up Krillin and pities him. Oolong
then remarks that he found a piece of paper. Bulma tells them that it's
a devil with a circle around it. Kamesennin shivers and tells them to
let him see. Yamcha and Bulma ask if something is wrong. Kamesennin
tells them that they are in great danger. The Great Demon Piccolo is
back. Everyone questions who that is, but Tenshinhan tells them that
he is the evil demon who loves chaos. Kamesennin doubts that he is back,
since he was very evil, and could have taken over the world; but when
he was diciples with the Crane Master, his master, Mutaito, sealed him
in a denshi jar. The technique was called, the Mafuuba. However, after
doing so, he died. So, he threw the jar into the ocean. Kamesennin couldn't
understand who got it. Chaozu suggested the Crane Master, but Kamesennin
refused it, since he knew the power of Piccolo. Yamcha told everyone
that Goku is in grave danger, since Piccolo could probably kill him
with a glance. Kamesennin knew that was true. Tenshinhan tells everynoe
that he shouldn't see Krillin's assassin, but Lunch tells him he has
the Dragon Radar. Tenshinhan asks what that is, but Kamesennin changes
the subject by asking why did the assassin take the list of the Budoukai
finalists and the Dragon Ball? Meanwhile, in a plane, an aged Piccolo
Daimaou sits comfortably on his throne. Piccolo tells everyone on the
ship that once they have the Dragon Balls, nothing will stop them. Pilaf
asks him that he will take over the world? Piccolo Daimaou refuses,
telling him that taking over the world will be no problem. He needs
the Dragon Balls for eternal youth. That way, he could have young power
forever. Pilaf told Piccolo that they were a team, and it took a while
to find the jar and tell him the Dragon Balls. Piccolo listened on,
so Pilaf told him his request. He wanted half the world. Piccolo stared
angerily at him, so Pilaf told him he could settle for a third or a
quarter. Piccolo told him he would think about it. He then looked at
the denshi jar and muttered, "Martial arts..." Those who knew
martial arts were the ones that trapped him in there. He then blew up
the jar and told everyone that thier first objective is to kill all
the masters of martial arts. Kamesennin then knew why Piccolo Daimaou
wanted the list. He is afraid of the Mafuuba and thinks that one of
the finalists knows it. The announcer tells him if he is right, as well
as Tenshinhan, but Kamesennin tells them that he is sure. Meanwhile,
Goku is almost on Krillin's assassin.
One Hundred and Thirty Six
Goku confronts and fights Tambourine.
Summary: Goku comes closer to Krillin's assassin, telling him to stop.
The monster turns around, asking if there is something wrong. Goku sees
the Dragon Ball and tells him that he is the problem. Goku tells him
that he killed his friend and stole his Dragon Ball. The monster asks
if he is talking about the bald guy and if he is, he is right. He did
kill him. This angers Goku to the max and tells him that he will die
now. The monster tells him if he came for revenge, he will die instead.
Goku tries a punch, but the monster jumps. He then kicks Goku off the
Kintoun, but is caught again by the cloud. Goku realizes he doesn't
have any energy left. Goku tells him if he wasn't so hungry, he'd be
dead now. The monster just smiles and tells him that he will make him
shut up now. He opens his mouth and a giant beam comes out. Goku jumps,
but the Kintoun doesn't make it. The cloud is totally destroyed. The
monster appears above Goku and knocks him to the ground. Time passes
and nightfall comes. Bulma regrets she let Goku have the radar. Kamesennin
tells everyone that it is too late for Goku. He is more likely dead
now and they can go inside. Tenshinhan reminds him of Krillin and where
his burial should be? Yamcha clenches his fist, telling them if they
team up, they can kill Piccolo. Bulma stops him, telling him that he
wants to die so quickly? Yamcha reminds her that Piccolo has the list.
He will come after him eventually. Oolong just jumps in and tells everyone
he isn't afraid. Bulma yells at him that if Piccolo Daimaou gains the
world, he'll probably die anyway. Tenshinhan wanted to talk about the
Mafuuba though. Kamesennin brushed off that idea, since he didn't know
how to do it. The announcer tells him that they could call the police,
but Kamesennin tells him that they would just be victims. Kamesennin
tells the announcer if he sees Goku, tell him to go to his house. They'll
be waiting. Tenshinhan and Chaozu ask if the could go to, which Kamesennin
tells them of course. Oolong tells him them that their future seems
as though it won't be so good. Piccolo Daimaou smiles, seeing that the
assassin got the Dragon Ball. He tells him that it was at the location
that he said it was. Pilaf tells everyone that his invention was flawless.
Piccolo Daimaou holds the ball to the sky, dreaming of his time when
Shenlong lets him live forever. The assassin then hands Piccolo Daimaou
the list of the finalists, telling him that he hopes he hasn't messed
up. Piccolo Daimaou tells him that he is pleased and wants them posted
on the wall. The assassin begins, while Pilaf offers to help. As the
assassin is putting up the list, he sees the "bald guy." He laughs that
he was an expert? He easily defeated him! He then wads up the paper
and throws it away. Mai then shows Pilaf one piece of paper. Goku's
face! Pilaf understands now that Goku is so strong, that he was in two
finals. The assassin tells him that he also killed him. Pilaf gasps,
while the assassin tells him that if he is as strong as he says, the
others must be really weak. Piccolo Daimaou tells him that it is good
for that, but to stay on guard. If someone uses the Mafuuba, he will
be trapped again. Piccolo Daimaou tells him to not mess up or he too
will die. The assassin tells him that he will be on total guard. Pilaf
and company wonders if it was a good idea to let him out. Meanwhile,
Goku is still unconscious, in a forest.
Comic One Hundred and Thirty Seven
Piccolo Daimaou gives birth to Cymbal. He tells his fighters to
go out and kill all the martial arts masters.
Summary: Piccolo Daimaou giggled evilly, as his wish was closing in.
He then instructed Tambourine to go out and complete his mission: kill
the finalists of the Tenkaichi Budoukai. The small minion spoke to Piccolo
Daimaou, telling him who will take care of the Dragon Balls? Piccolo
Daimaou responded by telling him he will make another demon. Pilaf and
Shou didn't think they wanted to see it, but the small minion told Piccolo
Daimaou that if he did lay another egg, his life span would shorten
and the Dragon Balls would be for nothing. Piccolo Daimaou told him
not to worry; he is stronger than he seems to be. Piccolo Daimaou told
everyone, that his new henchman would look like a dragon. Piccolo Daimaou
then started to push an egg out of him and finally, like an snake having
a mouse in it's throat, it almost came. He then suddenly spat it out
on the ground. He breathed heavily, but still had enough to mummer out
that this new demon's name is Cymbal. The dragon broke free of the egg
and stood upright to his new master. Piccolo Daimaou asked if he was
a fighter, which the reply was yes. Piccolo Daimaou told him that he
was in charge of finding six Dragon Balls. Piccolo Daimaou then demanded
where the closest Dragon Ball was, which Pilaf got right to it. He told
them the exact location in which Cymbal smiled. Tambourine, on the other
hand, looked at whom he would kill first. Tambourine then picked out
Namu and studied the address. Piccolo Daimaou didn't want to waste any
time, so he told them to leave immediately. They did so and flew off
in different directions. Meanwhile, Pilaf and his men started think
that Piccolo Daimaou didn't care for them. Pilaf soon got high hopes,
thinking everything would work out. At Kame House, Bulma and crew were
explaining to Tenshinhan and Chaozu about the Dragon Balls. They told
them they need them now, to kill Piccolo Daimaou. Puar then reminded
them that the Dragon Balls turn to stone for one year after you used
them. That means, Krillin wouldn't come back. Oolong told them he'd
be decomposed. However, Oolong went on, they could call him Krillin
the zombie. Bulma told him not to worry. She'd make a storage capsule.
Kamesennin then muttered, "Light gray…" Puar and Yamcha stood up, telling
him if that was a new attack? He told them no. It was the color of Bulma's
new panties. Kamesennin then got a big smack to the head. >_< As Kamesennin
got up from the ground, he told them that their first job is to find
the Dragon Balls before Piccolo Daimaou does. Lunch then pointed them
to the TV, telling them that something happened. The news anchor announced
that Namu, a contestant in the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai, was killed earlier
today. All that remained was a note with a devil in a circle. Everyone
gasped at the thought of a great fighter dead. Yamcha then told them
that they need to warn the other finalists. Kamesennin told him that
that wouldn't happen. They don't have addresses. And Tenshinhan pointed
out that if they told the press, everyone would panic. Kamesennin told
them that they couldn't stay here and asked Bulma how long it would
be to make another Dragon Radar. She told everyone that it would be
almost half a day. Kamesennin then told them to get ready, because as
soon as it's completed, they're off. As time passed on, they got in
the ship and went off. They suddenly remembered about Goku and hoped
he was okay. Elsewhere, Goku suddenly got up, smelling something delicious.
He wondered how long he was asleep, but also wanted to know where the
food was. He followed the smell and stumbled upon a huge fish, being
cooked over a fire.
Comic One Hundred and Thirty Eight
Goku and Yajirobe meet together and fight, until confronted by Cymbal.
Summary: Goku then began to drool out of control, seeing a huge fish
on a stick, baking over a fire. Goku wasted no time. He jumped on the
fish and immediately began to eat. Afterwards, he fell over, and started
to rub his belly. He then got up and tested his strength, by hitting
a rock. The rock cracked apart and Goku celebrated. He had all of his
energy back and was now after the assassin. He called out for Kintoun,
but nothing came. He then remembered the assassin destroyed it. He cursed
the monster and vowed to kill him. He had three reasons now to kill
him. He stole his friend's life, his Dragon Ball, and destroyed his
favorite gift. He then activated the Dragon Radar, searching for him.
He then noticed, that a Dragon Ball was right on top of him. He called
out that the monster shows himself, when suddenly; a huge boulder came
at him. Goku quickly dodged it and told him to show himself. A short,
fat man with a sword appeared, telling him that he should surrender
to him, since he ate his food. Goku then got confused, so the man told
him again, that he stole his fish. Goku told him he didn't steal anything;
he found it in the ground. The man then yelled at him if he ever saw
a fish on a stick from nature!? Goku got down and then told him that
he has a Dragon Ball, which means he's a friend of the monster. Goku
demanded to tell him where he is now, but the man refused to tell, and
called Goku nothing but a fish stealer. The two exchanged insults and
then started to fight. As they fought along, the man then head-butted
Goku in the face, knocking him down. He laughed a bit, but Goku sprang
up and did the same to him. The man then held his nose, but quickly
attacked again, with a kick. However, Goku dodged to the side, then
jumped for the man's face with his face. Goku then kicked him into a
bunch of rocks, making him buried under them. The man got up, brushed
himself off, and starred at Goku. They both knew that the other was
a good fighter and this wouldn't be easy. Goku then looked harder and
saw that it was the one star ball, not his grandpa's. Goku asked where
he found that ball, which the man replied on the ground, three years
ago. Goku then smiled and told him that there was a mistake. The man
told him there was no mistake. He wanted a fish and he wanted it now.
Goku stared at him, wondering what to do, so the man reminded him, he
wanted breakfast NOW! But, Goku wasn't confused. He was looking in the
air, at a flying monster coming their way. Goku then yelled out it's
the assassin. As the monster landed, he demanded the ball that they
have. Goku then realized it looked like him, but it really wasn't. The
man asked what did he want, which the monster asked if they saw a ball
anywhere with a star in it?
Comic One Hundred and Thirty Nine
Yajirobe is upset over Cymbal's appearance and fights him. Yajiborbe
quickly defeats Cymbal and eats him.
Summary: Goku told the man that the monster is a friend of his
friend's assassin. The man cursed at him and told him why should he
give the ball to him? The monster asked if he wanted to die, so he cracked
his knuckles, telling him he will soon not be living. The man told him
he was waiting for it, but Goku wanted to fight him. The man told him
no, but Goku told him he had to settle a score. The man still refused,
but Goku was persistent. After a while, the man suggested they do rock,
paper, scissors. Cymbal told them that they need to fight, not play.
Cymbal added that he was falling the orders of Piccolo Daimaou. While
doing the game, Goku told him he didn't know him. The fat man emerged
the winner, which made Goku angry. The man then stood there, telling
Cymbal he was ready. Cymbal told him that he would have to die now,
which made the man jump at him, enraged with anger. He tried to hit
Cymbal, but the beast dodged in time. The monster then hit the man with
his tail, then kicked, and then punched. The man fell backwards, as
though he had died. Cymbal then laughed and asked if he was dead already.
The man got up and told himself that this wasn't his day. Cymbal gasped,
but realized he may just be one of those martial artists people. The
man then told him to buzz off. Cymbal asked if he wanted to continue,
which the man replied by kicking his face. Cymbal got mad and then told
him he would fry. He put up his hand, charged some ki, and let it blast
at the man. The man jumped just in time and dodged the rest of the blasts.
The man told him he was fast, so Goku offered to help. The man refused
and held on to his sword. Cymbal then started to blast at the man, but
he dodged by running at him. The man then came upon Cymbal and then
swiped his sword across Cymbal's lower back. The monster was completely
cut in half. In the plane, Piccolo Daimaou felt a great pain inside
of himself. His minion asked what was wrong, so Piccolo Daimaou told
him that Cymbal is dead. He wondered who would be strong enough to take
on his minions. It's totally unthinkable. Only one thing remained in
his mind as they flew on. Revenge. Meanwhile, the man was cooking Cymbal
and told Goku he wouldn't get any. Goku refused anyway. The man tore
off a piece of the meat and ate it. He thought it was the most delicious
thing he ever ate. He then reminded Goku he still wouldn't get any.
The man then ate it all. Goku then asked for the man's name. The man
told him to tell his first, which Goku did. The man replied it was an
odd name, but his was Yajirobe.
Comic One Hundred and Forty
Tambourine goes and kills Giran.
Summary: Piccolo Daimaou, greatly upset, told everyone that Cymbal was
dead and he wanted to know who he was and wanted him dead as well. The
small minion then told Piccolo Daimou that Cymbal was pretty weak. Any
fighter could have killed him. Pilaf and the group heartily agreed with
him. Piccolo Daimaou then yelled that he wanted the answers to the problems
of Cymbal's death, not the problems that he was weak. Piccolo Daimaou
then snarled and told himself that he would find the person that did
this and he would have them killed. Piccolo Daimaou then decided to
contact Tambourine and let him do it. Elsewhere, Tambourine was severely
beating Giran up. Tambourine smiled when he kicked Giran at a stonewall.
Giran got up, telling him that he was pretty strong. Tambourine agreed
with him on that. Two panda's, in a house, were watching Giran get beat
up, and wondering if he would be okay. Giran told that he wouldn't die
to an ugly monster like him. He told Tambourine that he is very strong
and made it to the Budoukai. Tambourine told him that he knows that
and that is why he will die. Giran then said he wouldn't lose now and
spit out his Guru Guru Attack. The sticky whip wrapped around the beast,
but he didn't seem to care. Giran told him that he was trapped and would
die. Tambourine smiled and then flexed his muscles. The gummy substance
then broke into pieces everywhere. Giran then stopped in his tracks,
bug-eyed. Tambourine admitted that the attack was good, but didn't seem
to be quite strong. Tambourine then decided to finish it. He jumped
towards Giran, extending his arm, and then let it go straight through
Giran's hips. Blood rushed out severely and Giran fell over, dead. Tambourine
licked his arm and ripped up Giran's picture. He then left a devil with
a circle around it on Giran's body. He then looked at the next person.
A man named Yamcha. He then flew off, until Piccolo Daimaou contacted
him telling him to listen closely. Tambourine told him, instead, that
he has killed six participants and is moving to the seventh. Piccolo
Daimaou told him that he wouldn't do that, since his partner Cymbal,
is dead. Tambourine gasped in disbelief. Piccolo Daimaou explained that
he wanted him to go out and kill this person that did so. Piccolo Daimou
told him to go to WSC, 2933, since that's where he was last. Pilaf asked
why was Piccolo Daimaou talking to himself, which Mai told him he was
using telepathy. Tambourine understood and flew in another direction.
Yajirobe told Goku that he felt really good now, but Goku told him that
he was in great danger. Yajirobe told him that he didn't care. He would
eat whoever came next. Goku told him that they are after the ball on
his neck and he needs to give it to him. Yajirobe told him why, since
that way, he wouldn't get more food. Goku told him that he sounded like
his dead friend, Krillin. Yajirobe told him that he didn't sound like
any dead person. Yajirobe then added, if he does talk like him, he must
be really handsome. Goku told him he isn't, since he's bald, short,
and has no nose. Yajirobe then yelled that he's a monster. Yajirobe
then told him he would be leaving and Goku would go the opposite way.
Goku told him he would see him later, which Yajirobe told him he never
wanted to see him again. Goku told him that he would need that ball
though and others would be looking for it too. Yajirobe asked what it
was, so Goku tried to explain, but Tambourine was about to land on them.
Tambourine kept looking around though, while Yajirobe told Goku that
his next meal is flying right towards him. Goku then told Yajirobe he's
seen him before. Goku then yelled that he's the one that killed Krillin
and will die today! Goku then yelled out, "YOU! GET DOWN HERE!" Tambourine
looked down, while Goku told Yajirobe that this guy is his. Yajirobe
told him it was okay, but he would eat him. Tambourine then landed and
muttered out, "I know you…" Goku starred on, anger filling his body.
One Hundred and Forty One
Goku meets Tambourine again and kills him. (5)
Summary: As Tambourine just starred at Goku, all he could remember was
when he saw the little brat fall to his death. Goku told him that he
thought he killed him, but he is much stronger than he thinks he is.
And now, he's going to get his revenge. Yajirobe then told Goku to hurry
up and kill him, since he was starving now. Tambourine just smiled and
told Goku that if he thinks he can beat him, he has to remember what
happened last time. Yajirobe, still impatient, wanted someone to win
now, so he could eat. Tambourine then gave his final threat; by telling
Goku he would kill him, like he did his friend. Goku then got angrier,
now knowing that the assassin just confessed it. Goku then got into
this fighting stance, reminding himself that he vowed to avenge Krillin.
Tambourine smiled one last time and then told Goku that he should prepare
to die now. Goku then ran towards Tambourine at amazing speeds. Tambourine
then got confused, seeing Goku appear everywhere around him. Tambourine
demanded that the real one show himself, so Goku decided to hit him
in the face, making Tambourine fly backwards. But Goku didn't stop there.
He followed him, hitting him in the chest multiple times and then a
huge upper cut for the cherry on top. Goku still wasn't done though!
He ran after him again and then jumped in the air, pushed himself off
a cliff, and then kneed Tambourine's head into the ground. Goku, standing
above Tambourine, no smile whatsoever, showed that he was stronger,
by a peace sign. Yajirobe, still in the same spot, realized that Goku
was really strong. Tambourine got up and snarled at Goku, wondering
how a human did this. Goku was surprised, that someone got up from his
attacks. Tambourine reminded himself, that he was a child of Piccolo
Daimaou and no human could do this. He opened his mouth and a huge beam
of ki emerged, with its sights set on Goku. The blast made contact and
when the smoke cleared, nothing was there. Tambourine laughed insanely,
proudly shouting that he had finally died. Goku then got his attention,
by showing that he was behind him now. Tambourine had no emotion or
expression when he saw him. Just dumbfounded. Goku then yelled that
now is the time to avenge Krillin! Tambourine didn't like to hear that,
so he flew off. Yajirobe told him to go after him, since he wanted lunch.
Goku then got his Niyoibo out and launched himself in the air. On his
way up, Goku started to do the Kamehameha, and when he finally let go
of the staff and was shooting closer and closer to Tambourine, he let
his ki fly in a brilliant light. The blast filled Tambourine's entire
body, until nothing remained. Piccolo Daimaou then collapsed over in
pain, feeling that of his own life was suddenly stripped away. Everyone
asked what had happened to him, until Piccolo Daimaou muttered out something
they didn't want to hear. Tambourine was murdered. Everyone wanted to
know what was wrong, now that the strongest fighter in the world next
to Piccolo Daimaou had died. Piccolo Daimaou then yelled that he wanted
to go to Tambourine's previous location. Piccolo Daimaou yelled that
he wanted to see the killer himself and kill him for all that he has
done. Yajirobe then told Goku that he was strong, almost as strong as
him. Goku just smiled and told him thanks.
Comic One Hundred and Forty Two
Piccolo Daimaou goes and finally finds Goku.
Summary: Piccolo Daimaou's anger filled inside of him, knowing that
his own children, of the strongest fighter on the Earth, had suddenly
died. Pilaf then suddenly got surprised. Piccolo Daimaou asked what
was going on, so Pilaf told him that a couple of Dragon Balls, four
of them, were together and coming in the direction they were going to.
That meant, someone else was searching for the balls as well. Tenshinhan
and Kamesennin were in an airplane together, finding the balls with
the new radar. They came to a conclusion that Piccolo Daimaou and his
minions aren't looking for them since they are killing the martial artists.
Tenshinhan reminded him, that the ball they are going to could be Piccolo
Daimaou's ball. Kamesennin agreed that could be true, so they have to
prepare for anything. However, if they somehow stole them, fought him
while wishing to Shenlong, they could win. Tenshinhan told Kamesennin
he would like to take him on, but Kamesennin told him that wouldn't
work. Even if all the martial artists attacked him, he would still be
unaffected. Only the dragon god can solve their problem. They'll have
to wait one year for the revival of Krillin. Tenshinhan then asked if
he would do the Mafuuba, but Kamesennin told him that they wouldn't
do that, to risk their lives, since they don't know how to. Tenshinhan
told him okay, but he knew that Kamesennin knew how to do the Mafuuba
and how to perform it perfectly. Pilaf was in an uproar, telling Piccolo
Daimaou if the other searchers got the balls before they did, they would
lose their wish. Piccolo Daimaou stopped him short, telling him that
they wouldn't get the ball he has now. Piccolo Daimaou told Pilaf that
he would let them search for the balls. It would save them trouble of
searching for them. He reminded Pilaf, that he wanted to put the assassin
of his children to death first. Meanwhile, Yajirobe tried to strike
a deal with Goku, if he found another demon, killed it, and gave it
to him, he would let him have the ball. Goku didn't care, he wanted
to see what was on the radar. He made a shocking discovery while looking
on it. The nearest ball was heading right for them now. Goku then told
him, it's above them now. The ball is here. Goku looked up, to find
a giant airplane was floating up there. A speaker turned on and shouted
out that Piccolo Daimaou has arrived at his destination. They didn't
mean to do so, until Piccolo Daimaou could speak, but it was too late,
so they just went along anyway. Yajirobe, on the other hand, murmured,
"Piccolo…" Goku then gritted his teeth and knew that the king of demons
was here now to settle a score. Yajirobe then tried to think back about
a story about a guy named "Piccolo," when he just decided to give the
Dragon Ball he had to Goku. Goku asked if he wanted to eat the king
of demons, but Yajirobe told him he wasn't hungry. Goku just got confused,
but wrapped the Dragon Ball around him, and watched Piccolo Daimaou
emerge from the room inside the plane. Pilaf then shouted out that that
person down there is the killer and they would land soon. Piccolo told
him not land, but Pilaf was too busy looking through binoculars to pay
attention. He then saw Goku, alive and well. Pilaf couldn't manage a
word to say. Piccolo Daimaou asked who it was, so Pilaf told him that
it was the boy that stopped him from getting the Dragon Balls. He's
small, but very strong. Piccolo Daimaou couldn't believe, a small fry,
killed Cymbal and Tambourine like that. He would die immediately. Piccolo
Daimaou then floated off the ship and landed, in front of Goku, silently.
Goku then yelled that he was the one that killed Krillin and took the
Dragon Ball, right? Piccolo Daimaou then replied that he may have done
that, but he has noticed that Goku has more than one Dragon Ball with
him now. Yajirobe, hiding behind a tree, knew that it was Piccolo Daimaou,
very much alive. Piccolo Daimaou complimented Goku on killing his children,
since he must be very strong. Goku told him that they were just appetizers
and Piccolo Daimaou is the main course. Piccolo Daimaou then laughed
and told him he doesn't know how strong he is. He may be too young to
know who he really is, so Goku asked if he was famous or something like
that. Piccolo Daimaou smiled, telling him he's never wanted to kill
someone so badly before. Piccolo Daimaou then gave his last insult,
telling him that he justly deserves to die from the king of demons.
Goku told him to shut up, almost giving a punch, while Yajirobe just
looked on, knowing Goku would die soon.
Comic One Hundred and Forty Three
Piccolo Daimaou is unaffected by the Kamehameha.
Summary: Goku ran as fast as he could towards Piccolo, giving Piccolo
Daimaou a shock that he was really fast. Goku then jumped up when he
got near him, did a flip, and punched Piccolo Daimaou in the face. He
then gave him a kick on his way back down to the Earth. Piccolo Daimou
leaned over in pain, but Goku still wanted to do more. Goku then flew
at Piccolo Daimaou once more. However, Piccolo Daimaou got ready and
stuck his hand out, to stab him. But, Goku was ready as well. He stopped
himself in mid-air, wrapped his tail around his arm, and then tried
to upper cut Piccolo Daimaou. He was stopped short, when Piccolo punched
back. Goku flew backwards, but when he hit the ground, he jumped back
towards Piccolo and then gave him a kick to the chest, which made Piccolo
Daimou fall backwards. Pilaf and his group on the ship, decided to run
away, since the kid was much stronger than he seemed. Yajirobe just
looked in disbelief, that this young boy could easily kick Piccolo Daimaou,
the Great Demon King around. However, the small minion that served as
Piccolo's right hand told them to stay. Master would take care of him
shortly. Piccolo Daimaou, still on the ground, admitted that the never
knew that someone would be able to knock him on the ground. No wonder
he was able to beat his children. Piccolo Daimaou got up and told Goku
that he would get, what was coming to him. Piccolo then took off his
cape and threw it on the ground. Piccolo Daimou then told Goku that
he was truly evil, but Goku didn't seem to care. Piccolo just smiled
and then threw himself towards Goku. He kicked Goku in the air and then
followed him. While in the air, Piccolo Daimaou then rose above Goku,
and punched him to the ground. Piccolo Daimaou then landed softly on
the ground and reached inside the hole that Goku made on impact. Yajirobe
then suddenly gasped, that maybe he spoke to soon. Piccolo Daimaou held
Goku by his throat and asked if he was still alive. Goku's reply was,
"…of course." Piccolo Daimaou then got really upset and then punched
him hard in the face, making blood come out everywhere. Goku just snarled
at him, so Piccolo threw him to the ground. Goku crawled away and then
got up from a distance. Piccolo told him to leave right away or die.
Goku just starred at him, while Piccolo told him that he is different
from other humans. Speed, strength, power; all much more than any human.
Too bad he had to die now. Piccolo then laughed and told him that he
would soon be in hell. Goku then, all of a sudden, Goku put his hands
in front of him, like a Kamehameha. Piccolo then screamed in terror.
Goku started to charge up his Kamehameha, but Piccolo Daimaou then laughed
out loud as loud as he could, thinking that he was going to do the Mafuuba.
Goku then let his Kamehameha fly towards Piccolo, but Piccolo Daimaou
decided not to dodge. Goku smiled, when he saw nothing there. He liked
it that he took it head on, so he would die. Piccolo then came out from
the smoke and told Goku that he would soon die now.
Comic One Hundred and Forty Four
Goku is defeated by Piccolo Daimaou. After almost suffering death,
Goku retreats to Korin. (6)
Summary: Piccolo clenched his fist, telling Goku that this was the time
of his demise. Goku just muttered out some gibberish, realizing he couldn't
win. Yajirobe was happy he ran away, since he would have died just as
fast. Piccolo then brought both of his hands, clenched as fists, upwards
and told Goku to dodge this if he could. He started screaming and an
unbelievable amount of ki started to form in his hands. He then put
his hands backwards and then it went quiet. Suddenly, Piccolo thrust
his right hand out great amount of ki flew towards Goku. Goku just stared
at it, but at the last second, jumped out of its way. Piccolo Daimaou
was ready for this, so he let the rest of the ki go to where Goku was
going. Goku wasn't ready for another blast and was hit by the blast.
He suddenly just lost all feeling in himself and dropped to ground,
as if he had died instantly. Piccolo Daimaou walked to him and told
him that he would have never won. Everyone on the ship was amazed, that
that old man had such great power in him. Piccolo Daimaou then felt
his hand on Goku's chest and concluded that his heart had stopped. The
young brat is dead. He then took the Dragon Ball and flew up to the
ship. He then told everyone that they would get the rest of the balls
now. Pilaf then realized, if he was this strong, and he wished for eternal
youth, he would become much stronger than when he fought Goku. The plane
flew off and Yajirobe emerged. He stood over Goku, knowing that this
strong fighter had died. Yajirobe then decided to give him a decent
burial, since he fought Piccolo Daimaou. Suddenly, Goku's hand starting
moving up and around, when Yajirobe put his ear to Goku's chest. His
heart was beating again. Yajirobe then smacked Goku around, telling
him to get up. Blood poured from Goku's mouth and Goku kept asking for
water. Yajirobe threw him over his chest and ran to the nearest river.
He dipped Goku's head in the water, telling him to drink up. Goku spat
away the water, while Yajirobe told him that he has the strength of
50 men. Goku told him though, that Piccolo Daimaou beat him without
him breaking a sweat. Yajirobe told him that Piccolo Daimaou is invincible,
so you wouldn't be able to beat him. Goku then asked if Yajirobe knew
where Korin Tower was. Yajirobe didn't have a clue what Korin was. Goku
told him that the needed to take him there, since he can't move anymore.
Yajirobe figured that there was medicine there and asked if there was
anything to eat there also? Meanwhile, in a field, Kamesennin, Tenshinhan,
and Chaozu were looking for the rest of the Dragon Balls. Chaozu suddenly
found it and they had five now. They looked on the radar, trying to
see if Piccolo's was moving, but they soon saw that two of them were
together and coming towards them. Tenshinhan then realized, Piccolo
is coming near them. Elsewhere, Goku asked Yajirobe why he didn't help
him, so Yajirobe told him that he didn't want to die.
(4) The great evil of the Earth has returned; Piccolo Daimaou is alive.
(5) After finding the assassin of Krillin, Goku avenged Krillin's death
by murdering the assassin.
(6) Goku was severely beaten, after fighting Piccolo Daimaou himself.
Book 12
Piccolo Daimaou Lives!
As the fight goes on, Goku and Tenshinhan are at thier limits. Tenshinhan
decides to pull out his trump card, the Kikouhou. After going in the
air, he charges up his blast, and lets it loose. It appears that Goku
is dead, until Goku is in the air with Tenshinhan. Goku tries to beat
him in the air, but doesn't work. So, he blasts a Kamehameha away fromTenshinhan,
making Goku hit him. They both fall, not of thier will. Goku tries his
best to stay up by shooting a small Kamehameha. However, it doesn't
work, when Goku hits a truck, making him fall faster and making him
second after Tenshinhan. They both talk afterwards, telling each other
they had a good fight, and Tenshinhan decides to become good. When Krillin
goes to get Goku's stuff, he suddenly dies. Goku gets so angry, he follows
the assassin. However, Kamesennin makes a discovery that Piccolo Daimaou,
the Great Demon King, is alive. Goku finds the assassin, but is beaten
up. Goku wakes up later, to find a fish being burnt for food. Kamesennin,
Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and Bulma decide to make a radar and find the Dragon
Balls, to stop Piccolo. However, Piccolo Daimaou just made another demon,
Cymbal, to go and find the balls. Cymbal, ironically, goes to the spot
where Goku is and his new friend, Yajirobe are, with the Dragon Ball.
Yajirobe fights Cymbal, wins, and eats him, since Goku ate his fish.
Piccolo Daimaou tells Tambourine, Krillin's assassin, to go and kill
that other person. Tambourine had already killed seven finalists of
the Tenkaichi Budoukai already. When he finds Goku, het lets his guard
down, and is killed by a Kamehameha. Piccolo Daimaou is so upset, that
he wants to go himself to find the murderer. Piccolo Daimaou finds Goku
and is beaten up. However, Piccolo Daimaou appears to be invincible
and takes Goku's full charged Kamehameha head on. He then beats up Goku,
to where he is dead. However, when Piccolo leaves, Goku starts to move
again. Goku asks Yajirobe to take him to Korin Tower, while Piccolo
Daimaou is heading toward Kamesennin, Tenshinhan, and Chaozu have the
other five balls.
Comic One
Hundred and Forty Five
faces Piccolo Daimou.
Summary: As Piccolo Daimaou and his minions came closer to the five
Dragon Balls, they found out that those five Dragon Balls are coming
towards them as well. Piccolo Daimaou laughed evilly, wondering who
was coming to their death? Kamesennin told Tenshinhan and Chaozu that
they were just about near Piccolo and would need to act fast. What they
really needed more than ever, was luck. Tenshinhan just made himself
totally emotionless towards the whole ordeal. Meanwhile, Yajirobe and
Goku were nearing Korin Tower. Yajirobe kept asking where to go and
Goku kept saying left. Goku complimented him on his car, as well as
Yajirobe. Yajirobe told him that he knew it would be good when he stole
it. Yajirobe also added that he needed to leave Piccolo Daimaou alone.
Goku asked if he knew him and Yajirobe told Goku he had heard stories
about the demon that loved chaos. Yajirobe told him that he almost conquered
the whole world, but a great martial artist stopped him. Goku wanted
to know who did it, but Yajirobe didn't know whom. Yajirobe asked what
happens when the Dragon Balls come together, so Goku explained the whole
story behind the wishes and Shenlong. After explaining, Yajirobe asked
what did Piccolo Daimaou want? Goku had no clue. Piccolo Daimaou yelled
out, as though he heard them, "Eternal youth!" That was his goal. Elsewhere,
Kamesennin told them to land, since they had to turn the plane into
a capsule. Kamesennin, when out, blew a small hole out of the ground,
and told the young fighters to put the balls in there, to hide. He explained
that Piccolo would have a harder time finding them, so Chaozu dug them
in. Kamesennin explained, that Chaozu hide behind one of the rocks.
When he and Tenshinhan get Piccolo's Dragon Ball's, they'll throw them
to Chaozu, and he can grant the wish. He added that you need to say,
"Shenlong, come forth," and the dragon will appear. Tenshinhan complimented
on it and Kamesennin told him it was okay. They then got in their places
and waited. In the ship, Pilaf told Piccolo that they were there now.
Piccolo thought it was a trap, so he would just be on guard. Kamesennin,
with the radar, told him that they were coming. They soon saw an airship
and awaited Piccolo. Once the evil group were above the balls, they
let Piccolo know, and soon he emerged from the ship. Tenshinhan saw
that the plane was staying up there, which means the balls are up there,
which will make it just as harder to get them. Pilaf told Piccolo that
no one was down there, so he concluded that they were hiding. He also
knew that they wanted his balls. So, he would just keep them for himself.
He then let his tongue come out and he ate them. Kamesennin then saw
that it was indeed Piccolo. Tenshinhan also said that he ate the balls.
Kamesennin then knew that they had to kill him to get the balls. Tenshinhan
then took off his shirt and told him we will fight now. Kamesennin told
him to stay here, but Tenshinhan refused. Kamesennin told him that he
wouldn't die though. He drank the fountain of youth. Tenshinhan then
yelled that he came here for a reason. He won't turn back. Kamesennin
then blew a sleep gas in Tenshinhan's face, making him fall asleep.
Kamesennin then dragged Tenshinhan in a cave. He told him, in his mind,
that he is just as strong as Piccolo. And if anything should happen,
we need Tenshinhan to stop him. Kamesennin then yelled at Chaozu that
the operation is off. Don't let Piccolo see him. Kamesennin then walked
out and told Piccolo to come down now. Piccolo Daimaou then laughed,
that this person knew him and he wanted him to come down by demand.
As he floated down, he told him that he liked his courage. Kamesennin
then pointed on the ground and told Piccolo that his Dragon Balls were
dug under there and would have to get him over his dead body. Piccolo
Daimaou told Kamesennin that he made him laugh. Kamesennin told him
that would be taken care of. Chaozu got really scared as he watched,
but Tenshinhan tried to get himself up to fight.
One Hundred and Forty Six
uses the Mafuuba, but it doesn't work and he dies. Piccolo gets his
Dragon Balls and starts his wish. (1)
Summary: Kamesennin told him that he shouldn't talk to him like that.
He doesn't know who he is messing with. Piccolo told him likewise. Pilaf
laughed as he said that Piccolo Daimaou would defeat him in one second.
Kamesennin tried to remind him, that this wasn't the first time they
met. He must have remembered his master, since he had his last meeting
with him. Piccolo just starred at him blankly, but Kamesennin offered
to jog his memory. His name was, Master Mutaito! Piccolo suddenly turned
from laughter to terror. Kamesennin then opened up a capsule; the capsule
was, the denshi jar. Piccolo immediately knew what the jar was. Chaozu
gasped, while Tenshinhan told himself that he knew that Kamesennin knew
the Mafuuba. Kamesennin then told Piccolo, that he hoped he hasn't forgotten
his almost eternal defeat, from his master. Pilaf and the group knew
that something bad was going on, but what? Piccolo yelled and then flew
away, knowing that his death could be moments away. Kamesennin didn't
waste any time, yelling out, "MAFUUBA!" so the ki from it crackled and
sparkled to Piccolo Daimaou, trapping him. A swirl filled the air and
suddenly, Kamesennin could control where Piccolo Daimaou was going.
Helpless, Piccolo Daimaou grew closer and closer to the jar, when suddenly,
Kamesennin let a whoosh of air go down, sending Piccolo Daimaou to the
jar. But all for not. The blast hit, but didn't go in. The jar flew
away, with Piccolo Daimaou free. Kamesennin gasped, as he knew, he failed,
and the grim reaper grew near. Piccolo Daimaou panted severely for the
things he went through, as well as Kamesennin. Kamesennin managed to
get a few last words out. "I… I didn't get you…and I failed… but someone
will come and get you… you will never live peacefully. One day… someone…
from the Earth… will kill you… and I…" With that, Kamesennin collapsed,
dead. Tenshinhan clenched his fists in complete anger, knowing that
that was the last hope. Piccolo Daimaou laughed evilly, thinking that
that fool was wrong. Still in the car, Goku suddenly felt a sort of
uneasiness. Yajirobe asked what was wrong, but Goku couldn't explain.
It was as though someone ripped a part of his body away from him. Yajirobe
just called Goku weird, but asked if he was hurt or not. Piccolo Daimaou
then screamed out loud that the old man was dead. Now no one can get
him with the Mafuuba. Everyone in the ship rejoiced, as their master
had won another battle. Piccolo Daimaou, once again, screamed that no
one could hurt him. The old fool was dead. The Mafuuba didn't affect
him. And he was still alive, with all seven Dragon Balls. He then lifted
his finger and five Dragon Balls emerged from the ground. He spit out
his two in his mouth and smiled at his victory. He yelled that now he
had all seven balls, he will be eternally young and no one would stop
him. A huge bang then rang the air and Tenshinhan still tried to get
up, clenched fists as well.
One Hundred and Forty Seven
Piccolo wishes
to become youthful for all eternity. Chaozu is put to death by Piccolo
Daimou. Goku arrives at Korin's Tower. (2)
Summary: The seven balls settled on the ground, while Piccolo Daimaou,
still laughing, told the world that he would be young forever! The group
on the ship were also happy, since they would have their own control
of the world also. Tenshinhan suddenly understood. To be young forever,
means youthful power forever. Piccolo gave the proper password and the
sky suddenly grew very dark. Chaozu wondered was going on, while Pilaf
remembered what happened all those years ago, when he tried to do this.
Mai was screaming over and over that Piccolo Daimaou would be invincible,
while the balls shimmered, and Tenshinhan tried to get up and do something.
Shenlong then filled the sky. Piccolo, Tenshinhan, Chaozu, Pilaf and
the group; they all had the same though. Wow! Piccolo just starred on,
thinking of how incredible it is. Tenshinhan then telepathically told
Chaozu if he could hear him. Chaozu answered he could, so Tenshinhan
went on. He didn't know when to ask the wish, but he wanted him to jump
out just before Piccolo asks his wish, so he could die. He reminded
him once more, to kill Piccolo. Chaozu understood perfectly, while Shenlong
asked Piccolo for his wish. He reminded him, he only would get one.
Piccolo then started to say, "I want…" when Chaozu jumped out. He started
to begin, "I want you to destroy Picco…" Chaozu was burned to crisp
before he could finish. Piccolo had used the rest of his ki to kill
Chaozu. Piccolo then started to feel more relief, thinking he should
have been more careful. Shenlong asked once again, to say the wish.
Piccolo then asked he wanted eternal youth. Unlimited power. He asked
if he could do that, so Shenlong told him it was a simple task. Shenlong's
eyes brightened and Piccolo Daimou started to grow younger. His muscles
bulged, his wrinkles went away and his power came back. Piccolo then
had all his youth back. His power grew increasingly. And he let the
world know it too. Elsewhere, Yajirobe and Goku saw the sky grow dark.
Yajirobe was reminded that this happened three years ago too. Goku then
knew what was going on. Shenlong was summoned. But that's not all he
knew. They were at Korin Tower!
Comic One Hundred and Forty Eight
Piccolo Daimou
kills Shenlong. Goku begins his way up to Korin's Tower with Yajirobe.
Summary: The very young Piccolo Daimaou cackled evily, feeling his new
found powers. Everyone on his ship also cheered for him, since they
can now rule the world. Shenlong told Piccolo that he granted his wish
and would leave for next time. Piccolo similed and then told him that
he wasn't going to get very far. He then shot a blast out of his mouth,
which vaporized Shenlong. The blast was huge, with pieces of Shenlong
flying everywhere. When each piece of the dragon had finally landed,
it dissapeared. The Dragon Balls then turned to stone, in which Piccolo
yelled that no one can be wished back and no one can stop him with them.
Tenshinhan, still on the ground, struggled to get up, while Piccolo
still celebrated his new powers. The darkenss turned back into day,
which Goku concluded that Piccolo must have gathered the Dragon Balls,
but hopes that he didn't wish to be young again. Finally, they came
to the base of Korin Tower, which they were greated by a happy Upa.
Upa was pratically jumping up and down inside, seeing Goku. He then
yelled for his father to come out, since Goku has come. Yajirobe, once
again, told him that he promised him a huge feast. Goku told him he
hasn't forgotten, and then Bora came out. Bora saw Goku and knew that
he was hurt, asking if he had any injuries. Goku told him that he got
beat up really bad, but was okay. Meanwhile, Piccolo Daimaou tells his
piolets that has a new course, to the kings castle to claim the world.
Piccolo laughed evily, knowing that he was about to achieve what he
wanted for so long, but Pilaf also had waited a long time as well, and
wanted to discuss the sharing of the world. Piccolo then announced that
he had forgotten and was glad he brought it up, since he was in a good
mood. Piccolo then told his small minion, Piano, to go and get Pilaf's
men, to disuss the sharing. As soon as they arrived, Piccolo told them
to get off, immediatly. Pilaf asked if that's what he really said, and
Piccolo confirmed it. Pilaf reminded him, though, that it was him who
got him where he was. Piccolo told him he didn't care, or would they
rather die? Pilaf and his followers then were thrown overboard. Goku,
however, was explaining how terrible the Earth was in danger, making
Bora shake. Goku told him that he would go up the tower, to see Korin,
but Bora told him that he was in no condition to climb. Goku told him
that Yajirobe would take him, since he was counting on him, for the
Earth, and as his friend. Goku then told Yajirobe that his feast was
at the top of the tower, which excited Yajirobe. Yajirobe told him that
he was lying, but Goku told him that it's called a senzu, which made
Yajirobe a little confused. He took on the request anyway, so Bora told
him that he would give them a boost up. Elsewhere, Pilaf, Shou, and
Mai had huge knots in their head, telling each other that they failed,
once again.
One Hundred and Forty Nine
Goku and Yajirobe
make it to the top of the tower. Piccolo Daimou finds the king of the
Summary: Goku, on top of Yajirobe, was in Bora's hand, to be throw up
the tower, as a boost. Upa told Goku to give Piccolo all he's got. They
then soon flew up, as high as the clouds. Yajirobe told him that they
went for a long way, and he still can't see the top. Goku told him to
be patient, so Yajirobe started his climb. Elsewhere, at the home of
the king of the world, Piccolo was admiring, declaring it his new home.
Piccolo soon started his walk towards the castle, with Piano. As they
got near the gate, a guard tol him that he was not welcome, since the
king was not expecting guests. Piccolo then chopped him on his neck,
killing him instantly. The guard on the other side then started to fire
off his gun, telling others to come. Piccolo appeared to be unaffected,
so he walked up to the guard, and blew him away with eye blasts. Piccolo
then pushed over the gates, not even trying. As soon as he made it across,
guards were swarming Piccolo like mouse on cheese. Piccolo just chuckled,
seeing they were running to death. Meanwhile, Goku and Yajirobe were
still climbing, on the dark side of the world. Yajirobe was telling
Goku that he was really tired and sore, and should be glad he couldn't
get down. Goku told him that he was almost there, while Yajirobe tells
him that he shouldn't have agreed to help him. At the kings castle,
Piccolo was just calmly walking the halls, killing every person he saw
in his path. A huge, brute guard then told Piccolo he should stop now,
making Piccolo laugh, giving him a "strong" fighter. The huge
guard then told Piccolo that he would obey him soon, and told Piccolo
to come now, or fight. Piccolo told him that he would like to fight,
which made the guard mad. He threw a punch, but Piccolo caught it. Piccolo
smiled and told him that that was a punch? Piccolo then hit the guard
hard in the face, making him fly against the wall. Piccolo held the
man upwards, asking where he king was, which the guard replied that
he didn't know. Piccolo then stuck his hand through the guard and threw
him on the ground. The other guards then stood in horror, while Piccolo
reapeared in front of them. Piccolo asked once again, that he wanted
to know where the king was. The guard told him upstairs, in the western
tower. Piano then spotted the king in a plan, trying ot get away. Piccolo
looked up and then jumped toward him. Yajirobe, meanwhile, asked Goku
if that was the top up there, but Goku was asleep. Yajirobe was upset,
seeing him asleep. He then tried to wake him up, while climbing up.
Piccolo, however, was on top of the king's air ship, making them scared
One Hundred and Fifty
Piccolo demonstartes
his power to the king. Goku tries his luck at the Choushinsui.
Summary: Piccolo just stared at the king on his plane, making the king
wonder what was going to happen. Piccolo kicked off the bubble/windshield,
and chuckled, seeing that the king is a complete coward. The king then
asked who he was, which was responded by himself being the one called,
Piccolo Daimaou. He told him that he was the new king. A guard then
attacked, with his gun, telling him that he would not. Piccolo then
laughed, seeing how he didn't know who he really was. Piccolo picked
him up by the head, held him over the plane, and dropped him to his
death. The king, who is a Scottish terrier, asked what did he want?
Piccolo reminded him once again, that he is king and he would tell the
whole world of him. The king then told him that he would never do such
a terrible thing. Piccolo then told him that he knew he would say that,
so he has something that might convice him. Piccolo then raised his
fist, clenched, making the king wonder what he was doing. Piccolo told
him that he will soon change his mind, after seeing this. He then swept
his hand in front of him, released a huge amount of ki, enough to destroy
at least, 4/5 of the city. Piccolo told him that he would have to realize
now, that he is indestrucable. He could destroy the whole world if he
wishes. The king looked down, sorrowfully, and told him that he would
tell the world. Piccolo then giggled, then chuckled, laughed, and then
cackled a deadly howl to his prisoner. On Korin Tower, Yajirobe panted
and panted, while Goku thanked him for his efforts. Korin then told
that if carried up Goku on his shoulders the whole way, he must be strong.
Goku then told Korin that it was good to see him again, which Yajirobe
jumped up and asked if that was him. Goku tried to explain, but Korin
stopped him, telling him he knew it all. Goku was skeptical, so Korin
told him the knew about Piccolo beating him up. Goku asked how he knew,
so Korin told him that he has nothing else to do, so he watched. Goku
asked if he could see that far, but Korin asked what he could do him
for. Goku told him that he's a monster, and wants to beat him. Koring
told him that he could try, but he needs to be healed. Korin then reached
and got a senzu for Goku. Goku thanked him for the senzu, but Yajirobe
jumped up and asked if that was his "feast"? Yajirobe told
him that he came all this way for peas, without taste? He gulped down
multiples of senzus, and soon realized, that was a mistake. Yajirobe
blew up and started to fall over. Goku told him that he would be full
for ten days, per senzu. Korin then asked Goku if he was healed yet,
in which Goku finally could stand up straight and smiling. Goku then
asked if he could be taught, but Korin told him he has nothing left
to teach him. Goku is as strong as Korin and cannot have any other training
sessions. It seems as though, Piccolo is compared to no one. Even Kamesennin
was killed by him. Goku then got really surprised and then totally angry.
Goku then started for the end of the tower, so Korin asked what he was
doing. Goku told him that he would go and do what he could. Korin told
him that he is too strong, but Goku didn't care. He had a score to settle.
Korin the leaned over and told Goku there is one more way to train.
Since he isn't afraid of death, he could try, the Choushinsui.
One Hundred and Fifty One
Goku survives
the deadly water, Choushinsui. (4)
Summary: Goku asks what the water was called again, so Korin tells him
that it is the Choushinsui, the Ultimate Water of the Gods. Goku asks
if it should make him strong, which Korin tells him that it all depends.
The water will increase your power to the limit, but if you have already
reached it, then it won't help you. Goku looked at himself and said
he couldn't do it. Yajirobe then told him to drink it anyway, which
Goku replied that he would try and give it a shot. Korin then told him
that there is a downside. If you are not strong mentally and physically,
the water will kill you. It is a deadly poison, so in order to withstand
it, you must be stronger than poison. Yajirobe asked if Korin tried
it, so he told him he did, but he threw it back up. Yajirobe then asked
how many have tried it and survived? Korin kinda hesitated, which Yajirobe
told him that not a lot have tried, he guessed. Korin told him that
fourteen have tried, all experts in martial arts, but they died. Yajirobe
then told him that it is nothing but poison, but Korin told him that
it isn't true, and is really majic. Goku stared silently, and then said
that he would do it. Yajirobe told him that he couldn't and would die.
Yajirobe told him that he wouldn't be able to, even if he had a prayer.
Goku told him that he would still try. Yajirobe told him to not try
and just stay away from Piccolo as much as possible. Goku told him that
he has to avenge Kamesennin and Krillin. Korin then told him that it
is true that Piccolo would take over the world, if he isn't stopped.
Yajirobe just smugged and said if he dies, it's not his problem. Goku
then smiled and told him to bring on the water. Korin told him he would
and got the water, with a small cup. Korin, sweating heavily, told him
that he could drink now. Yajirobe bent over to smell, seeing it didn't
smell too bad. He asked if he could dip his finger in to try it and
did so. After tasting it, he suddenly grabbed his throat, saying it's
the worse thing he's ever drank. Goku then told him to keep quiet, since
he needed a lot of confidence. Korin told him that he didn't have to
do it now, since in a couple years of training, he could do it. Goku
told him that they had no time and gulped the entire cup of water down.
Goku then started to grab for his throat and fall to the ground. He
screamed a terrible scream, while Yajirobe told him to hurry and throw
it all back up. Goku then yelled that he is immortal! Meanwhile, Tenshinhan
is perfecting the Mafuuba. After many tries, he still can't seem to
place a ki beam in the jar without knocking it over. Tenshinhan gasped,
know realizing Kamesennin is stronger and more wise than he seems. Tenshinhan
didn't give up though, going back at it. After six hours, Goku is still
trying to fight the water, with the sun coming up. Korin just stares,
worrying to make a grave for Goku. Goku still fights on, and suddenly,
lets a great poewr loose, like when he becomes a great ape. Korin tells
Yajirobe that he feels Goku's power. Goku then opened his eyes, as if
waking up from a dream. Elsewhere, Tenshinhan finally perfected the
Mafuuba, telling Piccolo that he is his. Goku then gets up from the
ground, telling his friends that he feels the great power in him.
(1) Kamesennin,
in an attempt to kill Piccolo Daimou, uses the Mafuuba, but doesn't
(2) After gaining eternal youth from Shenlong, Piccolo started his wrath
on the world.
(3) To make sure no one will try and stop him with the Dragon Balls,
Piccolo Daimou kills Shenlong.
(4) To gain more strength, Goku drinks the deadly Choushinsui and survives