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Every DB Movie/Special Fight
1. Android 17 vs. Gohan[Trunks Special]- Gohan immediatley goes ssj,
but it is still an even battle at the beginning. Gohan begins to land blows to Android 18
and it looks like he is going to win the fight, but out of no where Android 18 appears and
knocks Gohan away. The two androids team up and start to beat the crap out of Gohan when
Trunks occumpies 18
2. Android 18 and Trunks[Trunks Special]- Android 18 hits Trunks with an energy blast that does nothing to
him and then the two speed away and the land on a ferris wheel and are facing each other.
Trunks attacks 18, but 18 is barely fighting back and it is visible. 18 hits Gohan about 5
times when out of no where he knees her to the gut. 18 gets angry and puches Trunks off of
the ferris wheel and about half way to the ground she catches Trunks. 18 prepares to fire
an energy blast to Trunks at point blank range when Gohan intervines knocking 18 and the
blast out of the way. 18 fires one more blast at the two and Gohan takes it and then
Trunks and Gohan go off and hide.
3. Gohan vs 17 and 18[Trunks Special]- 17 and 18 are destroying a city when Gohan shows up and kicks 18
through a wall. Gohan gains the upper hand for a few minutes, but the two androids
together are to much. Gohan flies as they chase him for awhile. As Gohan flies out the top
of a destroyed building the two robots hit him up against a building. They then fire
repeated ki blasts at Gohan totally destroying him. Gohan dies in the fight.
4. Trunks vs. 17 and 18[Trunks Special]- Three years after Gohan's death Trunks is ready to go in the time
machine when he decides that he can beat the robots. He now has his sword and can turn
ssj. He finds the robots in a destroyed city. Trunks begins to fight the androids, but he
realizes immediatley that they are just toying with him. Trunks used his sword, but to no
sucess. Trunks finally connects with an attack, but it doesn't do to much. Trunks than
fires repeated ki blasts. Well, in short it does absolutley nothing to the robots and then
Trunks is left to run and hide. Well, he does not do to good a job of that either because
he gets beaten up pretty badly by the androids and left for dead. Luckily for Trunks the
robots think he is dead and leave him.
5. Gokuh vs. Pikehan[Movie 12]- Is is in the after life tournament. You can tell that the two men
are friends. In reality the fight never is finished, but the 20 seconds of the fight that
are shown it seems that the two fighters are evenly matched.
6. Janeba form 1 vs. Gokuh[Movie 12]- Janeba in this form has the mind of a child and is only
looking for fun. Gokuh realizes this, but also is aware that Janeba is very powerful.
Janeba has everything in the spirit world under his control and he uses it to his
advantage. He also can create Gokuh size janeba's by the hundreds, but Gokuh destroyes
them all easily. Janeba then uses Gokuh as bowling pins and than he beats the crap out of
Gokuh because he can predict his every movie. After a while Gokuh finally gets in a blow
and fires a Kame Hame Ha, but Janeba transports Gokuh causing him to hit himself. Gokuh
goes ssj2, but right after he does Janeba starts to fires rapid blasts from his stomach
which pushes Gokuh over the limit causing him to go SSJ3. Gokuh is not way to fast for
Janeba and holds him up in the air by punching him repeatedly. He then fires an enrgy
blast at Janeba. Gokuh than forms an energ ball on each of his hands and flies straight
into Janeba. Gokuh thinks he has won when Janeba transforms into his second form.
7. Great Saiyaman 1 and 2 vs. Dead people[Movie 12]- The Great Saiyamans are going around the town
destroying all the awakened dead with ease.
8. Freeza vs. Gohan[Movie 12]- Ohh, how times have changed. This is not even a real fight. After a
lot of talk Freeza calls forth around 40 bad guys ranging from the ginyu force to the bad
guys in movie one. Gohan flies through all of them and in one punch makes Freeza blow up.
All the bad guys then run away.
9. Mr. Satan vs. Dead people[Movie 12]- Mr. Satan is in the alley ways beating the hell out of every
demon that comes along. He then gets angry because the TV cameras are not there, he than
decides he can just tell them everything later and moves on to beat up some more bad guys.
10. Gohan vs. Green men[Movie 2]- In the beginning of Movie 2 Gohan is beat up by four green monsters. He has no chance because they jump him. He is save by
11. Piccolo vs. Green Men[Movie 2]- Piccolo comes along and saves Gohan. The four green men surround Piccolo, but he handles them with ease and kills the
fourth with a Ireizagan (mouth blast).
12. Muten Roshi vs. Green Men[Movie 2]-The four green men show up at the Kame House and tell Muten Roshi to come with them. Muten Roshi says no, but they atttack him. Roshi takes out each one with either a punch or a kick. After they seiza Bulma though, he is forced to go with Dr. Kochin.
13. Kamesennin vs. Kishime, Mikokatsun, and Ebifurya[Movie 2]- Kamesenning hold his own against the three at first, but after an attempted Kame Hame Ha back fires he gets hit a few times and then electracuted.
14. Gokuh vs. Mikokatsun[Movie 2]- Mikokatsun crashes through the ice Gokuh is standing on and tries to hit him many times, but Gokuh dodges each attempt. Gokuh punches Mikokatsun is the stomach, but because of how fat he is Gokuh's punch just sinks into Mikokatsun' body. Gokuh than kicks Mikokatsun into the water and runs into the building that Dr. Wheelo is in. Gokuh walks into a room where there are hundreds of balls with blades on them. They all begin to fly at Gokuh and he dodges every one. After that though Mikokatsun knocks Gokuh around and than punches him into a wall. Gokuh goes to kick him, but once again sinks into his body. Gokuh finally flies as fast as he can into Mikokatsunstretching the monster out, finally Gokuh uses Kaio Ken and goes right through Mikokatsun, destroying him.
15. Gokuh vs. Ebifurya and Kishime[Movie 2]- Gokuh and Ebifurya stare each other down and Gokuh knocks down Ebifurya much like he did to Recoome. Kishime than shows up, but he moves way to fast for Gokuh to hit him. Kishime and Ebifurya team up to beat up on Gokuh. Gokuh though shows that he is faster and knocks each of them down and does it again after they get back up. Kishime uses a wip to electicute Gokuh and then Ebifurya uses his Freeze Punchto Freeze Gokuh in ice. Gokuh though after Kuririn and Gohan begin to fight break's out of the ice using Kaio Ken. Gokuh than defeates Ebifurya with a single punch and Kishime with two punches.
16. Kuririn and Gohan vs. Ebifurya and Kishime[Movie 2]- Kuririn and Gohan show up to help out Gokuh. The two begin to fight Kishime and Ebifurya. Kuririn and Gohan each get electricuted by vines on Kishimes's arms and then they get blasted by Ebifurya's Freeza Punch.
17. Gokuh vs. Piccolo[Movie 2]- Piccolo was taken over by Dr. Wheelo and fights Gokuh. Gokuh at first is to quick for Piccolo, but Piccolo get in a few good blows. Gohan begins to plead with Piccolo to go back to normal. Piccolo hits Gohan though and as he is about to hit him again, Gokuh steps in. The two go back to fighting. Gohan once again begins to plead with Piccolo and Piccolo goes to attack Gohan. Right as Piccolo is about to fire a Ki blast at Gohan, Gokuh steps in and deflects the blast. Piccolo and Gokuh begin to fight again when Gohan gets angry. Gohan explodes and the power up cracks the foundation holding in Dr. Wheelo's body. Dr. Kochin antagonizes the boy and Gohan erupts again causing the vines on Piccolo's head to begin to crack and then fall off returning Piccolo to normal.
18. Kuririn vs. Dr. Kochin[Movie 2]- Kuririn demands that Dr. Kochin release Bulma. Dr. Kockin reveals the machine gun in his arm and begins to shoot at Kuririn. Kuririn runs around and eventually dives infront of where Bulma is. Right as Dr. Kochin is about to shoot Kuririn, Kamesenning jumps in and chops off Dr. Kockin's machine gun arm.
19. Dr. Wheelo vs. Piccolo, Gohan, Kuririn, and Gokuh[Movie 2]- Dr. Wheelo breaks free of what is holding him into the wall and in the process kills Dr. Kochin. Piccolo charges at Wheelo, but gets knocked out of the way. Kuririn, Gokuh, and Kamesennin fire Kame Hame Ha's at Wheelo, but they do nothing. Wheelo knocks Kamesennin out of the way and fires a blast at Kuririn that takes him out of the action. Gohan charges at Wheelo, but is knocked out of the way before he can do anything. Gokuh uses the nyoibi to trip Wheelo and Piccolo fires repeated machine gun ki blasts, but they do nothing to Wheelo. Piccolo is driven into the ceiling. Gokuh uses Kaio Ken x3 to attack Wheelo. Gokuh knocks of Wheelo's arm and then uses a Kame Hame Ha with Kaio Ken x4 to knock Wheelo into space. Wheelo prepares to blow up the Earth, so Gokuh prepares a Genki Dama to fire at Wheelo. Just as Gokuh is about to throw the Genki Dama, Wheelo fires a bunch of blasts at him which knocks him down. Gohan and Piccolo go into the upper atmosphere to attack Wheelo. Gohan hits him and Piccolo fires a mouth blast into Wheelo's face, cracking the glass holding in his brain. Kuririn comes out of nowhere to attack Wheelo, but gets knocked out of the way. Wheelo then fires a blast that will blow up the Earth, but Gokuh has gotten up and throws his Genki Dama at the blast. Gokuh's Genki Dama breaks through Wheelo's blast and hits Dr. Wheelo, blowing him up.
20. Dr. Gero vs. Android 17[Movie 7]- Android 17 punches a hole in Dr. Gero. He then kicks Gero's head off and steps on it.
21. Android 14. 15 vs. Gokuh[Movie 7]- The two team up on Gokuh and punch him for awhile. After there first attempt does not affect Gokuh they both knock him down to the ground when they each punch him.
22. Trunks vs. Android 14 and 15[Movie 7]- Trunks fights the two while Gokuh fights Android 13. Trunks holds his own, blocking the attacks of both androids. The two show to be too fast for Trunks and Trunks is knocked into the ground and then is attacked with several Ki blasts. Trunks recovers and flies up from the ground. He pulls out his sword and swings it at Android 14, Android 14 simply catches the blade between his fingers. Trunks breaks free and fires a ki blast at 14. 14 blocks it with Trunks sword, Android 15 comes from behind and blasts Trunks at 14. 14 knees Trunks in the stomach, launches him towards the ground and then throws Trunks sword at Trunks.
23. Android 13 vs. Gokuh[Movie 7]- 13 fires a ki blast at Gokuh which blasts him through the ice and under the water. Gokuh comes back up and throws an ice chunk at 13, which 13 dodges. 13 grabs Gokuh by the ankle and flies with him under water. 13 gets in a few hits on Gokuh and then fires a gigantic ki blast at Gokuh from point blank range. Gokuh dodges it and the two fly out of the water. 13 fires his S.S. Dead Bomb at Gokuh. The ki blast follows Gokuh around and finally traps him against a wall of ice. Gokuh is being crushed into an ice wall when out of nowhere a ki blast knocks the S.S. Dead Bomb out of the way.
24. Trunks vs. Android 14[Movie 7]- Android 14 runs at Trunks and Trunks fires a ki blast at 14. 14 dodges the blast and flies head first into Trunks, crushing him into a wall of ice. 14 head-butts Trunks several times and then starts to punch him. Trunks finally flies out of the way and goes SSJ. Trunks flies at 14 and punches him. Trunks and 14 fly right at each other and a bright light forms when they make contact. Trunks lands with his sword drawn and his back to 14 as 14 lands. Trunks kneels there still as 14 charges at him. Right as 14 is about to strike his upper body falls off and he blows up. When they made contact Trunks cut him in half.
25. Vegeta vs. Android 15[Movie 7]- Android 15 flies at Vegeta and begins to attack him. Vegeta dodges all the attacks with ease. Android 15 finally starts to hit Vegeta and continues to punch him when they hit the ice and slide into a wall. Android 15 is still beating the crap out of Vegeta after they hit the wall. Vegeta then grabs 15 by the wrists and tells him that it is his turn. Vegeta then goes SSJ. Vegeta flies at the android and punches him back, Vegeta kicks him and then fires a ki blast at him. The two then fly right at each other and it looks like they went right through one another. Vegeta falls and is no longer SSJ. Vegeta truns around as Android 15 is laughing. Still laughing, 15's head falls off and he then blows up.
26. Android 13 vs. Gokuh[Movie 7]- Gokuh and 13 begin to go at it and they are both blocking each others kicks and punches for awhile. 13 finally sees an opening and knees Gokuh and then elbow's him into the ground. He then kicks Gokuh and fires repeated ki blasts at Gokuh. Gokuh then flies out of the ice and punches 13 hard enough to show that it has affected the android. Gokuh is once again dodging 13's attacks when 13 hits Gokuh and then knocks him into a wall. Gokuh then goes SSJ. A ton of ki blasts are being exchanged between Gokuh and 13 when Gohan fires a ki blast at 13. 13 fires when at Gohan when out of nowhere a ki blast knocks 13's out of the way. The ground splits and up flies Piccolo who grabs onto 13's ankles and throws him into the ground.
27. Super 13 vs. Gokuh, Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo, Gohan, Kuririn[Movie 7]- Vegeta attacks Super 13 with a number of punches to the gut. 13 is not affected and grabs onto Vegeta. He flies with Vegeta straight towards the ground when Trunks tries to help out. 13 blasts Trunks out of the way before he can do anything, though. 13 flies straight into the ground smashing Vegeta and then fires a huge ki blast at Vegeta knocking him out. Piccolo attempts to fight 13, but is blasted out of the way. SSJ Gokuh attempts to attack 13, but 13 grabs Gokuh by the legs and puches him in the balls as hard as he can. 13 then grabs Gokuh by the head and throws him between two ice mountains. 13 continues to beat on Gokuh very badly. Gokuh can barely stand, but will not stay down. 13 fires repeated ki blasts at Gokuh, but Gokuh doesn't stay down. 13 fires a S.S. Dead Bomb at Gokuh knocking Gokuh into the water. Kuririn runs at 13 and is about to fire a ki blast when he slips and slides past 13. Kuririn gets back up and fires the blasts which do nothing to 13 and 13 blasts Kuririn away. Gohan then fires a ki blast at 13 which does nothing. From under water Gokuh begins to gather energy for a Genki Dama. 13 is about to attack Gohan when Gokuh flies out of the water. 13 fires a blast at Gokuh which Gohan flies in the way of and blocks. Gokuh is almost done gathering energy for the Genki Dama. Vegeta is back to fight 13, but still does nothing. 13 takes Vegeta and knees him in the back bending Vegeta backwards. As 13 is about to finish off Vegeta, Trunks fires a blast at 13. 13 turns around and Trunks tells him that he comes from the future. Trunks then says that in the future 13 does not exist because Gokuh defeated him on that day. Trunks then flies at 13 and attacks him with his sword. Trunks breaks him sword on 13 and is then blasted out of the way. Gokuh is 99% done with the Genki Dama when 13 goes to fire a S.S. Dead Bomb at Gokuh. Piccolo grabs 13 and picks him up causing 13 to miss. 13 elbows Piccolo and then steps on his head. Gokuh is outraged by what is happening to his friends and goes SSJ as he finishes up the Genki Dama. Well, since he can't make a Genki Dama with evil in his heart he absorbs all the energy from the Genki Dama and truns it into his ki. Because of his huge ki all the land around him is destroyed. All that is left around Gokuh is a pillar of land on which 13 stands and that is then destroyed. 13 tries to punch Gokuh twice, but only hurts himself. Gokuh then punches a hole through 13 and throws him up into the air. Super 13 then explodes. After 13 is killed we then see Dr. Gero's computer which makes the androids turn off, showing that it is over.
28. Goten, Trunks, and 18 vs. Bio Warriors[Movie 11]- The three take on seven bio warriors in place of the scared Mr. Satan. They easily defeat the Bio Warriors without even breaking a sweat.
29. Bio Brolly vs. 18[Movie 11]- #18 takes the first attempt at defeating Brolly because she is told by Satan that he would pay her anything to defeat Brolly. After many punches and kicks, Brolly grabs #18 and punches her from behind.
30. SSJ Goten and SSJ Trunks vs. Bio Brolly[Movie 11]- Goten and Trunks attack Brolly and get in one hit before he throws them through the wall then hits them with a ki blast. Brolly fires off many blast, but can't hit them. Brolly loses them and is hit from above, but while Goten and Trunks celebreat, Brolly recovers. The three of them go back to hand to hand combat until Brolly puches Trunks through a wall.
31. #18 vs. Brolly[Movie 11]- #18 finally recovers and joins the fight by hitting Brolly in the back of the head. Brolly throws a blast, which she dodges, but then Brolly sends a punch which knocks #18 through the factory. As she is about to get wasted by another balst, Kuririn comes along and saves her.
32. Goten and Trunks vs. Brolly[Movie 11]- The three go back to fighting and Goten and Trunks use their speed to get in some good hits. After getting in a double punch, the two fire of a ki blast which knocks Brolly across the room. They then follow up with machine gun ki blasts. Satan yells for help, though, and Goten goes to help him. Brolly takes advantage of this and attacks. His attacks knock both of them out of the SSJ stage.
33. Goten vs. Brolly[Movie 11]- Brolly is about to kill Trunks when Goten comes back to, and Goten attacks Brolly. Goten gets in some hits, but his hurting shoulder is being taken advantage of by Brolly. Brolly then chokes Goten and knocks him out of the SSJ Stage.
34. Kuririn and #18 vs. Brolly[Movie 11]- Kuririn uses Kienzan to attack Brolly, but it doesn't effect Brolly. #18 also attacks, but both are knocked out of the fight immediately.
35. Trunks vs. Brolly[Movie 11]- Trunks then realizes that he can use the acid to kill Brolly and gets Brolly to stand under the acid tank. Trunks shoots the container and all the acid falls on Brolly and everyone thinks that Brolly is dead.
36. Brolly vs. Z fighters[Movie 11]- The acid has covered the island and is now heading out into the ocean. It is realized however that the sea water causes the acid to solidify. Well, since the acid absorbed Brolly, Brolly has now become part of the acid and a giant Brolly is now created. The sea water however, takes its toll on Brolly and he is solidified. Goten and Trunks then use Ki blasts to destroy the solid pieces of Brolly and he is now gone for good.
37. Gokuh, Piccolo, and Gohan vs. Raichi's Minions[OVA Part 1]- One of the minions is a blue monster and the other one is a green monster with purple hair. When they attack, Gokuh goes to use a Kame Hame Ha, but for some reason it doesn't work. Gokuh uses hand to hand combat then tries the Kame Hame Ha again, but it doesn't work. Piccolo then tries Makansappo and Gohan tries a Masenko, but neither of them work, either. Mr. Popo then tells them that it is because of the Destron Gas that they can not concentrate ki. They went back to hand to hand combat, but shortly after the Z warriors won the fight.
38. Gokuh vs. Orange Minion[OVA Part 1]- Gokuh goes to the great pyramid and is going to destroy the machine that is letting the Destron Gas out, but an orange monster shows up. Gokuh starts to fight, but is still not able to concentrate his ki. Gokuh ends up knocking the monster off of a cliff and the minion is killed from the rocks that colapse on him. Gokuh them destroys the machine.
39. Gohan vs. Purple Minion[OVA Part 1]- Gohan is easily beating up the purple minion with hand to hand combat. Gohan then uses a Kame Hame Ha to kill the monster. He then destroys the machine.
40. Piccolo vs. Raichi Minion[OVA Part 1]- The monster has set up land mines all arond the Destron Gas Machine and tells Piccolo that he will not destroy it. To his amazment, though, Piccolo is able to levitate. The monster jumps up in an effort to reach Piccolo, but ends up falling on his own mines. After one goes off a chain reaction is set off and the whole island nearly is blown up. In the explosions the machine is killed.
41. Piccolo, Gokuh, and Gohan vs. Raichi's Minions[OVA Part 1]- The three fighters are going to destroy a generator that is in a great wall of ice located in the arctic. At first the Z fighters encounter a few minions and easily beat them, but the minions just keep poping up from below the ice.
42. Trunks, Gokuh, Gohan, Vegeta, and Piccolo vs. Raichi's Minions[OVA Part 1]- The Arctic floor is covered with bodies, but the minions keep coming. Now, though, that Trunks and Vegeta are there the fights goes a lot quicker and in the course of the battle the Destron Gas Generator is destroyed.
43. Trunks, Gokuh, Gohan, Vegeta, and Piccolo vs. "Furiza", "Cooler", "Slug", and "Taurus"[OVA Part 1]- At Tongari Tower there is another generator, but it is surrounded by a force shield. Out of nowhere Furiza, Cooler, Slug, and Taurus appear. After some talking the fight begins. It is evident, though, that these enemies are not who they appear to be. Every time they are killed their body just reforms back into its original shape. In the middle of the fight Kaio-sama tells Gokuh that they are Ghost Warriors and therefore are not real. After a few quick Ki Blasts the enemies are killed.
44. Gokuh vs. Robot Gaurd[OVA Part 2]- On his way to Dr. Raichi's castle Gokuh runs into a gaurd robot. The Robot has massice fire power in each of his arms. Gokuh defeats him pretty easily, though, by flying through his body and causing the robot to explode.
45. Gokuh, Piccolo, Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks vs. Dr. Raichi[OVA Part 2]- As the fight begins Dr. Raichi encloses himself in a barrier which he believes to unbreakable. However, Dr. Raichi explains that he doesn't care what happens to the Earth as long as all the Saiya-jin die. This causes Gokuh to get extremely upset and all the fighters attack the shield at once. Gokuh uses a Kame Hame Ha to break the shield and once the shield is broken Vegeta uses a Ki attack to kill Raichi.
46. Vegeta vs. Raichi[OVA Part 2]- Since Raichi is a ghost warrior as well, he is able to return from death. After Raichi is reformed he goes to make another barrier. Just as the barrier is about to close, however, Vegeta slips his hand in and gets off an attack which once again kills Raichi, but this time it's for good.
47. Hatchhyack vs. Z warriors[OVA Part 2]- Hatchhyack is Raichi's ultimate creation. It collects the hate of Tsufuru-jin and turns it into ghost warriors. Upon the death of Dr. Raichi, Hatchhyack gets so much hate that it goes over the limit. Hatchhyack then turns all of its hate into an ultimate fighter and upon being created this fighter starts to beat the heck out of the Z warriors.
Vegeta shoots a monster Ki blast at Hatchhyack, but it does nothing to him. Hatchhyack then responds with a blast that nearly kills Vegeta. Gokuh and Gohan double team Hatchhyack, but are also easily beat up. As Gohan is about to be killed Piccolo steps in, but gets hit hard with a Ki blast.
Trunks, Gohan, and Gokuh all attack, but Hatchyack handles them easily. He then powers up and does a speed punch attack which once again nearly kills Trunks and Gohan. Gokuh and Vegeta begin to fight Hatchhyack as Piccolo gives everyone Senzu Beans. As Vegeta is about to be broken in half a re-energized Gokuh jumps in.
48. Kuririn and Gohan vs. Gaurds[Movie 8]- Gohan, Trunks, and Kuririn come across Shamo and his grandfather, who are about to be beaten by a gaurd. Gohan kicks away the gaurd. The Gaurd whistles over a group of 15 or so gaurds, but Kuririn warns them that the three are a lot stronger than they look. Kuririn then punches into the air and all of the gaurds run away.
49. Brolly vs. Gokuh[Movie 8- While laying in bed, Gokuh is attacked by Brolly. Gokuh evades Brolly's attacks while at the same time trying to findout why he's being attacked. Brolly begins to power up when Paragus runs out and uses a device to calm Brolly down.
50. Vegeta vs. Brolly[Movie 8- As Brolly slowly marches towards Gokuh, Vegeta goes SSJ. Vegeta kicks Brolly and then fires a Ki blast at him. The only think it does, though, is irritate Brolly.
51. Gokuh, Gohan, and Trunks vs. Brolly[Movie 8- After powering up to what seems to be 100%, Brolly begins to attack Gokuh, but Gohan jumps in front of Gokuh. Brolly fires off a Ki blast and Gokuh grabs Gohan and they fly out of the way. The three fighters are then chased around by Brolly and his Ki attacks. The three continue to run and then Brolly states that it is fine that they will not fight because he will just destroy the whole planet instead.
52. SSJ Gokuh, Gohan, and Trunks vs. Brolly[Movie 8- The three fighters go SSJ, but are still forced to run from Brolly. After being chased around the planet, the three fighters stop to square off against Brolly.
Trunks attacks, but is slammed into a wall. Gohan is told to escape while Gokuh fights Brolly. Gokuh is kicked into a wall however and Brolly then catches up with Gohan and blasts him through a building. When Trunks and Gokuh show up to help out Gohan, they are thrown through a building by Brolly.
53. Gokuh vs. Brolly[Movie 8- Gokuh continues to fight Brolly. Gokuh charges at Brolly, who is just standing there shooting off Ki blasts. Gokuh continues to run through each blast, even though it's taking a heavy toll on his body. Brolly asks Gokuh wether or not he ever gives up and Gokuh replies that he never learned how.
54. SSJ Gokuh, Gohan, and Trunks vs. Brolly[Movie 8- As all three Z warriors lie in the waste of the planet, Brolly realizes that his Ki has gotten stronger, so he powers up again. Brolly then sees a knocked out Gohan who is hanging from a building. Brolly fires a Ki blast at Gohan, but just as Gohan is about to be hit Piccolo flies in and saves the boy.
55. Gokuh, Piccolo, Gohan, and Trunks vs. Brolly[Movie 8- Gokuh and Piccolo begin to fight Brolly with hand to hand combat, but he dodges all of their attacks easily. Trunks and Gohan then fire Masenko's at Brolly, but he is not affected by the blast. While Brolly continues to beat up on the Z team, Piccolo flies off to convince Vegeta to fight.
Gokuh runs at Brolly, while Brolly sits there and fires off Ki Blasts at him. Gokuh finally gets close enough to Brolly and fires off a Kame Hame Ha at point blank range, but Brolly is not affected. Brolly questions Gokuh as to what the heck that was suppossed to be and then punches Gokuh so hard that the ground shakes.
56. Vegeta vs. Brolly[Movie 8- Vegeta finally convinces himself to fight, but his moves nor his Ki blasts affect Brolly. Brolly then slams him into a boulder the size of a building.
57. Gokuh vs. Brolly[Movie 8- Gokuh somehow gets up and begins to march at Brolly. As he is marching, he asks his friends to give him their power. Brolly beings to attack Gokuh, but Gokuh can not defend himself because he's collecting power.
Gokuh is onthe brink of death, but keeps getting up. Brolly is getting very upset because Gokuh will not just die. Brolly continues to beat Gokuh into death. Finally, Vegeta givesin and gives his power to Gokuh. Since everyone gave Gokuh their power, it now appears that he will be strong enough to defeat Brolly.
In a final showdown, the two fighters fly straight at each other. Gokuh fires a punch into Brolly's stomach and then fires a ki blast through Brolly's stomack, killing him on the spot.
more to come...
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