A Tribute To Female Dragonball Web Authors... (By: ssj4gokuh)
When you visit a web site you receive plenty of reactions. In the next paragraph, I will go over what you may think when you visit a site like Akire's DBD.
"Wow, what a cool site, he sure does know a lot of Dragonball and look at the awesome page he designed! OK, wait one sec. He likes Vegeta, what is he gay, now let's e-mail him and make fun of him."
Now that you've read that I may bring to you the subject. This is a tribute to all those female DB webmasters. What was the point of the previous subject? Well, it was to point out that a lot of people automatically feel that a site was designed by a man without even giving it a second thought. Then, when you see something talking about how sexy one of the DB characters is most would catch on, but there are those select few that don't catch on so quickly. So, do I believe that just because a female made a web site they should get an award? No, of course not. But since it is so unheard of, it sparks quite an interesting opinion out of all of us. To go back a little bit, the reason I chose Akire's DBD is because of all the female sites, that is the one where even I did not know it was a site made by a female the first time that I arrived.
In this paragraph I want to talk about four of the best female owned sites out there and two of them are already at the top. The first site is in my opinion one of the best sites out there. Temple O' Trunks as you guessed by the name is a character related site. The first character related site I ever visited was Vegeta Insane, well ToT just blew Castor Troy's site out of the water. Is that in any way a put down to Vegeta Insane, no.....well you will see what I mean when you visit the site. Now what Meri, that's her name, does is amazing. She has created section's that keep your attention and make you laugh. The first thing I can think of is the Feature Film's. One of the most creative ideas I have ever seen. She takes a popular show or movie and then throws in DBZ character's and a DBZ twist and presto, an instant hit. Now this is something that is not easy to explain so you better go check it out for yourself. One other section that I need to touch on are the music videos. These are some of the best I have ever seen and are a must see (I like them better than the feature films). One other plus is a great design and choice.
So now I need a knew paragraph because I carried on alittle bit about ToT. Anyway this paragraph is for Akire's Dragonball Domain. Sections, sections, sections.....and they are all of quality. This site could keep you viewing for hours and then some. All her info may not be original, but it was not stolen and that does not take away from the site in the least. She has an amazing section on how to draw the DB characters. Well I gave it a try (then again I have no drawing ability or the patience to practice) and even though I didn't give it long enough to make it work I am sure it will help you draw. It is also an easy site to navigate. So go and give her site a look, you won't regret it.
Now for this site I just really got to know in the last month. The Videl Vault is a site that has a great design, nice color coordination, and is easy to navigate. It's so pretty.... just kidding, but besides a great design the page also provides you with a good amount of info on, yes you guessed it, Videl, but also the rest of the series. Her site has not been out that long, but it has definitely made an impact in the DB community and someday it may be one of the top notch sites.
Finally, the last site I will cover. Videl's Eternal Moments, this site has a very cool page design and offers a lot of things to her visitors. There are a few web master's to this site, but the main one is P.E. Videl. I first became aware of this site when she started to post message's in our message board, I didn't really look at her site though for about 3 weeks after that. This site is mainly a fan oriented site, which, to be serious are not at the top of my list when it comes to my favorites, so that tells you she has a cool site. It is hard to talk about fan oriented sites, so I will leave you to find out about this site, but it is a must see. Be sure to check it out.
Yes, I tried to tell you a little bit about each site and I think I did a pretty good job. Wait, don't go, I'm not quite done so sit back down and don't worry we are almost there. Just a while ago I had the pleasure of interviewing these three and I found out something that I already knew. Now it may amaze you, but here it is. They think the same way as all us guys. No, they didn't say "O, I like the show because all the drawing's are so pretty and I hate it when they bleed that is so wucky." So, all you ignorant people, get with it... the females are making their impact on the Dragonball community. These are three people that influenced me to start a site, their sites may not be at the top, but one day for this site to be as popular as thiers... well, that would be the day.
OK, that's it, but you need to know where to go. Well, you have three options right now. If you aren't quite done viewing this site, go finish and have a good time. You can also go over to the interviews section and in there you can find four interviews which are all done with the four girls I just talked about, Meri, Akire, Zandra, and P.E. Videl. Or you could go over to the links section and find the links to these four sites and then go check them out.
- ssj4gokuh