Up - Gyuu Maiou
The section
of Gyuu Maiou Growing Up.
Once the
Ox King of Frypan Mountain, now the grandpa of two boys and lives with
his daughter.
Gyuu Maiou, or the Evil Ox King, lived on Frypan Moutain, with his daughter,
Chi Chi. He was soon visited by Goku and soon after, Kamesennin. There,
he changed his ways of being evil, and decided to live in peace. Later,
after his daughter married, he went to go live with her, and stayed
there to help Gohan and Goten grow up right.
Evil Emperor King Devil Period
Book One ~ Book Two
Living on Frypan Mountain, Gyuu Maiou would either scare or eat anything
that came along, due that his castle was stuck up on the moutain in
eternal flames. After Kamesennin blew the moutain and castle away, Gyuu
Maiou promised to not hurt anyone again.
House Guest Period
Book Eightteen ~ Book Forty Two
After Chi Chi got married, Gyuu Maiou put it on himself, to go and live
with them. He stayed with the Son family and taught Gohan and Goten
various school studies, while also protecting Chi Chi from anything
that came to her.
Gyuu Maiou decided to stay with the Son family. (Book Forty Two . Chapter
Five Hundred and Nineteen)