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Up - Kamesennin
The section
of Kamesennin Growing Up.
Once was
the strongest man on Earth, now is the most perverted. Kamesennin always
has some odd trick up his sleeve, as well as some panties.
Kamesennin, the Turtle Hermit, invinted the Kamehameha, and trained
Goku, Krillin, and Yamcha to become incredible fighters. He used to
be the strongest fighter on Earth, until Goku came along. After a while,
he gave up fighting, and just let himself become perverted. He also
was supposed to live forever, due to the Immortal Phoniex, but died
trying to save the Earth from Piccolo Daimou. He got wished back though
and never got in very many fights.
Muton Roshi
Book One ~ Book Forty Two
Muton Roshi, also known as Kamesennin, is a master of martial arts.
His master sealed up Piccolo Daimou, and he tried to do it again, after
he was released, but failed and lost his life. He was wished back, but
eventually just settle back, and let Goku and his friends do the fighting.
Muton Roshi Full Power
Book Two
After recieving word from Goku that he needed help to put out Frypan
Mountain, Kamesennin agreed to go along. However, he didn't have the
Bansho Fan, which could make heavy tsunami's and rains, so he put out
the flames with a full powered Kamehameha. He fired it, but destroyed
the entire mountain.
Kamesennin fired the full blast Kamehameha. (Book Two . Chapter Fourteen)
Jackie Chun
From Book Three On
Kamesennin tricked Goku and Krillin, by disguising himself as "Jackie
Chun" (a parady on Jackie Chan) so he could let his students fight
his own master, but not holding back, so he could see how much they
improved. The time he fought Goku, he almost lost, but when the next
Budoukai came, he knew he had no chance. After the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai,
he stopped be Jackie Chun.
Jackie Chun made his appearence. (Book Five . Chapter Fifty One)
Sunglasses Alteration
Book Forty Two
After the fight of Majin Buu, Kamesennin left his old sunglasses, and
went to more futuristic ones. He still had his old perverted ways though.