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DBZ Sagas Walkthrough
Up - Yamcha
The section
of Yamcha Growing Up.
Once a desert
bandit, now a non-stop trainer, and owner of the Rougafufuken, this
fighter loves to train and try to make moves on women.
After meeting Bulma, searching for the Dragon Balls, he started to fall
in love with her and finally decided to move in with her. He remained
a rival of Goku, until Goku surpassed him by a long mile. He then started
to stop training as much, but soon started again around the time Cell
came. After that, he let himself go and just relaxed.
Robber Period
Book One ~ Book Two
After seeing Goku and gang come by, he demanded thier money and hoi
poi capsules. After seeing he couldn't get that, he attacked with his
Rougafufuken, but was defeated. He followed Goku around, until he decided
to become good and went with Bulma.
Kamesennin Diciple Period
Book Ten ~ Book Fourteen
Yamcha was taken under Kamesennin's wing, after fighting Urani Ba Ba's
fighters and came back in the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai, stronger than
ever. He tried to take on Tenshinhan, but was overpowered and had to
train again.
Yamcha faught Tenshinhan. (Book Ten . Chapter One Hundred and Seven)
Warrior Training Period
Book Fourteen ~ Book Thirty Five
Yamcha tried to go to Goku's level, by taking Kami Sama's training.
He learned it was no easy task and was very deadly. He didn't quit however
and became very strong, trying to take on the Saiya-jins, but died,
trained while dead, came back, trained more, but was soon stopped in
training, after almost dying from Android 20.
Yamcha faught as many fighters as possible, thought his life. (Book
Eightteen . Chapter Two Hundred and Fourteen/Book Twenty Nine . Chapter
Three Hundred and Thirty Eight)
Lesser in Marital Arts
Book Thirty Six ~ Book Forty Two
After the fight of Cell, Yamcha settled down and didn't train as much.
He knew that he couldn't keep up with Goku anymore, so he just decided
to spend the rest of his life right. Just finding women. Although he
never got any, that still didn't stop him, even after ten years from
the defeat of Buu.
Yamcha still hadn't aged much and was still a lean fighter. (Book Forty
Two . Chapter Five Hundred and Eighteen)