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Pojo's Dragon
Ball - Item Guide
1. Android 16- An android that is all mechanical. Possibly Dr. Gero's greatest success except that he does not like to fight. He loves nature and becomes friends with Gohan. Cell knocks off his head and then later steps on it while 16 is talking to Gohan. This leads up to Gohan going SSJ2.
2. Android 19- This was the android that was made to transport Gero's brain into the
android body. Not a very strong Android(compared to the other androids) and was killed
by Vegeta.
3. Android 20- This was Dr. Gero in his Android body. He made the transplant so that he
would not have to fear death and could continue to work on his experiments forever. He is killed by one of his own creations, Android 17.
4. Android 8- This android was named Hatchet by Goku when he was young. He was supposed
to kill Goku, but couldn't do it and befriended Goku. After getting out of Muscle Tower, Android 8 became the protector of Jingle Town.
5. Android 17- Male, black hair, looks like his sister 18. Just as with his sister, Android 17 of Trunks timeline and the Android 17 we get to see are totally different. Android 17 also ends up becoming a good guy, but after the cell saga he is not seen much. We get to see Android 17 again in Dragonball GT during the Super 17 saga.
6. Android 18- Female android that looks almost exactly like her brother 17. The Android 18 of Trunks timeline and the Android 18 that we see are two totally different people. The Android 18 of Trunks timeline is a ruthless killer who just wants to see everyone dead. The Android 18 that we get to see is nothing like that, she only wants Gokuh dead because that is her mission. Android 18 ends up becoming good and marries Kuririn. She has a child by the name of Maron
7. Cell- The cells of Most of the Z warriors, Frieza, and the androids combined to create
Cell. Cell is Dr. Gero's ultimate creation as was built to destroy Goku and anyone who got
in his way. There are 5 stages for Cell. Egg Shell, Larva, Cell, Second Form, Developed From.
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