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Ball - Item Guide
1. Pilaf's Plane- This was a two person plane that was used in DB by Shou and Myi. It has two wings and a propeller on the front of the plane. The plane has three wheels.
2. Passenger Plane for Papaya Island- This plane was used to fly people to and from Papaya Island. The plane has two wings. On each of the wings is a propeller and there is also a propeller on the front of the plane. There are three wheels on the plane. There is a fin on the back of the plane.
3. Capsule No.339 Plane- A very large cargo plane. The plane has two wings and one each of the wings are two propellers. The plane has a total of eight wheels. On the front of the plane is a large door that is used to load and take off cargo. One the side and front of the plane "Capsule Corporation" is written. On each side is the number 339 and on the front of the plane the Capsule Corp. Emblem is painted on.
4. Yellow's Plane- Plane driven by Yellow Taisa. The plane has two wings and a propeller on the back of the plane. Four machine guns are built into the front of the plane. The plane can seat one person.
5. Yamucha's Plane- This is Yamucha's odd looking plane. The plane has two wings and four landing pads. On each side of the plane the word "Capsule Corp." is written. The plane can seat two people and the front windshield is a half dome which also serves as a door. On the back of the plane is a large jet booster.
6. Capsule No.115 Plane- A plane that has two wings and a large fin on the top of the plane. The booster's are placed under each wing. The plane can seat two people, but the pilot sits in the seat on the right. On the top of the plane two machine guns are built in.
7. Blue's Plane- This was the plane of the Blue Shogun. It has four wings coming out of it and is jet powered. It can seat one person and "Red Ribon" printed on the side. The plane is destroyed when Blue crashes into a mountain side.
8. RR Army Hydroplane- A Jet powered Hydroplane. It has two extentions on each side so that it can land and take off in the water. The plane has two wings and it black. The plane can seat on person and the seat is covered by a dome.
9. RR Army Capsule No.3 Plane- A plane that is jet powered and can seat two people. The seats are covered in a dome. The plane has two wings and on each wing the Red Ribbon Emblem is painted on.
10. Capsule No. 192 Plane- A pretty goofy looking plane. The plane is longer side to side than it is front to back. The plane is powered by anti gravity and on each side and extension comes out that holds an anti gravity booster. The front of the plane has a small windshield for the pilot and the plane has two headlights. The number 192 is printed above the windshield.
11. Capsule No.576 Plane- A large plane that is used to carry cargo. The front of the plane is a large dome that is mostly glass. The plane can seat two people and has a large back area for cargo. One each side and the front the word "Capsule Corp." is printed along with the number 576. On each wing the word "Capsule Corp." is printed. there are two antenna on the top of the plane.
12. Pilaf's Flying Base- A very large plane of Pilaf's. The plane has two wings and is able to land and take off in the water. There is a large horizontal fin on the back of the plane. The front of the plane is covered by a large half dome and in the dome is the pilots seat. There are many rooms on the Base. On the top of the plane is a dome which seats a gunman and in another dome on the top of the plane is one of the many rooms. On the side of the plane in big letters the word "Pilaf" is written. There are many gunman domes around the base.
13. RR Army Small Fighter- A narrow fighter plane used by Red Ribbon, but it doesn't really look like a plane. On the bottom of the plane are two bars which are used to land on. The plane can seat one person and has no doors. On the front of the plane is one headlight ang two machine guns built in. On the side of the plane "Red Ribbon" is written along with the number 72. The plane has one large antenna coming from the top.
14. Capsule No.991 Plane- A jet plane that has two boosters on the back of the plane. The plane has two wings and can seat two people. There is a large fin on the top of the plane. On the side of the plane the word "Capsule Corp." is written along with the number 991. The Capsule Corp emblem is printed on the large fin.
15. Capsule No.61 Plane- A small plane that can only seat one person. On each side of the plane is a fin and a wing. There is also a jet booster on each side of the plane. The pilot seat is covered by a large dome.
16. Capsule No.239 Plane- a round plane that can seat three people. On each side of the plane is an extremely long wing. On each side of the plane a machine gun is built it. There is a large antenna coming from the top of the plane and the pilot seat is covered by a dome.
17. Capsule No.240 Plane- Same as the 239, but it can only seat one person.
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