Pojo's Dragon
Ball - Item Guide
1. Battle Jacket- When Dr. Gero worked for the Red Ribbon Army he created this machine. It is a robot that allows a person to get inside and control it. When one uses the suit he greatly increases his/her strength.
2. Shu's Robot- As the name implies, this is the robot of Shu. One of the robots arms is a large blaster gun and the other arm is a claw, the robot also has four legs.
3. Pilaf Robot's- This was a group of three robots. Pilaf, Shou, and Myu would ride inside
of these and control them. The three robots could be put together to form a large robot.
I'm not sure when in DB these robots are used, but I know that you can see them in the
first episode of GT.
4. Bulma's Time Machine- This was the time machine built by Bulma so Trunks could go back
into the past to warn Gokuh of the androids and give Gokuh his medicine.
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