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Ball - Item Guide
1. Capsule No.8 Boat- All this is, is a motor boat. It can seat four people and is black. It has a motor on the back of the boat and on the side of the boat is written "8 Capsule". There is a windshield on the front of the boat.
2. Kame-Sennin's Hover Craft- A hover craft that can seat four people. Besides that it looks just like any other hover craft.
3. RR Submarine- A large submarine that has an observation tower towards the back of the sub. It also has a propeller in the back of the sub. On the front of the boat is the Red Ribbon symbol and on the side of the boat the words "Red Ribon" are written.
4. KameSennin's Diving Boat- A diving boat that can seat three people. One the back of the boat is a propeller. On the side of the boat is the number 82 and the word Capsule. There is a large bubble shield over the inside of the boat.
5. Pirate's Diving Boat- A diving boat that can seat three people. On the back of the boat is one large horizontal fin and one vertical fin in the middle. On the side of the boat is the number 19 and on the front is a skull and crossbones. The inside of the boat is covered in a bubble dome
6. RR Army Small Diving Boat-- A diving boat that can fit two people and has a periscope. It has a propeller on the back of the boat. One the side of the boat is written Red Ribon and on the front of the boat is the Red Ribbon symbol. There are also two headlights on the boat.
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