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Ball - Item Guide
Super Natural Items
1. Senzu- The Senzu beans are very important in the series. The Senzu beans are used to
heal and are equivelent to eating 10 days worth of meals
2. Nyoibo- A magical pole that was used by Gokuh when he was a little kid. The Nyoibo can
extend to any length desired
3. Z Sword- The sword that Gohan retrieved from a stone. It is supposed to give the holder
of the sword the strongest person in the Univerese (similar to Excalibur).
4. Super Holy Water- Water that has the power to cleanse people's bodies. If you are taken over by an evil spirit, you can let this water touch you and it will rid you of the evil.
5. Super God Water- This drink has the power to make you extemely strong, but there is one catch. If you are not strong enough to drink it then it will kill you. Even if you are strong enough you will still be put through a lot of pain. Once you have drank it and survived you will become a lot stronger than you were before you drank it.
6. Potara- These are a pair of earrings that are used for fusion. Two people put on of the
earring on opposite ears. The fusion is supposed to last for a life time, but there are
7. Basho Sen- An odd looking device that has magical powers
8. Bell- A small bell that is owned by Karin, but i'm not really to sure what it's used for.
9. Sealing Container for Piccolo- This was the container that was used in Dragonball to
contain Piccolo. The move performed to get Piccolo in the jar is called the Mafuba. Gokuh
ended up killing Piccolo though so the jar was not needed. Most people call the jar the Denshi jar. Tenshinhan had mastered the move after Kamesennin died preforming the move. The only
problem was that there was a rip in the jar so it was no good.
10. Crystal ball- Urani Baba uses her crystal ball to be able to see different places. Babidi also uses a crystal ball, but for pretty much the same reasons.
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