Dragonball GT Episode 3- Greedy! Imegga, the
Planet of Merchants
(Translated by E. Monsoon. Script Created by ssj4gokuh)
Narrator- In order to save the earth from the coming catastrophe in one year, Gokuh went
into space to search for the Dragonballs. Vegeta thought that Goten and Trunks had become
lazy and should accompany Gokuh. However...
Bulma- Main Power: On
Gohan- Right!
Inside space ship
Pan- Hi!
Gokuh- Pan
Trunks- Pan-chan
Pan- Well, let's get going
Title- Greedy! Imegga, the Planet of Merchants
Inside space ship, trunks is chasing Pan.
Trunks- Pan-chan! Hey! Give me back the main control panel key!
Pan- I will not! Once you get the key, you'll turn the ship back to the earth at once.
Trunks- But everyone must be worried about Pan-chan back home.
Pan- I don't care!
Trunks- Pan-chan! Hey! Wait!.......I gotcha young lady! Now give me back the key! Quickly!
Pan drops key down her shirt.
Trunks- And this is just the beginning...
Back on Earth.
Chi-Chi- It's been a week already. How fast time flies. I wonder how Gokuh and Pan-chan
are doing.
Back at the CC Headquarters. Bulma is looking for where the part she found goes on the
Bulma- Where did this damn thing come from? It's so complicated
Brought back to were Chi Chi is.
Chi-Chi- Gokuh take good care of Pan-chan out there...
At the space ship.
Pan- Alright, alright! Step back, Step back! Get out of my way!
Gokuh- What are you doing?
Trunks- Hey, Pan-chan!
Pan- OK, cleaning time is over. I did the cleaning, so Trunks do the cooking today.
Trunks- T...Trunks!?
Pan- And Grandpa you clean the dishes. Okay? Oh, and please don't break any of them. We
don't have any more spare dishes.
Gokuh- I'm not good at cleaning them.
Pan- That is not a good excuse, Grandpa. Everyone has to do their share.
Pan- Right, Trunks?
Trunks- Listen to me....Address me with a bit of respect alright? Like, Trunks-san or.....
Pan- What's your problem? Isn't your name Trunks?
The ship begins to shake.
Pan- What's going on?
Trunks sees the engine floating away.
Gokuh- What is it?
Back with Bulma at CC.
Bulma- Bingo! It's part of the direction control rocket. That's were it came from.....I
hope he's all right, My little Trunks.
Back at the ship. Trunks is trying to control the ship.
Trunks- Sit down! Put on your seat belts!
Pan- What's happening, Trunks?
Trunks- I am going to make an emergency landing on that nearby planet! We can not keep
traveling without directional control!
Pan- You're kidding right?
Trunks- I wish I were!
Pan- I don't want to die, yet! I haven't even fallen in love yet!
Gokuh (to trunks)- What about the Dragonballs?
Pan- Who cares about the damned Dragonballs!? I want to go home, Mommy!
Trunks- Don't worry Pan-chan. I'll make sure to land safely!
Pan- How can you be sure?! Papa!
Trunks- Gokuh-san, Pan-chan, We're about to enter the atmosphere! Are you ready?
Gokuh- I'm ready!
Pan- I don't want to do this!
Trunks- What else can we do? This is the only way...
Pan- Then just do it and stop talking!!!
Trunks- You two hang on tight! Here we go!
The three have landed safely and made there way into town.
Voices of Venders- Check it out! Check it out! Everything is on sale!
more venders- You can't get this price anywhere else, but in imegga!
Trunks (to Gokuh)- Let's just relax for today, and we'll fix the ship tomorrow.
Gokuh- Good Idea!
Group of vender charge toward the three Saiya-Jin.
Pan- What's that?
Vender1- They look gorgeous on you.
Vender2- Fabulous!
Vender3- Everyone must fall in love with the way you look.
Vender2- Fabulous!
Vender4- They are all top-class brand items!
Vender2- Faaabulous!
Trunks- What the hell is going on in here?
Gokuh- This is quite tasty!
Trunks- All we need is some parts for our space ship.
Vender2- Parts for a space ship?
Vender5- How about this one?
Vender6- This one is state of the art mode!
Vender7- I'll give you a very good price on this!
Vender8- All together it will be
V9- 10,000 gametts.
random venders- 100,00 gametts, 500,000 gametts, 1,000,000 gametts, 2,000,000 gametts.
Vender- And of course there is a no returns or exchange policy.
Trunks- Wh....What!!!
Commercial Break
Inside of a hotel
Welcome Robot- Welcome
'Trunks-They are not in her..right?
Pan- It looks like it's ok.
Hotel worker- Is something wrong, sir?
Trunks- No, We've just gone through quite an ordeal…
Hotel worker- Is that so?
Trunks- Ah, is there a room available?
Hotel worker- I'll check, sir.
Pan- Can't believe they charged me 250 gametts for this piece of crap! And I didn't even
want it!
Gokuh- But, the food was pretty good!
Hotel worker- Ah….You must have been taken in by the merchants in the market!
Trunks- They were good! I had to buy even things I did not want.
Hotel worker- You won't find such aggressive vendors in our hotel.
Hotel worker- Enjoy your stay!
Gokuh- Hey, stop! I am not luggage! Hey let go of me! Hey! I said let go of me! Hey put me
Luggage robot- This way please.
Gokuh- Hey!
Luggage Robot- This is your room, Sir.
Inside of the room
Trunks- This is great!
Pan- Incredible….!
Gokuh- Hey, let me go now!
Luggage robot- Please put your tips here.
Gokuh- Hey Trunks this guy is asking you for a tip.
Trunks- A robot asking for a tip?
Luggage robot- Thank you, Sir. Please page me whenever you need my assistance.
Pan- I am going to take a shower!
Gokuh- I wonder is there is a kitchen in this room…
. Reporter on TV- King Don Kea appeared today at the Kea Palace balcony for the weekly
waving to the crowd. Tens of thousands of people from all over Imegga came to hail our
beloved King.
Person on TV- Don Kea!!!
Rest of Crowd- Don Kea!!!! Don Kea!!!!
Trunks- What kind of planet is this? Is he a dictator of something?
Pan (To Trunks)- What's wrong with the shower? I can't stop the water from coming out of
Trunks- Eh!!!! What the hell!
Gokuh- Hey check this out! This room has a big fridge and food keeps coming out of it!
Pan- Something is very wrong with this hotel! There is a meter attacked to the shower!
Trunks- What!?
Pan- What is the stupid meter for anyway?
Trunks- Hurry up, we have to get out of here!
Gokuh- Uh, wait a second.
Trunks- Gokuh-san, leave that!
Outside in the rain.
Trunks- What a plaent we landed on.
Pan- I wish I hadn't come.
Gokuh- You're the one who wanted to come a long.
Pan- That's why I'm so angry at myself!
Gokuh- Than stop yelling at me.
Pan- Well, yo started all of this in the first place, remember Grandpa?
Gokuh- You don't have to blame me.
Pan- Yes, I have to. I'm in the middle of nowhere in space! With a spaceship that's broken
and rain is pouring all over me! It's all your fault grandpa!
Trunks- That's enough you two. Anyway, let's go back to the ship now.
Pan- Eh! Do we have to walk all the way back? I'm tired! I'm hungry and cold…I can't
take this anymore!
Pan falls into house she is leaning up against
Trunks- Pan-chan!
Pan (to people of house)- Oh, good evening.
People of house- Good evening.
Trunks and Gokuh- Good evening….
People of house- Good evening.
Man of house- I see you are from another planet. Then you must have been surprised by
everything you saw here.
Pan- I was surprised all right. Why is everyone on this planet after nothing, but money?
Trunks- Pan-chan!
Man- It's all right. Whay she says is true. Right, dear….?
Woman- Yes…It's very embarasing for us.
Gokuh- How come everyone here is so greedy?
Man- Because, Don Kea is…
Trunks- Don Kea?
Sirens in the background.
Woman- Dear!
Man- It's time.
Robot- As of this moment, your lease is up…If you wish to stay in this place please
pay the rent and furniture fee for the month immediately…….Lease discontinued.
Start the repossession procedure. Reprossession under way.
Gokuh- Don't you want to stay here?
Pan- They're taking everything away!
Man- There is nothing we can do. We can't afford the rent any longer.
Woman- It wasn't like this before Don Kea succeeded the throne.
Trunks- Don Kea…?
Man- Yes. Our life is dependent upon the kings fortune. Every citizen on Imegga leases
everything from the king. The only things that really belong to us is our children. And
the rental fee for everything is so high that most people cannot afford the payments for
very long.
Woman- That's why our people try to make money from everything they can think of.
Man- Travelers from off this plaent are always a good target for overcharging.
Pan- That's so sad…
Trunks- Hearless….
Robot- Repossession complete. (To other robots) Everyone, return to base, Return.
Gokuh- Do you want me to beat them up and get your things back for you?
Man- Thank you little boy. But you are not match for a them. Thank you for the offer,
Gokuh. Besides, any resistance will be subject to sever punishment by Don Kea's army.
Woman- After all, we've been ready for this ever since we knew that we wouldn't be able to
pay the rent any longer…
Back out in the desert.
Gokuh- Hey, are we leaving here as soon as we repair the ship?
Trunks- That's the plan.
Pan- I wonder if they will be able to live in a house again one day.
Trunks- Every planet has its own rules of government. There's nothing strangers like us
can do about it.
Besides, we are on the mission—we have to find the Dragonballs within a year.
Pan- Hey, Hey, Maybe there's a Dragonball on this planet.
Trunks- That's to much to expect.
Gokuh- Why don't you check with the radar?
Trunks- All right, Allright.
Sound of robot makes Trunks drop the Dragon Radar. The Robot eats the Dragon Radar.
Trunks- The Dra…Dra…Dra..Dragon Radar!!!!
Robot- Energy Replenishing. Energy Replenishing…..Energy Replenished. Energy
Trunks- Hey! Give me back the Dragon Raday!
Robot- Dragon Radar….Energy Absorbed…Energy Absorbed.
Trunks- Unabsorb it! Without that, we can't find the Dragon Balls….!
Robot- Energy Replenished. Energy Replenished.
Trunks- You!
Pan- Trunks!
Ship being towed away.
Trunks- That's our ship!!! Damn, What the hell! (to robot) Wait! Hey, wait! Pan-Chan stop
Gokuh- Hey, I got it. (referring to the people to took their ship) Hey, there gone.
Narrator- One problem after another…Gokuh and the team lost both the Dragon Radar and
their space ship. Will the first planet they land on be their last as well?
Preview for next episode
Gokuh- Hi, I'm Gokuh. Trying to get our ship back, we snuck into King Don Kea's place.
Next time on Dragonball GT: Wanted! Gokuh is wanted on the Wanted list. Don't miss it!'
End of Episode Three.