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DBZ Video Game Reviews
Budokai 3 - by i_amtrunks
Hello DBZ fans, Im here today to review Dragonball Z Budokai
Released in November/ December 2004 (depending on your
location), im sure that every Dragonball Z fan who owns a
Playststion 2 has already bought, played an finished Budokai
3. This review is really just to outline the basic changes
that Budokai 3 has from Budokai 2, and some of its
individual characteristics.
The biggest change in Budokai 3 was the introduction of free
flight to Dragon Universe. Dragon Universe is the new story
mode, which follows the basic plot and storyline of
Dragonball Z. Goku and 10 of his Senshi (including Brolli)
are able to fly freely around a fairly detailed map of Earth
in search of the Dragonballs, Items and Enemies. This is a
major improvement over the game board 'hopping' system that
was given to us in Budokai 2.
Now players can freely choose when and where they would like
to visit certain places of interest, and when they would
like to fight. The ulitmatew goal of Dragon Universe is to
find an allocated amount of Dragonballs in each Saga their
character plays a part in, and fight their enemies.
For example, Kid Gohans Dragon Universe mode follows Gohan
throughout the Saiyan, Namek and Frieza sagas. By visiting
Gurus on Namek before fighting Recoome, Gohan gets a
power-up and the unlock potential capsule. By visiting the
many different places of interest, even some that do not
really tie into the real storyline, players can recieve
power-ups, capsules and Zenie to enhance their gameplay.
Another big difference is the use of a level up system. This
system can only be used in the Dragon Universe and Draon
Arena modes (more on Dragon Arena later). The level up
system works on an expeireince based points sytem, where
once a character reaches a certain amount of experience
points they level up, earining a skill point which the
player can then distribute into one of 7 stats, ranging from
health and attack to guard and arts. The placement of skill
points into the 7 stats determines the type of fighter you
The capsule system remains the same in Budokai 3 as it was
in Budokai 1 and 2. This time you have ability, equipment
and items, instead of special skills, physical skills and
support skills. All personal move skills, from
transformations to Ultimate attacks are all included under
ability skills.
The item skills have also been changed, you may now only
pick one item per fight, and that item has to be activated
by holding x and tapiing down twice. Items help charatcers
increase health, ki, and even attack. Sezu beans, and The
viral Heart Disease vaccine are all items.
A large amount of attacks that were in Budokai 1 and 2 have
been lost in Budokai 3, and some others have been changed.
All characters now have a breakthrough (although some
characters only have 1 or 2 attacks), and most characters
now have an Ultimate attack.Grab and throw attacks are
automatic, and no longer need to be set, and some special
attacks such as Special Beam Cannon and Final Flash can only
be used after succesfully completeing a Dragon Rush, another
new addition to Budokai 3.
Dragon Rush is one of 5 new infight additions to Budokai 3.
The other additions are Hyper mode, Ultimate attacks, Beam
Struggles and Teleportation.
Hyper mode is like a semi-invincible state that you can
achieve by pressing all 4 buttons at once, once in this
mode, it becomes very hard for your opponent to knock you
down(you still take damage) and you glow red.
When in Hyper mode you can then choose to execute a Dragon
Rush or Ultimate Attack.
Dragon Rush is a new attack where once in Hyper Mode, you
send your opponent flying backwards, and a cut scne is
played. During this cutscene, both players have to choose
one of the 4 buttons on the gamepad. if the attacker and
defender choose different buttons, the attack continues, but
if the defender and attacker choose the same button, the
defender stops the onslaught. Dragon rush is played over 3
button selection stages, and if the attacker manages to win
all 3 selection stages, they finish of the Rush with a
strong finishing attack. Goku, vegeta and Piccolo all have
special rush finishing Attacks.
Ultimate attacks can now only be executed in Hyper Mode, the
attacker has to have an adequate amount of Ki stage to
launch the Ultimate, then activate Hyper Mode, once in Hyper
Mode, all 4 buttons must be pressed simultaneously to
activate the ultimate attack. As in Budokai 2, players then
duke it out to see if the Ultimate is successful or not.
Beam Stuggles now occur when both players launch a death
moves simultaneously, this is one of the best additions to
the game, and after a few beam struggles against a good
opponent, you may find your hands to be rather sore.
Teleportation is the biggest new infight addition. Not only
do some Computer opponents abuse the attack, it also adds a
whole new difficulty to the World Tournament stages. Now for
the simple price of a few Ki bars, you can teleport behind
your opponent and knock them flying, as long as you time the
button press just right.
Other than new attacks and story mode, there is also a new
mode called Draon arena, where characters use their improved
statistics from leveling up to battle different opponents.
All Characters can be used in this mode, and the higher
level opponent you fight, the more points you receive. You
also get given passwords every time your character levels
up. There are official forums where people give their
passwords for others to use. Punch in the password and you
are able to fight that persons character.
The amount of characters in Budokai 3 is astounding. Zarbon,
Dodoria and Android 19 do not make a comeback in this game
as many had hoped, but many new faces do appear. These
include, Kid Goku, Uub, Cooler, Bardock, Saibaman, and Cell
Junior. Oh and of course the beefiest villian of them all
Brolli. There is also a DBGT character called Omega Shenron,
who acts as a secret hidden boss, but isnt anything to get
exicited over.
Omega Shenron isnt the only DBGT component to sneak into a
perfectly good DBZ game, both Goku and Vegeta have a SSJ 4
capsule which can be equippes, as well as a SSJ4 Gogeta
It is a fair whack harder to complete this game than its
previous namesakes, Supreme, Kai, Omega Shenron and Android
16 take a decent amount of play to figure out how to get,
you also need to be a World Tournament whiz in order to get
all the Zenie to buy every breakthrough, skill and bonus
extras to complete the game 100%.
Budokai 3 is a great game all-round. It may not have the
extensive move list of fighters such as Tekken, but it
remains true to the show it is based on. The gameplay is
fast, and the combos can sometimes be outrageously biased,
if you learn to abuse the new teleportation system. It is
alot easier to pull of an Ultimate attack than it previously
was, but it is also easier to dodge them.
Giving Characters such as Androids 17 and 18, Tien, Bardock
and Kid Goku, appropriate Ultimate attacks, as well as
including Gotenks, Vegito and Gogeta fusions, increases te
play value of this under-rated game.
Overall this game gets a 9.75/10, with its only minor
downsides being the inclusion of DBGT characters and the
lack of moves for some minor characters.
Feel free to contact me at for any
extra information on Budokai 3, such as unlocking
characters, dragonball locations, story re-enactments or
just general information.