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For Rent
From: Eddy
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 3:46 AM
Subject: What if: Super Saiyan Vegeta
What if Vegeta transformed into Super Saiyan against Frieza
instead of Goku?
Vegeta had his mind set to oppose Frieza right from the very
start, he only needed the right time to react. Once Nappa
and Raditz found out about Frieza destroying their race,
they were planning on being a part of the uprising as well.
If Vegeta had only thought that Frieza had wiped out his
entire race and the only people that meant something to him
when he lost his will to fight, he could’ve possibly
transformed into the Super Saiyan we all associate with Goku.
The only reason Goku was actually stronger than Vegeta was
because of all the help he got from people: King Kai’s
Kaioken training, Dr. Briefs’ space ship on his journey to
Namek, the Time Chamber, etc., whereas Vegeta had gained his
strength physically over the years as a child and teen.
Once Vegeta had transformed, Frieza would realize that his
worst fear had finally arrived and would think that Vegeta
was never actually bluffing about his new power. This would
upset Frieza and spark off his rage. By this time Goku would
have arrived on the scene, sensing the enormous power levels
and new golden flame around Vegeta. Vegeta would tell Goku
that he had no place on the battlefield and that he would be
the one to dispose of Frieza once and for all, and that if
he intervened, he would destroy him along with Frieza.
A furious clash of fists commences, blow after blow Frieza
keeps losing his strength, whimpering and gasping from the
devastating speed and power of the Super Saiyan. Frieza
finally loses it and quickly tries to power up to his 100%
potential power, but it’s useless. A few final devastating
blows from Vegeta leave him crashing to the ground. Frieza
pleads and begs Vegeta to spare his life, but remorselessly
Vegeta wipes him out with a blast.
Vegeta boasts about his new powers to Goku, and mentions
that he has claimed the title of Legendary Super Saiyan
after a thousand years of ancestral Royal blood. Vegeta toys
with Goku and ultimately, finishes him. Here starts a new
generation of fear: the Super Saiyan.
Vegeta roams about the galaxy after conquering Frieza’s
empire, getting more powerful with every planet he destroys
and conquers. His power is unmatched - at least until Broly
~ Eddy ~