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Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 9:02 AM
Goku and Trunks would arrive right after Bebi takes over
Pans body (from the Greenhaired boy). They would instantly
call for a doctor to take him inside, and the three of them
would get something to eat. Inside,Trunks would chastise Pan
for not helping and say she was acting strangely.Bebi-Pan
would merely say she was feeling a little sick;Goku,however,
wouldn't fall for it. Once outside, he'd tell Trunks that he
sensed a dark energy and they would confront Pan.Bebi-Pan
would smirk and tell them all about Bebi as he did in the
series and they would start to fight. At first, Bebi would
think he had the upper hand, as Goku and Trunks wouldn't
hurt Pan...until they charge to Super Saiyan and begin to
get serious.Bebi woould leave Pan and escape, while the
others continued their search for the Dragonballs.
Bebi would make his way to earth and things would continue
as normal. Then whenever Goku Pan and Trunks arrive, Trunks
takes off for capsule corporation. Once he gets there, he
wonders why everyone is acting so coldly towards him until
he discovers Bebi.He'd start a fight with Bebi-Vegeta,who
would be weaker since he hadn't got Trunks' energy,but is
defeated when Bebi and Bra double team him.Bebi destroys the
robot and takes over Trunks' body.
At the Son household everyone is acting as they do in the
series and Goku starts his fight with Goten and Gohan.
Whenever Bebi Trunks and Bra show up Pan,angry at how
everyone is acting and how Bebi used her, would start a
fight with Bra while Goku fights the rest as a SSJ.Pan does
badly in her fight as she doesn't want to hurt Bra, but she
feels she has no choice. She uses a Kamehameha on her and
then proceeds to help Goku. Goku is doing well enough
against Gohan Goten and Trunks as SSJ and powers up to fight
Bebi as SSJ3 but is interrupted by Gohan and Goten,leaving
Pan to fight Trunks and Bebi-Vegeta. Pan does terrible
against Trunks and Bebi just blocks claiming he'll win in a
few moments.At that moment, he blasts Pan to the ground and
Goku leaves his fight to help her.When he reaches her
thought, she uses a kamehameha on him.As Goku wonders what
she's doing, she flies up to Bebi mocking the "pathetic,stupid
saiyan" and Bebi explains about the eggs inside People.Goku
tells Hercule and Buu to run as he fights, but despite this,
Pan and Gohan at Bebis' command still manage to destroy
them. Bebi attacks Goku with his Revenge Death Ball and Goku
is teleported away by Kibito Kai.
While Goku has his tail grown out, on Planet Plant, Uub has
to fight Gohan Trunks Goten and Pan. Once he defeats them,
he takes on Bebi. However, as Bebi is now more powerful as
he's absorbed more energy, he easily kills Uub.. and since
Buu isn't there he cannot merge with him. Whenever Goku
arrives he fights Bebi as a SSJ3 but is still easily beaten.
As he wonders why he looks at the earth and transforms into
a golden Oozaru. Bebi tries to fight him as he's destroying
the planet, but soon Goku rampages off, while Bebi wonders
what hapened. As Pan isn't here Goku doesn't become a SSJ4
and remains an oozaru. Eventually, Bebi along with the
saiyans manages to destroy him. The remaining populace of
Earth is transported to the planet before it explodes . The
super 17 saga doesn't occur as 17 is under Bebi's control,
and the Shadow Dragons saga doesn't happen as the
Dragonballs are destroyed. Bebi soon manages totake over the
body of every being in the universe ans the series ends. And
all this because Bebi possessed Pan instead of a purple
haired guy!