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From: John Murphy []
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2005 1:41 AM
Subject: Saiyan Saga
What if Nappa and Vegeta arrived a month later than they
All the Z warriors would've powered up more. Goku would've
probably been able to master kaio ken x3, and maybe x4, but
would still be late to the battle. When Vegeta and Nappa
arrived the battle would go roughly the same. Tien would
beat the first saibamen. Yamcha would probably be able to
beat the saibaman and not die. Yamcha would then gloat about
being able to finish off the other four of them. One of the
saibamen would then immediately self destruct, killing
Yamcha. This would cause Krillin's attack which would kill
all of the saibamen. Then the battle would go the same,
until Vegeta calls for the three hour break. Goku, because
he's master kaio ken 3 he would be able to make it at least
halfway down snake way. After the three hours Goku would
make it off snake way and on to Kami's lookout. Vegeta would
sense Goku and tell Nappa to kill all the others and that
they'll get the namek dragonballs. Nappa would fight and
Gohan would smack him around again. Nappa would then try to
kill Gohan, but by then Goku would have shown up and saved
Gohan, thus saving Piccolo's life. When Goku gets there he
would split the senzu with Krillin and Piccolo, because
Gohan didn't use the masenko. Goku would then attack Nappa
with a power of about 10,000. Nappa would get his ass
whooped a little and Vegeta would then call him off. Nappa
would then try to attack Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin but
Piccolo would kill the weakened Nappa with a special beam
cannon. Goku would tell everyone to go back to the Kame
House. Goku and Vegeta would fight and Vegeta would be
winning until Goku powered with Kaio Ken. Vegeta wouldn't be
able to win and would immediately try a galick gun and Goku
would with his kamehameha at Kaio Ken x3 and counter. Vegeta
would get off the blast and do the saiyan transformation.
With him having more power before powering up he would
easily beat up Goku again. Goku would try a Kaio Ken x4 but
would not be able to beat Vegeta. At this point Gohan,
Piccolo, and Krillin would return. Gohan and Piccolo would
distract Vegeta and Krillin would try a destructo disk. This
would miss but Yajorobe would cut Vegeta's tail. Now Goku
would be wounded but not as wounded as in the manga. He
would start powering up a spirit bomb while Piccolo, Krillin,
And Gohan distracted Vegeta. Goku would throw it and it
would hit Vegeta. Since this one was at full power Vegeta
would die from it. Since Piccolo doesn't die there is no
Frieza saga. When Garlic Jr. comes he gets his ass kicked by
the Z warriors. Trunks wouldn't show up because Vegeta was
killed. Thus when the androids come the Z warriors wouldn't
have as much power. Goku would get his ass kicked. Piccolo
would try to intervene but 20 would kill him. Gohan would
turn into a super saiyan and would destroy 19. 20 would
revive 17 and 18 and they would kill everyone except Goku
and Gohan. Goku and Gohan would then train in the hyberbolic
time chamber for 2 days. When they came out Goku would be
super saiyan and Gohan would be super saiyan 2. By now Cell
would've absorbed 17 and be looking for 18. Goku would fight
Cell and power up to Ultra Super Saiyan while Gohan searched
for 18. When he found her he would easily be able to kill
her. Together Goku and Gohan would Kill Cell. When the Buu
saga would occur Goku might have given birth to Goten. Goku
would've powered up to super saiyan 2 and Gohan would have
powered up a little, but not a lot. The rest of the saga
would occur normally until the saiyans got to Babadi's lair.
The saiyans would easily defeat Pui Pui, Yakon. When Dabura
showed up Gohan and Goku would double team him. Dabura
wouldn't stand a chance and would be beaten. They would then
beat Babadi and Buu would not be revived.
Later, Bebi would come and take everyone over.