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From: []
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 4:46 AM
Subject: What if Piccolo fused with the entire Namekian
WHAT IF. . .
. . . Piccolo had fused with the entire Namekian Race at any
point in the DBZ timeline after he learns about Namekian
Fusion from Nail? This is an interesting question because
the technique has both instant and exponential power level
growth plus its permanent. The kicker is of course, all
those separate minds trapped inside one body, but let’s say
for the sake of the argument, that Piccolo can handle it.
Piccolo turns into a “Super” Namek (yeah, thanks Krillin)
after fusing with Kami. He had a similar power level spike
(though not nearly as drastic as with Kami) when fusing with
Nail. So it stands to reason that the power boost from each
Namekian absorbed depends on the strength of that individual
Namekian. So let’s throw every single Namekian out there
including Dende, Lord Slug, and Guru: Piccolo absorbs them
all, so how strong would he be?
One thing we must consider is if Piccolo retains all the
skills each Namekian had prior to fusion. The key skill I’m
concerned with (at least in combat) is Dende’s healing
powers. Would Piccolo be able to heal himself fully and
quickly as Dende does to others? Let’s just say that he
does. And for that matter he can also create Dragonballs,
but that doesn’t help much in battle.
If Piccolo were to fuse with the rest of his race, I think
he would be strong enough to go toe to toe with Super Buu.
Namekian skills are defensive: regeneration, elasticity,
healing, not necessarily power (Saiyan race). Thus, I do not
believe the entire Namekain race could generate enough power
to disintegrate Super Buu. Sure, the populace of Earth could
generate enough power via the Spirit Bomb to achieve this
against Kid Buu, but there were billions of earthlings.
There are maybe hundreds of Namekians at most. So basically
Piccolo would max out at about Super Saiyan 3 level. In the
end, Super Buu would take Piccolo not by destruction, but by
Buu’s own absorption technique, but everyone would not
defuse from Piccolo because we didn’t see Kami and Nail
split from Piccolo when Super Buu actually did this.
In the end, Ultra Piccolo would be the ideal stalling
fighter to allow the powerhouses like Goku, Gohan and Vegeta
to power up, Potara Fuse, or Fuse Dance to ultimately take
Buu out.