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From: Nilofer Shahid []
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 1:08 AM
Subject: by SS4 gogeta
what if Nappa and vegeta were supersaiyan when they came to
well,this would probably go like this
they both would come and probably wait for goku has the
other z fighters are noting compared to them when goku comes
nappa fights for a while in normal state then goku has no
choice and does kaio-ken x3 because nappa has about 10x more
powerevel due to him being a super saiyan it does a quite a
bit of damage nappanseeing he can't win in normal state he
goes supersaiyan and amazes goku.guku seeing he will lose
for sure and makes a truce with them and they train goku and
he becomes supersaiyan after a lot of training and after a
while becomes equal to vegeta and nappa and after living on
earth and seeing goku's life they become good as well.this
ends saiyan saga and because of the truce of vegeta piccolo
did not die saving gohan.then they go to namek because kami
tell's them about frieza and because goku and vegeta,nappa
are alot stronger and are super saiyan they easily defeat
frieza even him becoming 100% and ofcourse all of them are
stronger and there power levels are double in ssj.difference
about frieza sag is that namek does not get destroyed and
piccolo does not fuse with nail.then they all the z fighters
go exploring for a place for training and they go to yardrat
and learn instant transmission. and get even more
powerful.Then trunks comes and tells them About the andriods
they train and goku and vegeta reaching ss2 and nappa
becoming ussj and gohan becoming ssj because of going to
yardrat and training.all the others have gotten about double
then they normaly where.andriod 19 and 20 know about super
saiyan power and don't come because they saw nappa become
ssj and know they will get they let cell come and
get absorbed by him and then 17 18 and 16 get absorbed to
making hem ultra powered cell who is more then a match with
goku and the z fighters.then cell tells them about cell
games.they all go to the hyper bolic time chamberand and
goku and vegeta reaching ss3 and gohan and nappa reaching
ss2 and in the cell games guku fights and easily beats up
cell and they reach full power s3 and the crap out of buu
because they can stay ss3 in there normal lives like inthe
cell games saga goku and gohan do in the show and they would
probably more super saiyan stages like ss5 ss6 ss7 and so