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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if....
From: John Murphy
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 10:35 PM
Subject: Piccolo
What if Piccolo had fused with both Dende, and Nail?
So we know that when Piccolo comes back he fuses with a
half-dead Nail. Well when Piccolo gets to the battle he
still kicks Frieza ass until he transformed to Frieza form
3. Piccolo then gets his ass kicked and Vegeta gets
half-killed by Krillin. Then Dende heals Piccolo and Vegeta
while Frieza is transforming to form 4. After Dende does
this Piccolo fuses with him. Piccolo is now equally as
strong as frieza form 4, at less than 50%. Then Vegeta
starts fighting cause he says he is stronger and Frieza
kicks his ass. Piccolo then barges in and beats up Frieza
for a minute. He then knocks Frieza away and heals Vegeta,
since Dende could do that. Goku now shows up on the field
and all three of them start fighting Frieza. They're winning
until Frieza goes up to 50%. On earth, Popo still gathers
the dragonballs. On Namek, Fieza is now kicking Goku's,
Piccolo's, and Vegeta's asses. Then Goku gets away and
starts powering up his spirit bomb while Piccolo and Vegeta
are fighting Frieza. When the spirit bomb is at full power
he launches it on Frieza. Frieza survives it and tries to
kill Goku, but Piccolo jumps in the way. Krillin then shows
up and Frieza kills him. This causes Goku to go super saiyan.
Vegeta, who is extremely pissed that Goku is a super saiyan
and he isn't transforms into one too. The 2 super saiyans
then kick Frieza's ass, even at 100%. Piccolo heals himself
and Namek starts to crumble. Vegeta, believing he is
stronger than Goku challenges him to a fight. On earth, Popo
wishes all the Namekians back and then Piccolo tells Porunga
to bring everyone to Earth. Vegeta is pissed that he didn't
get a chance to finish off Goku. Trunks then warns about the
androids, and Piccolo realizes they can't win so he fuses
with Kami. Now the android saga would go pretty much the
same except that there isn't as much of a need for senzu
beans because Piccolo can heal people. Buu saga would also
go roughly the same except for Piccolo's healing ability
might help Gotenks against Buu.