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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if....
From: Adam Henslee
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 9:49 PM
Subject: What if vegeta didn't become a z fighter?
He would have shown up to namek and acted like he was on
there side and then when they get back to earth he shot a
blast right through krillen. Gohan then snaps and turns into
a super sayain and puts up a decent fight. Goku can feel the
energy so rushes to earth in a yardrat ship (which is faster
than any ship.) After about ten minutes gohan turns back to
normal and is about to be killed by vegeta untill piccolo
gives vegeta a hard knee in the face and knocks him out.
Piccolo then takes gohan and krillen to the lookout.
Vegeta then wakes up and is pissed and goes on a rampage for
piccolo. During his rampage he can't find piccolo and turns
into a super sayain and starts to destroy the Earth. Piccolo
has no choice but to go and fight vegeta. But gohan wakes up
and follows piccolo. Piccolo finds vegeta and they begin the
battle. Piccolo defends himself for awhile but vegeta blasts
him with a final flash and piccolo barley dodges it and
still gets hit by a little of it and is hanging on a metal
pole out from the wall and vegeta is about to blast him with
a big bang attack but is distracted by gohan masenko right
to the back.
Vegeta then notices gohan and charges towards him but right
before he hits him goku does the intanious transmission in
front of him and blasts vegeta into the ground. Vegeta
blasts up and gives a beating to goku. While this is
happening gohan getting more and more angry and turns into a
super sayain again and almost into a ssj2 but dosen't get
thereand him and vegeta go at it but still vegeta is to
strong and finishes gohan. This pisses goku off and he
becomes a
ssj2 and kills vegeta with a kamehameha wave.