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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if....
From: John Murphy
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 7:49 PM
Subject: goku
What if Raditz had a lower power level?
Let's say Raditz shows up with a power level of only 800.
When he fights Goku and Piccolo he's still stronger but not
able to dominate as well. Piccolo tells Goku to distract him
while Piccolo charges up the special beam cannon. Goku
fights and then charges up his kamehameha. Raditz tries to
stop him but is too late Goku fires and kills Raditz. Vegeta
and Nappa don't care about Raditz so they don't go to earth
because Piccolo doesn't tell Raditz about the dragonballs.
Now since Piccolo and Goku are still enemies they fight
again but Goku still wins and Piccolo decides to join the
good guys until he can defeat Goku. 4 years later the
androids show up. None of the Z warriors stand a chance
against 19, but Goku turns into false super saiyan after
seeing his friends hurt and destroys 19. 20 escapes but
doesn't activate 17 and 18 because he thinks he can beat
Goku on his own. The Z warriors show up and Krillin gets
killed. Seeing Krillin's death causes Goku to become a super
saiyan. Goku is now easily stronger than 20 and 20 has no
time to activate 17 and 18 and gets killed. Since 17 and 18
were never activated Cell can't become perfect. Cell shows
up thinking that he's stronger than even super saiyan Goku
but Goku easily kills him. Let's say Frieza assigned Vegeta
and Nappa to attack earth. They get there but don't know
about Goku's power. Vegeta's power is about 180,000 and
Nappa is about 178,000. Piccolo, Goku, and Gohan are all
above 1,000,000. Tien is about 800,000. Krillin is about the
same as Tien and Yamcha doesn't fight much so he's weak.
Vegeta and Nappa arrive and get their asses kicked. Nappa is
killed and Vegeta transforms before fighting. He kills
Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien, before going after Gohan,
Piccolo, and Goku. Piccolo fights first and has the upper
hand for a little while until Vegeta uses his mouth blast to
severally injure Piccolo. Goku goes super saiyan and easily
defeats Vegeta. Piccolo dies from his wounds, and now Goku,
and Gohan go to Namek. While there they easily defeat the
ginyu force and Frieza and use the Namek dragonballs to wish
their friends back. First Piccolo, then Krillin, then Tien.
When they get back to earth they use those dragonballs to
with Yamcha back and now the Z warriors live in peace. 7
years later Buu shows up and kills everyone.