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From: []
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 2:00 PM
Subject: What if Vegeta had been sent to Earth instead of
What if Vegeta Had Been Sent to Earth Instead of Goku?
King Vegeta, ever suspicious of the mysteriously powerful
Frieza, decides to send his adolescent son to Earth instead
of Bardock’s as a means of protection because in his heart
of hearts, he knows even the combined strength of the Saiyan
race as it currently stood, was no match for Frieza’s power.
Though Vegeta as a kid is already snotty and arrogant, the
full effect of his princely entitlement has not been
established by victories from actual battles. Taking out the
Saibamen with regularity, though, has made him plenty
confidant. And so he reaches Earth:
Vegeta crashes on Earth whish leaves his space ship in ruins
and begins his reconnaissance of the planet. He uses his
scouter to detect all beings of significant power and
discovers Roshi as being the strongest and immediately
challenges him to single combat. The fight begins and Vegeta
has a clear edge over his elder combatant. He particularly
uses his tail to his advantage during the fight and Roshi
notices this and resolves himself to deal with the tail
first. Through experience, tomfoolery and a lot of luck,
Roshi manages to grab Vegeta’s tail and puts the whooping
down on Vegeta. As a kid, Vegeta has not yet learned to
overcome the tail weakness that “Advanced Saiyan Warriors”
have. Too weakened by the beat-down to use the
moon-simulation-energy-ball technique to transform, Vegeta
is desperate to break out Roshi’s death grip and cuts his
own tail off. This allows him to get back in the fight, but
drops his overall power level and eventually loses the
fight. Beaten within an inch of his life Vegeta pleads for
mercy and Roshi takes him on as a student and begins to
formally train him.
Meanwhile on Planet Vegeta, Bardock begins to feel rage over
the way Saiyans are abused by Frieza, but is not consumed by
his anger out of concern for the protection of his sons.
Thus, Bardock sneaks Kakarrot and Raditz off planet to an
unknown location and beings training them to eventually take
out Frieza. Just before Frieza destroys the Saiyan planet,
Nappa (as a young adult) is sent by King Vegeta to check on
his son on Earth. As the planet is destroyed, Brolly escapes
with his father in an energy bubble while Bardock, Kakarrot
and Raditz remain ignorant of all these events.
Roshi’s training takes to Vegeta very well as he learns at
an exponential rate and Vegeta actually softens up a bit,
but deep down Vegeta still feels humiliated and longs to
defeat his mentor at some point. Roshi’s training of Vegeta
consumes him and refuses to take on other potential students
like Krillin. Krillin goes to Tien’s master and is
instructed by him. Vegeta trains for the World’s Martial
Arts Tournament, meets and defeats Yamcha and Tien, but is
defeated by Jackie Chun (Roshi in disguise). This infuriates
Vegeta that another being has defeated him and becomes
frustrated with Roshi’s training and leaves him to search
out the dragon balls. He eventually finds them and wishes
for the power to defeat Jackie Chun. Instead of a direct
infusion of power, Shenron reveals to Vegeta that Jackie
Chun is Roshi. This sends Vegeta into a rage who flies off
and kills Roshi almost immediately with the Kamehmeha Wave,
but as the battle ends instantly, an earthly born guilt
overcomes Vegeta and he deeply mourns and regrets the death
of his mentor by his own actions. Vegeta flies off to train
in solitude.
Back in space, Kakarrot and Raditz become advanced Saiyans
and Bardock stops Raditz on several occasions from almost
killing his brother on several training bouts. After several
near death recoveries and years of training, Kakarrot
surpasses both his father and brother in power level and at
that point Bardock feels his family can take out Frieza if
it is quick battle and they all attack in unison. They
travel to Planet Vegeta to discover that it has been
vaporized. They travel to Earth because it was the last
known location of the last prince of their race.
Nappa reaches Planet Earth and seeks out Vegeta. Along the
way Nappa encounters King Piccollo and kills him for getting
in way of his search. Nappa leaves but King Piccollo “gives
birth” to Piccollo as he dies. Nappa finds Vegeta training
in solitude and offers to escort him back to his planet.
Vegeta is not interested in doing anything and refuses. A
hot-headed Nappa begins fighting Vegeta to force his hand.
The battle is furious and generates tremendous power
readings that Yamcha, Krillin and Tien sense and fly out to
witness the battle. Vegeta doesn’t fight to his full
potential as he is haunted by his sins, but a vision of his
father inspires him to survive and eventually destroy Nappa
in an incredible release of rage. Vegeta is left on the
brink of death but is taken to the hospital by Tien, Krillin
and Yamcha.
While recovering, Vegeta experiences a drastic rise in his
power level and is so moved by his cohorts in martial arts
that he befriends them. He meets Bulma for the first time as
she is Yamcha’s girlfriend and the two have an unspoken
attraction for each other. Piccollo grows older and enters
the martial arts tournament, wins and begins a reign of
terror over the people of the Earth. Piccollo kills Krillin,
Tien and Yamcha in the process, while Bulma witnesses the
horror and gets the message to Vegeta in the hospital that
their friends had been killed. Not fully recovered, Vegeta
confronts Piccollo and gets whooped on again. While this
battle rages on, Bardock, Raditz and Kakarrot land on Earth
and split up to find Vegeta. Kakarrot finds Piccollo about
to kill Vegeta and steps in. Kakarrot has no problem
finishing off a worn Piccollo and the Earth’s dragon balls
are destroyed as a result. Eventually all the Saiyans meet
Vegeta and tell him what Frieza must have done to their
people. Vegeta tells them about the dragon balls to be used
to restore his friends and defeat Frieza, but obviously
can’t use the Earth ones. Bardock uses the Saiyan computer
to find the location of the Namekian race who resemble
Piccollo and decide to start searching there for the
possible existence of more dragon balls. Bulma constructs a
large spacecraft for travel, falls in love with Vegeta and
accompanies the four Saiyans to Planet Namek.
Meanwhile, on an isolated planet, Brolly becomes a Super
Saiyan and kills his father and every other inhabitant on
“New Vegeta.” Brolly begins searching the universe for more
death and destruction to satisfy his blood lust and
eventually encounters Cooler and his crew in space. He kills
them easily but learns of Cooler’s brother who would pose
another interesting challenge to his might. Brolly begins
his search for Frieza.
Frieza, during this whole time has been continuing his
acquisition of planets and learns of the existence of
Saiyans and begins to track them down. His spaceship
discovers traces of Saiyan warp engine ions near the Plane
Namek and follows Bardock and company there.
Bulma makes four copies of her dragon radar and gives one to
each Saiyan as they arrive on Namek to search for dragon
balls. The Saiyans spilt up and begin their search, but
encounter resistance. Raditz is destroyed by Nail and he is
eventually confronted by Vegeta, Kakarrot and Bardock in
retaliation. Before the three on one commences, Bardock
senses Frieza’s presence and explains to Nail the need for
immediate action to stop Frieza or Planet Namek would suffer
the same fate as Planet Vegeta. Nail does not believe this,
but is summoned by Guru telepathically that Bardock speaks
the truth. Guru allows the Saiyans to gather the dragon
balls except for the one Nail defended and requests the
presence of the one named Kakarrot to speak to him
personally for some reason. Nail returns to Guru with
Kakarrot while Bardock and Vegeta gather the remaining
dragon balls with no resistance from the Namekian villagers.
Frieza arrives on planet Namek with the Ginyu Force and they
begin searching for Bardock with their scouters. Guru speaks
with Kakarrot and pears into his soul. Guru awakens
Kakarrot’s hidden powers and tells him something important
about his future and the nature of his unique power. Bardock
and Vegeta return to Guru’s sanctuary with three dragon
balls a piece, but Nail refuses to hand over the remaining
dragon ball. Bardock gets pissed at Nail but interrupted by
Frieza and crew.
Frieza orders the Ginyu force into a battle royale with
Bardock’s Saiyans and an epic confrontation ensues. Bardock
kills Guldo and Jeice, Vegeta kills Captain Ginyu and
Kakarrot kills Burter while Nail aces Recoome. The three
Saiyans are left exhausted and severely worn by battle.
Frieza is very pissed and transforms into his second stage.
While this occurs, Guru orders Nail to leave the battle on
some secret mission. Vegeta demands the last dragon ball and
gets it from Guru. Bardock and Kakarrot keep Frieza busy
while Guru summons Prounga. Vegeta wishes for the power to
destroy Frieza, but is denied by the dragon. Frieza gets
pissed at what Vegeta is trying to do and transforms to
stage 3. Bardock and Kakarrot start getting beat down
severely but continue buying Vegeta time.
Vegeta wishes for immortality, gets it and launches an
assault on Frieza. The battle is a stalemate because
Vegeta’s power level is not strong enough to kill Frieza and
Frieza cannot kill Vegeta. In frustration, Frieza transforms
to stage 4 and threatens to kill Bardock and Kakarrot if
Vegeta doesn’t hand over the dragon balls. Vegeta is
repeatedly given deathblows by Frieza but experiences no
advances in power. Since Vegeta is no longer mortal, his
power level is capped and can no longer experience drastic
changes in power levels (note: this is Garlic Jr.’s
problem). The battle continues, but Vegeta is continually
slapped out of the way and cannot do anything to stop Frieza.
Suddenly Frieza stops fighting as his scouter senses another
huge power level approaching the planet. It is Brolly!
Brolly arrives, flashing in full Super Saiyan fashion and
tells Frieza he has killed Cooler. Frieza and Brolly begin
to fight, but Brolly shows that he is by far superior to
Frieza in every way. Nail arrives and informs Guru that the
Namekain people are ready! Ready for what? Brolly eventually
kills Frieza, but then turns his sights on the Saiyans.
Next, he kills Bardock almost instantly which sends Kakarrot
into a maddening rage and causes him to transform into a
Super Saiyan as well. The two super Saiyans begin fighting
as Vegeta watches helplessly. Nail then wishes for a new
Planet Namek with one wish and then for the entire Namekian
race to be transported there with the last wish.
The only beings left on the planet are Brolly Kakarrot,
Vegeta and Bulma. But as the battle between the Super
Saiyans intensifies, Kakarrot and Brolly fire energy blasts
so large at each other that the blast kills them both and
disintegrates half the planet. Vegeta and Bulma retreat back
to Earth. Bulma cannot bear Vegeta’s immortal seed and
Vegeta remains alone for the rest of the Earth’s existence
eternally watching over it, but doing nothing else special
with his life.