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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if....Goku had taken the senzu bean that was offered to him by cell?
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 2:49 PM
finishes Well first off Goku would regain his energy and have the ability to
go super saiyan 2. He would totally destroy cell his battle would go the
same as Gohan's except he wouldn't show off and would kill him when he had
the chance. The Tv crew would get it all on tape and Goku would be known as
the person who deafeated cell. Hercule would call the attacks Magic tricks.
The TV crew would then see if Hercule wanted to fight Goku he would then
make up some excuse and would not fight him. Goku would be interviewed by
the news cast and Hercule wouldn't be nearly as famouse. Also 16 would still
be alive but 18 wouldn't. So Krillen would ask to wish her back so Goku
would and she would marry Krillen. In the Majin Buu saga Goku has learned
how to go super saiyan 3. Gohan would be a little stronger because Goku is
not dead so they trained more but not able to ss2. Goku is much stronger
than in the series( I really don't know how to say this but think about how
strong Gohan would have been if he had kept training instead of studying
well Goku is an exact replica of what Gohan would have been if he hadn't
studied because he reached super saiyan 2 instead of Gohan and he has no
reason to study). Goten is much stronger due to Goku being much stronger
plus they trained more. So at the tournament Goten wins because he's much
stronger. The tournament progresses as normal let's skip to Babidi's space
ship. Vegeta's fight goes normal, Goku's fight goes the same except he gives
more energy to Buu, Gohan fights Dabura and Gohan has an advantage and
slowly gains the upper hand. Vegeta eventually tells Gohan to just kill him
already. Gohan finishes him off before he can tell Babidi that vegeta used
to be evil. They all combine their energy to destroy Buu's Ball, Babidi and
the whole ship. There isen't an Uub either. When Baby comes Goku kills him
before he can pocess anyone. Super 17 comes and then he is killed by Goku's
Dragonfist attack( he is now stronger than he was in the series as a super
saiyan 4 if he transforms into super saiyan 3). The evil shenrons go the
same up to the appearence of Omega Shenron. He totally destroys the Z team
Bulma doesen't have the machine to transform anyone into Super saiyan 4
because she doesen't know it exists. Eventually Omega Shenron kills Gohan or
Goten either one enrages Goku to go super saiyan 4( skipping the Golden
Oozuru state) he totally destroys Omega Shenron and kills him with a giant
kamehameha wave. Shenron appears and Goku would go off with Shenron and the
world would be in peace.