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Pojo's Dragonball - What If? What if...Super 17 Saga, Continued?
Sheron Bradby [mailto:VincenBradby@msn.com]
What would happen a little later after SSJ 3 Vegeta defeated Super Android 17? It would happen a little like this. After the battle Vegeta would power down then walk towards the dead and decapacitated Goku. He would be more saddened than the alternate reality 1 & 3 Vegeta was when their Goku died of "heart problems". Anyway Vegeta would power down and walk over to Goku's body. While there would be tears running down Vegeta's face as he fell to his knees and cried "KAKEROT!" constantly. Pan and the rest of the Z gang would recover and Pan expecially would cry and mourn Goku's death. Gohan would be just as sad as Pan and Vegeta was. Later on Gohan would ask Vegeta "how are we going to break this to Mom"? Vegeta and the fam. goes and tells Bulma the News, Hercule and Majuub goes and tells Tien, Chauseuw, and Yamcha the news, Goku's children and grandchildren boldly tells Chi Chi and Ox King the news, everybody including Baba, Grandpa Gohan, and Bardock mourns Goku's death, and most of the "villians" in hell are just celebrating?!!!!! While everybody is mourning, Elder Kai just stares at the crystal globe for about twenty seconds and says "I appreciate what Goku did, that was a noble sacrifice, but why is Vegeta and the others crying like Goku is never going to come back? He can be wished back by the dragon balls." He telepathically tells the Z gang this too. So all of the Z gang comes together and are split into about 10 teams equipped w/dragon radars. They start searching for the dragon balls and in about a matter of a week or two all of them are found. When the balls have been gathered in the plains, all the teams discussed that they've discovered a crack on the Dragonballs. After about a twenty one minutes of discussing they are ready to just call the dang dragon. Right before Vegeta calls for the dragon, Baba comes and tells the Z gang about that she had seen an apocolyptic future in her crystal globe. She tells them that when Vegeta summons the dragon a black smoke dragon made of negative energy will appear and split into 7 evil dragons. She also tells them that all the dragons will be defeated w/ ease, they will befriend the third to last shadow dragon, that Nuova Shenron will die, and the last dragon will absorb all of the dragon balls but Vegeta doesn't listen . Dende tells them the Namek gardian told them it will be about five earth months until the Namek dragon balls can be used, but Vegeta still doesn't listen and summons the earth dragon anyway. Vegeta, Pan, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Majuub's battle w/ the shadow dragons goes basically the same except Vegeta was in a rush during the battle w/Rage Shenron and used his Big Bang Attack to kill him while he was still a mole. During the shadow dragon battles, Bulma was working on the Blutz Wave machine to turn Vegeta into a SSJ 4. All of the dragons were defeated w/ ease up to Nuova Shenron. None of the Z fighters were a match for him. Vegeta gave Nuova a decent fight but the Dragon proved superior, after Vegeta was defeated Nuova had said "Is this all what this planet has?, all of you are pathetic?" Then Vegeta gets up and turns SSJ 3 again and fights Nuova harder than he did when he fought 17, but eventually he still lost. Nuova then seems he's about to kill the prince when he remembers how Vegeta fought with honor and never gave up. He shows mercy but all of a sudden, Eis Shenron shows up. He talks some crap and stares at Vegeta for about 2 seconds then freezes Majuub & is about to kill him then Nuova interferes and melts the ice. Vegeta gets ticked and Nuova gets tired of Eis trying to kill the Z fighters and they both double team Eis and Nuova, Eis tries to ice beam them both and Nuova blows it back at him. Eis tries to brake free but is destroyed by the Big Bang/Nuova Death Ray Attack. The Z fighters thank Nuova for helping them defeat his brother. Then Nuova explains how he came to be. They all walk to find the final Shadow Dragon. On the way Gohan tells Nuova about Baba and what she had told them. All of sudden they come near a pond and they all sense a danger, Syn Shenron fires a death beam "that killed Nuova in the series", that Nuova and Vegeta barely dodged. The others weren't near the beam. Nuova tells the gang that he is Syn Shenron and he is the one star dragon. Syn exlains how he came to be, and says that Nuova Shenron is a pitiful dragon, helping out weaklings. Nuova and Syn talk then they do battle. The battle is pretty even then Vegeta gets ticked because he thinks that Syn Shenron had forgot about him like he wasn't important so he interferes and gets smoked by Syn Shenron. The dragon fight continues. The other Z gang including Vegeta joins in and Syn shenron is in a little disadvantage but he still does good in the fight because he just knocks the "weaklings" out the way. Then Nuova gives Syn a hard blow, and is sent through a forest. Syn Shenron had got up and laughed. He then absorbed all of the dragon balls except Nuovas. The fight continues Omega Shenron has a little bit of an upper hand until Goten and Trunks decide to fuse to become Gotenks. Vegeta decides not to fuse w/Gohan or anybody. Then Vegeta and Gotenks both transform into Super Saiyan 3's. The fight is about even until Omega fires a cheap shot at Pan in an attempt to destract the other Z fighters that almost kills her. Everybody thinks she is dead then Gohan gets ticked and reaches Super Saiyan 3 (Gohan hadn't fought in a while so he had lost his "mystic powers" that Elder Kai" gave him during the Fusion Saga that made him just as strong as a SSJ 3). Gohan angirly attacks Omega and the other Z fighters eventually join in. The fight is about even then everybody fires a blast at omega that almost kills them. They think it is over then Omega regenerates and fires a sneaky blast a Nuova Shenron, getting the four star ball in the process. Omega now has all seven balls on his chest and then tries to kill Nuova. Nuova puts him in his Nuova Sphere. He is ready to fire his Nuova Death Ray and then remembers what Gohan told him, goes through w/the attack but he doesn't tell Omega too much info. about his attack (that got him killed in the series) but Omega knows that he is about to die so he quickly pops his dragon balls anyway and they go into Nuova Shenron. Nuova screams out "Noooo"! The spheres gone Nuova stands, Gohan and the others think they one , but Nuova's skin cracks, he says "Gohan I.. Am... Sorry." and you know the rest. The Z team looks on in shock. They continue the fight against omega and loses quickly. Gotenks fusion wears off. Vegeta finally decides to fuse with Gohan. They form Gogen. They ascend to SSJ 3 full power and they are almost equal but they can't overcome the power of all the seven shadow dragons. Goten and Trunks quickly fuse to SSJ 3 Gotenks at power up to full power and helps out Gogen. They fight for a while but Omega still has the upper hand. Then Gotenks uses about Super Ghost Kamikazees x20 and they distract Omega while Gotenks and Gogen gather up almost all their energy to kill Omega while the kamikazee ghosts explode. The smoke clears and Omega survived and gets angry and a big *** vain appears on the side of his forehead, and begins an attack on the two. Meanwhile Goku is on Supreme Kai Planet talking to Elder Kai. He asks them can he go down there to help. Elder and Kabito Kai along w/King Kai and King Yemma who overheard the conversation told him nooooo! After that Goku had a nother idea. He had asked Elder Kai if he had any Potarra Earrings left. He told them that him and Vegeta had crushed the two sets that were given to them years ago, but I will make a new pair, Kabito, take these to Gogen and Gotenks. He appears on the battlefield. The fight pauses for a little while, while Omega gives a "who the H.F.I.L. are you" look at him as he gives the fused characters the potarra rings. He warns them that this will be dangerous. Omega Shenron laughs, and says that if they're planning on doing some type of fusion, it wont work as I am the most superior fighter in the universe. They fuse to become Gogenks. Kabito then heals them and leaves. Gogenks fights Omega at full power and is at equal strenth. He then uses 100 Ghost Kamikazees and the 100 ghosts and Gogenks fires a 50x Kamehameha at Omega then the ghosts charges at Omega and explode. Omega survived. He then gets angry and fires a Negative Karma Ball on Gogenks. He kicks it out of the way. He uses the rest of his energy and fires a 100x Big Bang Kamehameha Attack that pushes to space . Right before he goes into the sun, he raises his body temperature to a temperature that's hotter than the sun. Gogenks is worn out. Majuub runs to him glad that Omega is defeated. They talk for a few minutes. Right when Majuub was using Majin Buu's powers to heal Gogenks, Omega noticeing what Majuub is doing, shoots a huge blast, killing him. Gogenks looks in anger, then stands up and intends to fight Omega Shenron at only 20% because he wasn't fully healed. -The final showdown between two giants is about to take way. Will Gogenks pull through and defeat the final shadow dragon or will Omega Shenrown terminate him, and wipe out all excistance. Find out next time on the FINAL episode of Dragon Ball GT.
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