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Pojo's Dragonball - What If? What if...the Movies were applyed, Goku wasen't a ded beat dad+ taught I. T during?
EricM3742@aol.com [mailto:EricM3742@aol.com]
What if the movies were applyed, Goku wasen't a dead beat dad and taught I.T when he first trained with King Kai, Vegeta returned to earth after getting healed and Tien, Krillen, Yamcha, chaioutzu used the time chamber for the saiyans?( I couldn't get the whole thing on the front)
Well first off lets start off with Goku not being a dead beat dad Chi Chi wouldn't be so controling of Gohan's every single move. She would let Goku train Gohan. So anyway in Dragonballz movie 1. This is what would happen.Goku would have a power level of 500 and Gohan would have a power level of 200 base( I'm including the movies of course). The spice Boys would come and try to get the Dragon balls but Goku would have been keeping his eye on Gohan and he would arrive just in time for the battle. Goku would kill them eventually since he is stronger and he was smart enough to take off his weightedcolths. Garlic Jr. would come( not immortal. Goku would take him on and be able to beat him in his first form but Garlic would then transform and start to win so anyway Piccolo would come and be mad at Goku for killing the spice boys before he could get revenge. So he would say that he wanted to try his Special Beam cannon on Garlic so anyway Goku would fire a Super kamehameha that would kill Garlic Jr. Piccolo who is almost finished with his attack Goku charges another one of his attacks Piccolo and Goku would release their attacks. Goku's beam would be over powering and piccolo would jump out of the way so anyway Piccolo would say '' Well you may have won this one but the next time i'm going to win''. Then a little while later Raditz would come and when he kneed Goku. Goku would just suck it up and keep attacking so Raditz would beat Goku real bad. So he would give him two days since he's injured. Goku would heal and get up to level 900. Piccolo would join forces with him. They would get lots of good punches and kicks in but Goku would charge a kamehameha with a power level of 2,000 and on it and Raditz would grab Goku in a Full nelson and make the attak hit Goku killing him. Gohan would get mad and get up to level 2,500. and fight Raditz. After beating him half to death Gohan tells him about the Dragon balls so Nappa and Vegeta set a course for earth. Gohan then kills Raditz. Piccolo then trains him. So anyway Goku is twice as fast as he was in the regular series so he gets there alot sooner. He is taught instant transmission. Tien, Yamcha, Krilelen and chaioutzu train in the chamber. Once they are done their power levels are like this:
Tien: 4,000
Krillen: 3,750
Yamcha: 3,400
chaioutzu: 3,200
Gohan progresses much quicker than in normal at the end of training Piccolo is at about 5,800 and Gohan is at 5,000. So anyway Goku is able to get to the battle about five minutes after it begins. So anyway Nappa trys to fight Gohan but Gohan beats him up finishes him off with a kamehameha( he learned it from Goku when they trained with him). The saibamen were killed easily and Yamcha survives! Vegeta then fights Gohan and Piccolo and easily betas them up and everyone gangs up on Vegeta. Gohan fires a Beam cannon that Vegeta deflects so Tien fires a Tri beam spread that does minimul damage. Vegeta fires a Blast at Gohan but Piccolo gets in the way and pushes Gohan away and manages to escape himself. Krillen fires a Destructo Disk that Vegeta barly dodges. Goku then transmits to the battle field. Gohan is caught in a bear hug and Goku transports to the sene and punches Vegeta away. Vegeta then reads Goku's power at over 25,000 since thats as high as the scouter goes but Goku is realy at 90,000. Vegeta transforms into an Oozuru. He grabs Goku but Goku uses a kaiokenx3 and gets up to 270,000 and throws Vegeta down to earth. Goku then fires a Super kamehameha to badly injure Vegeta the blast blows off Vegeta's tail. Goku then kicks him over to his pod. Then after Vegeta would come back to earth and try to fight Goku but still lose. Vegeta would then say he would join them until he can defeat Goku. Then Movie 2 occurs. Willow is killed without any effort. Then movie 3 happens Goku defeats Turles and he tries to convince Turles to join him Turles says hes right after all they are cousins( or something). Lord Slug then comes and go's. Goku and the others all go to Namek since Vegeta and Turles want to beat Freiza. After training on the space ship their power levels are like this:
Goku: 450,000
Turles: 410,000
Vegeta: 400,000
Piccolo: 320,000
Gohan: 350,000
Tien: 270,000( They very high power levels in the movies so he got this strong as with the other non Full blood saiyans)
Krillen: 240,000
Yamcha: 220,000
Chaioutzu: 170,000
They would rescue Dende get their guru power ups and their power levels would be like this:
Goku: 900,000
Turles: 830,000
Gohan: 700,000
Tien: 540,000
Yamcha: 440,000
Chaioutzu: 340,000
Goku would go and fight Freiza. Goku would turn False super saiyan and get up to level 22,500,000. He beats him up and kills him with a kamehameha. They go back to earth and since Goku killed Garlic Jr. they wouldn't have to deal with him. Goku would learn how to turn Full super saiyan when Trunks came. Well anyway King Kold would come with Cooler and the Ginyu Force. But they would be killed by the Z team. Trunks would come with Gohan from the future( he was stronger so he survived). Future Gohan stays with them to train for the androids. Goku, both Gohan's, Turles, Piccolo would all train together. After the three years of peace their power levels would be like this:
Goku: 32,000,000
ss: 80,000,000
Future Gohan: 30,000,000
ss: 75,000,000
Turles: 29,000,000( he learned it during the training)
ss: 72,500,000
Vegeta: 26,000,000
ss: 65,000,000( he learned it during the training)
Gohan: 22,000,000
ss: 55,000,000( he learned it during the training)
Trunks: 23,000,000
ss: 57,500,000
Piccolo: 25,000,000
Tien: 8,000,000
Krillen: 7,000,000
Yamcha: 5,000,000
Chaioutzu: 4,500,000
So anyway during the training movies 5 and 6 don't happen since Cooler died before than. 19 and 20 get their asses kicked before 16,17,18 are activated. Movie 7 happens and 13, 14,15 activate the rest of the androids. The six androids come and this is how it goes. all the saiyans go super saiyan. Goku blasts a hole in 16 killing him. Turles fires a kamehameha at 14 and 15 killing them. Trunks and the Gohans blasts 17 and 18. 13 then absorbes them all and gets up to level 180,000,000( all the androids are a bit stronger). Goku attacks but gets blasted by a Hells Flash. Turles fires a Planet Buster( a blast similar to a Galic Gun). So Future Gohan and Gohan and Trunks and Piccolo all fire special Beam cannons that do minimul damage. He fires an s.s. deadly bomb killing Yamcha, Tien and chaioutzu. and wounding Trunks, and Piccolo. Cell then comes and absorbes Ultra super android 13. Cell has a power level of 55,000,000 but after absorbing 13 235,000,000. Goku, Turles, Gohan( both), and Vegeta all attack. Goku then powers up to Ultra super saiyan which he just achieved but can't hit Cell. Vegeta then fires Big Bang attacks and Final Flashs left and right. Cell regenerates and fires a death beam spread which knocks out everyone except for Goku and F. Gohan. Cell would then say he could have ten days to train for a world martial ats tournament. They heal everyone and Goku tells them about the time chamber. Goku and P. Gohan would go in first. Then Vegeta and Turles and last Future Gohan and Future Trunks. Their power levels would be like this:
Goku: 90,000,000
ss: 225,000,000
ss2: 675,000,000
Future Gohan: 88,000,000
ss: 220,000,000
ss2: 660,000,000
Turles: 85,000,000
ss: 212,500,000
ss2: 637,500,000
Vegeta: 83,000,000
ss: 207,500,000
ss2: 622,500,000
Future Trunks: 80,000,000
ss: 200,000,000
ss2: 600,000,000
Gohan: 80,000,000
ss: 200,000,000
ss2: 600,000,000
Piccolo: 85,000,000
Well anyway the Brolly movie would occur. Brolly would be trashed by the saiyans and Brolly would join the Z warriors( until he could beat Goku). Cell would fight Goku and lose very badly so he would try to self destruct. Goku would teleport back to the other world but would escape. Cell would come backin his super perfect form. With a power level of 585,000,000. Goku and Cell would fight again. Goku would fire a Special Beam cannon which he learned from Gohan. Goku would hit him so Cell would fire a kamehameha Goku would fire a kamehameha Buster( Planet buster plus kamehameha) blowing up cell's legs. Goku would use a Super kaioken to go through Cell who would regenerate and fire a Full spread of kamehamehas, Death Beams, doing damage. Goku would fire Planet Busters, kamehamehas, and Special Beam cannons doing alot of damage. Goku would use instant transmission and kamehameha to Blast Cell. Cell would fire all of his mainly used moves( kamehamehas, S B Cs, Galic guns etc.). Goku and Cell would battle for about 3 more episodes. Goku would then use instant transmission and kamehameha from behind and Blast Cell into the sky into the sun and into the next dimension. Goku would be famouse. Oh and by the way Hercule was hit so hard that he was choped in half so he was revived. Then seven years later their power levels are like this:
Goku: 900,000,000( ss)
ss2: 950,000,000
ss3: 1,050,000,000
Turles: 880,000,000( ss)
ss2: 930,000,000
ss3: 1,030,000,000
Vegeta: 850,000,000( ss)
ss2: 900,000,000
ss3: 1,000,000,000
Gohan: 815,000,000(ss)
ss2: 865,000,000
ss3: 965,000,000
Brolly: 600,000,000(ss)
ss2: 650,000,000
Goten: 90,000,000
ss: 270,000,000
ss2: 540,000,000
Trunks: 75,000,000
ss: 225,000,000
ss2: 450,000,000
Piccolo: 420,000,000( I forgot to mention this but during the cell game wait Piccolo fused with Kami)
Well anyway Gohan would meet Videl and they would love eachother and then the tournament would happen.
Match 1: Goku vs. Vegeta: They would both go super saiyan 3 and start to fight Goku and Vegeta would launch ki blasts at eachother doing some damage. Goku would instant transmit behind Vegeta and blast him about twenty times and fire a kamehameha and a Planet Buster. knocking Vegeta out for 8 seconds. Vegeta would fire a Big Bang attack at Goku but before it hit Vegeta would fire a Final Flash pushing it into Goku and Goku would be down for 7 seconds. Goku would fire a Super kamehameha at Vegeta and he would dodge. Goku would then throw about 10 hits but only about 5 would hit. Goku would then get blasted through the arena and he would use a Planet Buster blasting Vegeta's attack back at him Vegeta would dodge and Goku would punch him into the stands. Vegeta would get up and fire a Full barrage of ki blasts. Goku would dodge and do instant transmission and kamehameha knocking Vegeta out and winning the match.
Match 2: Krillen vs. the supreme kai: Krillen would attack but supreme kai would smack him. Krillen would fire his destructo Disk which the kai would cancel out. supreme kai would beat him up and Krillen would use a kamehameha and the kai would throw it back at him Krillen would fall out of the ring and the kai would win the match.
Match 3: Videl vs. Spopovich: This fight would go normal.
Match 4: Turles vs. Kabito: Kabito would ask him to transform into super saiyan so he would but supreme kai would not be able to paralize him so Turles kicks him in the gut and punches him out of the ring.
Match 5: Gohan vs. Brolly: Gohan would go super saiyan 3 and Brolly would go super saiyan 2. Gohan would punch Brolly about 20 times. Brolly would fire his Supreme Blast. Gohan would fire his mesenko which would over power and Gohan would wip Brolly all over. Brolly would fire about 100 ki blats that Gohan would mostly dodge. Brolly would punch Gohan in the stomach. Gohan would fire a kamehameha blasting Brolly into the mountain far away the fight would continue but Brolly wouldn't do so good and get blasted back to the ring. Brolly would get under the rock and get 1 Supreme Blast in on Gohan and Gohan would fire a barrage of ki blasts hiting Brolly and Gohan would fire a kamehameha and Brolly would be knocked out of the ring.
Match 6: Piccolo vs. Yamu: Piccolo would kick Yamu and shoot a Special Beam cannon through Yamu's head that would almost get him disqualified. Piccolo would kick him into the stands and blast him with Mesenkos then he would kick him down to the ground and Piccolo would win the match.
Match 7: Hercule vs. Killer: Well Hercule would attack him and after hiting him several times he would knock him out for 6 seconds. Hercule would then use his Megaton punch on Killer knocking him out of Bounds.
Match 8: Mighty Mask vs. Jewel: Mighty Mask would kick Jewel out of bounds.
Match 9: Goku vs. Supreme kai: Goku would be paralized. so the kai would hit him with a couple of weak punches. Goku would escape the bind by going super saiyan and he would knee him in the gut and kick him to the air and blast him knocking him out and nearly killing the kai.
Match 10: Turles vs. Spopovich: Before the match Gohan asks turles to get revenge for him so Turles( when he gets there) fires Planet Busters and kamehamehas left and right but Spopovich keeps on comeing back for more so Turles kicks him out of the ring.
Match 11: Gohan vs. Piccolo: Gohan would go super saiyan and fire a Special Beam cannon( he learned it when he first trained with him) at him. Piccolo would do the same so Gohan would over power and destroy Piccolo's arm. Gohan would then kick him into the stadium. Piccolo would regenerate his arm and fire a mesenko and Gohan would deflect it. Gohan would give him a woopin and knock him down to the floor with a Foot kamehameha and win the match.
Match 12: Hercule vs. Mighty Mask: Mighty Mask wins with one shot.
Match 13: Goku vs. Turles: Goku and Turles would go super saiyan 3 and start a fist fight. Turles would fire a ki blast at Goku and Goku would shine a Solar Flare. Goku would get behind and fire a Super kamehameha that would knock Turles down for three seconds. Turles would fire a Special Beam cannon that would do some damage to Goku who would barley dodge it but it would skim the area were the shoulder meets the neck. Goku would then use instant transmission and kamehameha to knock Turles down for 7 seconds. Goku would kick him in the back after ward so Turles would fire Planet Busters, kamehamehas, and mesenkos. knocking Goku into the stadium and un consious for 5 seconds. Goku would transmit to different locations while fire kamehamehas, Mesenkos, Planet Busters, and Special Beam cannons( incase you haven' t noticed he learned Planet Buster from Turles and mesenko from Gohan he also learned the Special Beam cannon move from Gohan who learned it from Piccolo when they trained together) knocking Turles out for periods of time on several rounds. Goku would kick Turles in the face and Turles would fire a Planet Buster knocking Goku through the stadium. Goku would be kicked into a mountain. Goku and Turles would start a Fist fight and it would be fairly even for about 1 episode more. Then Goku and Turles would fire Super kamehamehas that would be even for a while but Goku would use a kaiokenx5 knocking Turles out for awhile and Goku is tired and Goes down to Normal saiyan and Turles injured goes down to normal as well. Goku then elbows Turles( like he did Recoome in the Normal series) and Goku kicks his body out of bounds and wins.
Gohan vs. Mighty Mask: Gohan starts beating him up so Goten and Trunks go super saiyan and Kabito and the supreme kai paralize them( when I say them I mean the Mighty Mask) Spopovich and Yamu rip off there costume and the Mighty Mask is Disqualified. They steal there energy and take it to Babidi's space ship. They heal the boys and go off with the supreme kai who explains everything. They also ask to pospone the match till Goku and Gohan get back. They go to Babidi's Space ship Brolly fights Pui Pui and kills him with one blast. Goku fights Yakon and easily beats him without turning super saiyan. After that someone would fight Dabura and win( it doesen't really matter who fights him). They would kill Babidi and destroy the ship and either destroy Buu's cacoon or give it to Supreme kai and go back to the tournament. Then after that Goku and Gohan would face off.
Goku and Gohan would go super saiyan 3. Goku and Gohan would start a fist fight and Goku gains the upper hand after about 1 minute. Goku fires a S, B,C. doing damage. Gohan would fire a large kamehameha so Goku would deflect after a little struggling. Goku would fire a Planet Buster. Goku would use instant transmission to get behind Gohan and blast him into the ring.Goku and Gohan would then fight somemore( I'm to lazy to write all these matches 1 by one so lets get to the point). Goku would eventually get Gohan in a full nelson and Gohan would flip Goku over and fly twords the stadium then just as he was about to hit the ground Goku would transmit to the ring and Gohan would touch the ground and Goku would win the match.
Well then Movie 12 would happen and Janemba would eventually be killed and so would Hildegarn. Then the 28th tournamentwould happen like this:
Match 1:Goku vs. Brolly: Goku would kick Brolly in the back Blast him into the stadium and they would fight for awhile but Goku would try his hardest and beat Brolly( Brolly would have gone super saiyan 3 by now).
Match 2:Nok vs. Vegeta: Vegeta wins without any effort.
Match 3:Pan vs. Wild Tiger: Pan kicks the guy's ass like normal.
Match 4:Turles vs. Piccolo: Turles would go super saiyan and fire a blast destrying piccolo's arm. Piccolo would regenerate and instantly fire a Special Beam cannon But get knocked out of bounds by a Planet Buster.
Match 5:Gohan vs. Trunks: Gohan would go super saiyan 2 as would Trunks Gohan would kick Trunks all over the place and Gohan would criple his arm with a Beam cannon. He would then use a mesenko to knock him out for 9 seconds. Trunks would use a Burning attack and Gohan would throw it back at him and fire a kamehameha knocking him out.
Match 6:Goten vs. Uub( Brolly and Vegeta wanted to see Buu's power so they asked for him to be reincarnated) Goten would o super saiyan 2 and since Uub was reincarnated from Fat Buu He is alot weaker. Goten would attack and fire a large kamehameha knocking him out for 5 seconds. Uub would attack and Goten would block an dodge and After another episode of fighting with Goten haveing the overall advantage and knocks him out with a giant kamehameha.
Match 7:Captain Chaiken vs. hercule: Hercule would probably win this match.
Match 8:Kiranno vs. Otaku suki: I don't know who would win but either would lose to Hercule.
Match 9: Goku vs. Vegeta: Goku and Vegeta would go super saiyan 3 and start firing energy blasts at eachother. Goku would attack and get in five punches. Vegeta would hit him a couble of times and fire a Final Flash knocking Goku out for 8 seconds. Goku would blast from all different locations from under ground and hit Vegeta many times and use a Special Beam cannon knocking him upward to the sky he would then blast him down to the ring. Vegeta would fire a Big Bang attack and Goku would fire a Planet Buster. Goku would use kaiokenx5 to over power Vegeta and knock him out for 7 seconds. Vegeta would fire three Big Bang attacks and use a Final Flash knocking Goku into a far away mountain. Goku would fire a Special kamehameha( A kamehameha that is like a Special Beam cannon but Blue and is still gathered from two hands) to criple Vegeta's arm. Goku would fire a Huge kamehameha knocking Vegeta down to the ring and since the ring was destroyed Vegeta would be disqualified.
Match 10: Pan vs. Turles: Tirles would win fairly easy but let her have a few shots in.
Match 11: Gohan vs. Goten: Gohan would go super saiyan 2 and so would Goten. Gohan would fire a fi blast in Goten's face. Goten would use it on Gohan but he would knee him in the stomach about 20 times and blast him in the face. Gohan and Goten would both fire kamehameha. Gohan's beam would be stronger and he would win the struggle. Goten would attack but none of his would hit. Gohan wouldpunch him in the gut and fire a ki blast pushing him out of bounds.
Match 12: Hercule vs. either kirrono or Otoku suki( I don't know which): Hercule would win against either of them( Man he actully won two matchs with out cheating).
Match 13: Goku vs. Turles: Goku and Turles would both go super saiyan 3. They woud fight for awhile and it would be fairly even( I'm to lazy to write out the whole battle so let's just skip to the end). Goku and Turles would both use Super Planet Busters but Goku's would be a little bit stronger and he would win.
Match 14: Gohan vs. Hercule: Gohan would fight him for a little while with out even trying( due to his niceness). Gohan would eventually kick him out of bounds and end Hercules winning streak.
Match 15: Goku vs. Gohan: They would go super saiyan 3( Once again I'm to lazy right now to write out this whole battle so lets once again). Goku would eventually knock Gohan out of bounds and win the tournament.
Then Goku would give Uub some of his money and they would train together. Then ten years later their power levels are like this:
Goku: 2,000,000,000
ss: 5,000,000,000
ss2: 10,000,000,000
ss3: 30,000,000,000
ss4: 75,000,000,000( He learned it during the 10 years of training)
Turles: 1,900,000,000
ss: 4,750,000,000
ss2: 9,500,000,000
ss3: 28,500,000,000
ss4: 71,250,000,000( He learned it during peace)
Vegeta: 1,850,000,000
ss: 4,625,000,000
ss2: 9,250,000,000
ss3: 27,750,000,000
ss4: 68,750,000,000( He learned it during training)
Gohan: 1,750,000,000
ss: 4,375,000,000
ss2: 8,750,000,000
ss3: 26,250,000,000
ss4: 65,625,000,000( He learned it during peace)
Brolly: 1,300,000,000
ss: 3,250,000,000
ss2: 6,500,000,000
ss3: 13,000,000,000
ss4: 32,500,000,000( He learned it from Goku because he now turned good because of Goku's influence)
Trunks: 800,000,000
ss: 850,000,000
ss2: 900,000,000
ss3: 1,000,000,000
Goten: 900,000,000
ss: 950,000,000
ss2: 1,000,000,000
ss3: 3,000,000,000
Uub: 1,300,000,000
Piccolo: 1,600,000,000
Pan: 600,000,000
Well Baby isen't much of a threat since he's still in form one and he's dealing with people much stronger than in the series. Goku( or pretty much anyone else) would just kill him right there on the spot. Then meanwhile Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu( who died at the hands of Baby) would work on all the artificial androids and then the villin's power levels would be like this:
Cell: 35,000,000,000
ACell( artificial Cell): 30,000,000,000
Android 13: 15,000,000,000
Artificial 13: 12,000,000,000
Android 14: 8,000,000,000
Artificial 14: 6,000,000,000
android 15+ artificial 15: same as 14
16: 28,000,000,000
A16: 23,000,000,000
17: 25,000,000,000
A17: 21,000,000,000
18: 24,000,000,000
A18: 20,000,000,000
19: 7,000,000,000
A19: 4,000,000,000
20: 4,000,000,000
A20: 1,800,000,000
Janemba( all the movie villins are here): 50,000,000,000
Hildegarn: 43,000,000,000
Bojack: 25,000,000,000
Bojack's men: 17,000,000,000
Cooler: 7,500,000,000
Freiza: 6,500,000,000
King Kold: 8,000,000,000
Ginyu: 1,000,000,000
Jeice: 800,000,000
Burter: 775,000,000
Recoome: 700,000,000
Guldo: 200,000,000
Garlic Jr. 2,000,000,000
Nikki: 1,000,000,000
Sancho: 900,000,000
Ginger: 900,000,000
Yakon: 2,200,000,000
Pui Pui: 1,700,000,000
They all escape from Hell by making the gate so there
for they all come out and have a battle royale. They would all
either turn super saiyan 4 and 3( except for Piccolo and Uub and
pan) and all attack. Goku would attack Janemba and fire ki
blasts all over but he would keep on making portals. He would
blast Goku's face and goku would blast a 10x kamehameha with
instant transmission. Goku then fires dozens of energy basts all
over the place. Turles is fighting Cell and androids 17 and 18.
He fires planet busters doing alot of damage to all of them and
cell keeps regenerating. Uub is fighting the Ginyu force and
doing good. uub fires kamehamehas destroying Guldo and Burter.
Recoome fires his eraser cannon. Meanwhile Goten and Trunks are
taking on androids 13-15 and winning. Piccolo is taking on the
spice boys and is now losing. Gohan and brolly and vegeta
all take on everyone else and help everyone out then the
artificial androids come when they do. Garlic Jr., the spice
boys, Babidi's henchmen, the Ginyu force and Bojack's men are
all dead. android 13 is dead as well as 14, 17, 19,20 are all
dead. so artificial 13 absorbes them and he fuses with all their
artificial's and gets up to level 103,800,000,000 cell fuses
with his artificial and absorbes 13 and gets up to level
168,800,000,000. 15,16,18 all fuse with their artificials and
get up to 14,000,000,000, 44,000,000,000, and 51,000,000,000.
Cell absorbes them all and gets up to level 277,
800,000,000. Everyone attacks Cell and the remaing. Goku fires
ki blasts as distractions and Goku goes and fires a 10x
kamehameha blasting Cell's arm. Cell regenerates and fires a
blast and kicks and punches him all over. Vegeta fires Big bangs
and Final Flashes and Final shines doing damage and killing all
the others except for Janemba. Janemba uses energy gun and
blasts him. Goku uses a planet Buster/kamehameha spread to kill
Janemba and badly injure Cell. Cell regenerates and kills Pan.
Gohan gets pissed and fires mesenkos everywhere. Cell gets some minimul
damage. Goku/Gohan/Turles/Goten/Uub all fire Super kamehamehas
blowing Cell to peices. Cell fires Death Balls, Kamehamehas, and
Special Beam cannons killing Uub and Piccolo. Vegeta and Trunks
all fire their signiture moves Trunks is killed by Cell. Cell
attacks and kills Brolly, and Vegeta. Gohan and Goten all attack
but Goten gets killed and Gohan is badly injured he kills him
and Goku gets pissed and reaches an entirely new level of Super
saiyan 5 with a power level of 375,000,000,000. He kills Cell
by blasting him into the sun with a giant kamehameha. The evil
shenrons come out of the dragonballs but they are easily killed.
They wish that everyone be brought back. Goku isen't a dead beat
dad so he doesen't go off with shenron they all go off and live
the rest of their lives in peace. |
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