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Pojo's Dragonball - What If? What if...Master Roshi didn't miss on his evil containment wave?
EricM3742@aol.com [mailto:EricM3742@aol.com]
Well he would have trapped Piccolo in the Jar and still would have died. His men would try to release him and Chaioutzu would kill them. They would have summonded the Dragon and wished him back to life. Now since Piccolo is gone there is no need for Goku to drink the ultra divine water so he would train for the next tournament. When the three years of training were up. Their power levels are like this:
Goku: 260
Tien: 225( he didn't train with korin since Goku didn't impress him)
Krillen: 170( same as Tien)
Yamcha: 150( same as Tien)
Chaioutzu: 140
Well anyway this is how it would go.
Match 1: Tien vs. Tao: This fight would go about the same except it would take two shots from Tien to win.
Match 2: Goku vs. Chi Chi: Goku would win as easily except he would actually hit her to win and she would marry him.
Match 3: Krillen vs. guy: Since Piccolo isen't there he would fight someone else and win.
match 4: Yamcha vs. guy: Since kami isen't there Yamcha would fight someone else and win.
match 5: Goku vs. tien: Goku would come in and punch Tien in the face and kick him twords the edge. Tien would come in with a Dodonpa which Goku would deflect back with a kamehameha. Just before Tien defleced it Goku would punch him in the back kick him in the head and jump up into the air and let the kamehameha hit Tien. Tien would be knocked down for 6 seconds. Goku would kick him in the gut and punch him into the ground. Tien would blast the whole ring away with a Tri beam he would emerge from the ring thinking he has won when he would find Goku's fist in his back and blasted with another kamehameha he would nearly be knocked out. Tien would fire a blast then a Solar Flare and Goku would be blinded. Tien would sneak behind Goku and punch him 5 times and Blast him away. Goku would get off the blast and throw it bask to the ring Goku would fly twords tien with two kamehamehas behind him he would launch a blast as a distraction Tien would avoid the attacks only to get nailed on the head. He would punch Goku 4 times Goku would catch his next attack and knee him in the gut and slap him in the face about 20 times knee him away hit him downward. Tien would be about to fire a blast but Goku would appear before him and hit him down with his foot and Tien would fall out of bounds.
Match 6: Krillen vs. Yamcha: Krillen and Yamcha would do some hand to hand combat with krillen having the upper hand. krillen would launch a series of energy blasts at Yamcha but Yamcha uses a wolf fang fist on Krillen. They would both fire kamehamehas but Krillen's would be stronger so he would win with a ring out.
match 7: Goku vs. Krillen: Goku and Krillen would fight with hand to hand combat and Goku would have the upper hand amd fire a blast that would knock krillen out for 3 seconds. Goku would kick Krillen to the edge of the ring and give him one more hit and Krillen would be out of bounds and Goku would win the entire tournament.
Then five years later raditz shows up and the Z warriors are weaker. Their power levels ae like this.
Goku: 350
Tien: 235
Krillen: 190
Yamcha: 160
Chaioutzu: 143
Gohan: 9
1250( angry)
Well Raditz would show up and take Gohan but instead of Piccolo Tien would go with Goku. Goku and Tien would attack together but would be easily beaten. Raditz would be about to blow up the earth. When he would here an explosion and see Gohan with a power level of 1,250. Gohan would be extremely pissed off at Raditz for killing Goku. Gohan would fight and after awhile kill Raditz in an incredible release of Rage. The others would arrive at the seen and be shocked to hear that Gohan beat raditz. But Gohan would say that Raditz said that their were two more saiyans coming even more powerful than Raditz. After that krillen, Yamcha, chaioutzu, and Gohan. would all train together and be the earth's special Forces. Meanwhile Tien and Goku would travel down snakeway. They wouldn't fall off snakeway since tien is smarter than that so they would both make it to king kai's place and learn the kaioken and Spirit Bomb much quicker and still have alot of time to train since they arrived much earlier and they went through the king Kai training quicker. At the end of the training their power levels would be at 11,000 and 9,000 with Goku having the higher power level. They would both be able to master a kaiokenx5. Meanwhile the other Z fighters power levels would be like this:
Gohan: 1,100
Krillen: 1,200
Yamcha: 1,000
Chaioutzu: 900
Well anyway Nappa would make four saibamen to take on the fighters. Yamcha would fight first. Yamcha would go for a punch but get kicked then punched in the face and blasted backward into a rock he would fire a kamehameha that would do some damage to the saibamen but dispite his best efforts he would in the end lose the fight and be killed. Krillen would then fire his mega blast that would destroy the saibamen that yamcha was fighting and injure the rest. Then another saibamen would come and attack Krillen( who is completely out of breath after fireing the blast). The saibamen would beat be fairly even with Krillen since he was injured by Krillen's blast. Then after awhile gohan would fire a kamehameha to help out krillen. Krillen would fire a destructo Disk to kill the saibamen. Gohan would then be very afraid of fighting but krillen is giving him advice Gohan still loses when he gets a rage spurt and flys directly through the saibamen. Chaioutzu fights and loses to the saibamen and self destructs to kill the saibamen and himself. By now tien and Goku are off of snake way and are flying twords the fight and recover their energy with senzus. Gohan and krillen both attack Nappa side by side. Gohan gets kicked in the stomach and blasted with some eye lasers that nearly kill him. krillen then unleashes his mega blast as a distraction then fires a Destructo disk Nappa barly dodges it. Nappa then fires an energy blast at krillen and just as he is about kill him Goku jumps in front of the blast and deflects it. Goku gives Gohan a senzu bean and tells krillen and Gohan to go back. Goku takes on vegeta and tien takes on nappa. Goku uses kaiokenx2 to get up to level 22,000 and starts pulverizing vegeta. Tien takes on nappa and wins with ease. vegeta then goes to his max and fires a galik Gun. Goku uses a kaioken x3 and a kamehameha to badly injure Vegeta. Vegeta then goes Oozuru and starts to win Tien and Goku then attack together and use a kaioen x5 with power levels of 55,000 and 45,000 with Goku being stronger. Goku would go kaioen x6 and fire a huge kamehameha that would do minimal damage to Vegeta. tien would fire a Huge Tri beam while in kaioenx6 that doesen't to much then Vegeta would beat them both up and Goku would tell tien to cut off his tail. Goku would then pretend to be dead and tien would lead him away and when he was about to hit him Goku would fire a energy blast to blow off Vegeta's tail and shrink him back to normal. Vegeta is now only 7,000 because of all the damage he took in. Goku would use a kaioenx1 and fire a kamehameha that would do some more damage. vegeta would fire a Blast to knock out Goku and tien would fire the biggest TRi beam he could ever hope to muster and do serious damage. By now Gohan and krillen would come. They would take him on together and win. Goku would tell them to let him go. Then Goku and Tien would take senzu beans. Goku would be at level 22,000 after healing. Goku, Tien, Gohan, and Krillen would all train for one month on the space ship. Goku would be at level 65,000 after his training. Tien would be at level 50,000. Gohan would be at level 20,000 and Krillen would be at level 18,000. They would land on namek and vegeta would meet up with them and tell them about Freiza and he would make a temporary alliance with them. They would rescue dende and then they would escape with Dodoria dieing after about 10 seconds of fighting with them. Zarbon would come and be defeated and Freiza would call the ginyus. they would all get guru power ups after that their power levels would be like this:
Goku: 325,000( and able to do a kaioken x20)
Tien: 250,000( able to do a kaioken x20)
Vegeta: 150,000
Gohan: 100,000
Krillen: 90,000
The Ginyus would come and the battle would go like this. Goku would fire a kamehameha to destroy Ginyu. Vegeta would kill Guldo with a Finger Beam and then fire a Galik Gun to destroy recoome. Gohan kills Jeice and krillen destroys Burter. Then they get the Dragonballs and wish back yamcha and chaioutzu the third wish is for them to be brought to this plane. Freiza would then come. Goku would use a kaiokenx 2 and start to beat up Freiza so Freiza would go into his second stage and start to win. Tien would jump in and fire a Tri-Beam to Blast Freiza back. Goku would use a kaiokenx10 to beat the crap out of Freiza. Freiza would go into his Final Form 50%. Goku would then use a kaioken x20 to get up to level 6,500,000 and fire a kamehameha to hurt freiza he would then tell everyone else to distract him while he uses the spirit Bomb they would stall long enough for him to launch the attack. Freiza would not be damaged that much. Freiza would kill Krillen and Goku would become enraged and go super saiyan with a power level 16,250,000. Goku would attack and nearly defeat him. Freiza would damage Namek's core. Goku would eventually win( if he went up to 100% if he was at 50% then Freiza would be dead in about 1 minute. They would all barly escape and land on Yardrat. There all 6 of them would know instant Transmission and would also become much stronger. Goku would become a super saiyan 2, Vegeta would go super saiyan as would Gohan, Yamcha and Chaioutzu would learn the kaioken from Tien. Tien would master kaiokenx40. They would all head back to earth. They would encounter Garlic Jr. and beat him with ease. They would use the namek Dragonballs to bring back krillen. So anyway King Kold would come with Freiza and then be killed. Trunks would come and warn everyone about the androids so Goku, Tien, Gohan, and Chaioutzu would train together. Vegeta would train alone. Yamcha and Krillen would also train together. After all the training their power levels would be like this:
Goku: 15,000,000
ss: 37,500,000
ss2: 75,000,000
Vegeta: 14,000,000
ss: 35,000,000
Gohan: 11,000,000
ss: 27,500,000
Trunks: 12,000,000
ss: 30,000,000
Tien: 11,000,000
x60: 17,500,000
Krillen: 4,000,000
x10: 4,400,000
Yamcha: 7,000,000
Cahioutzu: 6,000,000
x30: 7,800,000
Well Androids 19 and 20 would show up and get their asses kicked. Goku would get the heart virus and would recover from it at about the time that Cell showed up. Goku would have a power level of 55,000,000 as a super saiyan and as a super saiyan 2 110,000,000. Cell would fight the Z warriors but be nearly killed so he would use a Solar Flare to get away. He would activate 16, 17, and 18. He would absorbe them all so his power level after absorbing 16, 17, 18 would be about 180,000,000. Goku would sense this and tell everyone about the time chamber. Trunks and Vegeta would go in first and they would reach super saiyan 2. Their power levels would be like this 110,000,000( ss) 325,000,000( ss2) would be Vegeta's power. Trunks would be at level 105,000,000( ss) 315,000,000( ss2). Goku and Gohan would go in and after their training Goku would be a super saiyan 3 and Gohan would be a super saiyan 2. Their power levels would be like this:
Goku: 50,000,000
ss: 125,000,000
ss2: 375,000,000
ss3: 750,000,000
Gohan: 47,000,000
ss: 117,500,000
ss2: 352,500,000
Well while Goku and Gohan were in the time chamber Vegeta would fight cell as a super saiyan 2 and beat the crap out of him Cell would then self destruct but Vegeta would instant transmit him to another Planet and get out of there before it blew. Then cell would come back in his super Perfect form with a power level of about 430,000,000. He would beat Vegeta as a super saiyan 2 and start to beat him he Trunks would try to help but be beaten. Cell would be about to kill him but he would then propose the Cell games. So anyway that is when Goku and Gohan exit the Time chamber( I just thought I'd list goku and Gohan's power levels before I got to the story line just wanted to clear that up).Then the Cell games would happen and would go like this:
Round 1: Goku vs. Cell( I'm not including the Hercule fight): Goku would start as a super saiyan 3 and start to beat Cell up Cell would try to to destroy the earth so Goku would fire a super kamehameha that would nearly kill Cell( like Gohan's blast did). Goku wouldn't show off though and would kill Cell when he had the chance.Hercule would call the attacks tricks so Goku would challenge him to a fight so Hercule would make an excuse. Vegeta would call him a coward and Hercule would say tat he had some sort of injury. Goku would give him a senzu bean. Hercule would except finally. Hercule would say he's the world champion and that he won't lose Goku would think he was strong so Goku would kick Hercule and knock him through a few mountains nearly killing him. Goku would say '' Sorry I wouldn't have kicked him so hard if I had known he was so weak''. Hercule would say he lost his balance. Goku would give him a senzu bean everytime he made an excuse so finally he would ask Bulma whats wrong with him so she would come to the conclusion that nothing is wrong with him. Goku would then fight him again and totally kick his ass and Finally Hercule would except defeat so Goku would ask if he wanted to train with him. Hercule would agree to be trained by Goku. So Goku would be famouse and Hercule wouldn't totally lose his reputation. Then seven years later the Z warriors power levels would be like this:
Goku: 340,000,000
ss: 390,000,000
ss2: 440,000,000
ss3: 540,000,000
ss4: 1,350,000,000( he learned it during peace times)
Gohan: 300,000,000
ss: 350,000,000
ss2: 400,000,000
Vegeta: 320,000,000
ss: 370,000,000
ss2: 420,000,000
ss3: 520,000,000( he learned it during peace times)
Trunks: 70,000,000
ss: 210,000,000
Goten: 60,000,000
ss: 180,000,000
ss2: 280,000,000( He was able to do it since Goku reached it before he was born)
Tien: 150,000,000
x100: 300,000,000
Yamcha: 90,000,000
x100: 180,000,000
Chaioutzu: 70,000,000
x70: 119,000,000
Krillen: 50,000,000
x20: 60,000,000
Hercule: 7,000( He learned ki attacks from Goku plus how to fly)
Videl: 5,000( she trains with Goku and Hercule)
Well everything would go the same up to the world tournament. It would go something like this:
Match 1: Goku vs. Vegeta: They would both go super saiyan 3 and start attacking eachother full force. Goku would punch Vegeta kick him blast him backward and karate chop him down to the ring. vegeta would launch a Final Flash to blast Goku. Goku would use a kamehameha to knock him out for 3 seconds. Vegeta would fire a Galik Gun and Goku would use another kamehameha Goku's beam would be slightly ahead of Vegeta's. Goku would win and punch Vegeta into the stadium Vegeta would use three Big Bang attacks to knock Goku down for 7 seconds.Goku would use a small spirit Bomb to hurt Vegeta. Goku would then use a 10x kamehameha( after going super saiyan 4) to knock Vegeta down for 8 seconds. Vegeta would use a Final Flash Goku would deflect it back at Vegeta and Goku would start beating Vegeta up. Goku would then blast Vegeta down to the ground and win the match.
Match 2: Punta vs. Krillen: This fight would go normally.
Match 3: Videl vs. Spopovich: This fight would go about the same.
Match 4: Gohan vs. Yamcha: Gohan would zoom in and punch Yamcha out of bounds.
Match 5: Supreme kai vs. Hercule: Supreme kai not wanting to waist time would ring out Hercule.
Match 6: Kabito vs. Yamu: Kabito would punch Yamu into the stadium and then blast him and he would give him a kick in the head and Yamu would fall out of bounds.
Match 7: Tien vs. chaioutzu: Tien would fire a Blast at chaioutzu followed by a punch spread. Chaioutzu would paralize Tien and start to beat him up Tien would use a kaioken x100 and chaioutzu would not be able to hold him. Tien would punch him in the stomach and knee him into the stadium and fire a Tri beam to knock out chaioutzu and win the match.
Match 8: Killer vs. Mighty Mask: Mighty Mask would win with ease.
Match 9: Goku vs. Krillen: Krillen would attack and Goku would block so Krillen would fire a kamehameha and Goku would puncture the beam with his finger so Krillen would forfeit.
Match 10: Spopovich vs. Gohan: Gohan is really mad at Spopovich for hurting Videl. Gohan would beat the crap out of him and dire a Huge kamehameha to nearly knock him out for 6 seconds. Spopovich would go on the offensive so Gohan would go super saiyan and Kabito and the Supreme kai would paralize Gohan so Spopovich and Yamu would suck the energy from him. Gohan would be healed by kabito. So everyone( including Hercule and Videl) would all go to the space ship while the announcer says he will hold the tournament while they are gone. Son anyway on Babidi's space ship Vegeta would beat Pui Pui like normal. Goku would do the same with Yakon. Gohan would be able to beat Dabura easily so They would stop Buu's resurection.
Match 10 cont. Gohan would win since spopovich is dead.
Match 11: supreme kai would forfeit and so would kabito so this match would not occur.
Match 12: Tien vs. Mighty Mask: Tien would attack and start to beat the mighty Mask. They would then go super saiyan and Tien would use a kaioken x80 to Blast teir costume with a Tri Beam and they would be knocked down without their costume so they would lose.
Match 13: Goku vs. Gohan: Goku and Gohan would go super saiyan 2 so Goku would kick Gohan in the back. Gohan would elbow Goku but get kicked to the arena. Goku would fire a blast as a distraction. Goku would elbow Gohan's head and punch him in the face 10 times. Goku would use a kamehameha to blast Gohan to the mountain. Gohan would fire a full spread of kamehamehas at Goku who would use instant transmission to get away. Gohan would get in 5 punches 3 kicks and 1 ki blast. Goku would use a small spirit Bomb to knock Gohan to the ring. Gohan would then fire a blast but Goku would fire a Super kamehameha to blow Gohan out of bounds.
Match 14: Goku vs. Tien: Goku would punch Tien in the face kick him in the back and blast him to the stadium. Goku would use a Ki Blast volley to knock Tien out for 8 seconds. Tien would use a kaioken x80 and start fireing Tri-beams. Goku would block them with a kamehameha and knock Tien out and win the match.
Well anyway 20 years later Pilaf trys to steal the Dragonballs but is stopped. Baby then comes nine monts later. The Z warriors power levels are like this.
Goku: 800,000,000
ss: 850,000,000
ss2: 900,000,000
ss3: 1,000,000,000
ss4: 2,500,000,000
Gohan: 410,000,000
ss: 460,000,000
ss2: 510,000,000
ss3: 610,000,000
Vegeta: 650,000,000
ss: 700,000,000
ss2: 750,000,000
ss3: 850,000,000
Trunks: 325,000,000
ss: 375,000,000
Goten: 360,000,000
ss: 410,000,000
ss2: 460,000,000
Tien: 260,000,000
x100: 520,000,000
Yamcha: 130,000,000
x100: 260,000,000
Chaioutzu: 100,000,000
x80: 180,000,000
Krillen: 70,000,000
x30: 91,000,000
Pan: 200,000,000
Hercule: 20,000
Videl: 17,000
Well Baby would come and start to fight Goten he would lose miserably and would fake death. Baby would come back a little later and change into stage 2. He would manage to make a small cut on Goten but then pretend to be dead but when Goten was off Guard he would possess him. He would find out that Goku was the strongest and fight with him. Goku would beat the crap out of Bebi- Goten and Baby would try to take over Goku but be killed and Goku would give the sacred water to Goten. Then the Super 17 saga would occur. Well Trunks would be ambushed be 17 but since he was so much stronger than in the series he would be able to make his escape by firing dozens of burning attacks temporeroly blinding 17. Dr. Myuu( He died at the hands of Baby) and Dr. Gero would both order the 17s to make the whole so every villin would escape from Hell. Goku would take on 17 and start to win. Gohan would take on Freiza. Vegeta would take on Cell. Goten and Trunks would take on Nappa and the saibamen. Everyone else would take on Hell 17. Gohan would beat Freiza with in about 1 minute. Vegeta would do the same with Cell. Nappa and the saibamen would be dead in about 10 seconds against Goten and Trunks. Pan and the others are holding there own. Goku is winning against 17. The two android 17s fuse together. Goku would fight him as a super saiyan 3 and actully still win until he used a Super kamehameha in an attempt to destroy 17. He would go super saiyan 4 and start pulverizing him. He would use a Super Dragon Fist to destroy him. They would try to wish for everything to return to normal. The evil shenrons would then be realesed. Haze shenron would be deafeted before they could lose any power. Rage shenron would go about the same except for everyone fighting him. Oceanous shenron would be beaten alot quicker than before. Natron shenron would go about the same. Then finally Nova shenron would come along. Goku would go super saiyan 4 and Nova would transform and Goku would fire a blast Nova would fire a Sun Gun attack Goku would counter with a 10x kamehameha doing some damage. Goku would head butt him in the head Nova would kick Goku into a sky scraper. Goku would use a Dragon Fist assult on him that would do very heavy damage. Goku would try to hit him but he would raise his body tempureture burning Goku's hand. He would take the oppurtunity to fire a volley of Nova Death Rays and Nove stars to do some damage. Goku would fire a kamehameha from his one hand that would hurt the injured Nova. Goku would start to fire a 10x kamehameha but his hand would be frozen by Eis shenron. Eis shenron would throw the injured Nova into the air but before he could finish him off Goku would kick him through the city and fire a huge ki Blast volley that would do some damage to Eis. Nova would say that Eis shenron inturupted his fight and Goku and him would kill Eis with a kamehameha/Nova star combo. Nova shenron would then say he would join the Z warriors. Syn shenron would then attack and fire a Death Beam at Nova who would die from it. Goku would become enraged and attack him. Vegeta would then go super saiyan 3 and try to attack but would be beaten up. Everyone else woul then give Goku their energy. He would totally destroy Syn shenron. Syn would absorbe the Dragonballs and become Omega shenron. Everyone gets beaten up and Goku is about to be killed when Pan pushes him out if the way. Gohan gets mad and goes super saiyan 4 and Goku and Gohan use a Father son kamehameha on Omega. Omega would regenerate and fire a energy Blast volley beating them up. Then Bulma arrives with the machine to make Vegeta a super saiyan 4. The three super saiyan 4s attack and they do very Well but in the end start to lose. Goku would be the only one standing eventually. So everyone would start to give him energy. Goku would eventually be strong enough to beat Omega shenron. Goku would use a Super Dragon Fist to Blow him to bits and fire a Dragon kamehameha to destroy Omega shenron. They would summon shenron and wish everyone back( including Nova). Goku would still go off to train with shenron and everyone would live happily ever after. And all this because Master Roshi didn't miss the jar.
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