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Pojo's Dragonball - What If? What if...Hercule really was the most Powerful fighter on earth?
EricM3742@aol.com [mailto:EricM3742@aol.com]
Well it would probably go like this( I don't want to be rude so I'll say this now the first guy could be right who knows but i just am saying my opinion so he could be right or i could be right I say this because I don't want to look like an ass correcting 3 others so heres another possibility).
Hercule would come to the Cell games tournament and everything that that other guy said would happen as he said but after Hercule defeted cell Vegeta would become super enraged that hercule was stronger than him so out of rage he would go super saiyan 2 and challenge Hercule to a fight. Hercule who has a power level of 265,000,000 about in this world Vegeta attacks with a power level of about 300,000,000. Vegeta kicks Hercule in the face and blasts him in the face and fires a Big bang attack blasting him into a mountain. ''So it's a trick huh well I'll show you who the real joke is vegeta would say''. Vegeta would charge at him and get a few hits on him hercule would punch vegeta in the face knee him in the gut and throw him by the ankle into the ground. Vegeta would then fire a huge energy beam that would blast hercule away. vegeta would fire a full spread of energy blasts at him topped offwith a Final Flash which does heavy damage. Hercule uses his mega punch on Vegeta then vegeta is sent flying. Vegeta would burst forth and beat the crap out of him and fire a super galik gun, three Big Bang attacks, followed by another final flash. Hercule is now weak. Vegeta then beats him up somemore and kills him with one more Final flash. Vegeta then challenges Goku to a fight. Goku powers up and vegeta then beats him up without any effort vegeta then kills him with a Big Bang attack. Gohan then becomes very angry and goes super saiyan 2 and gets up to level 325,000,000. Trunks meanwhile is begging his father to stop and vegeta knocks him unconciouse. Gohan and vegeta begin their battle Gohan punches him in the gut kicks him in the chin and blasts him. vegeta then kicks him and fires a Big bang attack Gohan manages to get rid of it. Gohan fires a mesenko and vegeta shatters it Gohan headbutts vegeta vegeta blasts him away and fires massive final flash and Gohan returns fire with a super kamehameha and its even until gohan gets mad and overpowers vegeta. vegeta sheilds him self and fires dozens of galik guns that injure Gohan. Gohan fires a full spread of mesenkos and kamehamehas that destroy vegeta's armor. Gohan trys to hit vegeta but vegeta then knees him and kicks him down ton earth.and fires his big bang attack again Gohan deflects it back at him and vegeta is extremely pissed that Gohan is stronger and just desides to attack none stop so he fires the Bigest Final flash that he could ever hope to muster Gohan then does the same with his Super kamehameha and so far vegeta is winning( I'm not 100% sure but i'm pretty sure that the final flash is much stronger than the kamehameha) Gohan then receives coaching from Goku so Gohan uses everything he's got and starts to win and Gohan gets energy from all the other fighters and wins completly destroying vegeta. Gohan would then travel to the look out tower and try to wish Goku back. But Goku would rather stay in the other world. Trunks would go back and kill the androids and cell. Gohan would train a little but wouldn't be as amazing as he couldv'e been if he trained constantly he would study and train since he was one of the only real power houses left and 16 would be a z fighter. 7 years later the z warriors power levels are like this:
Goku: Is the same as in the series.
Gohan: 300,000,000( ss)
Piccolo: the same
16: 200,000,000
Goten: 35,000,000
ss: 95,000,000( he's stronger because Gohan trained more and he trained with him)
Trunks: 20,000,000
ss: 60,000,000( he's weaker because vegeta is dead so he doesen't get trained with him but trains with Goten so he is still a good fighter)
Everyone else is the same as before.
Well Gohan would be known as the person who saved the world. He would be famouse and as rich as mister satan. Well he wouldn't be wearing the saiyaman costume because everyone knows anyway. So anyway Videl becomes attracted to him and they train for the world martial arts tournament Videl after her ki training turns out to be at level 310,000,000. Meanwhile in the other world Goku and pikkon would go to fight Cell, freiza, King kold, the Ginyu force, and vegeta who is now a super saiyan 3 after training. Goku transforms into a super saiyan 3 and fights vegeta while Pikkon fights the rest. Pikkon kills them all with ease Goku has some difficulty with his fight but after about 3 episodes of fighting Goku uses instant transmission and kamehameha to take vegeta out. Goku would also be able to get the Grand kai training by beating Hercule( he entered ). He would be very strong after grand kai's training. Goku would come back and would enter the tournament This is how the tournament would go:
Match 1: Krillen vs. punta: Krillen wins like normal.
Match 2: Piccolo vs. Android 16: Well Piccolo would attack with his power level of 180,000,000 and start punching 16. 16 would then kick him and punch him to the sky and fire a ki blast. Piccolo would deflect it and fire a Special Beam cannon 16 would manage to get rid of it. 16 would kick Piccolo to the ring and fire a barrage of ki blasts at him. Then piccolo would fire a mesenko that would knock 16 down for 3 seconds. 16 would fire a hells Flash that would damage piccolo who would fire a Special beam cannon. 16 would get pushed to the arena stadium. 16 would attack with a barrage of kicks and punches he would knock piccolo down to the arena and fire a Hells Flash this would knock him down for 6 seconds. Piccolo would head butt him and 16 would use a ki blast to distract him. He would try to hit him from behind but 16 would getblasted by a mesenko. 16 tells him that his power level is lower than his and that he will win. piccolo then says that sometimes the smartest one who wins not the strongest. They fight somemore advantage: Piccolo. Piccolo then basts him from behind with a mesenko. Piccolo then eventually gets 16 to a full nelson. he then brings him to the air. He flys down but 16 flips him over and it appaers that Piccolo will hit when he shoots a mesenko down to the ground and blasts himself upward and sends 16 to the ground with a kick and wins.
Videl vs. Spopovich: Well first off Spopovich would get demolished since Videl is much stronger in this world but she can't beat him since he's immortal. Videl after awhile ring outs him.
Match 4: Gohan vs. Supreme kai: Well first off Gohan would go super saiyan and fight him and have a pretty good advantage so the kai would paralize him and start to win. Then Gohan would pretend to be down but would fake it and go super saiyan 2. He would then fire a full spread of kamehamehas and mesenkos that would knock the kai out and win the match.
Match 5: Goku vs. kabito: Goku would start off as a super saiyan and would be stronger after all the Grand kai's training. Goku would easily beat kabito and kick him out of bounds.
Match 6: Android 18( They wished her back for Krillen) vs. killer: Android 18 would kick him out of bounds.
Match 7: Mighty mask vs. yamu: Mighty Mask would kick yamu upward knee him down to the ring and blast him with a huge barrage of ki blasts. He would then fire a huge kamehameha that would knock him out for 8 seconds. Yamu would go on the offensive he would punch and kick at them they would dodge and would retaliate byfiring ki blasts then knocking him out of the ring with a powerful kick.
Match 8: Jewel vs. someone: since there are two warriors missing from the normal timeline in the tournament and there is one new one Jewel would fight someone and might win and might lose even if he wins he has no chances of winning the next match.
Match: 9: Krillen vs. Piccolo: Piccolo would kick Krillen and knock him down for 5 seconds. Krilen would attack but wouldn't come even close to hitting him and piccolo would kick him out of bounds.
Match 10: Videl vs. Gohan: Gohan would go super saiyan and fire a ki blast at Videl. Gohan would sneak behind and kick her in the back and elbow her in the stomach videl would kick him in the gut and they would begin to fight and it would be fairly even. Gohan would see he needed to go higher so he would go super saiyan 2 and start to whip Videl all over. he would fire a kamehameha at her and it would push her to the edge of the ring she would tell Gohan to use more power so Gohan would and would knock her out and win the match.
Match 11: Goku vs. Android 18: Goku would kick her in the head knee her in the gut and fire three blasts at her she would be down for 7 seconds. 18 would try her best but goku would dodge all her attacks and give her a punch in the gut and then he would sneak behind her and knock her out.
Match 12: Mighty Mask vs. unknown: I don't know if he Jewel won over the guy but either one would lose in one hit.
Match 13: Gohan vs. Piccolo: Gohan would start as a super saiyan and kick piccolo 5 times and then punch him to the stadium piccolo would use a Special Beam cannon and Gohan would knock it away. Gohan would then fire 3 ki blasts that would be dodged. Gohan would kick him into the city and piccolo would fire a mesenko to lift himself up. He would get a hit to gohan's face but be knocked down to the ground and Gohan would win.
Match 14: Goku vs. Mighty mask: Goku would beat them up and would then blast their costume off and the mighty mask would be disqualified.
match 15: Goku vs. Gohan: Always seems to boil down to this in my What ifs. Goku and Gohan would both go super saiyan 2. Goku would transmit behind gohan and kick him 3 times and punch him away. Goku would get in front of Gohan and kick him upward. Gohan would fire a ki blast Goku and hit him down to the ring and try to knee him but Goku would catch his leg and throw him all around. Goku would throw him up and fire a kamehameha that would tear up his costume. Goku would knock him down and fire a blast. Gohan would kick it back at goku and fire a masenko that Goku would be able to deflect. Gohan would tunnel under and fire kamehmehas in different locations. Goku would avoid them but be kicked then punched and blasted into the stadium. Goku would punch gohan and fire a blast that would knock himthrough the stadium. Gohan would fire a barrage of ki blasts but Goku would use a kamehameha to throw them all back but Gohan would avoid them but Goku would get behind him and beat him up and knock him down to the ground and win. Goku would get the 10,000,000 zenie and they would be rich. Oh yeah and Goten won the kids tournament.
Goku, Gohan, Videl, Piccolo, Krillen, 18, supreme kai, kabito, and 16 would all make their way to Babidi's space ship. Goku would fight Pui Pui and would beat him like vegeta did. Gohan would fight Yakon. Gohan would beat Yakon with minimal difficulty. Videl would fight Dabura. Videl would kick him in the face and knee him in the gut. She would beat him up and eventually kill him with an energy beam( She learned energy attacks from gohan). They would make it to Babidi and kill him then either destroy Buu's ball or Supreme kai would take it to his planet and hide it. Goku would go back to the after life and would train with king kai, Pikkon, and hercule but after a while Goku is wished back to life. Then he would be able to compete in the 28th tenkachi Budokai. It would go like this:
Round 1: Pan vs. Wild Tiger: This fight would go basically the same.
Round 2: Goku vs. Videl: Goku would attack full force with his new power level of about 500,000,000( He was training under the Grand Kai so he got much stronger). Videl trains with Gohan so her power level is about 450,000,000. Goku would kick her in the head blast her back ward and hit her back to the ring. Videl would fire a mesenko which would surprise Goku and he would be hit she would get a couble of hits in but Goku would squeeze her leg and kick her into the stadium then fire three ki blasts then topped off with a Thunder Flash( He trains with Pikkon). Goku would then use a kick to get her out of the stadium. Goku would throw some punches which Videl would dodge. Then after that he would see an opening and kick her in the stomach she would fire three mesenkos and five kamehamehas Goku would sheild himself. Goku would punch her in the gut and use a kaioken to knock her to the stadium wall and hit the ground.
Round 3: Gohan vs. Trunks: Gohan( who has a power level of 490,000,000) would blast Trunks to the sky where they would fight and Gohan would gain the advantage rather easily. Trunks would fire a Burning attack and gohan would use a mesenko to nullify the attack. gohan would punch him down to the ring and fire three energy blasts at trunks knocking him down for about 9 seconds. Gohan would grab him by the ankle and throw him to the air where trunks would get blasted and would fall down and win the match.
Round 4:Captain chicken vs. Goten: Goten wins without breaking a sweat.
Round 5: Otoko sukii vs. Krillen: Krillen wins without breaking a sweat.
Round 6: Hok vs. Android 18: Yes you guessed it 18 wins with one hit.
Round 7: Goku vs. Pan: Well Goku would play around with her for a bit but eventually kick her out of the ring.
Round 8:Gohan vs. Goten: Well they would both go super saiyan and Gohan would punch Goten five times and kick him in the side of the head. Goten would throw a flurry of attacks at him none of which come even remotly close to hitting Gohan. Gohn would give a blast at Goten knocking him down for 4 seconds. Goten would use a kamehameha to distract Gohan. Gohan would deflect it. Goten would hit Gohan in the back kick him away. Then shoot another kamehameha gohan would counter it with one of his own wihch was far more powerful knocking Gohan out and winning the match.
Round 9: Krillen vs. 18: Android 18 would punch krillen in the head but get punched in the face she would kick krillen's head and throw out alot of punches all hitting Krillen. 18 would fire a blast knocking him down for 5 seconds. krillen would give it everything he had but wouldn't even get a hit on her. 18 then kicks him and he nearly falls out of bounds he fires a destructo disk at 18. She avoids it. krillen then gets behind her and gets in 5 hits. He then blinds her with a Solar flare and splits into the tri form. He fires kamehamehas at her which do minor damage. He then kicks her to the edge and just as hes about to hit her again she hits him with a flurry of attacks and hits him out of bounds.
Round 10: Goku vs. Gohan: Goku and Gohan would both go super saiyan 2. Goku would attack and get some hits in. Gohan would do the same but get only 1 hit in Goku fires a Hyper Tornado attack( he knows pikkon's moves) wicth traps gohan he then gets rid of hit only to get nailed in the face and kicked in the back and blasted with a kamehameha. Goku would get five punches in on Gohan. Gohan would double kick Goku to the air and hit him 20 imes all together. Goku would instant transmit behind him and fire a energy blast volley. Goku would kick Gohan down to the ring. Goku would try to punch Gohan while he was down but Gohan would bycicle kick Goku into the stadium. Goku would fire a string of blasts ripping gohan's shirt. Gohan retaliates and kicking goku to the ring. Goku then gets up and fires instant transmission and kamehameha. Gohan is out for 9 and half seconds. Goku then tells him that there is a level above super saiyan 2. Goku goes super saiyan 3 and punts gohan out and just when Gohan is about to hit the ground he powers up and the ground is broken under him he fires kamehamehas and mesenkos left and right. Goku uses a Thunder Flash and a Super kamehameha to knock Gohan to the city and hearly knock him out. Goku would kick Gohan back to the ring but get nailed by a kamehameha+ mesenko spread he nearly falls out Goku then stops clowning around and kicks gohan out of the stadium and Gohan rebounds with an energy blast. Goku fires an instant transmission and kamehameha but Gohan stops him. Goku then nails Gohan and nearly falls out of the ring Gohan trys a blast but Goku hits gohan out of bounds and wins.
Round 11: Goku vs. Android 18: Goku would kick her in the gut and elbow her back and kick her into a stadium wall and fire a blast knocking her and to the ring again. He uses a blast to knock her farther into the ground. Goku nails her in the gut and kicks her out of bounds and wins the match.
Goku gains even richer. Goku then spends the time with his family until Baby comes( Pilaf comes but is stopped by mister PoPo). Their power levels are like this:
Goku: 780,000,000
ss: 830,000,000
ss2: 880,000,000
ss3: 980,000,000
Gohan: 760,000,000
ss: 810,000,000
ss2: 860,000,000
ss3: 960,000,000( He learned it from Goku)
Videl: 600,000,000
Goten: 400,000,000
ss: 450,000,000
Trunks: 270,000,000
ss: 320,000,000
Pan: 380,000,000( Shes this strong because shes saiyan and the offspring of Videl the daughter of hercule)
16: 425,000,000( He didn't compete in the tournament)
Piccolo: 410,000,000
So anyway Baby would come and would take over trunks first. He would battle Goten first and take over him. Gohan would sense that somethings up with Goten so he, Videl and Goku would all go out to the desert. They would battle him.Trunks would come to help Goten out. Goten would then take over videl. Then Goku would battle videl and Gohan would battle Trunks and Goten. Goku would go super saiyan and start to beat down on Videl and Gohan would beat the boys with ease. Baby would try to take over Gohan but be stopped by Gohan's super saiyan 2 power. Bby would fake death and come back. Goku would then fire a huge Kamehameha which would blow baby to bits he would reform and take over Gohan( He got that up grade and while he was out he discontinued holding Videl, Trunks, and Goten. Then he'd take over Gohan and regain his grip on the other three. He then goes super saiyan 3, Videl powers up, and Goten and Trunks go super saiyan. They all team up to fight Goku. Goku powers up to super saiyan 3 and kicks Videl in the back elbows Goten. bebi kicks him and Blasts him Goku fires an energy ball that knocks gohan across an Ocean. Goten fires a kamehameha and Goku deflects it at Trunks who gets hit. Goku then shoots a thunder Flash which knocks out Goten and trunks. Goku then fights with Videl and Bebi and starts to lose He uses instant transmission and a kamehameha( teleports in back of Gohan) to knock gohan down Videl fires a Full spread of kamehamehas that does minor damage to Goku. Goku uses a Dragon Fist Assult to kill Videl. Bebi then uses a Earth destroying kamehameha to distract Goku. Goku manages to get rid of the blast. But he then sees that Goten and Trunks have been healed( He went to Korins tower). Goku then instant transmits to the tower and gets a Senzu. He gets to the battle field and begins to fight. Baby then requests that Goten and trunks give him energy so they do and Bebi-Gohan gets up to level 1,160,000,000. Bebi would start wipping Goku all over. Piccolo and 16 would show up they would be disposed of. Goku then uses a Super Dragon Fist that injures Bebi badly. Baby then attacks goku with a Super Revenge Death Ball. That would nearly kill Goku he would fire a mesenko but kabito would teleport goku out of the way. Then Goku would begin his training. Goku would heal and request that he go back and take Pikkon and Olibu( He wished them back with the namek dragonballs) with him. Goku would go super saiyan 3 and transmit down to the earth. Goku would take on Bebi and Pikkon would take on Goten and Olibu would take on Trunks. Goku wouldn't be doing very well in his fight with Bebi. Pikkon would use a Hyper Tornado attack to nearly kill Goten. Olibu would fire a few ki blasts to knock out Trunks. Goku, Pikkon, and Olibu would triple team Bebi they would be at an even match. Bebi would call from the possesed people( While Goku was training he started to take over people) to give him energy so he would become stronger. Bebi would take out Pikkon and Olibu. Goku would battle him and goku would start to lose. So then Kabito and the supreme kai would then get the sacred water to Goten and trunks. Goku loses to Bebi and is about to be killed when Trunks and Goten show up. They give him a senzu. Goten trys to fight him but is killed with ease that enrages Goku to go super saiyan 4 with a power level of 2,425,000,000. He would beat the crap out of Bebi and bebi would leave and Goku would kill him and give the sacred water to everybody. Then the Super 17 saga would occur. Android 17 would ambush Trunks and Goku would go to hell. Everything else would go the same till the android 17s create the hole in the dimensions Goku would be able to escape. Goku would be able to escape. Goku would take on the saibamen( Rilldo isen't dead, Freiza, Cell, and Vegeta are in Hell so there for only Nappa and the saibamen remain) and Nappa and kill them with ease. Artificial 17 and 17 then fuse. Goku goes super saiyan 3 and start to fight 17 he would put up a good fight since 17 wasen't nearly as strong without all the energy blast from Goku. Goku would see that he neaded to turn super saiyan 4 so he would he would easily beat up 17 but would not be able to kill him. Goku would use a Super Sragon Fist to blow off 17 arms and legs and half his chest he would then kill him with a ki blast. Then They would try to wish for peace. The evil dragons would come and here is how the battles would go. Haze shenron would be easily beaten and they would get the two star ball. Then rage shenron would come Goku would go super saiyan 4 and start beating him up so Rage would transform to the second stage. Goku would fire a 10x kamehameha and rage would deflect at back at Goku and he would use instant transmission to get out of the way. Goku would use a Hyper Tornado attack to drop Rage's gard. Goku would use a 10x Thunder Flash to blow him to bits Goku would take off and rage would regenerate and Shock Goku which would do nothing. Goku would use a Super kaioken to go through Rage Goku would use a Super Thunder Flash to Blow him up. he would use a kamehameha to kill him. Oceanous shenron would come along. Well Gohan would come and try to kill her but can't hit her so Everyone else would try but fail so Goku would go super saiyan 4 to drop her gard so he would use the oppurtunity to kill her with a blast. Then Natron shenron would come and absorbe Videl. Goku would go super saiyan 4 and start to battle him. Goku would fire a Thunder Flash to hurt Natron. Goku would fire a Dragon Fist assult to badly injure him. Goku would kill him with a 10x kamehameha to destroy him. Goku would then challenge Nova Shenron. Nova would start by transforming into his second form. He would fire a Sun gun attack. Goku would fire a thunder Flash. Nova would fire a Nova star to hurt Goku but Goku would use a 10x kamehameha to badly injure Nova. Goku would then start to beat him up. Nova would then rase his body tempureture and burn Goku then Nova would start to win so Goku would fire a Hyper Tornado attack to cool Nova down( Wind calms down fire after all) He would take that opurtunity to fire a 10x kamehameha. While hes down Gohan fires a Huge mesenko to nearly kill Nova then Goku would finish him off. Eis shenron would then come and would freeze Goku. Gohan would try to hit him but would lose badly. Goten, Trunks, Videl, Piccolo, 16, and pan would all attack. Goten would fire a kamehameha but Eis would deflect it back at him he would dodge it. The blast would hit Trunks Eis would fire an energy beam to kill Trunks. Goten would get pissed and go super saiyan 2. He would still lose. Videl would fire a mesenko which Eis would deflect away twords pan. Gohan who is now badly hurt would fire an energy blast at Goku freeing him. Goku would come in and fire a kamehameha wnich would destroy the whole city. Goku would fire a full spread of energy blasts that would temporaroly knock Eis out. When he got up he would be killed by a Super Dragon Fist. Syn would then come out and Goku would put up a fairly decent fight but would still not do so good. The other Z fighters would give their energy to Goku and Goku would start to win. Syn would then absorbe the Dragonballs and become Omega shenron. Goku and the others would lose badly. Eventually the only warriors left would be Goku and Gohan. Goku would then say that the only way that they are going to beat him is by fusion. They practice while avoiding Omega's attacks. They try it with super saiyan 3. The fusion's power level is about 1,960,000,000. Omega Shenron would easily beat Gokan up. Then Goten would step in and be killed. Gokan would be pissed and go super saiyan 4 with a power level of 4,900,000,000. Gokan would beat the crap out of Omega and kill him with a giant kamehameha. Gokan would still be fused when shenron came out and wouldn't go off with him to train( after wishing everyone back). Shenron would go off and Gokan would defuse and everyone would be happy.
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