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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if.... the Supreme kai knew about the potara fusion?
Well he and Kabito would have fused and gone over to stop Babidi from
resurecting Majin Buu. They would know of the Z- team but would'nt go get
them because he thinks he can beat Dabura. Well any way he would Dabura's
Spit and enter the ship. He would deafeat Pui Pui and Yakon rather easily
then he would get to Dabura. It would be a good fight but in the end Kabito
Kai would win he would get through the rest of the levels. He would then get
to Babidi and kill him. Meanwhile Spopovich and Yamu are both striped of
their powers due to Babidi dieing( everythings been going the same except
for the fact that Gohan's energy is not gone because Supreme Kai isen't
there to paralize hm). Vegeta then would fry them. Kabito Kai would get the
Z warriors to help him destroy Buu's ball. They are all brought there by
instant transmission everyone would then combine their energy to destroy
Buu's ball. The tournament would then resume.I forgot to mention this but
since Supreme kai and Kabito didn't show up two unknown contestants would
take their places so Piccolo would win his match and Gohan would win his
after the Kabito kai explain everything that has been going on:
Round 1:
Krillen vs. Punta : Krillen would win like usual.
Round 2:
Piccolo vs. unknown: I don't know who he's fighting but whoever it is
Piccolo wins( supreme kai didn't show up so whoever took his place would be
someone average and would be easily beaten)
Round 3: Videl vs. Spopovich: Spopovich would kick her ass as usual.
Round 4: Gohan vs. unknown: like in Piccolo's match Kabito would not show up
and Gohan fights someother guy and beats him easily. Note: Spopovich tried
to steal Gohan's energy after his fight but failed since kai isen't there to
paralize Gohan. He keeps him under control until Kabito kai killed
Babidi.After that Kabito kai comes and explains everything to everyone.Then
the fighters stop Buu's revival.
Round 5: Goku vs. Vegeta: well this fight would go on for a while but
eventualy Goku would try his hardest( without going ss3) and then defeats
Round 6: 18 vs. Mr. Satan: well since he didn't see 18 fight he thinks he
can beat her but is easily defeated.
Round 7: Jewel vs. Yamu: well since yamu was killed Jewel automatically
Round 8: Mighty Mask vs. Killer: Their fight would go exactly the same.
Round 9: Piccolo vs. Krillen: Well Krillen would be scared out of his wits
and Piccolo would then go easy on him for a little while but eventually
throw him out of the ring.
Round 10: Gohan would of fought Spopovich but since Vegeta killed him Gohan
wins by default.
Round 11:Goku vs 18: well Goku would fight her for a little in his normal
state and it would be fairly even but Goku then goes super saiyan and knocks
her out of the ring.
Round 12: Mighty Mask vs. Jewel: Mighty Mask would win as easily.
Round 13: Piccolo vs. Gohan: Well Gohan and Piccolo would begin by fighting
and it would seem even then Gohan would go ss and then Piccolo would fire a
special Beam cannon at Gohan would dodge it and fire a Mesenko and so would
Piccolo and Piccolo would then say that Gohan has more power than this and
to use his full power so Gohan would and would knock Piccolo out of the
Round 14: Goku vs. Mighty mask: Well Goku would start fighting them and have
an advantage over them and then Trunks and Goten would transform into super
saiyans Goku would then know that it was them and blast their costume off
with an energy blast and the mighty mask would be disqualified.
Round 15: Goku vs. Gohan: well they would go super saiyan and Goku would
have the upper hand so Gohan would transform into a super saiyan 2 and fire
a kamehameha wave Goku would do the same as Gohan. Goku’s beam would be a
slight margin ahead of Gohans beam and Goku would win the struggle and would
knock Gohan out of Bounds and would win the match. This would be a fairly
good fight about 1 and a half episodes long.
The Z team would then hang around for the rest of the day until Goku had to
go back to the other world. Kabito Kai would then become one of the Z
fighters. Then Baby would come and would start taking people over first
Goten then Vegeta and then remain in Gohan since Vegeta never reached super
saiyan 2 because he never became Majin. So then Kabito Kai along with Pan
and a couple of the sideline characters. Would teleport to Namek and wish
Goku back (He’s still dead) Goku who has probably discovered super saiyan 4
by now. Would easily beat the crap out of Baby and Baby would leave Gohan
and then be killed and he would disperse the sacred water and since the
Black star Dragon balls weren’t gathered Piccolo wouldn’t die and then the
super 17 saga would come and go but with one difference Goku was actually
able to give him a good fight. Even though Piccolo wouldn’t die Kabito Kai
would bring him there and would get him out of hell. The evil Shenron saga
would go about the same except for the fact that Since Goku was much
stronger Gogeta’s first Big Bang Kamehameha would kill him right there on
the spot and since shenron would come out when Goku and vegeta were still
fused Gogeta wouldn’t sacrifice his life to purify the dragon balls and
would then destroy them. He would then travel to namek and have someone
create new dragon balls and wish Kabito Kai and Piccolo out of hell and a
happy ending to the Dragon ball series. Note: Gogeta wasn’t fused during all
of which I just explained during all this.