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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if Piccolo had not jumped infront of Goku, when Freiza fired the death
beam at him? - Matt Malin
The death beam would pierce Goku thru the heart rendering him unconscious.
As it did Piccolo originally. Krillin, Piccolo and Gohan knowing there only
hope would be to fight another day would formulate a quick escape plan. As
Frieza prepares to down another fighter, Krillin would use a Solarflare and
blind Frieza, amidst the Chaos, Piccolo would grab Goku's unconscious form
and flyoff with Krillin and Gohan towards the Namek ship that they had used
to get to Namek. Enroute they would grab Bulma and take off, once on the
Ship they would head to Earth. Meanwhile Freiza recovers from the Solarflare
and being unable to sense power levels heads to his ship and prepares to blow
up Namek from space.
While on the way to Earth, Goku dies from his injuries leaving Gohan the
sole survivor of the Saiyan race..or so they think.
Two month later they arrive on Earth and begin to assess to situation. Goku
is dead and Frieza is surely on his way to Earth. So they prepare, Dr.
Briefs has gravity rooms constructed for the remaining Z fighters, as it is
thru that intense amount of training will be able to beat Frieza.
Meanwhile in Space, Frieza gets caught up in a family feud with Kooler,
buying a few precious years for the Z fighters. Since Vegeta is never
revived by Porunga, Trunks does not exist, therefore the Z fighters have no
warning of the Androids, however the intense gravity training allows them to
be more powerful than they originally were in th series.
Piccolo specifically trains to be the strongest about a year before the
Androids arrive, Frieza shows up to finish what he started, he is alone as
he assumed he would not need his Father's help.
Piccolo is slightly stronger than when Goku should have gone Super Saiyan.
Using canon power levels.
Goku was at 15,000,000 when he transformed and Frieza at his max was
In this scenario Piccolo is at 17,500,225 and Freiza is slightly stronger
after battling Kooler and the remnants of his Empire for 2 years so he is at
Gohan: 11,000,000
Krillin: 9,600,000
Mind you this is after 2 plus years of intense training with high gravity.
Piccolo would battle Frieza and kill him after an intense struggle.
They would continue to train knowing full well other threats exist and
letting their guard down for even a second would be fatal.
A year later 19 and 20 show up.
Piccolo easily dispenses with 19 much like Vegeta would have and 20 escapes
like he did originally to activate 17 and 18. With that 17 kills Gero and the
trio of 16, 17 and 18 begin their search for Goku, not knowing he is already
Meanwhile Goku attains Super Saiyan in otherworld and therefore discovers
it's potential.
Goku then contacts Piccolo from otherworld to suggest using the Hyperbolic
Time Chamber to train Gohan to beat the Androids, so Piccolo goes in the
Chamber with Gohan for two days/years, with the Gravity Chambers
encapsulated allowing for a maximum amount of strength to be obtained.
(Note Piccolo does not fuse with Kami, so that the dragonballs remain)
While Piccolo and Gohan train, Mr. Popo gathers the dragonballs so Kami can
upgrade them to grant 2 wishes per gathering rather than just one.
Cell absorbs 17 and 18 while Piccolo trains Gohan and 16 is destroyed.
When Gohan and Piccolo finally emerge Gohan is far stronger than he was
during the Cell Games
Piccolo is equal to Perfect Cell in Strength.
While Krillin goes in for 2 days, Piccolo and Gohan flydown and take on Cell
who is reaping havoc on the civilans on Earth (much like Majin Buu does).
Piccolo takes on Cell first and the are dead even (Rmb Piccolo trained for
2yrs in the Chamber with a Portable Gravity Room that could be encapsulated)
Eventually Piccolo tires and has Gohan step in.
Gohan who trained for 2 yrs in gravity, wipes the floor with Cell as a
regular Super Sayian, eventually he grows bored of the fight and finishes
Cell of with a Kamehameha as originally.
They return to Kami's lookout only to learn that King Kold has come to
Earth, Piccolo goes to take care of him and finish the Kold line off once
and for all, meanwhile Shenron is summoned and with the first wish Cell and
the Android's Victims are revived, with the second wish Kami's youth is
restored so that he can continue to be the Guardian. Piccolo makes short
work of Kold and all is well.
Gohan continues to train as do Piccolo and Krillin.
Seven years pass and Gohan obtains Super Saiyan 2 and 3, Piccolo is stronger
than ever and so is Krillin.
Dabura on orders from Babidi attacks the World Martial Arts tournament to
lure out strong fighters who can be used to revive Majin Buu. Gohan,
Piccolo, and Krillin pursue Dabura back to Babidi's ship, where they meet up
with The Supreme Kai and Kabito. As they descend thru the bowels of the ship
and defeat Pui Pui and Yakon, Babidi realizes the darkness that still
lingers within Piccolo's heart can be brought forth, especially since he
never merged with Kami.
Majin Piccolo is born and he wastes no time in fighting Gohan, sending
energy to Buu.
In the meantime Dabura takes on The Supreme Kai, Kabito, and Krillin
together they overpower and kill kim.
The Supreme Kai kills Babidi as Buu's revival is complete. This breaks his
spell over Piccolo who returns to normal.
The Buu who emerges from the Ball is not Fat Buu but Regular Super Buu (Due
to this being an alternate universe, things will be slightly different)
Gohan and Piccolo head to the lookout to get sensu beans and decide on a
game plan, the Supreme Kai, Kabito, and Krillin head to the lookout as well.
Majin Buu reigns havoc on the Earth, meanwhile a certain Saiyan named Broly
finally makes his way to Earth and comes face to face Majin Buu as he is
destroying West City. Buu wastes no time in absorbing Broly gaining a
massive amount of power in the process.
The Grand Kai has Goku go to Earth for 24 hrs to help with defeating Majin
Buu. By this point Goku has also obtained Super Saiyan 3, he teaches Gohan
the Fusion Dance and they unite to form Gokhan who has a Super Saiyan 3
makes short work of Buu, with that Gokhan defuses and Goku returns to
All of this because Goku died by Freiza's hand.