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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if The venom symbiote Had taken over Gohan?
Well first of all for people who don't know the Venom symbiote is from spider
Okay on to the what if.Well first of all the symbiote would take over Gohan's
Great saiyaman costume making it that the symbiote toke over his body because of
the suit coming out of his watch which is attached to him.
When he puts on the suit he would have more power and his negative
characteristics would be amplified Making him a angry wreck.So when he puts on
the suit he would have well more power than any cheracter in the series.
He would then kill every villain he encounters.So Majin buu Killed, dead,GONZO.
So No uub,Gotenks,vegitto,Fusion saga.So with this power the world tournament
Everthing goes normal except a few things.
1.Gohan would kill sopovich before he hurt videl.
2.Gohan would cruise killing each of his opponents Facing either goku or piccolo
3.If he faced goku he would yell at goku for not being there for him and being a
bad father before knocking him into a mountain.
4.if he faced piccolo he would beat near death then leave him living and then
saying thank you.
Well at the End of that conundrum Gohan would win and then Declare that the
universe will be over in about four days.So he then gets Videl to be his Queen
and He would then hypnotize her to get the dragon balls.Once gotten he wishes
that 1. He knows the spirit Bomb.2.He wishes that a dimensional portal was at
every planet[Kinda like stargate].
So he then makes sweet sweet love to videl and then Goes to destroy the
He starts to power a spirit bomb But then spits out another symbiote.It goes to
videl making her stronger.
So at a last chance to save the universe goku,vegeta,tien,krillen,and yamcha go
Goku powers up a spirit bomb to counteract Gohan's.So here come the Z
fighters.However since buu is never made they are all weak.Not only that but
Every hit they do is Healed up quickly by the suit not only that because Of
Gohan's Blood he gets stronger every hit.
So when gohan kills every body Goku launches a the spirit bomb headed right for
him Gohan blocks with a Masenko From HELL. FROM
Anyhow gohan destroys the universe And it's just him and videl. Then the
fighters get a plan to get out of other world..... Until gohan blows it up.
Gohan and videl become parents to a Super pan.[w00t!]And gohan has enough power
to make new planets and universes.Since he Doesn't know how to take the suit off
He is immortal
Hoped you liked it,