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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if Goku hadn't made his wish at the end of the Buu saga?
Ok,so everyone remembers the wish Goku makes at the end of the Buu saga;he
wishes for the evil Buu to be reincarnated as a good person. So,what would
happen if he DIDN'T?
Well,first off Uub would not exist;therefore,the whole World Tournament at the
end of GT would have been pretty much standard fare. Ok,so no training thing.
So,Goku's still hanging around,Pan actually knows her grandpa pretty
well,whatever. Ok,Black Star Dragonball thing happens,they find the balls,story
progresses as normal UNTIL Baby gets back to Earth,and starts taking over. With
Uub NOT there,there's no one to hold off Baby's plans,by the time Goku gets back
to Earth and gets around to fighting Baby the planet is TOTALLY screwed(even
more so than in the actual show)and EVERYONE is taken over,except for him.
Okay,so Goku gets PWND,goes to Otherworld,requests help from King Yemma.
Well,since Yemma's a nice guy and all he lets Pikkon come back with Goku and
help thrash Baby. Goku and Pikkon manage to defeat Baby,he's going to HFIL.
So,what's going on in HFIL lately? Kid Buu,having NOT been reincarnated is
running around picking a fight with the other bad guys. Well,he gets into a
fight with Baby and Cell(both being artificial life forms they're real chummy)
and he tries to absorb them. Baby,being a parasite and Cell,being able to
maintain control of his movement even once inside Buu wreak havoc within. So
begins a long battle of Buu trying to absorb the other two,and Baby trying to
take control of the other two. So Cell,in his "infinite wisdom" suggests that
they all meld together into one super being with ridiculous regenerative
So Bacelluu(eh,you come up with a better name)has so much power that he breaks
out of HFIL early. Myuu and Gero are like,well,screw this artificial #17
thing,we're free! And them and all the other villains leave. Well,the unfinished
#17,having not been given any programming at all,decides to go have fun in the
totally screwed up world but since he isn't identical to the real #17,they don't
merge. Meanwhile,the humans are desperately trying to rebuild their civilization
that was destroyed during Baby's reign of terror. Bacelluu shows up,and
combining Buu's rage,Baby's obsessive dominance,and Cell's intelligence,tries to
take over AGAIN and is even more of a tyrant than last time. Real #17's like
"What a buzzkill" and Fake #17's like "Affirmative" and so they go join the Z
Fighters(who have very wisely made sure NOT to get mind-controlled again,along
with a few humans.) Ok,so then Myuu and Gero show up and they're like "We wanna
help too,this guy's an ***hole",but then real #17,fake #17,and #18 kill Gero.
Myuu's freaked out but to avoid the same fate,he helps the Z Fighters too. He
helps Bulma build an android even more powerful than Super 17 WOULD have been,if
he had existed--let's call him Android #21. So
NOW,Gohan,Vegeta,Goku,Trunks,Pan,both #17s,#18,and #21 fight Bacelluu. Well,they
start kicking serious rear,until it occurs to Bacellu that(thanks to Cell's
cells)he can suck up the androids! So Gohan,Vegeta,Goku,Trunks and Pan and left
staring down an android-infused Baby-Cell-Buu-fusion-thing. So they run away,and
Vegeta uses Bulma's Blutz-Wave generator early,so he reaches SS4 and Super
Gogeta is born a saga early. Then,it occurs to Trunks to go find Goten so they
can fuse and create an adult Super Gotenks. They all whoop up on Bacellu and
send two parts of him back to HFIL...except he sends Baby to heaven,so they
can't fuse again. And they spit up real #17,fake #17,#18,and #21,who start
helping rebuild civilization.
So,the Z Fighters now have time to find the Dragonballs and wish everything back
to normal--except,lo and behold,here come the Shadow Dragons! Well,they're
pansies,because Goku and Vegeta thrash them thanks to their experience as Super
Gogeta. By the time Omega Shenron comes around,Gogeta beats him senseless with
his mad Big Bang Kamehameha skills. Since the Shadow Dragons never caused any
real problems,Shenron's like "Just don't do it again,or I'll have to smite you"
and leaves Goku and the Dragonballs there.