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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if DBZ creator was fair and let vegeta be as strong (as i think) he
should be?
Vegeta is right to be frustrated by gokus superior fighting ability. Time and
time again vegeta is drastically outclasses by gokus abilities. Goku seems to
come up with the big wins(frieza,buu,shenron... the list goes on) when vegeta
simply gets pumelled. Vegetas saving grace is imperfect cell and whenever he
fuses with goku. When you think about it, he never really defeats anyone of
significant importance. If he does, its only with the help of goku.
Vegeta should be as strong as goku, period. He should have reached super
saiyajinn 3. Goku is a great fighter, but so many times he should have died
instead of making his
miraculous(rediculous) comebacks. Vegeta got a family of his own, he had
something 2 fight for, just like how goku fights 2 save the innocent(people he
cares about).
So say vegeta was allowed to progress at the rate his training should have
caused. When the cell saga came around vegeta would have put up a better fight
against cell.
(although i must say his final flash was fricken amazing). If he didnt win he
would have played a bigger role in the cell games. Think about it... his final
flash against the cell JR was simply bounced away. He had spent an additional
year in the room of spirit and time. Think of the gain he got after the first
year, the second year should have been equally as much if you think logically.
And now your gonnna say somethign weaker than cell can bounce his attack back
when he took half of cells body off with it. I realize vegeta didnt power up as
long, but he should have been twice as powerful.
Lets progress to the buu saga. By then vegeta should have been SSJ3. Buu would
have been resurrected instantly with his battle with goku. However, es a lot
more ruthless than goku and would pummell the crap out of fat buu. Buus ability
to fight at full power until 100% out of energy would make him think he wasnt
doing any damage. Most likely he would have self destructed(i think toriyama was
right about this).
When vegeta comes back and fights super buu vegetta would have been unstoppable.
He was already insanely strong but imagine vegetto as ssj3, We're talking
complete ownage here. I imagine ssj2 vegetto was stronger than ssj3 gotenks just
because vegeta nd goku r much stronger. They could hold
ssj3 as long as they wanted with potara. However thye would get absorbed on
purpose and lose the fusion.
Kid buu would have been easier to beat. period. Goku would get pummelled, vegeta
would get pummelled(not as bad as in the "real" saga. Fat buus fighting would
give them time to recover. They could do the fusion dance or just beat buu on
their own. I dont think the spirit bomb would have been necessary.
Vegeta would have been a much better match for super 17. He should have realized
his ability to absorb ki, but didnt. Super 17 would absorb a ton and would beat
up vegeta. I do think goku would have won this fight liek before and be able to
go ssj4 before vegeta. THis is because vegeta doesnt have a tail. Baby saga
would go the same as be4, i dont care how strong bvegeta is, baby can fly
through his ki and into his body. He would lose control to baby. GOku would then
defeat him.
Shenron saga would proceed as normal and probably ended the same way.. The
general gist here is that the earlier fights would have changed more
dramatically than the end fights because of his ability to transform earlier.
SSJ4 would have still required the brute ray for obvious reasons. But basiaclly
vegeta trained harder than goku, period. He was more driven and not as carefree.
FIghting is his life, and so is surpassing goku. Vegetas shining moments were
when he was "equal" with goku like the majinn vegeta and ssj4 vegeta and also
fusions. He Should have been the major contribution to most of the battles
instead of simply holding them off until goku arrived. I believe if toriyama
allowed vegeta to grow stronger at the rate of goku or faster, which he
deserves, cell and buu, janemba, metal cooler could have all been killed by him
instead of goku and gohan.
Albert Mercurio