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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
From: Deadpool992
Subject: What If Cui, Zarbon, and Dodoria Were Stronger?
When Vegeta would arrive on Namek and fight Cui, he would lose to him. Cui would
let him live because he thought he was a rival and would want to fight him again
some time. Dodoria would attack the Namekians and Gohan and Krillin would fight
him like they normally would, except that Dodoria is a lot stronger and wouldn't
want to put up with them, so he would kill Krillin and leave Gohan for dead.
Vegeta would make his way back to Frieza’s Spaceship and sneak in to heal
Since Vegeta is healing, Zarbon and Cui would look for the Dragonballs. Cui
would find Gohan and bring him back to the spaceship. There, Frieza would
interrogate the boy so they could find the Dragonballs. Vegeta would be healed
and he would fight Dodoria. Dodoria and Vegeta would have a fierce battle. Gohan
ends up escaping and he hides for a while. Zarbon comes across him and they
battle. When Goku arrives, he senses Gohan’s low power and Vegeta’s low power.
By now, the two have teamed up to stop them. Goku discovers that Krillin has
been killed and becomes angry that he turns Super Sayian.
Cui is continuing his search for the Dragonballs by killing all the Namekians.
He senses a strong power level and discovers that Goku is a Super Sayian. He
informs Frieza and tells him that they should retreat. Frieza goes off with Cui
into space back to Planet Frieza 79. Dodoria proves no match for Goku and is
killed easily. Zarbon is showing fatigue as well. But when he transforms, he and
Goku are an even match. So, the two continue their battle. Goku tells Gohan to
get the remaining Dragonballs with Vegeta so they could wish Piccolo and Krillin
back. By now, Vegeta discovers that Frieza has left, so he has no need for
immortality now.
Piccolo and Krillin are wished back, as well as the rest of the Namekians. They
decide that the best thing to do for the last wish is to make Goku stronger. He
becomes a Super Sayian 2 and kills Zarbon with a Spirit Bomb. They go back to
Earth and resume their peaceful lives. The humans killed by the Sayians are
wished back as well. 130 day later, Frieza returns to Namek and gains the
Dragonballs to get immortality. He goes to Earth with Cui, where the Z-Fighters
are in the middle of battling Garlic Jr. Garlic Jr. teams up with Frieza so they
could enslave the Earth. Goku takes on Frieza, Piccolo battles Garlic Jr., and
Gohan and Krillin battle Cui. Gohan and Krillin are being beaten badly until
Vegeta comes and the triple team him. Cui is brutally injured and decides to
retreat. When Garlic Jr. opens the Dead Zone, Goku fires a Kamehameha Wave that
knocks both Frieza and Garlic Jr. into the Dead Zone.
Cui returns with King Kold after a year and attempts to destroy Earth. Trunks
comes and kills King Kold and Cui and the series goes the same as it normally