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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
From: Deadpool992
Subject: What If Frieza's Death Ball Missed Bardock?
Bardock is angry as ever and he turns Super Sayian. He kills Zarbon and Dodoria
and moves on to fight Frieza. He pummels Frieza and Frieza calls his father,
King Kold, to help. King Kold arrives, but he is no help and is killed
instantly. Frieza attempts to transform into his final form and Bardock gets
cocky, so he lets him do it. The battle between the Super Sayian and Frieza is
fierce and they battle across the galaxy for days before Bardock channels the
rest of his rage into a final blow and he destroys Frieza. Days later, Cooler
takes control of Frieza's empire.
Bardock decides that he will search for his son. He spends many years attacking
planets and destroying them. Bardock finally arrives on Earth during the time
that Goku battles Piccolo in the World Martial Arts Tournament. Goku is getting
beaten badly when Bardock appears in the sky and he tells him that he is his
father and that he is a Sayian. He tells his son that he has more power than he
thinks. So, Piccolo is curious and kills all of Goku's friends at the
tournament. Goku becomes furious and becomes a Super Sayian and he and Bardock
defeat Piccolo. They wish for everyone to come back, except Krillin, Master
Roshi, and Chiaotzu, because they died before. Goku is heartbroken over these
loses, but he continues to train and he gets married to Chi Chi. Bardock then
lives with Goku and his new wife.
After five years, Piccolo returns and captures Gohan, Goku's son. Bardock and
Goku defeat him again with the help of Raditz, who just came to Earth to search
for his father and brother. Vegeta and Nappa come a year later and he becomes
allies with the Z-Fighters. Piccolo attacks again and he kidnaps Gohan and makes
Kami fuse with him so he can be stronger. He discovers his Namekian heritage and
goes to Namek. Goku, Bardock, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, and Tien go to Namek with
Bulma's spaceship. They discover that Cooler, Frieza's brother, has tried to
gain immortality from the Dragonballs. His also has Salza and Cui as his
henchmen. Vegeta battles Cui and he easily defeats him by blasting his head off.
Nappa and Raditz battle Salza and they beat him and seemingly kill him. Cooler
decides to call the Ginyu Force.
Goku and Tien go to find Piccolo and the Ginyu Force arrives soon afterward.
Vegeta decides that he could fight Recoome, but he is beaten badly. Nappa steps
in and the two double team and kill Recoome. Next, Guldo steps in. Raditz wants
to fight him since it would be easy and he kills Guldo with one Ki blast. Jeice
and Burter fight Bardock, but after Bardock's transformation into a Super Sayian,
they are killed easily. Finally, Ginyu comes and Bardock battles him. Meanwhile,
Goku has found Piccolo.
Goku and Tien battle Piccolo and Piccolo is beaten by Goku. Piccolo reveals that
he has the six Dragonballs. So Goku uses the seventh, but he doesn't know the
password. Piccolo knows it, so Tien beats it out of him since he is stronger in
this reality. Piccolo reveals it to him and Porunga comes forward. The first
wish is that Kami was out of Piccolo's body. The second wish is that Piccolo and
Kami were no longer linked together. Salza suddenly appears and demands the last
wish. Goku battles him and Piccolo flees.
Salza dies for good after Goku uses a Kamehameha. Bardock meanwhile encounters
Piccolo during his fight with Ginyu. Bardock is hurt by the combined power of
the two but becomes Super Sayian and kills Ginyu. Then Goku tells Bardock
telepathically of the wishes. Bardock kills Piccolo. Then Bardock tells Goku
that he could wish for his friends lives back. Goku lets Tien have the last wish
and he wishes that Chiaotzu comes back to life. A very angry Cooler appears and
battles Goku and Tien. They prove no match for Cooler and he beats Tien into a
coma and hurts Goku badly. So Bardock and the others arrive and Bardock watches
Goku struggle for life. Goku tells him that he is the greatest man he ever knew
and he dies in his father's arms. Bardock is mad as hell and he turns Super
Sayian 2.
Bardock battles Cooler and he uses his son's memory to fuel his rage. Bardock's
battles destroys much of Namek and Namek almost explodes. After ripping off
Cooler's arms and legs, he leaves him for dead on the exploding Namek and
escapes with the others. Goku is wished back to life and the Sayians battle
Garlic Jr. when he releases the Black Water Mist. One year later, the Androids
appear and battles the Z-Fighters. They are easily beaten by them and Cell is
destroyed easily since he can't reach perfect form. Trunks and Goten are born
shortly after the Android Saga. Bardock competes in the World Martial Arts
Tournament, and since he doesn't care for Hercule, he wins and becomes champion.
In the years that follow, Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa become Super Sayian. Goku
reaches Super Sayian 2 and learns the Fusion Technique. Gohan and Goten don't
fight and neither does Trunks since they're more Sayians. So when Majin Buu
comes, The Z-Fighters are very strong and hold their own against Majin Buu, but
they prove no match for his Kid Buu form. Goku and Bardock take the battle to
Other-World and Goku blows himself up to kill Buu. He wishes that he doesn't get
wished back so he could train in Other World.
Bardock becomes a great grandfather after Pan is born and he trains her. He
continues to fight in the World Tournament and stays champion for five years
before retiring. Shortly after this, Bardock encounters Emperor Pilaf, who
mistakes Bardock as Goku. Bardock defeats him before he uses the Black Star
Dragonballs. So when Baby comes to Earth, he take control of Vegeta like he
normally would and takes control of the rest of the planet. So Bardock, Pan, and
Hercule fight Baby Vegeta and Baby Vegeta hurts Gohan and Goten badly. He lies
to Bardock telling him he killed him. Bardock goes into a rage and becomes Super
Sayian 4. He kills Baby and easily dispatches of Super 17 and the Shadow
Dragons. After this, Bardock and the remaining Sayians make Earth a utopia
before they die and their bloodlines are scattered across the universe.