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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
From: Deadpool992
Subject: What If There Was A Malfunction In Trunks' Time Machine?
Trunks would be sent back to the time when Goku was a kid. It would be around
the time Goku was going to train with Master Roshi. Trunks would show up and
meet Goku. He would become friends with him and he would train Goku instead of
Roshi. They would train for a year until the World Martial Arts Tournament came.
The matches would be as follows.
Round One: Yamcha versus Jackie Chun
Same as in the series with Jackie Chun winning.
Round Two: Trunks versus Namu.
Trunk would fight Namu and win against him by using a Buster Cannon.
Round Three: Ranfan versus Giran.
Giran would easily beat Ranfan.
Round Four: Krillin versus Goku.
Goku beats Krillin by launching his Counterattack. They become rival and Krillin
wishes to battle again.
Semi Finals Round One: Jackie Chun versus Trunks.
Trunks beats Chun/Roshi easily and reveals that he is Roshi.
Semi Finals Round Two: Goku versus Giran.
Goku beats Giran like he did normally.
Final Round: Goku versus Trunks.
It goes like the battle with Jackie Chun and Goku until when Goku turns Great
Ape. Trunks would turn Super Sayian and cut off Goku’s tail with his sword.
Trunks would win and be champion.
Goku wants to learn how to become a Super Sayian, so Trunks tell him about his
heritage. He tells him of Planet Vegeta and that Trunks is from the future. So
he would train Goku some more and tells him that the Red Ribbon Army is
responsible for his future. Trunks and Goku decide to attack the army to save
the future. The battles with Silver and White are the same up to where Goku
encounters Android 8. Goku asks the android where his creator is and Trunks goes
off to confront him. Trunks easily kills Dr. Gero, so the Android cease to
exist. Then they destroy the rest of the army. Trunks decides to stay with Goku
until he discovers how to turn Super Sayian. So years go by and Goku and Trunks
meet Tien and Chiaotzu and they beat King Piccolo and Piccolo Jr. together. Goku
is now an adult and Trunks is now 26. Goku gets married and his wife gives birth
to son Gohan shortly after that.
Raditz comes to Earth and Trunks goes to fight him instead of Goku since Goku
normally died. Trunks beats him, but lets him live. Raditz flees Earth and
returns a year later with Vegeta and Nappa. Goku, Trunks, Gohan, Tien, and
Chiaotzu battle the Sayians. They all fight the Saibamen and they are easily
beaten. Trunks then kills Nappa and Raditz and beats Vegeta badly. Vegeta flees,
but before this could happen, he kills Gohan. This makes Goku turn Super Sayian
and go all out on the dying Vegeta. Trunks stops him and tells him that Vegeta
is his father. Goku stops and tries to help Vegeta and gives him an offer to
stay on Earth. Vegeta accepts if Goku only teaches him how to turn Super Sayian.
Trunks realizes that his work is done and goes back to the future, older that he
originally was. Gohan gets wished back as well. Everything goes the same, except
Goku and Vegeta are Super Sayian when they fight Frieza and Trunks is born