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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
From: Deadpool992
Subject: What If Turles Was Goku's Brother And Came To Earh With Vegeta And
Turles would have been close to Vegeta’s power level. When he came to Earth with
Vegeta and Nappa, Turles would fight Krillin and Yamcha. He would easily beat
them and would end up killing Yamcha and beating Krillin half dead. Next, Nappa
would plant the Saibamen and Turles would fight with them against the other
Z-Fighters. So, Chiaotzu would die and Tien, Gohan, and Piccolo would be badly
injured. When Goku comes, Nappa wants to fight and he is beaten by Goku and
killed by Vegeta. Next, Goku battles Turles, who tells him that he is his second
Goku battles Turles, but not at his full potential since he doesn’t want to kill
his second brother. Turles beats Goku badly until Gohan turns into an ape.
Turles does as well and they battle. Vegeta goes to finish off Goku, but Tien
and Piccolo battle him. Yaijorobe comes and accidentally cuts both of the apes’
tails off. Then Goku uses a Spirit Bomb and beats both Vegeta and Turles. Both
flee and go back to Planet Frieza 79.
After healing, Turles and Vegeta go to Namek. Since Piccolo wasn’t killed, the
Z-Fighters don’t care where they go. Turles and Vegeta arrive on Namek and
battle Frieza’s men. Turles battles Dodoria and Vegeta goes off to battle Cui.
Turles kills Dodoria easily and Vegeta kills Cui. Both go to fight Zarbon, and
with their combined powers, Zarbon is easily killed. So Vegeta and Turles head
to Frieza’s Spaceship, where they overhear Frieza calling the Ginyu Force.
Vegeta and Turles are terrified of this and decide that they need backup. Turles
decide to call Goku and his friends. Goku responds and decide to help his
brother. Goku, Piccolo, Yamcha (he got wished back with Chiaotzu), Tien, and
Krillin decide to go to Namek in Bulma’s spaceship. Goku and the others train in
the ship under 100x gravity. They arrive and discover Vegeta and Turles having
the life beaten out of them by Recoome. This makes Goku angry and he beats
Recoome and paralyses him. Then Turles kills Recoome. After giving Vegeta and
Turles Senzu Beans, Tien and Yamcha go up against Burter and Jeice. After
defeating them, Ginyu steps up and battles Piccolo and Krillin. Vegeta kills
Ginyu and they go off to find Frieza.
Vegeta becomes angry that a group of humans could beat the Ginyu Force and
becomes Super Sayian and viciously attacks the Z-Fighters. Vegeta beats Goku
near death, until Turles stops him and tells him to save his rage against Frieza.
Turles brings Goku to the healing chamber and the others go to fight Frieza.
Frieza easily beats Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien. Then Vegeta steps up and
tells Frieza of his Super Sayian ability. Frieza is beaten badly by Vegeta and
is almost killed until Turles steps in and tells Vegeta that he shouldn’t be
killed. So Vegeta beats Turles to death and proceeds to kill Frieza. After Goku
heals, he discovers that the insane Super Sayian Vegeta has killed his brother.
Goku’s rage builds up and he becomes a Super Sayian.
Goku and Vegeta battle on Namek, causing it to start to explode. Vegeta has Goku
pretty much defeated, but with his brother’s death in his mind, Goku launches a
Kamehameha Wave that kills Vegeta. Goku escapes Namek and goes to Yardrat. Back
on Earth, the Z-Fighter wish that all those killed on Namek were brought back to
life, that there was a New Namek, and Turles was brought back to Earth.
Discovering that Goku is in space, Turles decides to stay on Earth and he trains
alongside his nephew Gohan. When Garlic Jr. comes, Turles makes quick use of him
and makes go into the Dead Zone.
Turles joins the Z-Fighters when he discovers that King Kold is coming to Earth
with his other son Cooler. Trunks comes and kills the duo and Goku returns. He
tells Goku that he is Bulma and Turles’ son. Trunks goes home and the Z-Fighters
train to battle the Androids. Trunks is born to Bulma and Turles and they get
married. When Goku gets the heart disease while battling Android 19, he gets
beaten badly by 19. This causes Turles to go Super Sayian and he kills 19 and
20. Thus, 17 and 18 aren’t released.
Turles stays at Goku’s side and continues to train Gohan. Goku heals soon and he
discovers that the android Cell has absorbed 17 and 18. Goku goes into the
Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Gohan and Turles goes in with Future Trunks. Gohan
becomes Super Sayian and Goku and Turles become Super Sayian 2. Then Cell holds
the Cell games and battles Goku first. Goku beats the daylights out of Cell and
kills him with a combined Kamehameha with Turles and Gohan. Hercule doesn’t
become famous for killing Cell because of footage of Goku, Turles, and Gohan
killing Cell.
Gohan continues his training and Goten is born shortly after the death of Cell.
He trains with his cousin Trunks and both become Super Sayian at age 4 and 5.
Years pass and another World Martial Arts Tournament comes. Goku, Turles, Gohan,
Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha compete. Trunks wins the Junior Division like he
normally does. Before the finals can start, Majin Buu is released. Goku and the
others go to battle Buu. Tien and Krillin are killed and Turles decides to blow
himself up to kill Buu. However, Buu survives and Goku, Piccolo, Yamcha, Gohan,
Goten, and Trunks run away.
Goten and Trunks learn the Fusion and fight Buu, only to lose. Goku thinks all
hope is lost until Turles comes back, thanks to Baba. Turles and Goku do the
Fusion Dance and become Turku. Buu is beaten badly, until the Fusion wears off.
Then Goku teleports Buu and Turles to Other World. The battle goes rough for the
two Sayians until Goku decides to uses a Spirit Bomb to kill Buu. Buu dies and
peace is restored.
Baby comes eventually, but Turles and Goku turn Super Sayian 4 and kill Baby.
Super 17 doesn’t happen since Dr. Myuu wasn’t killed and didn’t meet Goku and
the Evil Dragon Saga doesn’t happen as well.