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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if Frieza was hit by the kaioken x20 Kamehameha? - John Murphy
So, Frieza does not stop Goku's enraged attack. Frieza is now really hurt, not
as much as when the spirit bomb hit but it's still a lot of damage. Frieza now
goes to 70% of his power and is really kicking Goku's ass. The other Z fighters
try to jump in but they also are getting their ass kicked. Frieza, just to give
Goku more pain kills Krillin. This causes Goku to jump to Super Saiyan but since
he had his ass beat more he's not as strong. Goku does not waste any time though
and destroys the weakened Frieza with a giant Kamehameha. Thus Namek is not
destroyed. Goku asks Kami though King Kai to revive those killed by Frieza and
his men on Namek so that the namekians can live in peace. This brings back the
Namek dragon and with final wish Goku brings Krillin back to life. Vegeta goes
with Goku and the others back to earth and a year later Trunks warns them of the
androids. The androids show up as usual but this time since Goku didn't go to
Yardrat he doesn't have the heart virus. Goku easily destroys 19 and when tries
to escape Vegeta shows up and destroys him as well. Since 17 and 18 were not
revived Piccolo didn't go to fuse with Kami. Cell shows up but he doesn't have
enough strength to stop Goku and Vegeta and is killed by them. 7 years later Buu
shows up. He easily beats the crap out of the most of the Z warriors given that
they are not anywhere near as strong as in the series. Buu kills Gohan, Trunks,
and Goten easily but Goku and Vegeta escape. King Kai talks to Goku and tells
him about the fusion technique. Vegeta doesn't want to fuse but decides that he
should in order to stop Buu. Goku and Vegeta to Gogeta and easily destroy Buu,
Babidi, Dabura, and Babidi's other minions. They then use the dragonballs to
wish back those Buu killed. The Z fighters then live in peace for the rest of
their lives.