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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What If there were alternate versions of the Justice League in DBZ? -
They would have different origins so here they are.
Superman: Kal was a Sayian soldier from Bardock’s group from Planet Vegeta who
escaped the planet when it exploded. However, a mishap happened and he remained
in suspended animation until he landed on Earth around the time of the Sayian
Saga. He arrives and finds Goku battling Vegeta and he helps him defeat the
prince since he thinks that he is Bardock. He stays on Earth and starts to
protect it while the Z Warriors are away.
Batman: Bruss Wayne-son was a native who was part of Bora’s tribe. When Red
Ribbon Army agents killed his family, he swore vengeance. He became a fighter
wearing the hide of a huge bat as his suit. He had encountered Yamcha while on a
trip to the desert.
Wonder Woman: Diana was an island native who fought in the 23rd Budokai, where
she beat Yamcha, but was beaten by Goku. She later returned to the island, until
she was called upon to defeat the Androids. In the past, she and Tien had a
Green Lantern: Hal Raysan was a former colleague of Bulma’s father who
investigated the crashing of Goku’s ship. He found a piece of the ship and
carved it into a ring, which gave him Sayian abilities.
Supergirl: Kara is the daughter of Kal. Frieza used her until the Namek Saga
when Goku reveals that her father is still alive. She joins her father back on
Earth and continues to fight alongside the Z-Fighters.
Flash: A fighter from the South Kai’s quadrant, Bureed Westerick came from a
planet with enhanced speed. After dying, Bureed battled Goku during the
Otherworld Tournament. He was wished back by Goku and decided to go to Earth to
help Goku.
During this time when they were all on Earth, they joined forces around the time
when Majin Buu was revived and battled Buu around the time when Goten and Trunks
were trying to fuse. All would be killed except Kal, Kara, and Hal. They would
go into hiding and would reemerge when Goku returned to Earth. They would all
team up to battle Buu and when Vegeta would arrive, they would kill Buu. The
others would be revived and they would form their own group called the Justice
League. They would help the Z-Fighters throughout GT.