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Pojo's Dragonball - What If?
What if Vegeta Destroyed Babadi's ship?
by Madison
Goku, Supreme kai, Kabito, Vegeta, Krillin, Piccolo and Gohan fly up to Babadi's
space ship and see the Babadi take Gohan's enemy and kill his two servents from
the tournament. Vegeta senses Dabura's power level and eagerly zooms towards him
for a fight. Dabura spits and misses. Vegeta goes SSJ and then fights Dabura.
He's not messing around but can't get the kill so he says "Fool! I'm just toying
with you! Let me reach my full power and I'll show you what a true warrior can
do!" Dabura doesnt believe Vegeta so he lets Vegeta power up. After Vegeta goes
SSJ2 he flys into the sky and does a final flash, killing Dabura, Babadi and the
entire spaceship! Buu comes out of his egg. Supreme Kai shits his pants. Buu
only has 10% of his power since Babadi didn't have time to put in Gohan's
energy. Vegeta easily disposes of him! Horray Vegeta actually kills an important
bad guy!!!
The supreme kai thanks them and goes back to his world with Kabito.
Everyone else makes it back to the tournament just in time for the fights. Goku
and Vegeta square off and goku slips out of the ring after a sweet punch by
Vegeta. Angry that Goku lost by a ring out, Vegeta requests that Goku use
instant transmission to go somewhere else to fight. Goku senses Supreme Kai and
goes to his planet. He asks if they can fight there since they just killed Buu.
Supreme Kai says ok and they start.
Both go SSJ2. Goku holds back because he doesnt want Vegeta to think that he is
stronger than him at the same SSJ level. (If you remember Vegeta was only as
strong as Goku in their fight because of the extra power from Babadi.) Goku
says, "I guess it's gonna be a stalemate... unless..." Vegetat replies "Unless
what Kakarot? Have a new move?" Without further adue, Goku powers up to SSJ3 and
kicks vegeta around. Vegeta is upset but finally gasps, "you win, kakarot."
Normally this would never happen, but Vegeta knows its pointless to fight Goku
at that level. Goku offers to teach Vegeta how to do it, and Vegeta accepts.
They stay for about a year. Remember that Goku is still dead but he can stay on
the kai's planet. Vegeta goes SSJ3 and they have an epic battle that ends in a
draw. Supreme Kai asks them if they can pull out the Z sword one day and Goku
does it. Goku ends up breaking it on the hardest metal in the universe that
Supreme Kai conjures and then old kai comes out. Supreme kai tells old Kai about
Goku busting him out of the sword.Old Kai notices that Goku is very young
decides to give goku his life as a repayment. Goku and Vegeta return to earth
and everyone is happy and DBGT doesn't happen. HORRAYYYYYY