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Pojo's Dragonball - What If? What if Super Buu had absorbed more people? - Mom So Super Buu first off absorbs Smitty (one of the gunmen) instead of killing him. He turns around seeing Mr. Satan and Bee and absorbs them also. Next he decides to wander Earth absorbing who ever he runs into. He all of a sudden sense a huge amount of energy(Kami's Lookout) and goes to it. When he gets there he absorbs Mr. Popo, Chi-Chi, Bulma, Videl, Marron, Master Roshi, Ox-King, Dende, Oolong and Puar. He starts to absorb Piccolo but he blasts the part of Super Buu trying to absorb him. Piccolo, Yamcha and Android 18 begin to fight Super Buu, meanwhile Krillin rushes to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to get Goten and Trunks. Tien and Chiaotzu sense a big fight going on and they rush to Kami's Lookout and start beating up on Super Buu. Krillin and Gotenks get to the fight just as Super Buu absorbs Yamcha, Chiaotzu and Android 18. Krillin and Tien go into a rage and attempt to beat Super Buu up, who does not notice Piccolo charging up a Special Beam Cannon. So, Super Buu gets bored and beats Krillin and Tien up. He absorbs Krillin, and is hit with the Special Beam Cannon, right when he is about to absorbs Tien, who also gets hit by it, killing him. Now it is just Piccolo and Gotenks against Super Buu and all of a sudden the fusion wears off. Now Super Buu is beating up on Piccolo, Trunks, and Goten. Meanwhile in Other World, Gohan has just finished his training with Old Kai and is getting ready to go and fight Super Buu, but first Old Kai gives Goku his life, so he can go too. Now Gohan, Goku and Kibito Kai go to help fight Super Buu. After they arrive Goten and Trunks, Goku and Gohan use the Potara Earrings, making Gokan, and Kibito Kai does the Fusion Dance with Piccolo, making Kibolo. Super Buu is desperate and absorbs Kibolo and Gotenks. Meanwhile in Other World, King Yemma decides to give Vegeta and Dabura their souls back to help in the fight against Super Buu. Vegeta and Dabura arrive begin to beat up on Super Buu as well. They are doing good, so in the nick of time Super Buu knocks Gokan, Vegeta and Dabura all out, he decides not to absorb them since he thinks it's a fun game. All of a sudden Kibolo and Gotenks unfuse inside of Super Buu, decreasing his power, since Super Buu is so weak he heals himself (he can heal himself since he absorbed Dende). He decides to go around and absorb all of the people on Earth. He then has nothing to do and does a Dimension Scream ripping a hole leading to the Dead Zone he goes in absorbs Garlic, Garlic Jr. and all of the other residents. He is now stuck in the Dead Zone, he now tries another Dimension Scream ripping open another hole, this one leading to Alternate Timeline 4, in which Majin Buu never appears. Now Super Buu in this timeline goes around sensing the powerful energies and absorbs all of the Z-Fighters from this timeline. He retries the Dimension Scream one last time and gets it right and is now in the correct timeline. Now Gokan, Vegeta and Dabura have all awakened, and King Yemma has sent Toribe, Froug, Papoi, Olibu, Mijorin, Sarta, Arqua, Chapuchai, Pikkon, Tapkar and Maraikoh. Super Buu absorbs them all except for Pikkon, Olibu and Arqua. Gokan hits Super Buu in the stomach so hard that he ends up spitting up Dende, meaning he can no longer heal people. Dende is about ready to heal the fighters when Super Buu shots him with a finger blast. Olibu, Pikkon, Arqua and Dabura begin to distract Super Buu, while Gokan teaches Vegeta the Spirit Bomb. Vegeta begins charging his Universal Spirit Bomb while Gokan goes up to Super Buu and self-destructs, which weakens Super Buu a lot. Vegeta finally gets the Spirit Bomb charged and launches it a Super Buu, killing him and all inside of him. All of the warriors are sent back to Other World and Earth is invaded and took over by Baby.
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